f i A Business Education is needed if the young or would succeed in the busi ness world of today Suck an education is in this most uptodate and best equipped col- BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO David HosJiins Principal J MAKE THE FARM PAY Progressive stock breeders dairy men grain root and fruit growers agricul tural students and home makers find the articles and answers to questions in every of the FARMERS ADVOCATE and HOME MAGaziKE fiimply unequalled and indispensable If you are not already a subscriber to the most helpful beat printed and beautifully illustrated farmers published we invite scrutiny of a sample copy A post card will bring it free Address THE WILLIAM WELD CO Limited CANADA The subscription price Si per year includes also superb Number After Work or Exercise Soothes and goiter am an the body or comfort tod Don take the weak watery witch hazel represented to be the same sta extract which easily sour and coquId wood alcohol a deadly THSfDARDJFl ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed up6n year The following testify to its STABILITY LIBERr POPULARITY Accumulated Fundi Annual Revenue over- Bonuses Already Declared Claim Paid During year Issued lor over Deposit STANDARD in Canada amounting to UIHIoni J A Agent liife around the Hub fciT roo A very pleasant event Friday evening Feb being the fiftieth anniversary of the wedding Mr and Mrs John Dougherty all their children except three being pres ent besides a number pi reo- Mr Dougherty was presented with a can and Mrs with a pair of spectacles Mr- and Mrs are SI years old respectively SHARON AH those who beard Swiss Bell Ringers when they were here two years ago will be pleased to learn ate coming again on Thursday arch under the auspices the Sabbath School The snow banks are fast disappear ing and many of our are preparing to move- Mr Geo and family who are spending the winter at the Postmas ters expect to return to their home at early in March We extend our deepest sympathy to the Church of Newmarket and the bereaved family in the great loss of its beloved pastor NEWMARKET ERA RUA 1993 and Prof Stuart bis series of con certs to a close on Monday evening Mr Stuart a prize to the most popular farmer in the neighborhood to be determined by the votes of those who attended the concert The con testants finally dwindled to two John and Samuel The total vote showed that John obtained quite a majority and was consequently awarded the- miH a bed room set Mr in thanking his friends spoke very kind ly of all thanking those who worked for him particularly his young friends who were very zealous in his behalf Mr Stuart moved from here to where he opened up on Thursday evening AURORA Mrs Mary Andrews of had the misfortune to slip on the ie at the rear of her dwelling one day last week and broke her arm of Aurora sustained a bad accident on Wednesday morning last Mr was driving north with a team and bobsleighs meeting a Metropolitan car he tried to get clear of the track but the bind hob was struck and Mr thrown his leg being broken Mr was conveyed to his home- on Wellingtonstreet where Dr Hil lary set the broken limb The acci dent happened a little north of the town just south of hois gale in a place where is almost impossible to stop a car quickly and witnesses the accident say that no possible blame can he attached to the companys employe Mr did not move out of the cars way enough and hence the accident Considerable sympathy is felt for the injured man which has taken a tang ible form by the subscription be tween SI0 and for him in less than a day Three cases of smallpox of a very light form have developed here and one in the adjoining township of King Five houses have been quarantined and all school children have been vac cinated The Church at Keldon was the scene of a but very pretty wedding when Miss M White daughter of Mr White of Keldon was united in the holy bonds of to Mr John Thompson of by the Rev A Shepard The bride was attended by her friend Miss A of All is ton while Mr Walter Street of sup ported the groom The bride and bridesmaid looked beautifully becom ing in dove silk and Oxford dresses with clusters of handsome flowers The church was beautifully decorated the bridal party standing under a handsome arch of evergreens and white ribbons After the ceremony the guests drove to the brides fa thers where sat down to a sumptuous repast The many hand some presents showed what a general favorite Miss White was by all her Keldon friends Mr and Mrs J Thompson will reside on the homestead farm on the line of King where they returned on Satur day to take up theft abode We wish them long years of happiness and prosperity About thirty of the Temperance Lodge from the Black Horse surprised the Division cm Wednesday night last However of our young folks showed them a welcome by opening the hall and provided music They all enjoyed the light fantastic till the wee hours Mr Hen Smith Is moving into the old with his father Weddings seem to all the go now We expect to bear of more soon Two weddings here on Wednes day s Miss A Hamilton was united In the holy bonds of to Mr A Winter of by Rev of King The marriage- took plate a Toronto after which the happy couple for St Marys other parts for honeymoon them long yea happiness prosper f JT Crowded out last week A flight For By Abem One winters eve time ago storms did rage and tempests 4 Our Baldwin belles took in a dance Of Ive heard by merest chance With bells and bobtailed nags Their grub tied up in paper bags Away they sped oer hill and And thus I spin my humble tale snow flakes from the sky With drifts each fencerow piled up high Nor stopped they till their way they sadly bitten by Jack Frost Thru fields they sadly plodded on Their mirthful spirts long since gone Whither by accident or design TIS said they hung on Harris clothes line Our good friend rn out to fee Whatever could rumpus be And then he laughed as well might twas indeed a thrilling sight he There right before his eyes there hung Six lovely in song unsung Their arms and limbs as Ham doth swear A waving in the air i And there they hung as frozen fast bitter was the stingine blast And thus my song goes on Ill tell you more by fortunes grace Released at last from their sad plight They steal away in shades night Ad own the snow In solemn silence on they strode t They plunged thru drifts tip to knees J Alas they could do naught but sneeze By hook or hound to get And that they would by foul or fair At last their dreary trudge done Hot and furious the fun And as they waltzed in whirls You bet they were most lively girls on with laugh and The dance went song Amid the cheery throng I Until the rosy blush of morn Betokened that the day was Then home they wend their weary way in her secret heart to pray Twoifld reach the public ear Too ready oft to scoff a jeer But should I tell you half they done With laughter you would smother So Ill take my hat oil my bow Theyve ttotcd home to mother Now next you wish to girls- when dance Or on your tip toes gaily prance Consult oh for a fair day Hum like Old Nick away away Stop the Blight It is a sad thing to see fine fruit trees spoiled by the blight You can always tell them from the rest They never do well afterwards but stay small and sickly It is worse to see a blight strike children Good health the natural right of children But some of them dont get their rights While the rest grow big and strong one stays small and weak Scotts Emulsion can stop that blight There is no reason why such a child should stay small Scotts Emulsion is a medicine with lots of strength in it the hind of strength that makes things grow Scotts Emulsion makes children grow makes them eat makes them makes them play Give the weak child a chance ScottYEmulsion will make it catch up with the rest picture rep of 7 Union met at theljpjje Mrs J on the The ladies have 5eparcd fiildVa comfort bag and are sending it to Mr to sent to the lumber caiip9 A small donation the Francis Home for irls Mrs Humphrey was appoint ed of Scientific instruction in schools The date of meeting was changed from first Friday to second Wednesday The County of Wine gave ah account of how she came to be appointed to this of fice and asked the help of the mem- in this We are hoping to have the pleasure of welcoming some new members our union in tbe near Sec Co Mr and Miss Poole Miss and Miss Miller of were guests- with Miss Elliott one evening fast week Miss has just returned from a visit to Mills and Miss Mabel Elliott is in the city at present It is said that twenty-five- of the Foresters of Court in the in the city last and report a most pleasant profitable time excepting a coolness in the car that caused one young a cold from which he has not yet re covered Mr George and the Misses Rachel and Martha Ramsey of Bond Head together with Mr and Brooks were welcome guests at the clothespin social last week That famous Family musical artists and Swiss bell ringers will entertain the here on Wed nesday evening p in- under the auspices of the Womans Guild Martha Archibald of King City spent last with Miss white The roads are in a very bad Male in many places since the thaw and require more attention than they have received as yet but we presume our council elect will attend to that duty A journal representing industrial and S3iJSsJ up Mr Wjijtney Mr and Qppqsjyon critics gpnr by directing special attention to the soundness Ontarios finances utter Sty of proclaiming that the Province is in debt It The feature the Ontario finances la that with the ex ception of the grants to railways everything is it arises Not by borrowing as the Tories in tbe Dominion House used to do and thus increasing burdens for genera tions unborn to pay but paid for out of current revenue We pay as we go and this is the secret Provin cial success By way of proving what The asserts it goes on to say-r- a sentence Ontario has money invested with tie Dominion on which she gets other sums invest ed in banks and elsewhere on which she got in interest last year and with the exception rail way indebtedness owes no man a dol lar Should not the men who have managed her affairs for thirty years get some credit tor this happy state of affairs The very fact that these large sums are paid to the Province annually as interest ought to satisfy every inde pendent and thoughtful elector that the figure Juggling which opposition critics indulge in to reach conclusions the opposite of facts are but the vagaries of men- longing tor office rather than the best interest of the people- The bill introduced in the Legisla tive Assembly by Mr Preston to permit Municipal Councils to purchase or rent roadmaking machinery on basis of years payment has passed the committee stage and will become law this session 1Mr Richardsons bill to permit sep aration farm lands where sec tions of farms are included in town and village corporations was reject ed NORTH GWlfiLIMBURY Miss Jennie of Belle was visiting her cousin Miss Pearl of GwillSmbury a few days last week Mr John brotherinlaw Mr Whan of had the misfor tune to lose his house and most of the contents by fire last Friday at noon as the dinner was being prepared The Tire caught in some unknown way in the upper part of the building and soon after being discovered the house was a mass of Haines Nothing was saved but contents of the kitchen Miss Sarah Karl teacher in was visiting friends in this lection last Saturday and Sun day Miss Karls brother was a teacher in this section many years ago and afterwards one of the start in the Collegiate for a number years Air Crittenden of Keswick one day last week entered the army of Mr is a storekeeper at Keswick We wish him much joy Mr wards moved last week with his faintly across the lake above Mr Perry Sweet recently sold his lot on the 3rd con Queen St and purchased a house and lot on the con near where he has moved with his family Wo were exceedingly sorry to read in your last- weeks issue of the death of Rev Geo pastor of the Methodist Church Newmarket a man esteemed by all who knew him As a man and a christian minister we have seldom known his equal Our deepest sympathies are with the be reaved family were pleated to read in last weeks the very favorable sketch of the late Mr Taylor of fatherinlaw of Mr John of this Section ft is this class of In Ontario emigrating from the old land especially England and Scotland that has made this country what it is today Earnest honest Industrious Godfearing men who fear no difficulties who shirk no re sponsibilities who have an abiding faith in and in their coun try with the courage to support that faith these are the men who have fought Englands battles who have settled her colonies and who are sup porting today the worlds greatest empire The Ottawa Citizen Conservative In calling attention to the tact that there now eight newspaper men in the Local House is reminded that it is about time these newspaper re presentatives did something to amend the law of libel to protect the press against the operations legal harpies Wc hope Pres ton Graham have heard the musical whispers of the Ot tawa scribe Children Cry for CASTOR I A rf FOR SALE 9 The Store and PO Pro perty and Stock A good spot for an Afcency or Huckster in connection Apply to E RUTHERFORD itcture the Trade Mark of Scott and I on the wrapper of every bottle Send tor frit SC0TT4B0WNE TORONTO CANADA and all COAL WOOD Nut Stove and Eg PEED TIMOTHY SHED cor Main St Noun Not When General Grant was in China says a contributor to Short Stories he journeyed by water from Tientsin to Peking One morning there was no wind and the coolies walking along the river bank pulled the houseboat They made little progress and finally the general called his Chinese servant and said Boy why for these coolies no can more fast Must the hoy The general thinking the boys meaning was that he should sjwak i a tone the coolies could overhear raised his voice and repeated Why for these coolies no tan morel fast To which the boy as before Must low Several times this dialogue was re peated and General Grant did louder until he fairly shouted At last the boy slightly varied his response No speak- so high he said More better Our hero was just beginning to feel like Alice in Wonderland when a ray of light seemed to flash across the mind of the boy and he rushed to the end of the boat seized the captain arm and dragging him to Gram exclaimed This man belong pidgin English for is just now can he General Grant saw the joke On Chinese boats the captain is called Children Cry for CA 1 The UJAN SAVINGS COMPANY TORONTO Cor Sit i HON GEO A COk Km 500000 Interest allowed on Repayable Demand on Interest allowed on Debentures Repayable on days notice WRITE FOR COPY OF ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER INFORMATION R WOOD Ant mm ii The Leading Specialists America 25 Years In Detroit Bank Security Nine hire be of ibeir youth Nat ate never excuses no matter or lieiuay and auffcriacotrespoods with the crime The only Itt proper scientific to contcracl effects The or through the urine itinsi he the NERVES mutt da the bleed must purified the SEXUAC ORGANS raul be and developed the BRAIN be nourished Our Men- Treatment all these rejuirinients Under influence tic the purified all and the nerves and depondtucy disappear the eyes become bright the lace fall clear 10 body and moral and sexual 1 a r- invito rated all drains no waste from he system The The become natural and madly We Invite all ibe afflicted to call and consult us and of charge Cures an We treat and cure Varlcwcle UbcB Unnatu ral BOOKS It to call write tot a QUESTION BLANK for Home Treatment DRS KENNEDY A KERGAN US ST MICH- Farm for Sale Soil Clay Alia in cell cut cuUlvatlou well watered The kind of farm to from first GEO RUSSELL Aurora Trade For Sever ion syitems cab vara OH sa In Tbo A L it la and Vim build p add solid of fteih and DAVIS ds LAWRBNOK limited- THE HANDIEST CHEAPEST Hi MOST RELIABLE UUI I UIIl For your private and general business A TELEPHONE Try It The Bell Telephone Co of Canada STARR GO- YEARS EXPERIENCE ENGINES FOR SALE a Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND FAINTED ALSO Of SEPARATORS And belt Your choice I Full Rig for 40000 On four years time j Cheap at 600 DKSIQNt Ac tnyoBasaodtof a Oar opinion Ions Oldest Mann may IVU 1111 fleet taken tfiro nan A to taken WwisoTfjiantthMttftFa Scientific air illostxataa an seJsALiao eolation fcookatnvaa4 a Help and How yon rOBlii sketch or of your In- v VI orltnptovenent and we In oar opinion to whether it patentable fiekcud Seen by We conduct fully offices In Montreal and Washington qualifies to prom dispatch broad as the Invention furnUhed paten procured Marlon Ma rion without in over distributed the Patent Manufac turer and MARION MARION Paitant and Solicitor The Great Ideal Needs no Introduction or Hint can be It Is and duty to school a to town it with out roved Ideal Autonutio AND ESTIMATE GLADLY mTRNISKEp THE OFFICE SPECIALTY CO Limited Toronto