Newmarket Era, 7 Mar 1902, p. 3

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J J THENEWMARKBi FRIDAY Weeks IS OH IK A Broke Its driving last week Co of lost one bis horses It in the deep snow fell forward arid broke its neck Regular meeting the Missionary Society of the Methodist church next Wednesday afternoon at 3 oclock at the residence of Mr Lambert Pearson Prospect Ave Christian The Endeavor has appointed the following officers for tfie ensuing term President Mrs Lehman Vice Mrs J Sec Miss Pearl Millard Cor Sec Air Eves Miss Jennie Org Miss Stella Rolls Wall Papers At 5c per roll worth Friday and Saturday at flBad Last Sunday morning when Mr Thus Gardner was attending to bis sons horse he thought be would lead it out of the stable for a breath of fresh air but the horse was rattier frisky and in Kicking up its heels it struck Mr Gardner on the left side of head inflicting a painful wound Though- stunned for a mo ment Mr Gardner held fast to the halter Medical aid was secured and alter being laid up four days he went to work at the foundry again yester day It was a pretty close call as his head was cut right around the tem ple Head Cut- One day last week Mr Burns took a ride with Mr Starrs baker on his Mount Albert trip Returning borne by way of Pine Orchard and in the precincts of the rig dipped suddenly into a pitcbhole with Students By special correspondent of the Era Toronto has home of near ly American I Btirfents profess ors ministers and returned mission aries who have been attending the fourth Annual Student Movement Contention last four days The convention was the best in toe history of the Movement TOe business meetings were Hall and the Metropolitan church and to prevent crowding at these meetings tickets were issued to the duly authorized delegates and those members of the Movement who were entitled to admittance these were honored at the doors the public were admitted Other meetings were held in the churches turnout centre of the city and usually there were ten or twelve meetings going on the same time The result of tbe Convention was very satisfactory both from a spiritual and a financial standpoint The Movement The object of the Convention was to enthuse interest in the hearts of the in the great importance of assisting the missionaries and to re port annually the work that is being done in the mission fields At this Convention it was found that the in terest was rapidly increasing and over one hundred young men and wo men signified their intention and de sire to take up that kind of evangel istic work and were prepared to go within months Reports were re ceived from the different denomina tional fields of work and also from returned missionaries The Finances At a meeting in Hall on Friday over was contributed or subscribed for this work and the enthusiasm aroused was very great By actual count mere were delegates registered in the Secretarys books- and of these threefifths were students were professors and over were returned missionaries representing in all institutions On Sunday the congregations the churches in the centre the city had the privilege of listening to new sneakers in almost every instance both morning and evening and the such force that it overturned and Mr Burns struck the side of his head meetings were largely attended and against the cover that projects over tbe drivers seat Fortunately the horses were quiet and the rig escaped without damage On arriving at Newmarket the wound in Mr Burns forehead was properly dressed and the doctor found it necessary- to put three stitches in He is getting all right again Sure Thing I The Grand Jewel Cook Stoves al ways satisfy For sale at methodise Last Sunday morning Mr of Aurora preached a very in teresting sermon on the Right Thoughts and in the even ing Rev IS A Pearson gave an ad mirable sermon on The Life from the text For me to live is Christ and to die is gain This afternoon Rev Presi dent of Toronto Conference will meet the ministers and lay delegates of the Bradford District in the church here for the purpose of electing a as successor to the late Rev Geo and in the evening he will meet the Official Board of this church when the of ministerial sup ply will Everybody is anxious for Spring There was an ice jam on St last Saturday that very nearly look- away the sidewalk crossing Last Friday noon Mr J Read- head was filing a lancetooth saw when the bent with the weight he was pressing on it and a tooth cut the end of his thumb clean to the bone The high wind last Friday split one of the big shade trees in the Model School grounds and removed numer ous and rails from fences The were covered with water last Friday afternoon and many peo ple in Town were troubled with water in their cellar The Agricultural and Horticultural Boards hold a meeting next Monday night to appoint Standing Commit tees for the next Fall Fair Our Finest grade of American manufac tured Hardware Separate School Report for the month of January and February names in order of meru it Rose Doyle Irene OMalley Mary Lizzie McCaffrey Jr Oscar Frank Mo- Hale Harry Doyle Annie McCaffrey Bert Barry May Henry Burke Cell O Mary Scdore Annie Sou I ley Vincent Bransfield Frank Bar ry Hodgins Mat Mulroy Maurice McHale Burke Rose Racine Clara Gould Caldwell Brown An drew Willie McCaffrey Ru dolph Irene Doyle Jr Pi IllBernard Frank Doyle Willie West Walter George Warren Knopf May It McCabe teaxher very interesting The farewell meet ing was held in Hall on Sun day evening and lasted fully three hours after which many of the dele gates took trains Tor the south Some of them however were a little scrupu lous about travelling on Sunday and for their convenience for there were a number- of them the railway au thorities made up a train which left the Union Station at one minute af ter midnight on Sunday Carlton St Methodist Church This church was favored on Sunday with two very able speakers who spoke to crowded houses and of the great mission movements The Rev Baldwin of New York and Secretary of Missions spoke in the morning and Bishop of India spoke in the evening Dr- Baldwin in opening his address said that he had positive proof that the time was not far distant when the kingdoms of the world would be converted to Christ and he contra dicted the statements of some who thought the world was becoming worse instead of better In speaking of the mission field in which be has worked Dr Baldwin said that in the Methodist Church had only two christian people in India a missionary Dr Butler and his wife When the uprising in Natal took place they had to flee lor their- lives after being frequently warned by the Governor that it was dangerous for them to stay there They just got out hours before the Sepoys came in and killed all the christian people Since then and up to the time that Dr Baldwin went to India there has been a wonderful change and in looking over the maps of the world to see what progress has been made in the civilization na tions if will be found that no country has exceeded India There were many difficulties the speaker went on to say in the early years of mission work in India In the first place it took him days to go to India from the United States while now a trip can be made in days from San There were as said before only two believers there in while now there are 72000 christians in that part of India north of the Ganges river It was thought by mission aries a wonderful achievement to have one Methodist Conference but now there are many conferences in flour ishing condition A prominent lead er of told Dr Baldwin that their religion was that of yes terday while ours was of tomorrow and expressed as in sympathy with the movement by saying that it was as the rising of the morning sun while theirs was as the setting of the sun When he arrived at Calcutta Dr Baldwin found that there were only native christian After remain ing there for years he returned to the United States and reported conversions and eight Methodist con ferences his return four years after be found that there were China Dr Baldwin said that this portkin of the was rapidly being opened up and toe natives were more interested North is being owned as well Owing to the disturbances there dur ing the last i two yearn people will naturally the work would be somewhat but Dr Baldwin disagreed with that idea and claimed that it would prove to be best year the history of foreign Uprising in During the uprising Boxers at contrary to first reports no Methodist missionaries were killed but a great many native christians and missionaries were put to death To show how devoted some of these native christians were Dr Baldwin told of two cases where the Boxers took on some of their own blood and a leader of the native christians if would burn in Cense in tie church he would be sav ed This he refused to do and was out to death Another native a boy about years age had become Converted and was allowed the same privilege of be declined to accept this which he thought was not right and when they told him he would be put to death he said he would use the few moments he had to Jive in telling them of the great wrongs they were doing The Boxers cut off his lips to prevent from telling the truth and finally mutilat ed his body until be Since these and other examples of have been made known natives they are interested and very enthusiastic in the work Japan a long time all missionaries were kept out of Japan because of the belief of the Japanese that all for eign schemes were for their destruc tion and retardment of what they considered was the great advance ment and that their nation was to become one of the first of the world At last Dr Baldwin thinks they have settled down to a basis by which they have decided to adopt any eign ideas that will advance their country and keep any rules that they now have that will not retard their advancement As a result of this the inksionaries have been allowed into Japan and during last year Japs have been converted Methodist have only been established in about years and now the people are clamoring for the gospel The Methodists in Dr Baldwins opinion should have at least 25 missionaries at once while the Presbyterians claim a demand for 100 When one of the Methodist mis sionaries was starting to America he Was detained a special message from the King asking him to promise to make arrangements for the educa tion of young men in American colleges the King promising that he would supply the students In his closing remarks Dr Baldwin raid the missionaries in India were accustomed to great tiling as had been almost a continual One Sunday in he had seen persons bap tized This should move the hearts of the people and they should be en couraged in the work Of course all this work could not be carried on without money At one time there was a great demand for workers but The ppliindfM i The services next will be conducted at the usual the Rev Cornell Paint Is different from other It goes much farther looks like enamel For sale at- Hardware- Real Changes Mr Michael Cain fanner of Bast has bought the residence of Mr Will Collins the North end and the latter has to vacate next week Accident Last Sunday morning Mr Stephen son of Aurora drove Mr Frank Yorke here to take the service in the Methodist church On the way home the horse got down deep snow on Eaglestreet arid a shaft Canes In addition to the rush for pails and tubs at this season of the year the screen door and window depart ment is active just now This may be imagined when we state that the factory is turning out screen doors and teen windows a daw P The public meeting last Friday night- in the Temperance Hall under the of the Newmarket Poul try and Pet Slock Association was a great success There was a good attendance and Col Lloyd occupied the chair The lecture by Professor Graham of the Agricultural College was very interesting and in structive The Secretary Mr J has promised us a synopsis of the lecture for next issue ill i Spring Goods Arriving Daily NEW SPRING PRINTS FROM PER YARD UPWARD NEW ART MUSLINS FROM PER YARD UPWARD NEW CRETONNES FAST COLOR YARD NEW LACE CURTAINS Immense Stock of We always have shown the best value iri Lace Curtains in Town but this season we even surpass ourselves CORSETS SPECIAL WELL BONED CORSET FOR PAIR STRAIGHT FRONT GIRDLE IN ALL MAKES AND PRICES NONE SO GOOD AS BAKING POWDER Embroideries Direct Importation just to hand Quality Variety Unlimited Price The lowest in the trade anywhere- CORNER STORE mm Explanation Last week reference was made to King Council printing contract as having appearance of crookedness in giving the tender at a higher price than our offer Yesterday we receiv ed an explanation which exonerates the on this score but does us an injustice at the expense of the ratepayers We were asked to tend er for the printing for the current year and in our letter stated for the year expecting to do the years work no matter what date it commenced The tender accepted stated from March to March The Council then figured the cost of printing the Abstract of Ac counts in Feb and adding it to the price of our tender together with the election printing made it more than the one accented rThe Orange Grand Lodge of is in session at Winnipeg Stoek Market Extra FOR THIS The cattle trade in Toronto this week was a little dull owing to the depressed condition of the market in the Old Country The range in good exporters was from to In butchering cattle picked lots sold from to and fairly good from to 440 Feeding cattle sold at 360 to and good at to Milch cows in steady demand from to each now Midfo from to demand and all that was needed was the means taking devot ed workers to their fields of Lambs sold at 4 to 5 per fehrep at 350 to 375 and bucks at It is a special privilege the people to Select hogs to lights and fats to 55 fids country have In placing heir contributions where they know they will do a good In the evening Bishop spoke of his personal experience in the mission field where he had been a working lie was year of age Newmarket March WW As he had to address another meet- the same evening in Hail White Wheat per bush a his address on India and part of Wheat per China was somewhat short but he Goose Wheat per bush agreed with the speaker of the morn- BucHwheat in the fact that civilization and Barley per bush christian evangelization was making hush great strides I bush Rye per bush Butter v Sheep Pelts WEDNESDAY March Morrison will have an unreserved pec ton Sole Register sale of Stock and tfran per ton on lot in 2nd con of Shorts ton 21 miles East per bag Canes Factory months cred it sums over or 6 per cent a a a a a a a 0 a a a a a 56 0 21 0 00 20 Ladies Lisle Thread ose for pairs Ladies Black Fine Lisle Thread Hose Drop Stitch Fancy Assorted Coloured Stripe Tops full fashioned sizes regular value for this weeks selling pair Ladies Fancy Cotton Hose for 1 pairs Black Cotton Hose with assorted Colored Stripes size regular price Special this week 121 Cent Prints for yards 32in Light Colored Prints in Stripes Patterns Figures extra good Cloth regular price yd On Sale this Week at yd r V a 0 a per off lor cash Sale at oclock sharp I J Kavanagh auctioneer A TUESDAY March Mr Hen ry will have an important sale of stock and implements on lot in the rear of the 3rd of Bast half a mile east of Term credit on sums over Sale at one oclock sharp Karanah auctioneer MONDAY March Mr will have an sale of stock and implements on lot Don 3 North near Jersey credit on sums over except for hay and hogs or per cent off for cash Sale at oclock W Kavanagh auctioneer per pair Ducks 0 per a a a a per l Toronto Toronto March Wheat per a White Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per bush a loose Wheat per bush a conversions and at Keo Ite found erected a beautiful church with The residence of Mr James seating capacity of people There Belle art was destroyed by on were no partitions as in their naMve the 21st February places of worship where high parti- 1 A bill appropriating are made to hide the women for the Improvement of the Erie Can- view has been favorably reported in the In of the movement in con- New York Senate Barley per bush Oats per bush Peas per Rye per Eggs per Butter roll per lb Hay per ton Potatoes per bag Sheepskins a Wool per lb 00 a Dressed Hogs per a a 0 46 a 00 a a a 16 12 a a 77 67 63 48 14 0 Irish Linen Table dozen Pure Irish Linen Damask Size 22 J and Worth 175 and Special 150 dozen Beef fore Beef bind CWckens per pair r pair Geese Alsike Seed Red Clover Seed Timothy Seed 1 4 I till a a a a a a a a 0 1 25 09 25 lb Box EATING PIGS this week CHAMBERS GELATINE PRESERVED GINGER 25c JAR ROSEMARY MINCEMEAT flc lb CAIRNS SCOTCH ORANGE MARMALADE liC BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 121c TOMATO CATSUP BOTTLE MtXED PICKLES WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE BOTTLE Mb TIN ENGLISH BREAKFAST COFFEE LAUNlJRY SOAP BARS FOR FAIRBANKS GOLD DUST 2tb BOX BROOKS SCOURING this week BAR LAUNDRY SOAP special OIL AUOIEIVS PETROLEUM TABLETS 20c WYETHS LITHIA TABLETS 35c MALT EXTRACT 30c PONDS 40c HOR MEDICINES Dr Kidney A Cough Powders 15 to a cents Dr McCraheys Condition Powders box Dr Heave Cure bottle Kendalls Spavin Cure Dicks Blood Purifier 40c I I i I Flints Condition Powders Sandersons Condition Powders Newmarket Ont

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