Newmarket Era, 7 Mar 1902, p. 4

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Rings Evil Io die mortality do tor neglects It known so 4ics cod The Whitney Candidate at Sutton TROUBLES cut of scrofula J Barrister o Main Street to Solicitor Notary Newmar ket Ontario lienaox Darrlsterff Conveyancer doors South of Of fice Herbert Lennox and Aurora will alao beat r8oHdrafor J Bom A Banker and Ontario Bank P S- Barrister Money to loan Bartons Bloc flu Block I Demist Post Office Block opposite the Methodist Church Whitney candidate made the same speech at Sutton last week as be did in Newmarket January with alterations suit In one of these diversions however he got beyond his depth with result his posi tion is simply ridiculous He that the statement that Govern ment intended to spend in dredging and deepening mouth of the Black River was an- absolute falsehood circulated by Mr Dams for the purpose of result of the election On Monday of I week Mr A tbe deputy Commissioner of Public Works Sutton and la company with a committee of citizens wept over proposed work with a view to esti mating the cost c This is what makes the statement of the Whitney candidate seem a little premature to say the least He also asserted that there was no provision in the esti mates of this expenditure and that there now could be ftOih as the ses sion was too far advanced and it was too late If the Whitney candidate would only take the trouble to look up the facts of the case before deny ing the intention of the Government in sweeping terms be would find that Ibis amjjniit was voted in the of 1901 so that it appears as a re vote on page of the estimates lor 1902 item number of vote No in tbe paragraph Removing strnctions dredging and piling at mouth of Black River And had the item not been included in the main estimates- it would not have been too late to have placed it in the Supplementary Estimates as they have not yet been laid before House This is a fair sample of the amount truth contained in the campaign utterances the Whit ney candidate is throughout ttie riding MAKES SOURCE OF CONSTANT ftfiERY Toe Sufferer is Constantly tired and Depressed Will Startle at the Noise and is Ir ritated Toxxin ml I DR C BLOoeaftor to Dr Opposite Broufchtons Store There is no torture more acuta and totolerable nervousness A ner vous person is in state constant irritation by day And sleenlesehess by night The sufferer starts at every noise is by a feeling something awful is going to happen is shaky depressed although in a constant exhausted state is unable to sit or He still If you are nervous Or worried or suffer from acomOination of and constant irritation you need a nerve food and nerve tonic and Dr Williams Pink Pills are absorutely tbe best thing in the world tor you You will find after taking them that your feelings of distress and worry are being rapidly replaced by strength confidence and a feeling that you are on the road to full and complete health and strength Get rid of your nervousness in the only possible way building up strong steady nerves Miss B says Words fail me to adequately express what 1 owe to Dr Williams Pink Pills I was attaoked by la grippe after effects of took the exhaustion- The least would startle me and I would tremble for some time I used several medicines but they did not help me and as time went on I was growing worse and was so nervous was afraid to remain alone in a room I slept badly at and would frequently awake with a start that would rompe me to scream The trouble told on me to such an extent that my friends feared for my At this time aunt urged toe to try Dr Williams Pink Pills and after using eight boxes was com pletely to health- I feel toat Dr Williams Pink Pills saved ray life and I sincerely hope my ex perience will benefit some other suffer- 1100 300 S16 1500 1S76 Regular last- Monday even ing Present Mayor and Robertson Richardson Following bills passed Express on electric repairs Stepbecson wood for Oscar Penrose Thompson Albert Milne do- Wco Robinson do Rose doj John Spring a A Roe do Milne do car coal i Customs Freight A snow cleaning to lots Amos cleaning snow Insurance on Water Works 170Q1 Pay Sheet No B clean- Millard drawing coal The bill of Gould cleaning snow on street was referred bo the Finance Committee also bill of Dr Webb Medical Health Officer and the detailed statement of Receipts and Expenditures Webb and J ap peared as a delegation from the New market Horticultural Society and ask ed or grant of towards the Prize of the Summer Show Referred to Finance Committee Ed Hrll asked permission to place refrigerator in the Hall of Market Referred to Market The Market Committee was to two platform scales for the use of the market and sell the old ones Council adjourned SAVINGS i S TORONTO Cor HON QEO A COX Capital Interest allowed pit Deposits Repayable on Demand i I J a Intereit op Debentures Repayable on days notice WRITE FOR COPY OF ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER INFORMATION E WOOD I Director GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY a NORTHERN TABLE i o o Mi r Pi to gWOH 5 I at I itiEri 1 Metropolitan lty TORONTO NEWMARKET 5 to rt fl t s as S3 S3 Special Rates ever Bills Architect and Sanitary Engineer Adelaide St Toronto Plans and Estimates made for all kinds of The Corporation of Newmarket should be to legislation now before the Ontario relating to to the Eiectrfc Rail way Act and in case its members have not time to look after what is proposed to be done some person or persons should be delegated so to dp Dr McKay has introduced a bill the effect of which will be to permit the Metropolitan Railway to have access to the city over tbe tracks of the Toronto Railway Co without the consent of the city and quite regard less of its It will do more if allowed to pass the Metropolitan can lay its lines along Main St in this Town to connect with tbe GT where it likes inside the corpora tion limits whether the Council or the people like it or not- Surely bur Town Fathers will not allow this opportunity to pass without wiping out the everlasting franchise blun der and the correction of other ob jectionable clauses instead of allow ing further privileges This bill of Mr McKays purposes adding two sec tions to the Electric Railways Act but should be so changed as to name the particular roads which the bill applies otherwise the Metropolitan included The bill proposes as fol lows company to which this act owning or operating a line of railway between and connecting any city town or village with any other city town or village shall have the right to join unite and connect such line of railway at any point thereon with the line or lines of any other railway to which this act applies or of any street railway operated or ex isting within any of the cities towns or villages between or connecting which such company may own or op erate such line or lines of railway upon the lands grounds or right of way of such other railway or street railway wilh the necessary or conven ient turnouts and switches and other conveniences furtherance of the objects of such Succeeding subsections provide for crossings and connections for com pensation by the entering railway that any shall be settled by the of Public Works The second provides for the abolition of rear vestibules This latter clause Is In direct op position to the demands of who want protection from inclement weather A dwelling at Minnedosa owned by Jos and occupied by James was burned on Monday The Logan Utah sugar factory has agreed with the Cache county farmers association for at A CARD We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money a tie of Greenes Warrantedysjrr TarJf it fails to cure your cough or cold We also guarantee a bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded J Y f These pills never fail restore and strength in like the above They make new rich blood with every dose strengthen the nerves and thus drive disease from the system Dr Williams- Pink Pills are a certain cure for rheumatism sciatica partial paralysis St Vitus dance indigestion kidney and liver troubles and the ailments that make the lives of so many women a source of constant misery Bright eyes rosy cheeks and an elastic step is cer tain to follow a fair use of this medi cine Be sure that the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People is on every box von buy All others are imitations If you do not find these pills at your dealers they will be sent paid at cents a box or six boxes for by addressing tbe Dr Williams Medicine Co Oat- A evening paper declares every thing is cut and dried for the Pro vincial elections to take place the first week in June This will suit the arrangements of Premier Rosa for he then sail and be in Eng land in plenty of time for the corona tion after the elections are over The Telegram add Premier has no doubt as to the re sult of the elections and expects to come back to power an increas ed majority London March a despatch Pretoria dated today Lord Kitbercr sends derails of the disaster to the escort- of the convoy of empty wagons at Vondonop southwest of Klerksdorp Transvaal Colony The British casualties in killed wounded made prisoners reach the total In addition the Boers captured two guns IMITATIONS ABOUND but Insist upon getting the genuine The Menthol Plaster Tbe has stood the test years It cures Its imitations are impotent The L is made by the wellknown Davis Lawrence Co Ltd For Taxes in the County of York of By Virtue of Warrant by the Warden of the County I York daw Ninth of December One Nipe COrjNTT Hundred nod One id to mo the of of Lands set forth together mill and notice that the said arrears of taxi and be shall on the date and at the places hereinafter proceed to aell the paid or much thereof be to discharge the arrears of taxes and thereon ALL THE FOLLOWING LAND ARE PATENTED EXCEPTING LOT CON NORTH A cablegram this week announces that Sir Michael HicksBeach in reply to a question in the British House of Commons regarding hoe cprnjmercial relations of the empire said it was proposed to discuss the whole subject of preferential when the representatives of the colonies assembled in Lon don at the lime of King Edwards SALE TO BE HELD ON MONDAY 1ST DAY OP APRIL at the hour of oclock in Court House Adelaide St Ejronto MTJHICIPAWCY OP Lot Taxes to Mornluifstar Clayton O- Main Total Comprising and Village of Sale to be held On TUESDAY DAY OP APRIL At the hour of 11 am in PUBLIC HA Palmers Block Arnold Village of MUNlCIPAulTY OF Description Lot Con Aorea Asaeaeed to part toWtaSlseO part 13 toWAHobinson Part MUNICIPALITY OP VAUGHAN tot Con Acres Taxes Assessed to W part coronation FAIRLY CONE MAD I I it modest way of of the torture theueande of people euffssred from Skin fe I sjeaswe- before they learned of that wonderful healer Dr Affnewe Ointment Bat only faintly meaning In the thankful hearts thai A SWEET STOMACH j from skin tortures by this greatest SaltRT Ant I ly erupt I of Have you Piles SaURhenm pics of Dr Ointment Riegvorm Pimples got Scald Head Hstb you any of ins Sold by Newmarket Toronto Junction and North Toron to will have to to time in of High School education The draft bill before House the Committee provides that incase of towns separated from counties the towns so separated must coctrlbute to the fund for maintenance pi the High Schools within he county in other words a deduction will be made from the Higfr school grant given them present these towns es cape their share lit this expense Vest lUni Insite tnmHm match a and Stomach Induces Indigestion eating weight la stomach wind on stomach loss of app- the nausea blood catarrk of stomach and many other but Dr Von nip the trouble In bud and prevent the seating of diseased Eminent pre scribe Sixty tablets cents Sold by Lehman The scribe of Toronto East Standard has recently discovered mlstaWabJc evidence of returning spring He says Spring Is certain ly not far oil for one Of Col tons billy goats is out from under the Colonels bed browsing around for tomato cans barbed wire and other succulent venbage so promin ent a feature on the highways J IM You Cant Be J An Breath and Die- Dftoharares Due Dr Rellevee In Minutes Eminent com and throat la per ton the farmers of each district highly recommend Dr A nominate their planter The pulp Catarrhal Powder as per- rtle up to miles colds ess and other throat are relieved by VapCreso- tablets ten cents per bos- All druggists bachelor of Acton has been try- lag tor the past twenty years Jo pho tograph bis girl on his heart and all he has ever gotten of- her is a i CASTOR let Dr Kidney and Cough Powder Wl Tilt t lth in Sp fire if Sold by Co JJL Description Assessed to OF VlliIfApS it it to J Bertha Miner to Lot a DlkA to Ben Hoover to Henry Pennington v It 1 1 I to Brown to Bertha Miller Acres Taxes Church Main Mala Wth W Main Rouge J Uougo 5 ith fi 2W 185 1H5 185 ISA Tots 9 6167 Tola Tots 83 DO 10 fti 13 AM A DISTRICT NO Bast Ufbltoburob and Holland Landing Bale to be held TUESDAY DAY at HALL to Johu to MUflCrPALITV OF BAST Lot Con Taxes 1 part part part OP Description Con Aorcs Assessed to B W Taxes Pees A Pees A Tola M Total Haw a In to Philander Bpsrt OP HOLLAND Foes sores Taxes Total art 1st eon 88 7 IT Description A Survey Lots Aaaeofiedto a w part eon Hamilton Bradford ltd Lot 83 part of I a Survey part of Lot J part of 111 fl North and Button Sale to be hold on THURSDAY OF APRIL a the BUTTON OF in a Description Part part part and and pars or part pari SB part Npart Port Bolster Lot it si 3 a Aores 110 OF NORTH Taxes 1184 TO 28 Description Not Patented AuessM I si is Acres part- 1 a Keswick Keswick Ktswiok 23 Keswick Taxes OP OF Description Plan to Jos Huntley CO of York loth First Lot Acres Taxes TO Foes A Bxpa 1888 1 B6 0Q Pees A 1 ISA 8 Fees Torsi to mark It is reported an genius is now on an in vention electric lighting may be used without of wires it is to be on the Marconi system and if- successful it will mean a tiling for the inventor One of the most interesting articles in tbe Methodist Magazine for March is by C James De puty Minister Agriculture Irish Palatines with por traits This is a story Unique in terest connecting Canadian Metho dism with the persecuting ware Louis The story of Henry the working mason who entered Gladstones Government reads like a romance An Easter flavour is given the number by tons exquisite Easter story and by several fine Easter poems Principal writes strongly on The Sword of the Lord Edged and Chancellor on College The three pjointed about a year by the Dominion Government via Messrs R KC Toronto James of New Westminster and Foley of to enquire into Chinese and Japanese immigration in Canada have reported to the Government that they are of opinion that the further of Chinese laborers Canada ought to be prohibited The Commission also suggest to the Fed eral authorities that until a treaty of exclusion be obtained the tax be rais ed tp Messrs Foley and favor raising the tax to at once but Mr Muhns favors an increase to for two years The in regard to the Japanese is not quite ready for present For the first time since Confedera tion the Liberals control the Senate At the opening of the present session of Parliament to the amazement and consternation of Sir Mackenzie Bo wel and other oldtime tones the political tables were overturned and Liberals succeeded in capturing the chairmanship of all committees of that fifth wheel to our government al institutions Of course Liberals scarcely outnumber Conserva tives but we are infotoed that when the selection of chairmen to commit tees came up the Liberals were pres ent in sufficient numbers to carry their points much to their own sat isfaction ami the discomfiture of their opponents The Senate politically is now almost evenly divided but there are more very aged and infirm men in Conservative than Liberal ranks which works advantageously to the latter now that the friends of opponents to a nominative Senate are dominant we trust the Government at its next session will take toso amend its consti tution as to bring that body more di rectly to the electorate or abolish that branch of Parliament al together No attempt has ever been made to get together any congress represent ing the highest intelligence of the various nations of the world The nearest approach to this was the Peace Conference at The Hague The failure of that body was caused by tbe fact that it was selected to re present political and personal inter ests It will be interesting note the results which must come from the first Worlds Congress in which all na tions shall be represented by of the highest integrity and intellect jal calibre The difficulties in cifeotlng such a gathering are almost insur mountable but The Cosmopolitan Magazine Is making the effort with a full recognition of the endless ob stacles be overcome In the Mar It number tans plan is briefly outlined its in Eu rope and elsewhere- are carefully ma turing lists of the men of each country considered with reference- First To their sincerity Second Their earnestness Third Clear that is ability to see the truth Fourth Broad experience in affairs These names are five times as great in number as the candidates to be eventually selected Upon the opinions of leading men in other countries will be secured so that the final selection will represent a consen sus of opinion by the leading men of the world of thought The Cosmo politan is also endeavoring to secure contribution a fund of a quarter of a million dollars to provide for the expenses of the first Worlds Con gress State of Ohio Toledo Lucas County J ra J Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of flrmpj Page Acme Poultry Netting not S at top bottom arid indent cannot so Pago netting Is straight Wire durable and cheap Wo I fence Rate and tit of In your guarantee of quality quality The Co J Cheney io Co doing business in the City of Toledo County and State and that saM firm will pay the sum One Hundred Dol lars for each and every case Ca tarrh that by the use of Hairs Catarrh Cure FRANK J Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this day of Do Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of system Send for testimonials free J CIIKNRY CO Toledo O Sold by Faintly Pills are the best

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