Newmarket Era, 21 Feb 1902, p. 3

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THE JJhSJ rt -JT- A IS ON IK Tennyson Club This literary Club will Wednesday evening of Mr J- Education Nature and England and by Wordsworth Alsfc a brief account of his life A pleasant evening is anticipated Pay The appeal York County Council a judgment tor damages granted by Judge to Fred Summers a local produce deafer was dismissed by Divisional Court on Tuesday Summers team took fright at a passing trolley car and was thrown over an embaniment The trolley was the cause will the Me tropolitan pay the and costs it would only be just The 6 Reached- The prediction by Hon- John Dry- den Ontario Minister of Agriculture a tin ago thai export soon rein has realized are more than one of extra choice for delivery next spring has been made on this During this week cattle was at a price per head which brought about an even pet hundred weight On Tuesday safes took place in the city at and was freely paid Light cattle old at end 430 Lambs brought from to per sheep to bucks to cows changed bands at and J Prohibition Alliance A special the Notts York prohibition will be in tie on after- at oclock Jastuvs lr too cottage by Iff G A Bins the i ADVICK TO Division His Honor Judge Morgan will bold e session of tie fourth Division Court of tbe County York in Ion next week Gospel rant meeting on last Albert Boart occupjed the Mr read Aireir Haunter delivered address on tie of- A quartette composed of Messrs the mu sical pari the program Hon Davie Banquet success ol tie Banquet tendered the Commissioner of Crown Lands at on Monday ing is assured and it is expected when tafcen at sharp there will be present the larg est and most enthusiastic gathering ever held in the County Tickets furnace bruising it badly It was may be in Newmarket on exceedingly painful for a couple of There good winter last Saturday and quite crowd people Town Butter readily from IS to and new laid eggs were picked up and a of nee disposed of While attending to his furnace in the parsonage on Monday morning last Rev Mr tXermgbani accidentally caught one of his fingers a stick of wood and the door the sion some general would barrister days but is healing for Boers in America nth Next Sabbath evening Pastor will tale as subject Tbe Old Boys On April 2nd Court Adelaide street be We festivities it is Attention is directed to the of Mr Biekfe announcing his purchase of Grocery stock and the that place of business We are glad to welcome Mr to the and trust bis trade relations will said will rival famous county balls of lie affair will take the form of a reception and bain the York Old Boys which Wr Irving is the president A committee at a meeting lasiniit essay the stupendous task trans forming the ancient and musty old Court House into a fairy land fit for the occasion The Chamber will answer for a reception room and in the old Court of metnoriesof sensational murder trials- guests will trip the light fantastic work by Ralph Connor is attracting much attention Those who have read the book will be glad to bear it reviewed those who have not will be pleased to get an idea of its teaching before read it AH are cordially welcome Poultry and Pet fitoek Under the auspices of the Newmar ket Poultry and Pet Stock Associa- a lecture will be delivered in tie Temperance Hall on Feb 28th by Prof Graham of Agricultural College Chair to bo taken at eight Everybody welcome Ration is to be to the music- of Stringed instruments ring Graham for this ft The event will comprise characteristic of a widely repre sentative county ball Many people Christian The members and adherents this church are anxiously exercised over the severe illness of their esteemed pastor Rev Geo and may add that deep sympathy is aleo felt for the Rev gentleman and his family throughout the Town affliction and trouble Yesterday morning the patients symptoms were not ho favorable as previous day and much anxiety was by those in attendance but it is still hoped that all will yet be well The congregation worshipping at the Methodist church will fee pleased to learn that Rev Mr Pearson of Au rora has kindly undertaken to ar range for supplying Mr pulpit during his illness Rev Ruddell of Victoria Col lege will conduct service next Satbath morning and evening and the Sunday following Ret Mr Pear son may be expected to occupy the pulpit We are sure the congrega- will appreciate Mr Pearsons tfaougfiUuIness under the circum stances Since the foregoing was put in type Rev Mr has passed to the We have not room for an obituary this week The family be reaved is called to mourn the loss of a loving husband and father and the Methodist Church here beloved pas tor and faithful and devoted minister of the gospel of Christ Our deepest sympathy go out for bereaved in this hour of their low- Benefit Consent The Concert on Wednesday evening in aid The Sick Childrens Hospital was a decided success There was a large attendance and an excellent pro gram Miss who is evident ly a favorite sang two with her usual taste and clearness Miss solo was greatly appreciated and she responded to an encore Irene Ma Hey sang very sweetly and gives promise of ability Mr W ticottt two songs received great applause and all were to hear him again Miss Gertrude Weir charmed with her naive little song and recitation Constance and Florence two bright School pupils gave two recitations very cleverly Mr de lights his audience and responded to a hearty encore Mr Hewitt as usual received in his humorous selections The School Drill was treat of the evening and was beautifully executed and the Primary School children did justice to teacher their pret ty songs Mr Fred as a ventriloquist added decidedly to the pleasure of the evenings enjoy ment The Schubert Quartette was really admirable and are sure of warm welcome in future concert In complete without Mr excellent Miss as accompanist Was all that loiild desired Newmarket showed practical sympathy by forwarding to Mr Rots Robertson to Aid and children in the Hos pital Mr who so loaned piano free cost la by the young taking part prominent in county and city have al ready signified their intention of The Champion Hockey Match at Remember the At Home in the of the Christian Church next Wednesday evening Feb efforts will be spared to make the try homelike and comfortable Games together with a good program con- Hamilton last week must have been 1 readings of the hardest matches of tal Phonograph selections will be the season are or six of the refreshments served ket put of seven players were completely used up and unable to do anything for several days to say no of- Milt Lepard who was pain fully injured in the back arid unable to return home with the team from during the evening Admission For further particulars see bills The roads are still in a bad condi tion- loads wood were up- Hamilton He however was brought within two mlies of home on Thursday of last week but is even sit up in bed It may be months before he is able to do any work again and the great won der is he was not killed As Newmarket made an appeal against Hamilton- a meeting of the Executive was held in Toron to on Tuesday Mr J Ross Robertson president in the chair The proceedings are thus re ported in Toronto palters Yesterday afternoon the heard the Protest made by Newmar ket against the Hamilton club Newmarket claimed that was not a bona fide resident Ham ilton from October 1st as required by Newmarket the voice of the shoveller I heard him complain I have before I must shovel again Old Bruin would have no trouble seeing his shadow last Friday and suppose we will have free weeks more of winter People are getting pretty of COM weather Rev J Cornell brother of the Pastor is expected to be at both ser vices in the Friends Church on Sab bath of Coal There is as much again coal being used in Town this winter compared the Rules and Guay had with- other years Wood is so dear ately and maliciously injured very little Is used now one of the Newmarket players Ham- Perhaps this accounts for the filed an affidavit stating that city of coal Those who failed to put had simply been temporarily in a supply for house use in toe sum- London despatch to The Times from Bonk Kop in the tstetn Transvaal Beers arc very timid keeping on the alert and beyond striking distance Of tie Brit- Tbe condition of prisoners indicates great- distress among the burghers Lord Kitcbeoers gradual tension of the- system of block houses- is overcoming the difficulties of distance Boers are not yet cooped up but their are restricted The line is to Bank twenty miles nearer Swaziland border the Depot from which the colurnns operated Bank easily and secure Feb despatch to Tbe Times from Rome says The publishes an open letter to Mr Kruger and urges him to borrow from history indication ol his duty toward his country The paper ad vises Mr Kruger to sue for peace since it is evident that the Transvaal no longer exists except as a geograph ical term London Feb Frank of the Transvaal written an open letter to Times on behalf many former burghers now in saying he has good reason for believing that neither Dr exPresident nor others of their entourage have any authority to speak att for the Boer leaders in South Africa The latter have had to bear the brunt of the figfctingtljw- they- always op posed of Kruger and Botha Meyer opposed the ulti matum London Feb The sudden de parture of the Boer for the United States has fat more cancel It is learned from a hitherto reliable source at The Hague that a plan has been upon prevent the remnant of the fighting guerillas how in the field in Soil Africa a large majority of whom are and Cape rebel liable Ha fit trea son from eventual falling info hands of the British They cannot keep up struggle many months longer and it is the knowledge of this and to arrange for the carrying but of the scheme proposed that Messrs arid sailed for New York from Boulogne on the steamer last Friday That plan is neither more nor than the migration in bulk of the burghers ribw in the field to one of the Western States presumably Texas or New Mexico The fashion or fad of docking horses tails has survived the protest of the growing spirit of kindness and humanity and the adverse legislation- that expresses the best thought of toe age j But it has received its quietus in the mandate that has gone forth almost simultaneously from King and President Roosevelt King whose in fluence in matters of custom and us age is paramount in Britain has made it known that be will neither purchase nor own nor even use a horse that has been mutilated by docking while President Roosevelt has set the fashion in the United States- by issuing specific instiuctlons to the effect- that horses for his use at Washington must not be docked if Reduction of Stock Must be Made f Mens Winter and Wool Fleeced Sbirte and Drawers regular 85c for Woo Tweedy regular for yard inch Spun regular for 30c Misses Imitation Grey Lamb Mitts regular for pair Heavy Knitt Mitts for 124c pair Boys per pair 15c Blinds Complete beat standard Cloth regular tor At NONE SO AS BAKING POWDKIl To add to the in terest of this Sale many lines of White Goods will he contin ued at the Reduced Prices during this month STORE The Cheap Store fc V Departments Try us for what you want and get our Prices e iiAiAiAiAiAililtAAiAiA IN FURS in corner with two alternaiives namely to carry the Goods over tonext Season or to reduce Prices so as to take the Goods out now We choose the latter course GRASP YOUR OPPORTUNITY our Price Cutting with the following samples JRuffs Scarfs and Boas a no The Gofaat in three at away and did not change his re sidence They also denied that had deliberately injured Mr Lloyd and Mr Howard appeared for Messrs Jones and appeared for t Newmarket asked for disqualification and that the game played at Hamilton be disallow ed There being a conflict of testi mony as to McKeand residence at the suggestion of Mr Mr J Ross Robertson the President of the Association telephoned to the Gener al Manager of the Hank of Hamilton who stated that had been Irving in Winnipeg foe some time and had gone from there to South Africa and on his return from South Africa had at once gone to Winnipeg not stopping in Hamilton at all In November last the beginning of the football and hockey seasons the Head Office discovered that they re quired services in Hamil ton The Executive ordered the to be played over as they held that had no right to play They did not however disqualify al though the evidence was very strong against him The action of for re fusing to disqualify Quay for deliber ately injuring a player is a had Wow to tbe of the sport in future- trie game is going to be come a game for rowdies it is well that it should be known at once It will turn out to be very fortunate for it to not a permanent in jury The Association fehould been very careful in determining a this or thr- will the Tutu of hockey country The svmmtttec decided on Wednesday that the HamHtonA Newmarket game to take the place of one appealed against be played night at the Mutual St rink fa Toronto Of course particu lar will not he known here MM long after we go to press week winning team in to night or fall will probably do so next time It has been found very difficult to fill orders Local coal dealers are as much annoyed about it the for they have been powerless to meet the demands of customers The White Wheat per bush a same complaint is general all over the country Sole Rcgistef Feb will have an Auction of Farm Stock and Implement on East Half Lot 1st Con of Feb Stephen Winch will have an unreserved sale stock etc on lot in con North months credit will be given on sums over 10 Sale at oclock sharp Kava- auctioneer TUESDAY March John Rog ers will have an extensive sale of valuable stock and implements on his farm on St about a mite Newmarket This Is a markets j Newmarket Feb Flour per barrel a 0 0 0 05 0 CO Red Wheat per bush a Goose Wheat per bush Buckwheat Barley per bush per bush Peas per bush Rye per Sheep Pelts Wool per lb Hay per ton 47 0 a a a a a a a a a a a a per ton 17 Shorts per ton a Potatoes per bag a per pair a Ducks a per Mi a Turkeys per lb a 12 Toronto Columbia Sable for Blue Hare for Mink regular for Mink regular for Mink regular for 1000 Heal Alaska Sable reg 1350 for Grey Lamb regular 8 for Electric Seal reg for 800 Imitation Stone Martin 10 for Thibet regular for Ostrich Feather for Ostrich Feather reg- 10 for Ostrich Feather reg 525 Ostrich Feather for 1 Storm Collars Lamb regular 7 for Lamb regular for Nutria regular for 425 Grebe regular 5 for Black Angora tor Imitation Persian Lamb for Fur Capes Black for 1975 Black Astrachah for Greenland Seal reg for Black Opossum 1950 for 1495 Electric Seal Jacket reg for FUR MUFFS Black Opossum tor Black Electric 2 for Beaver Opossum tor Greenland Seal 275 for Black Astrachan for Black tor Black Thibet for Lamb for Grey Lamb for Grey Lamb or Lamb U Beaver for Electric Seal for Persian Lamb for Persian Lamb Alaska- Sable rot Alaska Sable for GAUNTLETS a rare opportunity to pec animals and article auction a vsn Wheat per a prices months credit except for hay and sums under or per cent discount for cash Sale at one oclock sharp posters Kavanajth Aupl THURSDAY will hare an sale of implements and furniture the premises at Sharon Credit en sums over or cent off for cash at 1 sharp Kavanagn Auci THURSDAY March property of Mrs Matthias rising excel loot farm stock implements etc will be sold en the one mile north of Queensville months credit on sums over except for hay Sale at oclock fie posters for Kavattagb Auctioneer Toronto Feb 0 0 0 0 Ml it r Goose Wheat per bush Barley per bush Oat per bush Peas per bush per bush Eggs per do Butter roll per lb ton- Potatoes r- a 0 a a a 25 a a 10 a Persian Lamb A Alaska Sable for Alaska Sable for Alaska Sable for Astrachan A Chinchilla for Electric Seat White Fur Yokete for Electric Seal Persian Lamb reg for Imitation Stone Martin for Alaska Sable A Persian Lamb for Electric Seal for 425 Grey Lamb reg for Persian Lamb for Black refi A mm Aslrachan reg 660 for Black Opossum for Mink Marmot Wfor Beaver reg for Nutria regular for Beaver or Beaver for ttM fl Wool per ft Dressed per a fore Beef hind Chickens per pair Ducks per pair FUR LINED CAPES Geese Turkeys Seed Clover Seed Timothy Seed t a a a a a a a Black and Blue Thibet Lining- regular lor Fawn Cloth Black Thibet Fur Trimming Squirrel Loch regular for Brown Cloth Black For Trimming Squirrel Loch Lining for Blue Squirrel- regular for and Black Brocade Red Squirrel Lining regular for I It pys to In the Newmarket Ont 1 I x- h I

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