Newmarket Era, 21 Feb 1902, p. 7

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CHINA NEWMARKE ERA FRIDAY FEB I vy Surplus Stock Sale Mens Boys Heavy Rubbers AND Long Boots Reduced in Price away down to close out before Spring Goods Arrive China Goods TOILET SETS At Clearing Sato Prices DINNER At Clearing Sale Prlcea VAMPS LAMPS At Sale Prices Grocery Specials Choice Table Figs lbs Tor Worth 15 ft Cheap for Cooking A use full flavor for COFFEE Will Please You Always Fresh and Fresh Ground- Evaporated Fruits APRICOTS Very Fine Quality PRUNES for Cooking ft HONEY Comb and Extracted A SMITH The Leading Reliable Telephone to The Indies Aid met at the home of Mrs Rev I Bowles on tt Although the day was stormy and the roads drifted there was a good attendance A of peo ple came and a cutter load from The program was good and a pleasant time was spent members are being to the Society Mr Bell is quite poorly at present and under the doctors care Heart disease is Use trouble Miss A has returned home after spending a few days with friends in number from here attended the convention at Wesley church on Friday Considering the state of the roads there was a good attendance Some of those appointed to take up the subjects for discussionwere not present but our pastor Rev I Bowles who was present was asked to fill their places which be did with credit to himself and pro- fit to toe alienee Mr and Mrs spent Sunday at her and Mrs Phillips Geo Cook got contract to sup ply the Public School with 20 cords of wood Mrs Wnterstien is visiting relatives in Scott for a few days Mr and Mrs Dougherty attended the golden wedding of his parents Mr and Mrs John Dougherty of ington on Friday last Rev Bowles BA will preach a temperance sermon here on Sunday evening the Let there be a large attendance sudden death Jan ol Mr John Taylor of and father of Mrs J Morris of this place shocked and surprised the whole community To all outward appearance he was in the full vigor of health and had many years of life ahead of hint Shortly before his death he attend ed the funeral of his uncle Mr Park er Crosby of Richmond Hill lie was attending a meeting of the Citizens Gas Co of which he was President and had risen to make some remarks when he suddenly sank back in his chair speechless Efforts were to and Dr was summoned but before he arrived life was extinct Mr Taylor was an a native of Cumberland having been born at Castle on April In he married Mary the eldest daughter of the late of Howe Hill He emigrat ed to Canada in settling in Grimsby Then in he removed to where be engaged in The groom was assisted by Mr coal iron and cement business very Hamilton brother of the bride successfully In be was ceremony was witnessed by a large NORTH Mrs Robert of Sutton mother of Mrs Thomas Hayes Con was Visiting her daughter last Saturday Rev Gregory intended beginning re vival services in the Free church on the Con this week it the roads on that Hue were in a condition for Iravei They have Some drifts near the church said be as high as the edifice itself The church here should wake up It to be losing instead of ground There seems to be a lack of enthusiasm and the fervent feeling of former years Mrs Richard Pollock and Mrs Ro bert also Mrs James Sr and Mrs Amos Crittenden have been in poor health this winter and the three rust named have been under the doctors care for a good part of the time The story given the Era for the last two weeks of the original set tlement of York County and the first labors hewing a road from little muddy York to should prove very interesting reajdin to every Era subscriber Knowledge lite charity should begin at home To know- ones own county first is best V Mr Thomas Higgler with bis was visiting bis sicter Mrs Will of East on Mon day Mrs has quite recover ed from her recent illness J Mrs Joe Perrauit has young son also Mrs Frank Clary Mr Will Robins has hired with Mr Walker Councillor for Robins who was form erly employed by Mr will be moving back to Bast soon Mrs Fred Dow of Holland Landing was visiting her mother Jersey last- Sunday Mr Will Smith arid wife intend to leave parts for Copper Cliff tbe first part of next month and some what later Mr intends leaving for the same place Mr Jno Cunningham after an absence of three months returned home from the mines at Cliff a of weeks ago He reports business booming there Too late for last MOUNT PLEASANT A very pretty wedding took place at home of Mr Robert Hamilton Mount Pleasant on Wednesday Jan when his second daughter Ber tha was united in holy wedlock to Mr Stuart Draper son of Mr Ste phen Draper of Keswick The cere mony was performed by Rev the Wedding being played by Miss Jennie Mahoney Tbe bride looked charming dressed in white or gandie trimmed with lace antique and chiffon carrying a bouquet of white roses She was assisted by Miss Draper sister of groom dressed in white organdie over pink with white roses and pink carnations Millie Smith Toronto silver pickle caster Hiss Jennie and felter silver pickle caster Mr- John dish Messrs Milton and Will Draper Miss Cannon pain vases Mr ahd Mrs J table cloth Mr and Mrs Pay id Draper rocking chair Mr and Stephen Draper gaso line lamp Mr and Mrs Mann bed spread Mr and Mrs Draper bed spread Mr Geo Draper Mr John and Angus King 3 Mrs May and Mr and Mrs P Mr Geo and Mrs Hamilton Mr George Hamilton Mr John Johnson Mr and Mrs Walker Ben and Hamilton Johnson Mr and Clayton Toron to napkins and toilet mate Mr and Mrs John Toronto glass ber ry set water pitcher and cake plate Assessment Commission J- Report Tex Abolished Suggested The Assessment Report was presented to the Legislature on Wednesday The following brief sum mary of its recommendations is token from tbe Globe of taxation of all ai property mercantile stcHksanH manufacturing plant and machinery Substitution therefor of a tax on the rental values of occupied by traders manufacturers bouses privatebankers and Taxation of all other persons than those above mentioned including pri vate bankers and brokers by indirect method upon all income above 51000 yearly This taxation to be in pro portion to the rental value of the premises occupied for the purpose of them business an exemption to be granted equivalent to income exemption of 1000 In where the income of such persons is more than a year a direct tax upon any income over that amount to be levied Incomes from investment are taxed directly subject Peremptions The imposition of a house tax upon all owners and occupiers of houses us ed as dwellings noaea upon rental value of the premises This system provides effect for the levying in future of an income tax not directly upon income but upon Abe residence of persons so assessed Railway lands and buildings to be valued in the same fashion as of individuals Franchiseholding corporations such as street railways telephone and tele- Having purchased the Grocery Stock of Davison Bros the undersigned will open for business j The Stock has been made complete by adding full lines of staples and will be kept to a standard capable of meeting all of purchasing public is kindly solicited and assurance is given that MANY TREMENDOUS BARGAINS are being offered as the present stock must be cleared out quick to make room for the new goods H BICKL iftda if Cod Will TONE HAKE HAKE fat ft Wf dirk Toronto It fo It I itahA CO United The eyes at lire assistance Whet you is age reading or near becomes an exertion and glasses of just enough strength to relieve all strain should be obtained We are experts in this line We examine eyes free of charge and guarantee satisfaction GRADUATE OPTIClANi Co Jewelry Store pointed Police Magistrate and contin ued to hold that up to time of bis death By his honesty im partiality id the discharge of his duty lie won of all In every other walk of life he equally end conscientious it was indeed bis boast that he belong ed to a British for its integrity and As a young man he celebrated for his strength agility and endur ance having been known to have cov ered over fifty miles of road way one day while walking He was of Scottish descent his groat grandfather being a Highlander In the days of his youth Mr Tay lor graduated from preen Row Acad emy where he distinguished himself mathematics won a prize tor having mastered the whore Euclid course in days Hut be was not merely a student his tastes were military as well as for he served in the Border of Yeomanry by Karl of Lonsdale Mr Taylor al ways retained a strong affection lor the land his birth He the Atlantic several to visit old Cumberland and the of his boy hood and usually took one of his daughters with him politics he was a staunch Liter al an active- party worker fearless straightforward and He was a member of the Masonic tody a regular attendant at Chapter and a worker and an accomplished master of the ritual By his brethren and com panions ho was held in high esteem and conferred on him all the honors it was in their power to be stow He filled Ihe high offices of Worshipful Master of Amity Lodge Excellent First Principal of Chapter and Eminent Preceptor of St Bernard Clair veftux as well as Master the Second Veil of the Grand Chapter Canada with Masonic honors his remains were consigned to their place in Riverside Cemetery In religion lie was a Methodist having service twice on the preceding his death Among the floral decorations were an Anchor and the Motto Our Fa thcr from tho gentlemans family a and Compass from the Masonic bodies a Ktar from Oas Co and a Cross from Ileal try- A widow children seven of whom arc left to lots of a kind end in- miss Stone Free Paris Feb The Temps pub lishes a despatch from Constantinople which announces that Miss Stone has been released by the brigands who have held her captive since Sept 3rd last and has been handed over in good health to the dragoman of the American Legation The despatch adds the -IJev- erend Tsilka has the charge of complicity in the Kidnapping of Miss Stone Washington Feb Tbe State De partments advices concerning Miss Stone indicate that the Paris publica tion to the effect that she had been set at liberty is to say the least premature It is gathered however from the reports of the United States diplomatic agents tbat the woman is graph companies and others making likely to be released very soon and GROCERY of friends and relatives The happy couple took their depar ture for Toronto and Detroit showers of rice and old shoes carry ing the best wishes many many friends Following is a list of the many and useful presents contributed The grooms present to the bride a gold watch and chain Mr and Mrs Dr Noble Mr and Mrs Stiles silver butter dish and knife Mr McDonald Toronto breakfast Mr Smith glass tea set Mr and Mrs Dr Noble Jr salt and pepper shakers Mr meal dishes Mrs M Miles china tea set and tray Mr Hamilton toilet Mr Mrs Moulds toilot sol for dresser Mr and Mrs It J Shaw china ted Miss Grant Sever ton silver bread tray Mr J Merrilt cake plates Miss Kthcl china butter dish Mr salad dish Miss Jones salad bowl Miss and Per cy Draper cheese dish Mr Newton and- Miss Mir case of silver Mr and Mrs James Phillips toilet Miss toilet Mr arid Kirk Hamilton dinner and tea setand cash Mr Irwin Hamilton Mr and Mrs Jesse Ccmnell sofa pillow Miss and Edith Draper dress er scarf Mr and Mrs J Br fancy lamp Mr Phillips table coyer Mrs pair blankets Mr Robert Hamilton table cloth and napkins Mr and Mrs Shaw table cloth Mrs Phillips Mr Herbert Hamil ton chinelle table cover Mr and Mrs table cloth and Miss Draper napkins Johnson Mrs J and Miss M Morton table cover Miss lea White china cups and saucers Miss White napkins Mr Sdby napkins Mrs Hamilton rocking chair and Mrs John Hamilton and Edith Chinese -tftbiedvcrMr- and Mrs Bain silver Mr- arid Mis James Dalni rose bowl Miss Annio Moulds salt and pepper shakers Mr Lauder set Mr and Mrs fresh fruit dish Miss Moulds glass tea set Mr Ernest Pol look lemonade set Mr use of the highways in their business to be assessed for this right to use the pufolic land This to take the place of taxes on gross and the right of use as well as structures on public that is poles rails wires etc to be assessed at the actual value Appointment of provincial Hoard of Assessment for certain cororatioi9 which shall collect the taxation distribute it among the municipalities The above are the principal recom mendations contained in the final re port of Ontario Assessment Com mission which was presented to the Legislature last night This is there- suit of an exhaustive inquiry cover ing some six weeks in the latter part of at which scores of expert wore examined covering every phase of subject The inter vening time has been by the commissioners in giving a most care ful consideration to subject en titling their report to rank as a valu able and- illuminating public docu ment The commissioners who sign ed report Mr Chairman Mr Mac- Mr General Imperial Bank Mr K editor Municipal World St Thomas Mr A Pratt Ottawa Mr M J Sutler Hamilton that the delay is explained by the re quirement of the brigands that they be given ample opportunity to ensure their own safety Season A Dublin despatch reports several sales of Irish estates as a result of the no rent campaign of the United Irish league TONIC For sold or civilian South American prove It self greatest of system toners healers and blood cleansers A veteran home from the war in South Africa who was all run down and weak of that dread veldt says I found South American a and heard recommend it to In need of a good a nd for tun down people One tle relief A few Call to cure Hold by El Lehman Newmarket Fresh Manitoba Whit Fish Fresh Georgian Bay Trout Fresh Sea Herrings Fresh Smelts Salt Labrador Herring Haddies Salt Trout Marmalade Oranges 15 cts Dozen The London COMPANY iawjtu Total HEAD CANADA MOTBEAU or p Chairmen J Deputy Chairman Be K Clouetou fltr Acctpttd fit Chief for We Sell Lukes Manitoba Flour Royal Patent Pastry Sharon Reliance Family Flour Family Flour US A CALL The Grocer Stone Wanted Good price paid Apply to JACKfiON tor Solo years old Cornea in the middle of March in calf to bred Short bull Edmund Kettle- DAVIDSON AHentMt Albert RAILWAY SYSTEM lUhat Old Says ago t was not uncommon for boys thirteen years of age to contri bute to the family support They were obliged to It Is very rare and the change due to false education or eduoaMoh at all Then the brightest boys had the to Warn trades and such ambition was encouraged by parents the highest ambition of ninny a youth Is to lead a seal skin on a income North Farmers Institute Special Settlers Trains TO CANADIAN NORTHWEST Win Toronto every Tuesday on and in order to accomplish this M Lewis early parts his hair in the middle Alice Beatrice There will be Afternoon Sessions commencing at 130 and commencing at each of the following places Aurora Tuesday February during March and April 1903 al Passengers 1 traTClIing without Thursday stock should take the Albert Express leaving Toronto at p Friday February 8 travelling with when the following will the train leaving present to address the meetings Toronto at p Free Colonist sleepers will be attached to these I trains may be secured on McCulloth Mrs Will bread it low on forehead plates Mr and Mrs Bain flat and puts a on the back of irons Mr and Mrs Geo Stiles J his head for a cap course there chinaberry set Mr and Mrs Robert arc exceptions many of them but Bain lemonade set Mr and Mrs- J they are not numerous they silver fruit Miss Mabel be and not as numerous as and Percy silver dish they would bo with rational home- PHILLIPS Secretary Farm Soil For sale at Halt Priors Exchange I rival at Toronto For tickets folders and rates apply to Agents Grand Trunk Rail way System A Agent Newmarket District Passenger Agent BO YEARS Trade Mark at a and ascertain oar bUi fatenrton MQifr PMaoU yiii In li Qt awoor for tamaa A CO Moatf A of four tooatia Sold by New Tort forBtr To Builders and Tenders will be received by tho undersigned up to the of March next for the erection Solid Residence Newmarket Contractors may tender for the whole any portion of the work and brick will bo furnished on the ground contractors to supply all other materials Plans and specifications may liwrecn at the Newmarket or at the of architect J A Elite Esq Adelaide St Toronto No tender necessarily JACKSON Newmarket

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