Newmarket Era, 7 Mar 1902, p. 2

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ERA FRIDAY MARCH geiu The Bill I Oar FOB An aged Horse and a Colt Mortimer lot con East Newmarket PO Competent Housekeep er wanted for the Spring month surroundings References Box Newmarket i ii Millinery Apprentices Wanted Apply at HUSHES A Dwelling on Street three storeys well end eastern and onequarter of an of lad Terms easy Apply on premises to MRS P SlJALUSY Horses Wanted WILL BE IN NEWMARKET From am to On Saturday March To buy Stout Cobs from to years to 154 bands aouttd with good feet and legs in good condition preferred In second of referendum Mil OB last Hon Mr Rosa made a powerful pro test against Use suggestion that pro hibitionists would be marked if came but to rote for a prohibit ory law on any other day than of toe general or municipal elections Tbe Premier also tok House the immense throng which the galleries and corridors tbe Legislative Chamber that as a pro hibitionist he never objected to being a marked man in- the days tem perance reform was struggling to wards a place in popular estimation referendum he said will be bus ed upon the vote in Provincial elections of and vole will take place in of this rear- on a day to be selected During his address Mr Ross quoted a number of authorities approving of his Mil and of the referendum principle Mr Whitney leader of the Opposi tion the Premiers speecbr- declared bill was had and pre sented as an alternative policy more strict enforcement of license in tbe number of li censes and the removal of the license department horn political influence In presenting this alternative Mr fffcitnev argued that the referendum was a device unknown to the British constitution The Attorney General followed completely upsetting Mr Whitneys theories and quoting eminent British authorities who recognized the refer endum as a useful and convenient method of testing pubjic reference to special classes of lega tionthe temperance issue being a rase in point A vote was not reach ed at the hour we go to press Stotry of the Disaster 1 T HOW THE WERE POWERED AT KLERKDORP North License District The Annual Meeting for granting Licenes in above District will be cm Friday of April At Inspectors Office Sharon At am All applications for Licenses must be in the Inspectors hand APRIL 1 A J HUGHES License Inspector A Good Farm fir Sale The West Acres Lot 30 and the North Acres of the West Acres of Lot both in Con known as the John Ran dall farms There is a firstclass Bam and Underground Stables on said premises also a fairly House There is running water on the premises The fences are good also a good Wind Mill For particu lars of sale apply to Sol for Vendors- Newmarket of Land for Sale FORMERLY OWNED BY LATE JOHN BENNETT Park lot South Side Town Line between East and Whit church Plan There is a running stream of water crossing same Land is good The whole forming a very valuable lot There is a small barn on same For particulars of sale apply to WIDDIFIHLD Sol for Vendors Newmarket A Cough Suggestion This la season chronic threat and lung troubles get their start is enough hate prompt and it la also that the beat possible remedy We aieo you will try SCOTTS Pulmonary Balsam thk Is fa many re- a superior that once familiar with It you will it a your oral household cough cure It pleasant to take owe as sickly as any iafe remedy can and It la guaranteed center Jurisdiction Over On Tueday last Premier a bill of vast importance to toe Province a bill to provide for the a tribunal to deal with and have- Jurisdiction over rail ways one that will enable a munici pal council to obtain redress in many instances from the and delays of electric and steam rail- way companies without the enormous expense and trouble of securing priv ate legislation Some of the provi sions of this bill are verv radical hut time and important changes are proposed It provides for the ap pointment of a Railway Committee of the Executive Council of Ontario to constat of the Commissioner of Public Works the the Commissioner of Crown Lands and such other members of the Coun cil as may from time to tune be ap pointed This Committee is to have jumdittion over all steam electric and street railways subject to legis lative jurisdiction and it may exer cise the present functions of the and the Commissioner of Public Works The committee is constituted a court take evidence and enforce attendance of witnesses The further powers of the committee are thus briefly by the World reporter The committee shall also have pow er to determine all arising on the application whether the com pany shall le entitled to rights under the agieement objected to questions of compensation rate of speed Hie rights of either company upon high ways It shall also have jurisdiction to de termine any disputes between com panies Junctions cross ings interchange of com as to service rates and tolls The committee may at any in the province Any of its decisions be enforced in the same manner as a decision of the High Court It may resclrd from tle to time any previous decision may state a case in writing lor the opinion of the Court of Appeal where a of law is It also has discre tion apportioning costs Municipal councils may impose con ditions the rails of the com pany to conform to grade the and as far as possible with the pavement and the companies to- keep the in Inches of each side of its tracks clean and in proper repair cards for is not an against the Jaw said His Honor Judge at the open ing of the Court of General Sessions Tuesday but he added it is against the law if it proven that the roan who runs the jjatninghouBo docs so for gain It seems peculiar to the lay mind to read that it la illegal to with cards for money In a railway train and not illegal to play cards- for money in a private house where the proprietor only charges reasonable rates for light heat rtiJCslunents etc This however is one of the incongruities of Canadian law as enacted and by our Httro Martin was in to over SuBsday Air James Stark is in the city this week on jury Miss Louie Richardson is visiting in the this week Miss Gertie Bennett is from a throat disease Mr Robert Meads has been sick all hoe week with pleurisy Mr Jno Druery Toronto J tion was in Town yesterday Jackson had a few lady friends to tea last Friday night Mrs A is visiting her parents at Port Ferry for a week or two Mr James Wilson of Toronto was in Town a couple of days this week Hughes is attending the Openings in the oiby this week John Parkins has moved Pine Orchard to the farm on J English left for Preston on Monday where he secured a sit for the summer Miss L Smith of was here attending the funeral other aunt Mrs Bogart Mr Fred Toronto spent yesterday in Town attending the funeral of his mother David Carrey returned on Wednesday from a weeks visit with friends in Lawton Dak Mr Marshall ol US was attending the funeral of his sister Mrs Josefh Mr who was very low with pneumonia is recovering also Mr A Thompson Rev- J A Martin of was in Town last week visiting his sisterinlaw Mis Andrew Ego Mrs Kit hen wife Of the Town electrician has returned home after spending weeks or more with her Mr Mrs Will and son of were in Town yesterday attending funeral of his mother Several of our hockey enthusiasts went to the city on Tuesday evening to see Gait out of action by to LieutColonel Lloyd was in the city on as representative of the Ont Vet College on the indus trial Exhibition Board Sirs A Vernon and three children spent a couple of weeks with Grand father John Rogers be fore leaving the Mr Frank Wright left for verry Man last Friday after hav ing spent a delightful visit of two months with the of his youth The following from North York are down to the city on Grand Jury Luke Gibbons foreman Geo Black burn Chas Win all of King Alex Sr East Paisley and Trammer Whitchurch There are 38 cases on the docket Mr Joe of Acton Dak writes as follows We are hav ing a beautiful winter no snow at all and very little cold weather At present the ground is bare and ditches filled with water It barely freezes it at night Our winters are getting less severe every year and if crops were better this would be a nice place to be hut still I to be able to come back to see the old home some future day I am pleased with the Era as a paper and the prompt man ner in which it is sent Mr of Alameda writes Am pleased to tell you we arc enjoying our usual health and the rainy season now did not begin in real until about a week ago and has laincd every day since The people are jubilant in consequence Can as- jure you we do not envy you your winter from what we read of it Our thermometer stands at today Everything looks in bloom everywhere grass as high as in June In Ontario People were planting their potatoes weeks ago Once in awhile a stray North Yorker drops in upon us We had one in the person of Dr Warren Iambic lives a few miles from here and is very well fix ed He was very much pleased to hear of all the old friends and was to see your paper He took it with It is forty years since he left Newmarket Extend our kind regards to all enquiring friends London herb from descrirh- frig the attack upon and capture by the Boers on Feb at a of Kkrksdorp of soldiers ftcting as to an empty wagon train show that laid plans care and a precise knowledge of the ground The third attack convoy cohdveA from Various and was most determined By sheer recklessness sought to ride and overwhelm the British defence British guns shelled Boers but nothing stopped their slauit which was carried out with resistless impetus The convoy mutes was subjected to a heavy re They stampeded and put many defenders temporarily out erf ac tion and caused the wildest cbnCu- For a hours the British held but The then divided and were surrounded A few minutes of con fused flghtingand all was over The Boers galloped along the line fixing at every man who the slight est tendency to resist until they leached and captured the guns to the rear the Northumberland who out off suo- fighting their way out for some distance when their ammuni tion became exhausted They charged with bayonets but were speedily over powered By in the morning all resistance was at an end Bead ffnd wounded were scattered over field Broken and panic- stricken hordes and- mules made indescribable confusion Not until Gen came in per son was anything like order restored the Boers engaged in the British wounded by the free use of his but tbey con tinued work of despoiling directly his back was turned London March A despatch from Orange River Colony to the Central News states that several recent captured declare Christian Wet was shot in the ami in a recent attempt to break t trough the lines Tbe despatrh says that these prison ers confirm statement that Botha was killed and Botha nephew of Command antGenera Botha Is a prisoner On the informed opinion the Pall Vail Gazette prophesies the end of all hostilities in South September Newmarkets Leading Store Ready with a vast array of New Spring Goods in every Never before have been so tempting or prices so Low as this season Our ready cash and ability to handle quantities of goods has given us a decided ad vantage over the slow pay man who is glad to get goods from any dealer at any price so long as he can get them We have as fine a collection of New Wall Papers as any store in Toronto with two special advantages to the buyer First our prices are twenty per cent lower second you can get you want and return what you dont require New Glimmer Papers per roll 3 New Glimmer Papers per roll Handsome Patterns New Paper per roll cents Beautiful Patterns New Paper per roll cents Beautiful Patterns New Paper per roll cents Handsome Parlor and Hall Paper per roll cents The earlier you buy Wall Papers the belter your chance of getting the work done be fore the spring rush Sped prices lor large quantities The In Town on the Feb 1902 to Mr and Mrs Trios a daughter In Town on of Feb to Mr and Mrs a daughter ELLIOTT At Feb the wife of J Elliott manager Standard Bank of Canada of a son Town on Feb to Mr and Mrs Hughes a daughter IRWIN At Weston on Wednesday Feb 2Cth to Dr and Mrs Irwin nee TOss New- a daughter RUSH In Town on on Feb to Mr and Mrs Jacob a son The Alter On Feb at the residence of the brides parents Mr William to Miss of Wliib- church JOHNSON On Feb at the Parsonage Richmond Hill by Mr I to Miss Gil- lion both of Aurora PRESTON At Chris tian Parsonage Feb Mr Leslie to Ethel ter Our Suits are tailormade fit perfectly wear excellently and always look and are strict uptodate Mens very stylish Suite price Mens first class Tweed Suits stylishly made We have a magnificent range of Suite at Mens Fine Worsted Suite at would be cheap at Mens Fancy the new thingprice Mens Tweed Special Price Mens Worsted Pants There is no more up to dace Clothing Department in Canada than at this store and we want you to test our words H E The Forester states that maple sap was running well during the past week possibly the same is true of sections of during the thaw which prevailed dur ing tbe last week of February i SPRING AT STARRS Writing Papers HOLLAND LINEN CREAM ROYAL VELVET ANTIQUE LINEN The shapes and tint with envelopes to match Mrs Book Groceries Provisions FRESH POODS SCOTTS DRUG STORE Main Street Phone The Hon Clifford accom panied by bis wife and family and Senator Gibson of left Ottawa on Saturday last mi a fOitnlRMs visit to Virginia Mr for some days before leaving bad been suffering a severe an his throat had been causing him some trouble arid Is Just as Inconsistent and ridiculous- as in the proverbial days of Dan OConnor who contended that could a thru mo of lie statutes enacted I Sold by PILL POIiiTo Dr Atfnow Fills are purely VeKfttobl Compound A oIentlfloaIly studied Form ula of have boon am much results o with of th Ancient and no healing powers Of If you must medicine look for most and surest Dr Pill I axe supreme In cases of Sick Head- Sallow Shin Constipation etc The Tomb St To ronto Saturday March Victoria widow of Daniel ney of Keswick aged 35 years Interred at on Monday last Holt on Saturday 1st March years At Holt on the 1st March daughter Geo A Tra vis aged In Town on March Malt Breakfast Fowl Harriett widow Joseph jQPnM par Funeral yesterday afternoon inter- Rolled at Newmarket Cemetery l n tf JAPAN TEA SPECIAL LB on March BEST TEA A BLUE PER LB wife ROYAL YEAST PER PACKAGE of Mr Henry her BAKING SODA IN BULK LB c POWDER WHITE DAISY PER funeral at the Church A BEANS CLARKS LB TIN VERY FINE PER TXN 10a yesterday and intoaod at Cemetery At Feb after suffering or a length of time from kidney and heart troubles Mrs in her year I i i lie Flaked Barley iitVftihftt Rolled Oats lbs for SI fell PURE CLOVER HONEY IN SMALL SEALERS OR BULK I GOLD SOAP The Latcet Product lor HouseCleaning Room Bedroom and Parlor Suite for days before fitock taking at price that are Now la the time to fit up your home with elegant furniture at cost Come and see John Millard Opposite Royal Hotel Undertaking and A YOUNG In on 1st of March Marjory Gertrude f of Mr Patrick and j Interred at St Johns Cemetery last Monday on the of Feb Margaret widow of Vales aged years EGG POWDER A perfect substitute for eggs in Cakes and Bum A egg RH3D FRUITS California per Interred at St Johns Cemetery be- select VaWncJa I side the remains her Currants per ft They were both wellknown residents of Newmarket or years ago Evaporated per S J GREEN FRUITS Best per doz to Messina per IB to 30 Marmalade Oranges per doz0to35 PRESERVED FRUITS Jams Raspberry us Jar Ma Black Currant In bulk per Black Currant by the pail 1 MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention CENTRAL CANNED FRUITS Plum per Canned Peaches per tin Calmed Cherries tin Fresh Bulk Oysters W STARR- V i

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