Newmarket Era, 21 Feb 1902, p. 4

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tor L- of the nod The Budget Debate In the mors mi aoflemj do no wonder shut J it from Sarsaparilta SCS a J Street to on rood Solicitor Court Chopping door South oC Peat See Herbert Lennox Aurora will also Mat Newmarket on Saturday and Court J A Co- Bankers and Oatarto Aurora La- p Barrister lit Bloc Main St Barrister to Loan DENTAL I Port Block opposite the Church action Outran tee DR Suoooacor to Dr Opposite Store GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN TIKE TABLE S3S a CO to ad I a si I a H 35S St a a 3 IT- I 1 1 Metropolitan Co TORONTO toD I at at a a R r waif A Bills AKhUfict and i Adelaide St Toronto made for ll kinds of building erf Crown Lands contribution to the Budget delate last veek is on all siJes to been the ablest the many dresses delisted in connection with annually follows the presentation of the financial state ment of the Province by the Hon the Provincial Treasurer Even the Tel egram whose sympathies are not of ten enlisted on behalf of the Liberal party goes so far as to say The achievement K J- Davis will stand comparison with any speech that has been heard in connection with the late lamented Budget The Telegram also said His at no time exhibited any signs of or less study As a deliverance on the hackneyed subjects of the debate it was easily the best that has corn from the Government side of the House- Mr Davis made it plain to the House that he has the Department of Crown Lands good command and that be is- thoroughly familiar with all phases of its exactions The Star referring to Mr Davis address said Mr Davis delivered most care fully prepared speech that has leen heard in the House in many days The Commissioner of Crown Lands has the reputation of being an unre mitting worker His department has a multitude of exacting duties and if tie were a be would soon be overwhelmed But Mr Davis is not a shirfcer with result that he is familiar with the of Crown Lands so that he to quote you figures by the yard which are as a rule in contrast to the ordinary run of facts and figures in Parliamentary debates clear as crystal The Provincial Crown and heir tim ber constitute one of rrolific sources of Parliamentary cont because perhaps the as a rule know less about them Mr Da vis made a const effort to straighten a lot of matters out and he may be said to have succeeded cases where minds are open to fiction Mr Davis followed Mr who was the principal speaker at the re cent Newmarket meeting in the inter ests of the Whitney Candidate for North York and of whom the Toron to Globe says as Mr was however Hon Mr Davis who followed was able to overturn some of the most promising struc tures which be bad so carefully put together Mr Davis was particular ly effect in his treatment of those portions of the Opposition plan of campaign which deal with his depart ment of Crown Lands He dealt somewhat fully with the claim advanc ed by the Conservatives that they a proiisio aire been taken advantage of Mr cheated quite an amusing episode by reading motion and acknowledging that he hesitated put the interpretation wbkb it bore on the face of it What he asked was meant by phrase and other streams if necessary which appeared in toe resolution Miseampbetl was not in his seat but Mr Davis f moment to give any On other side a chance to explain it dead silence and Mr Davis appealed again for- an explanation Someone suggested that as Mr had seconded the motion he might explain but that gentleman Mr Davis to put his own- interpretation on it The latter at once said that the only meaning that be fairly read into it was that the Government should undertake to develop every in Province a proposition that needed only to be stated to carry its own condemnation with it To the student of politics it is clear that ilrMiscanapbelis motion with reference to was a catch motion imperfectly thought out and imperfect its workings His motion with reference sawlogs would have prevented any timber Ontario and Que bec or and any other Prov ince of Dominion for that so loosely was it drawn and so badly was it aimed at the supposed target the United States But- the point is as by the Globe the fact that principle bad already been recognized by the Government and bad been force for several years previous And In the same way Mr water power scheme is several years behind the times The Government has already protected municipalities in the matter of water rower privileges and that without necessity of developing the water power of every stream in the at Government expense- Mr aim evidently would to dissipate the surplus a sha dow of a doubt FEVERS THE AFTER EFFECTS OFTEN WORSE THAN TICK DISEASE A From febe After Effects Typhoid Tells of His Deplorable Condition Appeared to be in Rapid Decline The after effects of some troubles such as fevers grippe etc are frequently more serious in their result For ten Era it BY A tn that long bygone aeon whn the earth was without form and void when there was no chalk dp coal no dry land but only a semUnolten mass of rocks tbe outer crust of which was slowly cooling down the bulk- of this planet of outs must nave been considerably than at tbe pyesent time At that time there were no no rivers life and a dense pall of steam and basaltic irnroersed its en J J re surface in dark ness As the cooling process gradu ally accelerates this shroud thin the original illness becomes more and more attenuated J ALT DEAFNESS R HEARING ARE HOW CURABLE gMr new Odr Incurable HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY A WEPrUAN OF lo I wilt no litre is left almost a physical wreck In such cases as these is needed is a tonic medicine to enrich the blood strengthen the nerves and put the sys tem right Mr Earnhardt pros perous young living near We offers proof the truth of these statements Mr lays l years ago while living in the United States I wa attacked by typhoid fever after effects of which proved more disastrous to my constitution than fever itself and months I was an almost wreck I bad no appetite gard and emaciated and apparently bloodless I and headaches and my whole appear ance was suggestive a rapid I tried no less than doc- and hitherto sun stars now at length begin to For a a period comparative qiiieMfae now appears to reign and the deposits of cbajk and lime slowly formed by the de position upon the bed- of the ocean of the shells of gen erations of vast myriads of shefisbHviyioroicd in form to toe com mon shells- the seashops but so minute that several could be arranged upon a pins point But now the cooling process has penetrated deeper into the earths crust which commences to shrink and wrinkle And what a terrific disor der and uproar must attend this cor rugation of its Whole chains five tar and kept on I ear entirely i me a tie affected accideaUUr a accord la the a for catarrh thraa aiiy rocxtav of cmeirt of coQiuUed a this city who told me only help only bead would then but hearing In affected ear aiwTOttr aKrw aftak and ordered daya toyoar the Coday ire jay fa dLieased car baa bee entirely I think and to remain Very V Broadway Baltimore dwr i not inifrfcro with your usual occupation Mil YOURSELF AT HOME 1 AVE ILL pi j if ii tors but they failed to me mountains are now forced At this juncture a friend of men tioned ray case to another and he suggested that I should take a course of Dr Williams Pink Pills I took this advice and found it most satisfactory Almost from out set the pills helped me and continu ed until I had taken about when I felt myself fully restored to my former health and my weight increased pounds have enjoyed the best of health ever since and will always give Dr Wil liams Pink 5 ills the praise they so richly These pills are a certain cure for the were the authors of what is called policy and it must be admit ted that claim has never been more completely demolished in the House He reminded them that the germ of the present policy appeared in the licenses issued by the Hon A Hardy for limits disposed of in But no true view could be taken without reference to the action of the Dominion Government that of tbe United States it was the hos tile fiscal policy the latter country that impelled us to adopt thepolicyH which was now in force A few months after Mr Hardy took this course an arrangement bad been ar rived at Washington and was satisfactory to us In licenses issued in therefore Mr Hardy not insert a clause In lfl3 the taking- from Mr in proposed the resolution of which so much has been heard That Won was not a proposition hut was tied up with two principles that the of the could not accept name ly a limit sates should be Id without the au thority of the House had first been obtained and secondly that log should be cut in Ontario to the ex clusion of the of The resolution had been moved in a way that prevented any amendment not accept the principle of the exportation of logs without also accepting the other features which knew were impracticable and could not be accepted in the Wilson Bill which embodied the principle of reciprocity in logs and lumber into force In the United This reooved the main rea son for enforcing the policy Ial67hbiWerUuxeVas wage United policy and we bad the Wiwrf pooa Ontario adopted the policy that now force- A i In reference to Mr Mr Davis pointed- that some years ago the Government adopted the policy of not allow ing any to le monopollv They ftere held by tbe Govern ment and leased to any rerson dcair- to develop them The was moreover bound if be not power tb Mn to anyone to J form and at a rental whih the of y g is like of Crown would fair In the a special for tie Another feature of Mr Davis effects of fever la grippe and was his disclosure of the They make new rich attitude of the Opposition in blood and strengthen the nerves continually decrying financial man- f dene to last and in of their Province for this way they such troubles as political purposes making it appear anaemia neuralgia rheumatism heart to the world targe that weakness kidney and liver ailments is bankrupt and unable to pay its partial paralysis St Vitus dance etc way whereas no Province in j bey cure the functional Dominion or State in the Union make the lives of so many pointed out by Mr Davis enjoyed source of constant misery and such a splendid financial position or bring the glow of health to pale and could boast of such careful manage- sallow cheeks Other alleged tonic of the peoples interests imitations of this great Mr Davis spoke for two and a half medicine and the buyer should see hours and has received many sugees- that the full name Pr Williams that the speech re printed in Pills for Pate People is on for distribution during the every box Sola by all dealers in J medicine or sent postpaid at a a or bo by dressing the Dr Williams Medicine The readers of this paper will be Ont pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease science has been able to cure in alt its stages The station at Waiuapttae was burnt down Sunday and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Nothing was saved It was Cure is the only positive cure to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease a constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is internal ly acting directly upon blood and mucous surfaces of system there by destroying the foundation ol the disease and giving the patient strength by building Up constitu tion and agisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith In its curative powers that the offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list testimoolais Address J Co Toledo Sold by Druggists Halls Pill are the best exchange A good Metho dist and a good Baptist clergyman got to telling dreams to each other one night at a church social l dreamed I was in heaven arid saw no there remarked the Metho dist I inquired where they were and was answered They have not ar rived yet they are coming by wa ter I dreamed Baptist I was in heaven and saw no there and on was told they were all outside the walla on six probation TO THE- A ef in will fio more rum tbere Is but one Perry and 0c ever ready to accommodate your neighbors kind wotcts to everybody If neighbors cannot agree In their dealings they should to law Settle the matter by arbi tration and It will save trouble A loss as there was a lot of lumbermens In it DDKS IT PAY TO BUY A cheap remedy for coughs and all but you want something that relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles What shall you do Go to a warmer and more climate Yes if possible if not possible Tor you then in cither case take the ONLY remedy that has been introduced in all civilised coun tries with success in seveie throat and lung troubles Bounces Syrup It not only heals and sim ulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease but allays causes easy expectoration gives a good nights rest arid cures the pa tient Try One Bottle Recom mended many years by all druggists Id the world You can get Dr Greens reliable remedies at Scotts Pharmacy A sawmill at broke was wrecked by the boiler exploding Mr Rawlins and Mr Martin en gineer were badly hurt At a late hour last night Annie Anderson a Swedish girl employed as was and probably fatally wound ed by a masked footpad who made his escape and Is still at large The young woman is in a critical condi tion A Children Cry for beneath the first deposited rocks granite and other primary formations being violently impelled upwards higher and higher through the less solid and more recently formed de posits How appalling must have been the tumult and violent commo tion which reigned over the entire earth when the Alps or the as were forced up with a roar from the depths beneath Huge masses are detached and bound earthwards again with resounding crash mighty avalanches of solid rock vast mountains leap downwards to the trembling earth with thunderous detonating crash Lakes are upheaved and tilted over deluging the land with a cata ract of rushing waters- The ocean is one boiling surge mighty- raging waves mountains high madly driven hither and thither here flooding continents universal ruin j here forced of their bed by a prodigious upheaval of land here meeting with titanic impact the op- rosing onrush of other displaced oceans the colossal curhng billows with the roar of thunder crashing in to each other and transforming the turbulent waters into a seething ocean of boiling foam And gradually the agitated earth calms down the shrinkage ceases newly formed plains and table lands are clothed in herbage and when as time advances the earth has attained her prime man is placed thereon- to live a life of probation preparatory to a future state But alas too devote their entire regard to the evanescent life and forget that tbe great fu ture is for eternity their lot in hereafter being determined by their life in the present Ah but if they would only in faith grasp the hand of the Redeemer who died for them and cast the burden of their sins upon Him their lot in that land of the hereafter will be one of pleasures un told and altogether beyond concep tion THIS MATERIALS in The i EMULSION are the finest the market affords regard leas of ex pense Taken- cases of wasting disease Joss of weight or loss of appetite with great benefit Davis Lawrence Co Ltd manufacturers Toledo O Feb IT Mrs Charles has returned to Toledo from Klondike with a fortune During Iter four years residence in Klon dike besides keeping a boarding house and hotel she bought sold claims millions of dollars and when she finally came away it was with over in gold dust HAS MUCH TALK about greatest mod- remedy for coughs and colds It certainly- 26c Of all dealer Made by proprietor of Cleveland Oi parly of seven men and- women coast down Main St Hill last night lost control of their sled and daubed down the hill Into a stone abutment of the Erie Railroad bridge at the bottom all received injuries and Patrick was fractured- the urderaigned do hereby WM tomb voir tie of Warranted of Tar if it tails to cure or cold Wo guarantee a bottle to provo aaturfaotory or money refunded J him down um out Mtajuy rThe sixyearold daughter of Mr John IK It conductor died In Portage la Prairie on her way to church MAKE A NOTE OP IT when you to buy A Is guaran teed td cure the case of back ache headache Avoid ereryttn to be as good made by A Ltd The p purebred a or and at Montreal for- about- For Taxes in the County of York COUNTY OF By Virtue or a Warrant Issued by the Warden of County of TO WIT York tb day of Kin Hundred to mo drtwtedcoramandlnir ime to with the of the aet forth with the and fix- notice the arrears of taxes and bo sooner paid hall the date and t hereinafter proceed the lands or so thereof as may he sufficient to the said arrears of and ALL THE ARE PATENTED LOT I CON NORTH NO 1 SALE TO HELD ON MONDAY DAY OF APRIL 1602 at the hour of am in the Court House Adelaide St OF WESTON Fees Lot Street Taxes barton SI Main to 0l2 Comprising- Village of ataekham be on Tuesday day of April At PUBLIC HALL Palmers Block Arnold Street of RICHMOND HILL Lot Con to part to Win part to A W Part MUNICIPALITY Description Lot lo part tt Total ftlftT OP V1LLAOB DMorlptloa to P Lot Acres Taxes iaj aa Main 1 a A Main Main 2Sth OS to Berths lofl 9 at bt or It to Ben ah si toUcory a Jermao to Bertha 15 Fees Exp in IX 140 ias Total 4 aw a Q ani Holland Land inf Sale to bo held TUESDAY DAY OF APRIL faourofPmlntheTOWN HALL airjmciPAurr Lot Aores to John part I to Geo part 18 1Mb to Taxes Fees A part OP WHITCHURCH Lot Con Awwied to John B 26 CO ir OP LANDING Lot Street Acres Taxes Total a Tkios Description Survey Pecs A 13 1B5 Pecs pariof I i- a 5 Aaaoeeod to L of Hirer part In WBradford LotES J Survey part or Lot J 111 NO Comprising North and Villa of Sutton on 1 DAY OF APRIL at he Hour if 10 aim Village of fahauaaiAw a Total ilto IT It MUNICIPALITY OF ill It44 I Lot 20 1 9 A Gardner at 110 Tax pa 1 0 I4 86 i Part of and part part and i f part W part part Port OP NORTH Oon Patented j- I i its to John 4 M jBOoxweU at Koiartek 22 KMWlpk 1M OF p Acres Taxes AaaaaattoJcHunycy to Treasurers Co of York Jany 10th First Jariy Rrpa Fee IB 136 Pees A lias J K Treaaursr Total sir Total fill 884 A 6 l r t M fcUtOr Ax a boiler in adataat Prcd tell down cet and was kilted REDCOHTS AM A a l a in with water I- Children Cry for CASTOR I A aj work any or them lo cm tataf remedy to fay Newmarket It UcCSlMf Co Oak Sold by Roche A Co rate aMtt Ui Afaaw ttllta Rod Coats at a of will rif short order Pile to 100 Bold by Lehman Newmarket An Islands and health- andilitV perirniatec atmosphere among la- Pay that great arm of Lake Huron which la visited by flAiipaada tourists each jear fishing good boding and bathing houseboat and lite immunity from Hay Fever scenery among the tortu ous windings of navigable channels and good hotel accommodation some of the attractions Write- for handsome illustrated descriptive mat ter giving full particulars list hotels rates etc to Dickson District Passenger Agent Toronto

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