Newmarket Era, 7 Mar 1902, p. 6

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n Highest Market Price Paid For All of Seeds etc SALT- ALWAYS ON HAND MOUN ALBERT to Loan- Both private and companies money fi and per cent DAVIDSON Notary Ac Mount Albert BLACKBERRY CORDIAL AND WILD STRAWBERRY Dysentery etc FLY PADS TANGLEFOOT INSECT POWDER your from the flirt an How of by using our Cattle Spray It trill fix Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT FURNITURE You can save money by your at the Jit A STOCK THAN EVER OF Bedroom and Parlor Tables Lounge and Chairs We are alo for Pillow Sham Hollers and the Stretcher and Picture Framing a Specialty delivered free of charge io quantity ALLAN WOOL MAftlET Take your WOOL to the Mount Albert Woollen Mills and get the highest Toronto prices in Gash Full stock Cloths Flannels Sheetings Blankets Yarns etc also a good assortment fashionable Suitings always on hand extra paid for wool taken in ex change for goods Geo Haigh Sons OUR MANAGER -rr- PERSONAL John Warden of Hast ings Co and It T peregrine were the guests of Mr Richard son on Thursday- last Mr Robert Rowland of Toronto Is spending a few days in town HOLT Two funerals held in the Meth odist church Holt- on Sunday after noon last and at the time The funeral of the late conducted by the Rev Camer on and that of Mr Geo in fant child by Rev Morgan The services were largely attended FARMERS The annual meeting of the Farmers Institute held on Thursday last was A since been heard from The chief disappointment teas the nonarrival of Eras The OH Folks Concert was to have been given on Fri day evening was postponed until Tuesday On Friday evening the railroad track between Mount Albert and had to he repaired be fore train could pass over it HOLT Quarterly Service will be held at Franklin Christian Church on Sunday next Mar at am and pm Tie sacrament of the Supper will be administered at the conclu sion of the morning service Miss of Sends Japan at present home On furlough will be pre at both services and will I only attended There is speak at the evening service A large not that interest taken in attendance is looked forward to thee meetings that there should be- Miss the lady was prevented by illness from attend- in both meetings Children Cry for CASTOR I A who is home on fur- lough from the Japan mission field I will deliver an address in the Frank Christian i hutch on Sunday even ing A Song Service will be held in connection All are invited Rev Brown chairman of the District will preach educational sermons in the Methodist ihurvh at both services on Sunday and at Hart man at pm Rev J Morgan will preach in vlie HOLLAND LANDING FOLKivS CONCERTS The largest gathering at any tain meat for years assembled in the town hall on Tuesday bright to hear the Folks Con cert Standing room was at a funeral of Miss who formerly resided here took place on Wednesday afternoon Deceased was only ill a few days and pneumonia set in which caused tea to Those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mrs Tate of Hamilton sister decease Mr Bert Tate and Miss 1 Tate of To ronto Rev Little of and Miss Morton of Miss Nettie West of Hamilton spent a few days this week at her parental home Mr J of Toronto spent a few days here this week Mrs Gray who has been seriously ill the past week we are pleased to say is some better Born To Mr- and Mrs shortly after the doors were The costumes were an Tuesday the a son feature and were a credit to K is visiting fiends black the wearers Misses Browns- at nhornbill combe and Pearl two bright elect lights are- in working little from gave three charming recitations which were a valuable addition to the program The rounds etc were ad mirably given and reflected credit on the conductor Mr J Rowland A pretty drill by eight children in Quaker costume was well received Dr Forrest one of the oMest resi dents occupied the chair and proved to be the right man in the right place off in a most satisfactory manner CONSERVATIVE CLUB The Conservatives had a and enthusiastic meeting in the town hall on Wednesday evening last Mr A Wright party organizer and Mr Warren Toronto were present and delivered stirring addresses A club was organised with a large member ship The following gentlemen were elected Hon presidents If and President J Ross 1st Vie Pies Alex Dunn 2nd Vice Vice Pres Stephen Secret Hayes Treasurer Coin Wall is John Steeper Richard Harper Her man Awred Case Win Mains Johnston Meetings will be held on the 2nd and Fridays of each month order once more and the street lamps have been lit the past week which is quite an improvement Mr Lloyd spent a couple days in the city this week Mr Ernest West who has been seri ously ill for some time is slowly re covering Mr of Toronto spent Sunday at home Reeve Lane we are sorry le is not so well he having contracted a cold again Mrs J Doan and son left for home Heath on Thursday after spending a couple of months at Sutton Toronto and Holland Limd- Cry for CASTOR I A Baldwin breezes ago our blacksmith made a deal the thought him feel sick now You see Joe reckons pretty slick in a deal so when a along and talked boss trade Joe soon a dicker here his troubles be gan The horse had the glanders and a vet surgeon came along destroyed the animal by legal author ity The stables were fumigated and disinfected that raised a terrible smudge It was not for tho trifling loss of the horse that upset Joe but- the terrible shock to his pride in his professional skill He soon got another nag has got a room in TibbeCs house for the old folks Geo and wife where they are comfortably settled Jere miah McMillans Corners and Jos furnish the financial Stuff Theres a little fuss here over the effects a recent resident in which the landlord and a creditor are inter ested deaf and dumb mute visited this section last week He appeared to be in search work Some thought him to be mentally dexanged He claims as his home Im always sorry for one so circumstanc ed One of our postmasters got a blow- in up recently owing to a letter in an open envelope It was wrongfully supposed to have been opened with intent to pry into its secret contents The postmaster who prides himself on being strictly honorable was righteously indignant Last weeks storm raised a big flood The roads were a holey frigjht thats not a profane expression Thev were something awful the holes in deep drifts were dangerous to the safety of pedestrians who were liable to broken limbs One of our rustic belles whose eyes ate well known to mam- in a spirit of reckless bravado sent a kiss per proxy by telephone to one of our bachelors on Monday The proxy modestly de clined delivering it in an style Pshaw kissing by telephone a hollow sham a snare and a are your views on prohibi tion it an every day I confess it is a very perplexing topic to consider It has so many phases such a diversity Of asjects even our clergy are by no means a unit on it Of this I feel assured Premier Ross is witling and anxious to enact such legislation as will meet the wishes of the majority of voters hut until such wish is tangibly expressed at the polls he cannot act fairly Ross a canny Scot but so many deputa tions pulling this way and that its a wonder he hasnt gone daft I some of you would submit a straight prohibition vote regardless whether it upset Grit government or no Thats just what many pro fessed prohibition organs are alter they are using that as a Wind to con ceal their real design which is to bust the Ross administration They are dragging a red over the trail to throw us oil the scent But cant fool old dogs They are seeking to bust Ross so they can get some pap themselves Ross is a wise pilot and sees every rock ahead The time has come ti strike Let us cast aside all selfish and narrow- minded notion and adopt a broad lib eral policy for the public weal Let our watchword be Ross liberty and prohibition droit Id like to see a political fight be tween oe two clever legal gentry T L the Conservative and L the Grit Twould be a battle royal No market here on Monday The stores took what produce came in I warn all young men to beware of black eyes Danger lurks in their dazzling depths A widower has fall en a victim to the fascination of one of our rural heautiesa delicate lit tle creature who claims she can find market for three plates of oysters Shes a friend of The Owl We have received toe first of PRINTS GINGHAM FOR SPRING AlsoNew Lot French ALBERT Stoves Cooking of all kinds Stoves for either Coal or Wood Ranges and Heaters in great ALL AT SUMMERFELDTS HARDWARE MOUNT ALBERT NG 1902 We have been watching the markets and are pleas ed to say have been well rewarded for so doing with a much better Assortment and at much better prices IS i SPRING STOCK OF- Dry 7 Goods Boots and Shoes la Arriving Baity and to mate room are Selling the Balance of our Winter Stock AT HALF PRICE Gee our prices for Ladies Coats Fur MT ALBERT PUBLIC SCHOOL Report for February Class total Jessie Atiiott Toole Alex Wal lace Flora Morgan Hoy As Jewell Roy Cook Porter Hunter Merl Jennings in Geo Arose Wesley Alice Cave Florence Smart Jewell Austin Alia French Harry Hull Walts Herbert Sibley 111 Floyd Gertie Moore Gertie McMuklen Mil lard Sleeper Reggie Mary Morgan Wesley 203 Myrtle Vandcwaler John Smart 262 Herman Barrett 228 Es sie Jewell Bertha Rosa Myrtle Rear Leslie Watts Frank 100 Miss teacher A Keep Yourself WARM by buying a Queen Stove FLOOD Never during the past thirty years have the roads in this In such a condition as they were on Friday Saturday and Sunday The rapid thaw of last week augmented the heavy rain on Friday caused the water to overflow the roads to uch an extent that even travel on horehack was Impossible in some di rections Mr Parish Steeper our mall carrier valiantly trip to Sharon on Friday only to find that the Newmarket stage had failed to connect and was to- return with only the local The trip back took three hours his toboggan cutter being afloat In many places Two prominent citizens of Newmarket left Sutton at half past on Sat urday morning and arrived here after encountering many perils late lit the They left lor Newmarket Ion Sunday morning but have not It is with regret that we report this week the death of Mrs Henry on Tuesday night has been to her bed for about months with a cancer on her neck Altho the end was expected the news came as a shock to the friends and relatives- Deceased leaves a and son to mourn their toss The funeral took place Thursday and was largely attended Rev R J commenced holding revival in the Metho dist church here on Wednesday even ing last the will assist next week Geo Fogg A J Milne and William Turner are in Toronto this week Tho former attending the annual harness convention and the latter two ate attending court Our mail service was rather demor alised latter fnrt of last week The mailman missed coming Friday but came on Saturday without any papers He is improving nicely this week The carnival last week was fairly well at leaded The ice was rather soft not allowing a very nice exhibi tion of skating The following were awarded Best girl skater- Car rie Seniles best lady best gent Milne best lady and gent skater Link and Wight open race 1st S 2nd P Flanagan Dont forget to hear the family of Swiss Bell Ringers in the Presbyterian church on Monday even ing March These artists were j boldfaced J ROWLAND well received when here years and there is no doubt but there will be a full Mr Frank Belfry went down to the on jury on Tuesday morning and as unsatisfactory as kiss ing by correspondence lacks the sweetness that- indefinable something like a foretaste of para dise the thrill of blissful rapture de nied front a Simon kiss of a pair of rosebud lips We still have the sick with us and a good many too A sappy head Authentic author ities at ascribe the terrible floods there not to the deluge of rain hut to the floods of tears shed by a heartbroken citizen when told by pater in a haughty tone that he couldnt have his lassie The poor boy is and vows he cant live without the damsel if the attack proves you shall know They tell me the Chicago ledger a Yankee cheapJack journal is extracts from Breeds Hah Why dont they get their Breezes from the Windy City The fanners are engaging their help and thus getting the cream of the laboring class John deserves credit for the kind way in which he is carting for his father- Jos He gets him everything and everything he needs and is neglecting his work at home to care for the old man Several have tumbled over owing being undermined John Taylors cows had a narrow es cape Titos Tib bets sheep also as it was he lost but one I generally know what our folks think of as they have an hon est outspoken way of expressing that is homely in its way but awfully blunt sometimes There is considerable blarney about hem too that were at all vain would make me proud as a peacock As it is makes me put forth every effort lira readers I bow my thanks to those who speak favorably of Women that men love and admire not she that is blaze the French term it In conversation and style that men admire but it is the women that possesses that delicate air of refinement of speech and de meanor the offspring of a pure heart that Is the safeguard of the truly wo manly woman True men pity and abhor vulgar and no matter how handsome SHARON Two Newmarket gentlemen were noticed passing thru our burg on Sunday morning wearing very down cast expressions Apparently politi cal meetings- and snow blockades did not agree very well One was foot ing it on the sidewalk looking very wise- and his companion was plod ding along the middle of the Kings highway looking otherwise Could you guess who they were The directors have decided to build a coal hoist at Rondeau and have their coal go that way instead of via Tort Stan ley For Sale Two Jersey Bulls St Lambert 2 years old Also Fresh Milch Cow Grade STOKES Mount Albert Mill Cutting Skidding or Sawing of all kind of timber or lumber done either together or separately at lowest rates First Class work Holt P HEIFER ASTRAY Strayed from lot in the Con of North during the summer of a Red Yearling Heifer with a full white face In formation leading to her recovery will be suitably rewarded PO The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY CANADA or Chairman J Samuel Esq Alex Accepted Cmrent DAVIDSON P SMITH Mt Albert AjtcdI ror Dominion PRINTS AND PONGEES SATEENS GINGHAMS DENIMS Ac Ate Our Print wide cannot be beat for weight of cloth and washing Qualities BOOTS AND SHOES THE J King Goods Speak for Themselves lilt l Sleet Raisins for 3 cifaned or SiTQ 6 Bars Comfort Soap for 25c j Bars Imperial Soap for and Bars Cameo Soap for Cans Pink Salmon for lbs Fresh Figs for Rrpalrfaaf lor J- ArudiLlcibU Rolled Oats for bs Wheat for JD Malt Breakfast Food Prunes from 5c up Dried Apples bright sample COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF AND WE WILL BE SURE TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU J QUEENSVILLE Be Sure and Call at New Store Baldwin And get your Groceries Fresh- Evaporated Apples Dried Apples Salted Trout Teas Canoed Goods Long Legged Boots Snag Proof Rub Selling at Cost We are Clearing all Winter Goods at Cost to make room for our Spring Stock I Boiler steam pump and everything complete used for boiling feed or running an engine FINE SALT sold by the Barrel Central Telephone Baldwin J SPRING WILL SOON BE HERE Our Stock is all ready to hand Wo have the latest designs and clothes suitable for your spring garments Wedding suits a Specialty to Fancy Worsted to Klondike Serges Black Blue Striped to Now is the time to select Do not buy until you have seen our Stocky Our Spring Fashion Plates on band MS KELLERS The Fashionable Tailor Mount Alberts When You Churn Your rich cream for butter why spoil your work by using a common and impure butter color WELLS RICHARDSON IMPROVED BUTTER COLOR gives butter the natural golden June shade that no other color can pro duce and never fades from the butter Do not use a vile substitute At all times insist upon having the kind that makes butter Sold by ay dealers or well dressed tbey may be There arc in the city some of the and most eloquent clergy men world can afford but the ef forts of some for Rood are dwarfed by their habit of straining after effect and to arouse sensation rather than for the glory of God lit stead they preach for their pocket the good of fallen humanity is only a secondary consideration For instance one re cently with a great flourish of trum pets declared the book of Genesis a myth This to my mind is the in troduction of the thin edge of the wedge to Infidelity atheism Found Lou Draper our neighbor suffering of toothache beyond anything he ever before experienced Dentist Smith has the tooth but Lou has the ache- of the ulceration- If you ever had a worse one send him your consolation T ALBERT DRUGSTORE 4 For Cole etc nee Balm of Cough a General Condition for Distemper Condition carry a full line of Bam edict and pbeomatloOnre and Family attention day or THE LEADING HOUSE SHARON i GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Suit LADIES Our stock of Staple Drv Goods is equal to you can buy els cheap See our new Dress Goods anything you can buy elsewhere and just as Groceries Always Fresh R KEflYON

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