J S- i w THIS t jv fl i- J Oar oh sick Notice to Tenders will be deigned up to the of for moving the Stable on tie lot corner of Queen and Niagara St in the Town Newmarket also Jot- the Painting the House outside Further information can be had from Britannia- Card of w Mrs wishes to take this opportunity to thank all her friends for their though Ifulness and to herself and family during the sickness and sad death of her dear husband The many many messages and ex- Saturday of sympathy and love whico of is A is this week James Silver entertained a fcwMadiesat the tea hour oh is Back to Town again after an absence of two or more Mr and Mrs J Hi Millard another wedding anniversary last Sunday Miss Strong of Bradford is visit ing with Mrs J for a tew days took place at For toe- Era The flet of 4i The prohibition as introduced in jo Legislature by- Ross has excited com ment 1 would like to notice a few points Premier called attention to the fact that the majority in Ontario in favor of Prohibition in tiro Plebiscite of was only about that given in Had ip given onetenth or less of the Mine he devoted to authorities and precedents for too Referendum to showing some of the reasons for this falling off be would not have given such an unfair handle to opponents of Prohibition One reason was that in rfie received from all the dear people of Newmarket she would like to acknowledge personally but being un able to do this it is her wish to publicly express bet heartfelt grati tude to those who sent them To the dear friends who their homes so freely those who re membered their late pastor with flow ers and messages of sympathy and all those who took such perfect of necessary for funeral sfee is especially grateful SFEHERE Dont you want A New Suit SPUING TWKEBS SPRING OVERCOATINGS FANCY SEW TROUSERINGS Latent Cuts and Closest Prices ALL WORK GUARANTEED making a visit with her brother Mr Andrew Mrs- entertained the boys in her SS class at her residence on Wednesday evening Mrs Harry Knight of Bulks Falls was visiting her brother Mr A last week Mr Frank Lloyd son of Colonel Lloyd was home from Chicago two or three days this week Messrs George and Sanders of were the guests of Mr- J Smith last Sunday Mr Rill has moved into Town from and occupies a residence on Mainstreet Mr A of came over with the hockey team Tuesday to see fats invalid mother Mr George Simpson popular teller of t is spending a couple of weeks holidays at Mrs who got such a bad fall about a month ago is able to up but is not improving very rapidly Mrs A Brown and daughter Miss Maud of Toronto are the guests Mr and Mrs A Cedar- vale Mr Howard is visiting Mr I ate granted from in Ottawa this only and the holders km the thousands the residence in of Toronto who were debarred from voting in Town the Dominion of was renewing acquaintances in t- Another was that the very pro nounced utterances of some of the Dominion Cabinet against the mea sure gave to put it that- it was not favored by that- Government and was not therefore likely to be endorsed by them no matter what the verdict of the people might be hence they saw little use in voting The Premier referred at some length to the question of Compensation and while he did not actually state that it would be given bis language left little room for doubt in the mind of any intelligent hearer reader that such is his intention Why should it be given He assur ed the House that number of liquor licenses in Ontario had been reduced from in 1875 to now more than one half Were any of these men compensate No For forty years or more this- ques tmen of has been before the in the air to use his own expression Very few if any of the manufacturers and dealers now in the work had invested in it previous to that time so they went into it with their eyes open to the fact that at any time their might te ear to know have no redress Licence do not lose their means living the fellows A suggestion was at once thrown but and it is plain to any one read ing it that it was by no friend of Prohibition that all which those fav oring the Jo refrain from the election and so ruc4Mbe to be made tlieieftffendtujn writer this I think jiivhjr W consideration of any true man We urge the enactment of Prohibition as a moral question claiming that it will elevate manhood and it must be dealt with honestly the franchise is right of and if it is so it should be intelligent ly and honestly exercised by those possessing it While we claim that Prohibit km is one of thy most- important questions of the time our country has- other interests that must be kept in mind was it more if Hi AVI J Newmarkets Store I I i necessary that careful consideration Should be given to men as our representatives but we claim that men who have the moral interests of our country heart are also fitted to guard her financial mat ters HELEN McLaughlin MAIN ST Special Colonist Excursion Fares NEWMARKET To Billings Montana Colorado Springs Denver Helena Butte Pueblo and Salt Lake City Spokane Wash 3950 Pacific Coast and Points Proportionate rates to and from other points limited to continuous passage and will be on sale dally from March 1st to April For ticket folders and rates apply to Agent Grind Rail way System A Agent Newmarket DICKSON District Passenger Agent A Cough This Is the wlien chronic throat and lung troubles get their start Any coufciBr- to prompt ati ami it also Importaat that the beet We also you will try SCOTTS Pulmonary Balsam We feel that this is in many re spect a superior remedy and that once familiar with It you will rely on it your gen eral household cough cure It la pleasant to take cures as quickly as any safe remedy can and it is guaranteed Price cents SCOTTS DRUG STORE Main Street week and taking in the sights of Capitol- Mr Maurice Hill left for Cooks- town on Tuesday where he will re sume farming The family left on Saturday Mr Chris- wife and child left yesterday Tor Brandon greatly improved in health after spending two months here Mr Milt who was so bad ly hurt at the hockey match in Ham ilton is able to he around again not very supple Rev Joseph Cornell a Methodist minister from near Kingston is visit ing his brother here Rev Cornell of the Friends church Mr J mathe matical master in the High School was in the city last Friday in honor of Ha sisters birthday Mrs Grant of and Mrs of sisters of Mrs intend remaining here her for a couple of Mr- John Coombs Miss Lowe of Maple are visiting Mr A- Coombs and Mrs Kirby is son and daughter this week Miss Maud Wallace or Lindsay spending a week in Newmarket- the guest of Mrs Robert Manning who gave a oclock tea on Tuesday in her honor Mr Jackson is representing the Era at annual meeting of Canadian Press Association Otta wa this week and will spend over Sunday with his daughter Mrs at Perth Mrs Chantler who had only re turned the day before after trending three months with her daughter Mrs Kenny near slipped on the sidewalks last Saturday morning and got a very bad fall No hones were broken Mr A mechan ical superintendent at Canes Factory went from work sick on Wednes day of last week and has put In a hard time with pleurisy and conges tion of the lungs The former is checked now and his friends are for a speedy recovery Newmarket was represented at the on Monday night in honor of Commissioner J Davis His Worship Mayor Cane Lloyd Barrister Lloyd Messrs Howard Cane Waller Cain and L Jackson The roads were very bad and the bus did not get home till six oclock next morning At the Grand Lodge in last week Mr Jos Qibson the wellknown temperance lecturer way elected to the position of Grand Master Workman and lodge made a most worthy Rev J M Rutherford of Sutton was elected Deputy Grand Master for York District successor Mr Peregrine of The average woman may have some difficulty in understanding a timetable but she can generally man- age a train See The Methodist hymn book ent in general use in- Canada contains 935 hymns The authorship of these hymns is credited to members of the following various denominations Roman Catholic 23 Anglican Lutheran Con gregational Baptist Mora vian 28 Methodist Unitarian 15 Univeisalist unknown Of the nationalities of the authors it is stated that were English Unit- ell States German Scotch Irish French Canadian Egyp tian Asia Minor Italian Of these men and women The nineteenth century had produced 107 the eighteenth the seven teenth tnd more times vey few- The Presbyterian hymnal of contained Metho dist hymns the Anglican church with had claimed to be of Ready with a vast array of New Spring Goods in every department before New Goods been so tempting or prices so Low as this season Our ready cash and ability to handle large quantities of goods has given us a decided ad vantage over the slow pay glad to get goods from any dealer at any price SO long as he can get them WALL We have as fine a collection of New Wall Papers as any store in Toronto with two special advantages to the buyer First our prices are twenty per cent lower second can get any quantity you want arid return what you dont require New Glimmer Papers per roll New Glimmer Papers per roll Handsome Patterns New Paper per roll cents 20 Beautiful Patterns New Paper per roll cents Beautiful Patterns New Paper roll cents Handsome Parlor and Hall Paper per roll cents The earlier you buy Wall Papers the better your chance of getting the work done be fore the spring rush Speciil prices lor large quantities the products of Metho hearts and minds This information was given by Rev Dr Shaw in a recent lecture at Montreal Waited origin of hymns in rt y 81 were by nor are they likely to be turned upon the street as as is so pathet- and out of teally claimed They only the en- rate of increase of wealth in Kf over the bar and re- ceipfs would be very materially les sened did they act in strict accord- anewith the terms of their as to hours and sell the article The bill provides for a To commence work end March time in which to get rid of their at latest A good handy steady man stock and look out for means of to work on Stock Ranch a living The travelling public must year and hoard to suitable man and still he housed and fed and if this opportunity of running stock Apply can done profitably by boarding- to Brown house lodginghouse and restaurant T or to the editor of the keepers why not in the premises 3v5 ready fitted up OH THE AGONY OF IT until do Mr- K did outh Our Let us compare two descriptions given of the Pros ami Antiu Pre mier Ross refers to former as militant temperance men thoughtful ly mora pureminded earnest anxi ous to see the world blossom in beau ty and rreshness Principal Grant the bitterest writer in the Anti ranks in his last letter says There is an ff inferior class of men now engaged in ibfnk South American tbe trade rmUihacrttGodea4tbaiunVfrdja Mens New Spring Suits Our Suits are tailormade fit perfectly wear excellently and always look and are strict ly up-to-date- Mens very serviceable stylish Suits price Mens first class Tweed Suits stylishly made We have a magnificent range of Suits at Mens Pine Worsted Suits at would be cheap at Mens Fancy Vetis the new thing price Mens Tweed Pants Special Price Mens Worsted Pants There is no more up todatc Clothing Department in Canada than at this store and we want you to our words H E the business has a lowering and tendency their advocate this is rough on the deal ers Well may tbey say Save us from our friends notice one writer claims that the Premier does not think the Manitoba Hill worth a row of pins This may reasonably be doubted for in the pledges given by Sir Oliver of which the present measure is the filment by the present Government he said If the Province has jurisdic tion to pass a partial prohibitory law will Introduce such a Bill un less the partial powers are to limited as to be ineffective If the powers are not worth a row of pins the vanishing point they must come under pro viso and I cannot conceive Hon Ross being so as to bring It in Exception has been taken by some speakers and writers to several terms of the measure as outline to the re ferendum itself to the majority re- and to the date fixed- for vote It was not to be expected that any measure given would meet the views of all As to the referendum many men prominent in Prohibition ranks have at different times In the present and past favored the question being referred to the people It Is per haps the most satisfactory solution Former votes were on the complete Prohibition of manufacture importa tion sale This Is only measure and some who would favor the one might not the other As to the majority rehired to make it a mandate from the people we must face the knowledge that our op ponents will use every effort to have On Tuesday morning a bad acci- the number of votes polled in occurred on the in election the largest on record and Hamilton station One sleeper and a this must stimulate thoi favoring day the regular Toronto- Prohibition to leave no stone were standing on a siding when to get a full expression of the will From this we can only Cure Is tin smoking it he acknowledges that STSjatSteS which started Feb Vernon Sourwine son of a living near here died of a peculiar cause last night A few days ago be made a cigar out of paper and In smoking it inhaled some of the smoke SPRING GOODS AT STARRS an of the iirtl was only U to tin month work for rontbs out but Seuth Aiadcn permanently cured at Sold by Newmarket The Alton At on Wednesday Feb at the residence of the par ents by the Percy Wesley Johnson of to Mirs tio of Fob by Rev of New market Mr John to Miss Martha J Ro land of Holland Landing at residence of Mr West BAIN SUDDEN At the residence of the parents on Feb by Rev Campbell of Mr Norman Bain of New market to Miss Ida Quaker Hill Township throat A new version of an old rhyme runs thus Little drops of water Little grains of Make milkman wealthy And the grocer grand Writing Papers The In King Feb to and Mrs Kouer- WEDQEWOOD HOLLAND LINEN CREAM MARLBOROUGH ROYAL VELVET ANTIQUE LINEN Tho latest shapes and tints with envelopes to match Mrs BeetonsCook Book Groceries Provisions FRESH CEREAL FOODS of people in Its favor Though I do not for a moment admit that the of the New York train carrying a load of students to Voknkcr Convention crashed in to them from behind The rear rents on those asking for demolished Mr A jhibltlon That Is a question for worth of Lafayette College authorities granting claim No one claims that though the pro- Dining Room Bedroom and Parlor Suite ottered for days before stock taking at prices that are simply Now Is the time to fit up B ROD I El town Feb to Mr and Mrs Walter son COOK In Town on to Mr and Mrs Cook a daughter lie IS Flaked Barley A Ric Rolled Its for Malt Food Wheat ft BEST TEA SPECIAL LB BEST TEA PER LB YEAST PER PACKAGE BAKING SODA IN BULK PER LB to BAKING POWDER WHITE DAISY PER LB own low CLARKS TIN VHRY FINE PER TIM He of Mr and Mrs Walter Bronte PURE HONEY SMALL SEALERS OR BULK GOLD Latest Product lor HousesCleaning I foot had his onus of responsibility for its enforce- J your home with elegant furniture at least cost Come and John Millard Royal Hotel And A crushed Dr jaw broken and commandments and were badly cut are in our laws that those keeping such laws are responsible for The Tomb Town Fob infant son BUS EC At her late residence on Church Monday Fob Amottc daughter Theodore Von aged SO months Feb at tho real- j dence of hie daughter Mrs Blue Waterstreet Newmarket David Weir j Mr and Mrs Blue accompanied remains by train on Wednesday for Sand Hill former residence Sunday Feb at her late Huron- street Toronto Harriot Richard won beloved wife of Currants per lb 10c aged years and months Interred at Newmarket Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon EGG POWDER A perfect substitute for eggs to Puddings Cakes and Buna A tablespoonful equals one egg DRIED Fine California Prunes pec I All Select Raisin I Us lor a PRESERVED FRUITS Jams in Black Currant In bulk per lb Black Currant pail Evaporated Applet pec lb CANNED FRUITS GREEN FRUITS Canned Plums per tin Best Navel SO to in Peaeht t41 l ft MJViN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention I to I Canned Cherries per tin Fresh Bulk Oysters m CENTRAL TELEPHONE W- 15