Newmarket Era, 7 Mar 1902, p. 1

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wfjsv The Era gives more home news every week than any two other papers in North combined is Leading County Paper J a L YORK AND ADVERTISER PA Give roe the to to utter and to argue according to conscience above all otter liberty No paper sent outside N York unl paid I advance LI No Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday March 7 1902 TERMS per annum If paid In advance YOUR WANTS In Heavy and Shelf Oar Toronto better Crowded out last week The fl 0 Carriage and Plumbing Can be Supplied to your SATISFACTION INNS NEWMARKET A PLUMBING on PATENT MEDICINES are the AT- DRUGSTORE o Have a Look at some of them Regular Our Price Price Williams Pink Pills Kidney Pills 35 Ozone small 50 35 Any three of above Regular Our Price Price Ozone large Burdock Blood AyerB Hoods 100 Scotts Emulsion Phases Pills 15c Caases K Pills Chases Syrup or Linseed and Turpentine j J Electric OU Dr Thomas 15 A0erlCM Carters Little Liver Pills 15 Cure Compare our Prices with any oth ere All patents at Cut Prices We Lead in all Branches of our Business and will not be Undersold by anyone J BROUGHT The Leading Druggist NEWMARKET ONTARIO The doors of the Church of the As cension were forced on Saturday night and the poor box rifled of its contents Sir Charles was in the city the beginning of this week On private business The explosion of a lamp on Sunday evening did 550 damage to a residence in leystreet St Church held continued mass for JO hours from Monday till Wednesday forenoon The Millinery brigade from all parts of the Province were greatly in evidence the first of this week Styles and fashions formed the chief topic of their conversation A bold thief snatched a purse from Mrs Leake on Satur day night and got away with it It contained The student volunteer convention was a great success Over one hun dred young men and women declared their intention of proceeding within the next few months the foreign field The number of registered dele gates nearly touched the three thous and mark Over threefourths of these were students Over two hun dred more were professors lectur ers Of the other delegates over one hundred were returned missionaries The announcement is made by Sir John that satisfactory ar rangements have been made for the next general meeting of the Royal So ciety of Canada in Toronto during last week of May Rev Dr Wild declared that the pro visions of Premier Ross prohibition bill were quite lenient The bill however was not a judicious one as the progress of temperance had been so great that in years time we- will not require a law to of liquor A delegate to- the recent Students Convention who had been staying in spent some time in carving on a telegraph pole on Kingstreet a square enclosing the words ll God is Love The conspicuous location of the little text and the unusual method employed by the delegate to bring it before the passersby has had the de sired result of giving many careless observers something to think about A detachment of the Highland ers will participate in the military tournament in New York City from the to the de tachment will consist of forty officers and men and fif teen pipers The Union Loan Building at Torontostreet was destroyed by fire early Monday morning last Loss the fellow who robbed companion in the train last week while on the way from got off with days The Toronto lacrosse team whose members have decided on making a The Ancient Order of United Work men for the Province of Ontario met in in Toronto last week About 500 representatives picked men from the subordinate lodges were present and manifested a deep interest in the business The of the Grand Officers for were satisfactory show ing a year of exceptional in this pioneer of fraternal insurance so cieties Master Workman Cornet in his annual report says We have been able to pay all death claims from the receipts of assessments one a month and have a balance at tori Executive Committee A Hastings Toronto Stephen Grant London Toronto Baric Stirling appointed- Auditors Geo Clay To ronto and A White Hamilton Another better South Africa BROCK IN THR LEO A Achievement GREATEST fiLttCTHIOAL OK THLT AGIO New York March L William Mar coni who returned from England to day on the American liner Philadel phia broke all records of telegraiihy during the voyage from Southampton A complete connected message of four words was received from the Marconi station at- MD CARDER Elected Recorder by acclama tion for consecutive year the end of the year of af ter paying all claims passed upon Further on he says am pleased to report from every section of our jurisdiction the most encouraging re ports have been received and during the two years that I have had the honor of presiding over the we have had a large applications in 1900 and in the largest number in a single year in the history of the Order On tario Referring the annual re ports of the officers he adds Our system is one of the most perfect It is a question if there is another or ganized company or corporation in existence that gives a more detailed statement of all transactions than that given by the financial officers of the of Ontario These facts gleaned from the very complete report of- M Carder Grand Recorder will interest not members of the Order but the pub lic generally The members Initiated in was Members in good standing Dec 31 Average age of new members 10m new lodges or- Our first Shipment of New Dress Goods are very attractive All the New Shades of Silk in Stock r TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE In there were trip to England commenced playing Total lodges in Ontario this week in St Lawrence 10 The Reserve Fund is Hall Mrs Kenneth Mackenzie of Winnipeg is the guest Of Senator and Mrs Mel- vinJbnes Trinidad will exhibit at the next Industrial A tremendous crowd greeted Mr Geo In Hall Monday evening As a humorist he stand unrivalled A couple of arrests have been made this week arising out of charges of fraudulent assignment The case will come up in the police court Friday A young man named A from Nova Scotia was picked up at the foot of Trif1y St on Monday morning where- In attempting to board a moving express ho had fallen against the train and re ceived a fracture of the skull He was taken to the hospital Lieut Col Gray who was once the Conservative MPP for West York and was one of early reeves of before union with the city Is now talking of running as an In dependent Conservative of West York and opposed to the referendum Farm Jan 1902 Dear Parents Sisters Brothers I received your welcome letter ami was so glad to find you alt well at home I am still enjoying the best of health at present When I wybte before I told you of our quiet but we had a better spread for New Years We went out to the Katfjrs and got some chickens and roasted them but the pudding from the Gov ernment did not arrive until after New Years We made merry over it while it lasted j The columns under Bruce Hamilton have been operating around us now for the last three weeks as sisted by another column under Col They have had lots of fighting and have succeeded in captur ing a large number of Boers and their stock Commandant with about men all split up into small parties are continually trying to get- thru our lines Night before last a number of them got thru be tween and Troops posts The posts are too far apart and so it is sometimes impossible to stop them going thru in the night Three hun dred men of the 6 lit Dragoon Guards have been patrolling our line the last two nights as the Boers are trying so hard to get thru Another young fellow and I were out getting potatoes about a week ago about from our Post where the Boers are lying around in small parties of four and five and I got struck with part of a bullet just on- the of my left leg half way between knee and hip It was only a slight wound and is nearly healed up again A bullet stings like something burning and I was glad it was nothing serious Our Post has captured several horses lately so that we have our own horses to go about on now We got bags of squash a couple of days ago They are excellent to eat We target practice a few days ago The range was and yds The shooting was very good but not wishing to boast of myself the and were the only ones of our who hit the yd range hut it Is not a disgrace to miss that for it Is nearly a mile and one has to have a very true rifle to shoot well which some of them have not Welt am glad to of some more of the Newmarket boys coming out here and I must say certainly deserves credit for coming again am going to get a picture of Bensons battlefield send of more than two thousand miles they were constantly back and forth with the sta tion relative to the experiments they we making The of the to whom we are indebted for the above The success of in telegraph ing without a wire across the broad Atlantic almost takes away our breath Accustomed as we are to the miracles of science this last is like a Across stormy sea and the foggy Banks from the lone out post in the bands Knd of Cornwall to Beacon Hill of St John mys terious message finds its way and ticks its record on the sensitive plate Shall our prayers then not the listening ear of our Father who is in heaven Marconi is scarcely thirty years of age born in Bologna of an English mother and Italian father discovery is the result of seven years experiment and study r WILLIAM MARCONI Cornwall near the Lizard the ship was miles from that point Furthermore signals were taken by the instrument on the Philadelphia which were sent from the station at a distant- of miles With a station on this side in trans mitting force to that at the he could have maintained constant effective comtmmication ashore during the entire voyage Speaking of the achievement Mr Marconi said This time there can indeed be no error Mills and Chief Officer signed each mes sage received witnesses Fifteen hundred miles at regular messages were received from the Cornwall sta tion and ticks were recorded at a distance of miles It had been said that my Newfoundland messages were due to my imagination and to atmospheric currents so I requested the captains signature to bear me out We go from here to Canada in a few days to arrange for the putting up of a permanent station at Cape Breton There will be many strides forward made in the next few months Mr Marconi was accompanied on the trip by Saunders one of the directors of the Marconi Com pany and two engineers and J Taylor The four men spent most of their time in the Island House of the ship where the Marconi instalments were set up and from the time they left the Liaard until the last faint signals were taken at a A young son of Mr Duncan Giles manager of the Woollen Mills was drowned Mr Samuel Cochrane of London Out was killed by the fall of a brick wall that he was tearing down Sir Wilfrid has given not ice of resolutions to provide pensions for the Northwest Mounted Police Conductor Geo Porter of London on Saturday slipped on the ice which covered the platform at and broke his leg The Thames River in flood breach ed the London West breakwater in two places Saturday but there is no danger of an inundation During the week ending February there were only 55 deaths in the concentration camps in South Africa with a population of The Telegraph has transmitted words a minute on its lines between London and Teheran by the system The New Hamburg Mfg fac tory at New Hamburg was totally destroyed by fire Friday Loss on building stock Clarence a 9yearold news boy of Woodstock died Friday from inflammation of the brain the effects of practical joking on the part of his chums A great flood inundated a large part of the mill section of NJ It is estimated that the loss wrought by the flood is as large as that by the fire On the Canadian Northern Rail way being built thru Manitoba and the work will be com menced immediately on the Pacific Coast ei of the line from Bute In let Mr Vigers of Vigers Co- Port Arthur closed a contract on Saturday for a new passenger and freight dock at Port Arthur for the Canadian Northern to cost It must be completed by July try Now think that have told you all the news I have for this time Re member to all inquiring friends and with love to all at home I re main as ever your loving son Win Brock No 13 Troop Wast Division Heidelberg South Africa Automobile sleighs arc very popu lar in Prussia to every lodge Paid in for deaths here now in Average age at Amouiil tolliU ve chilly at night so that wo since Cash w on sen received in from all sources Death rate per It is interesting to note the ages at which died members died between and yrs between and between 30 and 31 between and between and II between and ID be tween and between and and at the ages yearn and over In dealing with proposed amend to tike Constitution Grand Lodge decided not to admit women not to start a sick benefit branch not to change the rates this year to longer debar residents of the Yukon from membership not to make an ex tra call for the Reserve Fund not to start a fund for aged and infirm mem not to Issue liflcatcs It decided to hold the- an sessions iu future the third week in March to continue the Canadian Workman as the official or gan to hold next annual session in Toronto to continue to employ or ganizers and to try to add new mem- is a Favorite Month Fop Home Dyeing Hogg elevator at Man- pure blood a bright eye a clear complexion a Veen appetite a good dilution and refreshing sleep Take BRISTOL ill It arouses the quickens the circulation brightens the spirit and generally improves health it to the know All druggUts cell BRISTOLS A PI J v Station was burned with a large quantity of grain The loss is or After being borne on a raging tor rent of water for more than yds thru a sewer in Providence Rhode Island on Sunday a boy was rescued at its mouth by two men ifarch very sad drowning accident occurred at near on Saturday when Mrs Geo Brooks and her Bon were drowned in tbe Oswego Creek The met her death while attempting to save her eon Master Workman Joseph Gibson In Past Master Workman Grand Foreman J M Peregrine Hamilton Grand Overseer Cameron Grand Recorder Carder Toronto Grand Trea surer Toronto Grand Guide J Allen Mount Forest Inside Watchman Ingram Ot tawa Outside Harris Solicitor A G Lawrence Toronto Medical Dr Cotton Toronto Grand Trustees G A Graham and Otto IL Kit WaHcr- In all well regulated homes in city or country the work of home dyeing is largely done in March The dresses- skirts capes jackets blouses and other articles of wearing apparel used and worn a year ago but now dingy and faded will be brought out care looked over and redyed with some new and stylish color for this wear aids as the popular Dyes it is folly to spend money for new materials and garments Tito Diamond Dyes always brake old and faded things look as good as new The best as well as the use the Diamond Dyes success fully and profitably every spring Have you decided to make up a pretty and stylish mat or rug from your rags and waste materials p There is a pleasure in being able to point to your own homemade mats and rugs Send your address to Weils Richardson Co Limit ed Mountain St Montreal and you will receive sheets of designs for your inspection MADS

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