T The gives more news eye wekthuaay two other in North York in Acknowledged to be the County fc S I fc At U AND ADVERTISER A tfe to jo freely to U No paper sent- outside North York unless paid la No Each J Newmarket FridaVi Feb 1902 TERMS per if In YOXJR WANT i In Heavy arid Shelf Carriage and Plumbing Can be Supplied to your ENTIRE SATISFACTION A An gcloVed Pastor Passes -00- NEWMARKET ONT PRICES on PATENT MEDICINES are the -AT- DRUGSTORE Have a Look at some of them Regular Our Price Price Williams Pink Pills KWoey Pills J small Any three of Regular Our Price Price Ozone large Burdock Blood Bitters Hoods 100 Scotts K M Turpentine J M Discovery EUctric Oil Dr Thomas South American Kidney Carters Little Liver Pills Cure Compare our Prices with any ere All patents at Cut Prices We in all Branches of our Business and will not be Undersold by anyone- J It the Leading Druggist NEWMARKET ONTARIO J Special Sale of Wrappers Friday Saturday 95c and all at one price c each TORONTO JOBBING r Liver Flatulence Constipation Biliousness and Sick Headache TAKE Safe MHd do not weaken and always satisfaction A fc at any by or Children BRISTOLS The sudden death of the or Thursday of week caused profound sorrow not only throughout the Town but among his brethren in the minis try and parishioners on every field in which he had iabored His sickness was short duration eleven days pleurisy which de veloped into pneumonia and though he suffered a great deal was conscious to the last and left a bright testi mony concerning the future world Deceased was the youngest son of the late Ales and is sur vived by his aged mother three brothers and one sister He was born at Enfield Durham County on Jan 1859 graduated at Port Perry High and Victoria at taught school for ten years and has been in the minis- try for sixteen years at toe following places Allan- dale Richmond Hill and Newmarket During all the years of bis ministry the Rev never missed a preaching appointment through illness or any other cause till the Sabbath his death- A man of more than ordinary ability a faithful pas tor and a sympathetic and true friend who always seemed to be ex ceedingly anxious concerning the spir itual of the people under his immediate charge To be taken away just now in the zenith of his manhood at the close of a very suc cessful series of revival services leav ing much work in his hands and on his heart for the Masters service is beyond finite comprehension but our who is wise to err and too good to be unkind knows what is best Deceased had resided in this Town as pastor of the Methodist Church for little over two years and a half during which time the church enjoyed such a period of prosperity and pro gress that the Oflicial Board unanim ously extended to him a call for a fourth year arid his brethren in the ministry recognizing his energy abil ity and devotion to the church hon ored him at the last annual Confer ence by the appointmeu of Chairman of the Bradford District only was the deceased an ar dent worker in his own church but the Bible Society and kindred insti tutions commanded his sympathetic interest The constant calls at the home his brief illness and the intense grief that overspread the community on the announcement of his death at test the aiTecJion which deceased had won in the hearts of the people The sorrowing widow and four bereft lit tle children have the truest sympathy in this sad hour The many and magnificent floral tri butes which surrounded his casket gave silent yet eloquent testimony to the love and respect which he was held Ajnong these were The Gates Ajar from the Official Boards of Newmarket Methodist Pillow of roses and lilies from the Ladies Societies Broken Column of lilies and white hyacinths from the Sunday School Maltese Cross from worth league Spray of lilies the valley the Junior League Triangle of roses carnations from the Royal Templars Anchor of lilies and white roues Mr and Mrs Hunter i Mr and Mrs Hun Wreath of roses and carnationBi and Mrs Cane Spray of cream Mr and Mrs Jackson Spray of white roses and carnations Mr and Mrs J Millard Spray of red roses and lilies of the valley Mr and Mrs J Cane Spray of pink roses and cala lilies Mr and Mrs John Spray of pink roses Mr and Mrs Cane and Miss Mabel Wreathairs White SprayMr and Mrs Cane SprayMrs Cane Spray Mr and Mrs Also other designs from Mr Will and Bert of Lindsay air and Mrs Grant of Mr and Mrs Bolton of Toronto Rev Bak er of Toronto Mrs Burton of Allen dale Messages of regret and sympathy were received from He J Davis Turk and St Marys Rev P Wilson Hamilton Rev J J Ferguson Johnston Toronto Mrs Dr Toronto Dr A stationed at When deceased was associated with him as pastor of his excellent personal char acter and strong family a Section Rev Geo Brown of led in prayer and the tfon was pronoun by Rev A Powell Toronto To- pastor of the ronto Mrs Amos Wright Newmarket Hill Rev T Toronto The of the casket was removed Mrs McCulIoch Thomasburg and it just one hour for the Rev Cocking people pass by in close line and Rev 1 Sparling Marl dale look for the last time into the face Dr Rev J one they had learned to love and Toronto Mrs esteem Mrs Rev Paul Mrs Aurora Mrs ley Rich mond Hill and very many ottos The relatives from a were Rev chairman of District Methodist Ctuitch Donald and Mrs Mc Enfield Mrs Win Gilbert sister Sol ma Alex En field James and Mis Prince Albert Ed McCuilpcfi Toron to William and Robert Man chester William bridge Mr and Mrs Grant Richard Aurora Among the ministerial brethren were Rev Cornell of Friends Church Newmarket Rev p A Pearson Aurora Rev Thornlull Richmond Hill Rev A Brown Robinson King Rev Simpson Rev J Tottenham- Rev J Stewart Rev Robt nia Mrs Webster William McDowell Aurora Silver- wood Lindsay Frank to- Rev J Fox Fennels J More Richmond Hill The funeral obsequies took place on Rev A Stanley Thornton Saturday afternoon super- J Morgan Mount Albert vision of Mr J Miliaid and J J Ferguson Willowdale very The Methodist Church was filled half an hour before the time announced for the and half the people could not get auditorium The suitably draped for the occasion The service was conducted by Rev Presi dent of the Toronto Rev J J ltd fit prayer Job Young of lead the chapter of 1st Corinthians The hymns selected and anthem by the choir were very appropriate The President paid a loving tribute to the goodness of life of the de parted and read a touching tribute of his tenderness and sympathy to the poor which had been placed in his hands the thought of which was that the writer and others in similar cir cumstances could not purchase Mower to show their affection hut tears they gave in plenty The speaker also re ferred to the subject of last sermon on the evening of Feb which was Gods last message man which seemed wonderfully pro phetic in his case Just before the sainted soul of our dear pastor was taken home though worn and weak with suffering he rose in his bed and said to his heartbroken wife Jcn- I wish to a message for my beloved congregation I wish you to convey to them my gratitude for their loyalty to me for their loyally to the Church and their loyalty Christ pur Saviour And J wish you to thank them for the love they have borne to me and the confidence they have had me vv Rev Hill of Toronto a form er pastor of this church and under whom the- deceased his first sermon on the Prince Albert Circuit added his personal tribute of esteem and affection l Rev J ft pastor of the Christian Church In Newmarket spoke with great tenderness of the special services Just closed and the true friendship which had sprung up He could- say that although deceased was true to the Methodist Church he not a sectarian and was loved by all Gods people In this Town Dr of Toronto who Rex J Gardner Newmarket Rev Baker Toronto Rev Gideon Powell Toronto Rev Jos- Cornell Kingston Among the many friends from a dis tance were Mr and Mrs Hunter Mr iMarr Mrs Burton Mrs White Mr Miller Parkdale Mr Bolton Toronto Mr Grant Toronto Mr and Mrs Richmond Hill Sanderson and Savage rep of RMimund Hill Miss Florence Presley Mrs Allnndale Mr Hughes Mr McMahon editor of Liberal Richmond Hill Mrs Sanderson Richmond Hill Mr The remains were interred at New market Cemetery in respect to the dying with of deceased and in accord with the statement made last Decora tion Day that he knew of no place where he would rather be laid to rest than in our wellkept City of the Dead Rev was assisted in the last sad rites by Rev the District Secretary The mem bers of the RT of marched to the Cemetery in a body wearing the badge of mourning A Memorial Service for the children was held in the Methodist Sunday School last Sabbath afternoon when appropriate addresses made by Messrs J A Coombs Cane Rev Baker and the Superintendent At theclose a com mittee was named to draft a resolu tion of sympathy to be presented to the bereaved family A Memorial Service was conducted by Rev J in the Church England Newmarket on Sunday even ing and also in St Metho dist Church John of the road was struck and killed by a falling tree In of Rev Written specially for the Our hearts have been with sorrow sincere And friends hear and far in their sympathy mourn That one so beloved has been called to appear in garb of immortals no more to return Though hasty the summons he calmly laid down His armor of battle for victorys crown File angel sent forth from the realm of the skies From the presence Jesus the court of the King Brought His servant a mandate at once to arise That he was deputed his spirit to bring On his pinions he bore him aloft to the throne Jesus received Whose blood did atone 0 could we have caught but a his joy His look of ineffable bliss and surprise Of his spirit just freed from its burden clay As viewing with spiritual eyes The to be laid in the dust To in new glory the hope of the just the prime of bis life he has passed from our sight Has entered heavens portal a glad welcome heard The Enter well done Oiled his soul with delight As it felt on his ears from the lips of his Lord A joy far transcending what man has conceived He has this first Sabbath in heaven received In youth he devoted his life unto God Fulfilled His command with obedient will His service a pleasure proclaiming abroad The Gospel of Jesus Gods l to reveal Sought not the vain glory that pasielh away Relying on Jesus his comfort and stay Much good has been done by his mission of love Many stars are bedecking his earlywon crown Some going before gave him greeting above And more yet remain his blessed labors to own To work for the Master was on the alert Some help to bestow or some ill to avert Oft cheered by his visits the aged and ill Consoling the dying with promises sweet Contained in Gods with power to still And led them to trust in atonement complete His own soul rejoicing to speak for his Lord His smile and approval his highest reward Beloved and respected where eer he was known Was earnest in sowing all waters beside For the young more especial interest was shown While fervently pleading for rod to decide To seek for true peace at the only true source For strength to do right in their pilgrimage course His sphere is unbounded his Circuit enlarged His zeal will neer flag or discouragements chill With vigor immottal no work undischarged New objects for service Gods plans to V Delightful employments no cares to annoy No dread of the future his peace to alloy I Secure from lifes turmoils its toils and its snares Mans heritage here till he passes away Where nothing is sure and grief comes unawares And all that is beautiful yields to decay But his home in the skies is eternally sure Through cycles of ages will ever endure only the place that is changed and not he V The same form and features though by us unseen Or how should we know our beloved they be Changed in their appearance from what they had been Oh surely well know as we also are known When we gather with dear ones to Gods throne Perhaps his freed spirit will minister still Oft visit his dear ones unseen though he be To guard them from danger new hope to instil- Or whisper be oatient you soon will be free Gods ministering spirits are sent to relieve The heirs of who on Christ believe- fc- c i 5 mi God bless the lone widow so young in her grief And cheer with Thy presence the void that is made Thy care be her shield and Thy arm her relief To bear the lifeburden which on her is laid Heal the wound of her heart with the balm of Thy Till joins her beloved in Thy kingdom above His dear little children so early bereft Of a kind loving father to guide their young feet Be Thou to the dear thus fatherless left Their guardian and guide till their life is complete When parents and children will meet on that shore Where- sorrow and partings forever are oer mm Richmond 23 Grant- London Feb despatch from Lord Kitchener dated Pretoria Fri day 21 says Col Park with mounted National Scouts surprised a Boer force at dacht Transvaal Colony and captur ed prisoners together with a Quantity of munltioha of war and a number- of horses and wagons There were no British casualties The Winnipeg City Council a resolution to 3 asking the for power to run street cars Sunday That Spot The church itself on record as opposed to j Did you aver have that little tickling spot in your throat Felt it could almost It with your finger didnt it How bard you tried to reach it the action of the Alliance and in but couldnt I Its with or of the referendum bill far Creaolenforyou breathe it There New York Feb Eighteen per sons lost their lives and were Injured in a fire which was communicated early today from the Regiment Armory to Park Avenue Hotel The armory was destroyed entailing a loss esti mated at hotel the damage was principally in the tiers of rooms surrounding the elevator shafts The loss to the hotel building Is at nothing in the world equal to it Stopping these tickling cough am its so pleasant too croup bronchitis catarrh wraDpingcougB its the greats VipfiCrVofc A VpoCre4oleo which lltttlco d Recommended and If m isZ