Newmarket Era, 21 Feb 1902, p. 6

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mm il J I i Highest Market Price For AU Kinds Seeds etc SALT ALWAYS ON HAND JOHN MOORE MOUNT ALB to private and money and per cent- DAVIDSON- Notary Mount Albert BLACKBERRY CORDIAL and WILD STRAWBERRY For Why PADS 1MSCT POWDER your cattle from- flips flow of using our It will a Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT- MANAGER MARKET- There good both buyers and sellers at Tuesdays Prices as follows butter to eggs to chickens to to No were PERSONAL Sir John station agent is suffer a severe attack of ap pendicitis Messrs Thomas and Percy Jennings of Toronto werehofcc over Sunday A and Mr- Law of Zephyr were in town on Tuesday Smith dentist will Tuesday next Mr Allen Theaker floor and feed business to Block f BALDWIN BREEZES Richard Is drawing to the mill to be sawed as lie is preparing to build barns this coming season V told A- Millers family were about to to fofsake school Dont imagine James is No he is staying to get your tirade and- 5s for a while yet V 1 Mitch sickness here yet Miss was housed up for a Mr sij was very bad with kidney for some days i Chas Morton pneumonia Mrs Miller Brownhill lung- complication Ira here on Young with rbeijniatics general debility- In fact nearly every has moved his all convalescent FURNITURE You can save money by your at the OLD FOLKS CONCERT Monday eye last week Lea son of Donald while en route to the village was seizedwith a number epileptic fits j He was taken home is a desirable and Now has deeded admonition lt is not good Cor a inan to will faia pithy superior in pulpit is not the Now Lent has come our young folks to cease dancing If devotee to the mazy dance Id ins dance any find no authority tor the obit vane it except in church laws There will be offered at the Auction lot intbo Con of North during summer a Ked Yearling I with a ftU In formation leading to her recovery will be suitably irewarded PO THE Balls fop Sale fcet will given me red Town evening February He tias lecu subject to them for program consisting of s have increased music Severity V W be prescDM- All the performs v the upper crust I be in the costume ye olden tyme will be served during intermission Reserved seats can be obtained at the printing office See posters and programs or particulars pit A STOCK Bedroom We are AeenlB for Sham the Carpet Stretcher and a Specially delivered free of charge who quantity ALLAN HOOKEY An exciting game of hockey was played in the rink here on Wednesday evening last between the Bradford and Mount clubs The first half was a good exhibition of the game young will try the sad realities trotting in double harness Also a couple in North the I groom seventy the tte bride the tender age of less than fourteen will on Wednesday enter a solemn Covenant as man and wife think- it about time hath joined together let put asunder expunged from ceremony Gods Works are perfect and what he hath joined Mo- Do you firid ft the Sacred Book If A schooWor instruction in would prove a success here as our young people are sending love epistles broadcast The might try for a financial venture A beYyoJ as belies as ever I set- eyes on were collected in Millers store on Monday I casual ly bachelor friend that Jherfc was a golden foi a bachelor to secure a Ipvinp part ner in sympathy- rtitli views Z r The Owl Sale of Mr Stephen Winch Feb Two Choice Registered Shorts horn Bulls red One months weighs 1400- lis- the other months weighs 800 For pedigree and further -description- ad dress LOAN SAVINGS COMPANY TORONTO CANADA Cor Wdj St HON- CO PaWup Kpttvt Fund 500000 Jp DAVIDSON Interest allowed on Deposits Repayable on Demand 4X 4 Interest allowed on Debentures Repayable on 60 days notice and ended to 3 in favor the In second hall the lli fords indulged in some very rough separate play and being unchecked by the continued these tactics to the great disadvantage of their lighter many of whom were badly used up The game ended fr to in favor of Bradford On Friday our boys went to villc to play the return match with that team and lost by a score of to They report fair treatment and an enjoyable time WOOL MARKET your WOOL to the Mount Albert Woollen Hills and get the highest Toronto in Gash Full stock Flannels Sheetings Blankets Yarns etc also a good assortment of Suitings always on band extra paid tor wool taken in ex- change for goods Geo Sons The Farmers Institute will meeting in the town hall Mount Thursday commencing at the following subjects will be discuss ed Improving pur Dairy by Mr It 3Butr tef Making Alice Manures and Green and their application by Mr Ah even ing Session will be held on the same day when Mr Lewis will on The Garden Mirs on What Women Have Done ami Can Do and Mr on The Prosperity of Our Coun try Depends on the of Our Farmers All interested are to attend OUR p SPRING STOCK Dry Goods Boots and Shoes la Arriving Daily ax4 to aw Selling Winter Stock AT- HALF PRICE Bee our for Ladies Coats The roads are still in a very bad condition Pitch holes deip enough to bury a horse in are on the road between here and Kharon Mr Ax upset three times in bringing a load of hay to this village from Holt A hockey match the Joliers and Mount Albert Jun iors will bo in here this evening Friday would like to hear from other junior teams The Conservatives held meeting in town ball on Wednesday evening Further particulars next week A social under lte auspices the Junior Bible of the Methodist Sunday School will 1 held at the home Mr this evening Friday A racjiig carnival will held In the skating rink Zephyr on Wednesday evening next For list of prizes and other particulars see bills- Messrs Geo c Sons received a new engine and boiler from on Tuesday ice track being prepared on the pond for some friendly horse 1 fc The Family Hell Ringers c are to give an entertainment in connection with Sharon School in the Temperance Hall on Mnrch flth PAARDIvlllia Keep Yourself WARM by buying a Queen J ROWLAND Mount Albert A case bodily injury return for reciprocated occurred here week Mr J had a milch cow and a in adjoining in a stable Not being all trie way up the animals get their heads The cow ap pears to have had a desire to lick the horse With its tongue but the horse did not care to be quite intimate and it bit over an Inch oft the cows tongue The cow felt bo bad that could not eat and was fed for a week or more Arnold of visited brother and sister Arnold and Mrs here on Saturday Id like to tell you Mrs A has the handsomest boy baby Ive seen for many a day but perhaps our local mamas would feel slighted Mr Sam has secured a git in the city and eventually will there Sir Miller and Fred are canvassing this section in the interests Insurance Arnold is a very artistic Shes been piping some beau tiful recently yOurHomft etc greet yon when you step into the par lor She also has quite a menagerie on rugs Storm stayed lovers were in our settlement last week There were some of liie aw fullest drifts ever seen about here and in many gate ways were- blockaded- At they a drift ten to twelve feet high All traffic goes thru here You Newmarket folks cant crow anymore about early rhubarb John Alexander of our burg had rhubarb grown this year stalks inches long On St Valentines day his Mrs Miller made a pie thereof It was not- grown in a hot house justice obliges me to acknowledge it was grown in a warm house here were pleased to hear frorp him per Miss Lucy is developing a taste for scroll sawing Lack of material and designs alone prevent her becoming an expert She made a cutter that surpasses the work of our local builders If I Ranis corners as often as he ours hed report me to the news mail he af ter infidel or agnostic lit erature comes to parts- cause- cant understand- the- Ways of they be doubters and declare these wonderful ivorks of the Creator arc the result of chance Chance must he a wonderful thing in deed Ive never heard but one solitary instance ana then death came too suddenly to recant of death that was not a complete refuta tion of all such belief Tfie poet says moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform He plants his footsteps on the sea And rides upon the storm On Feb 3rd there died at Kccne Father Andrews an friend of ours aged seventyeight For over fiftyone years he was be loved pastor of the united icrtaj Wordsworths beau tiful lines A man he was dear And passing rich year are particularly applicable to Despite the awful state of roads all and creeds turned out in re spect for his memory I guess us folks round here talk too parrot A carnival is to be held in the rink here on- Wednesday evening The Sfethodist Sabbath School in tend having a on Tuesday next A good time is The i etui game of hockey was played here Friday evening last be tween MountAlbert and A large and noisy crowd accompanied live visitors to cheer them on to vic tory but they cheered- in vain At half time the score stood in favor Quccnsyiile In the latter half the visitors commenced rushing but they could not past the defence of the home team Ait Milne at cover P Flanagan at point and Duke Morton in goal a defence that is bard to break thru The visitors have a good team but they are too light to play against airy thing but strictly juniors The game ended in favor of remove The would have been larger for the home team if tbo referee had understood game but he did not seem to know an when told iiAAJl it teams up as follows AlbertVS Last goal Hayes- point Wilson cover McMillan Shields- Jewell Arnold forwards goal Flanagan point Milne cover FI Milne Wight J Cram forwards Referee Hayes Albert Umpire Rosamond Wight Timekeeper Dr Graham J Richardson Judge NoT calved 2nd February 1901 Price No calved 3rd Price Apply Lot Street IRVING J 1 WRITE FOR COPY OF ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER I- INFORMATION WOOD Director P 4 Be Sure and Call at HEISES New Store Baldwin And get your Groceries Fresh Apples Dried Apples Sailed Trout Teas Canned Goods Long Legged Roots Snag Proof Selling at Cost We arc Clearing all Winter Goods at Cost to room for our Spring Stock 1 Boiler steam pump and everything complete used for boiling feed or running an engine FINK SALT said by the Barrel- Central Telephone Baldwin Stoves Stoves Cooking of all kinds Stoves for either Coal or Wood Ranges and Heaters in great variety ALL AT- HARDWARE MOUNT ALBERT For Sale Two Jersey Bulls St Lambert years old For particulars apply to STOKES Mount Albert all the country at forty on Children Cry for CASTOR I A Compare the to with weekly for home icy any other much Were roily one day so goes saw a dog Bio him says Polly The dog looked about but seeing no thing hut the parrot made a dive lor tearing the leathers out out you screamed Polly Ater Kitting reflectively on Its for some time the parrot thus Polly you talk too much As weve had no market for two School HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOL Kay 627 Willie Mainprise Shirman Byron Hopkins Lepard John Case Case HI Roy Sammy Stella Bennett Robbie Mainprise Albert Frank Jr pard Ross OBrien Nor man Frank Lepard John Case Merton Rutledge Mitchell Peter Mitchell Fred Thompson Jr pi Jennie Percy up pies J union Mainprise Traviss Guy Willie Walter Case Violet Thompson 2nd Tab Arthur Andrew Mitchell Willie Arthur Case Present every dayDeinab Charlie Kay Rutledge Percy puppies Kathleen Wesley Teacficr fhe condition the roads at pres ent are nearly Impassable The auction sale Mr Winch is to take place next Wednes day at pm Mr J Davidson is also offering tor sale at the same time two bulls- See Mr John P Rose has returned from the city after spending a few weeks there The sleighing party to on Tuesday night was postponed until Friday night Ladies Aid at Win Kings last Wednesday evening A number from here attended and report a very time- Mr Walker Morton preparing to move to his farm near recently purchased by him Mr P Sutton was thru here this week selling stock Cordage Factory Mr Warren has been releas ed erf Ms services as clerk in Howard Mortons store Mr was in this week We have received first shipment SHIRTINGS PRINTS GINGHAMS FOR SPRING Mrs Job also Mrs Edmunds Rich mond Mich spending this week at Mr A Yongestreet SPRING WILL SOON BE AUCTION SALE -OF- Property In the Township East Gwillimbury In York 9 There will be offered for sale on of Feb J m At one oclock at Rosamonds Hotel- in toe Village MOUNT ALBERT- By virtue of Power Sale contained In a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the Sale the following Property The South Hall Lot in First Concession of the said ship of East East of Street containing one hundred acres more or less The following Improvements are said to be erected on the premises Cedar Log Dwelling and Cedar Log Darn about Sixty Acres under culti vation TERMS per cent the pur chase money to be paid down on the day sale For balance terms will be made known at the sale For further particulars apply to Jones Mackenzie Leonard Gibson A Solicitors Toronto- street Toronto or to Also New Lot of French Flannels H D WIT ALBERT I DAVIDSON Mount Albert Our Stock is all ready to hand We have the latest designs suitable for your spring garments Wedding suits a Specialty to Klondike Serges Black Blue Striped to Now is the time to select Do not buy until you have wen our Stock Our Spring Fashion Plates on hand KELLERS LOST Ob Tuesday in Mount Albert a containing three Ladies Killed A differed for their return to STRAY Cams lots and In Con some time in Nov last a Ewe requested to prove property and take away- P Hill The Fashionable Tailor Albert Cutting or Sawing all kinds ox done either together or at lowest rate Class work Holt r LEADING HOUSE Mr J Booth Ottawa hot the timber limits square miles for Mr Justice Toronto has towards the new past everybody was on hand for Queens College King- Monday in high glee and trade TALBERT DRUGSTORE For do fiolm of Cough sytfcj General Condition Powder Condition a full Use of Patent MedUInf a Item and Cure i and oflive perioHU lentIon W TLLOYD SHARON a GENTLEMEN We are to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Suit LADIES Our stock Staple Dry Goods equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as l See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh R KENYON

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