Newmarket Era, 7 Mar 1902, p. 7

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J- CHINA WHAT IK A ABOUT Surplus Stock Sale Mens Boys Heavy Rubbers AND Long Boots Reduced in Price away dawn to dose out before Spring Goods Arrive China Goods TOILET SETS At Clearing Sale Prices DINNER SETS At Clearing Sale Prices LAMPS LAMPS At Clearing Sale Prices Grocery Specials Choice Table Fig lbs for Worth lb Cheap for Cooking JAPAN TEA A fine full flavor for EXCELSIOR COFFEE Please You Always and Fresh Ground Evaporated Fruits PEACHES APRICOTS Very Fine Quality PRUNES for Cooking ft Grab Meeting Tuesday night at the residence of at oclock Wordsworths The Linnet atri the Cuckoo Colonel Lloyd and air tons teams played in the foe Davis Cup at toe Rink last night It is expected the matches will completed next week The Commissioners- met on Tuesday and passed amounting to Owing to the rain last Friday night the Royal Templars postponed their visit to the Home to some future date Bo The Royal Templars propose to hold another of their popular Socials m the Temperance Hall next Friday evening The public invited Hunters Orchestra frill take part in the program The Army The officers in Newmarket propose to hold a Social in the Barracks on evening inst with program after refreshments Staff Cass will be present and Hun ters Orchestra is also to take part The Ladies Aid of the Christian church will conduct a social and tea at the residence of Mrs Silver on Queenstreet next Wednesday even ing- A literary and musical pro gram will be rendered A cordial in vitation is extended to all Our attention has been called to Section of the Vaccination Act which states thai in all contracts un der the provisions of the Act the charge not be more than for every person successfully vaccinat ed including all or any the certifi cates- We understand that our physicians ate charging each which means over in fees the Proclamation issued by the Mayor is strictly enforced children t were vaccinated at Scotts Pharmacy which was that the Government last Saturday Is the Council or has been one of incapacity blundering and deceit and as a conscience the progress and welfare of the people has been greatly retarded and their heritage more or less sacrificed This phase was boldly asserted and to prove if quotations were made not from official documents but from vari ous newspaper clippings which one knows is an easy method of prov ing anything you Among invited lo take on the platform were Rev A Rutherford Major Stevenson Mr James Anderson and others- The Hall was filled to its full capacity about onethird of whom were ladies and a good sprinkl ing of boys and girls The Hall was Proceedings AND COR- TOD TO MOORO SUTTON Well Sutton has been favored with a visit from some of wise men not however from the far east but from East and West Siruooe and North York Men in own esti mation at least of sterling worth and puritan honesty Their task here was to paint the character and mal administration of the members of the present Ontario Government and if toe men composing it are onehalf as bad as they were depicted it would be more befitting them to be confined within the walls the than legislating for the Province It was tantamount to a aspersion or arraignment of the intelligence and patriotism of the electorate in hav ing voted these men into power The aspirant for legislative honors in this Riding declared that the Hon J Davis never done anything advance the interests of his constituency but on the contrary when opportunity presented he auto cratically refused to render any as- After proceeding along line for some time he concluded by proclaiming that Mr Davis reign was near an end that he himself had the and young men the ladies the undivided support of the Conser vatives and likewise the independent Reformers all with him- Then with a vehement shout he asseverated that his triumph at the coming election was absolutely assured and that one of the greatest celebrations would take place in Sutton that had ever been known in this locality to crown the victory Such boasting is only an exhibition of egotism or the mani festation of empty vanity in an ill- balanced brain The other speakers continued the assault upon tle Gov ernment- According to the portray al given it never voluntarily did a righteous act Everything of a wise or beneficial character was forced up on it Opposition Neither the Hon I J Davis nor the Govern ment were entitled to any credit For the opening up of New Ontario but they failed allude to the fact that if it had not been for the determined fight of Sir Oliver against Sir John McDonald before the Privy Council we would not have had a New Ontario at all so the play went on the sum and substance Theadiourned Social in Hal on Tuesdav evening wis a decided despite the state of A very enjoyable evening Was spent Proceeds about Rev Stanley failed to reach this appointment Sunday rooming last Mr John Marritt very accept ably filled the gap A fair turn out at the Endeavor last Sunday evening- A great inter est is taken In the meetings every Sunday eve Topic to be introduced next Sunday evening by Mrs A- and Dr Law Mr Crittenden entertained bis Class at his new home cm Wed nesday evening Mis of Newmarket is visit with Mrs this week Good skating on the lake this week Mr Main and Mr Willougb- are up from Toronto lor a few weeks visit Mr is on the sick list A gloom was our neigh borhood on Saturday last when the reached here from Toronto pi the death of Mrs widow of the late and sister of Mrs Win terry of this village She leaves two little boys to mourn the loss of a loving mother 1 1 Banana Orange Cinnamon Clove Pineapple Nutnagf Hifwim Lemon Vanilla Reg Price bottle Out Price for bars Davisons Laundry Soap lb bar Old Country Soap price cents NORTH I a Rflrn0 PI tiD Spial Baking Powder was tin now JCXXJXJg A V tin Cream Tartar Baking Powder was 20c tin now 23 lbs BEST EXTRA STANDARD GRANULATED SUGAR lbs BRIGHT YELLOW Oranges Nice Sound Mexican Oranges Seeded Raisins were for ceits HONEY in Comb A SMITH The Leading Reliable Grocer The Story In letter WnKiUer from No tor pain Uxa- and til befell In oar position I hire In ibit IuKKiLUiR it n3 Two 5c nd the Board of Health responsible for the increase of charge each at Only weeks till Holidays at am now The sun gets up now before lots of townspeo ple Starrs grocery Is going a gen eral renovating The Hunters have finished their taking out over blocks inches tine Mr Eves shipped car of hogs to last Monday tastefully decorated This is now a regular weekly occur rence Miss Mabel Pollock eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Richard Pollock aged 15 years died suddenly last Fri day morning at oclock She bad not been well alt the winter but bad at any time teen confined to her bed and no fatal result was antici pated Mabel had a sweet and affec tionate disposition was beloved by all who her she had a large circle of friends and who mourn her early decease The funeral sermon was at the house last Sunday at am by Rev Gregory of the PM Church who took for the lesson part of the Psalm and for text the verso So teach us to our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom There was a large attendance consid ering the of the weather and condition of the roads Mrs Dolly widow of the late Mahoney of Keswick who has been suffering from consumption for a lengthened period died recently in Toronto and toe remains were brought home last ftfonday for inter ment in the cemetery The deceased lived for some years be fore her marriage with her sister Mrs Will Terry of and was beloved by the people of the village all who knew her Her life has had its share of sorrow through the prolomd illness of her husband and her own long continued sickness since Mr James Is moving back the farm at Jersey and Mr is moving from Jersey to the con Mr John Prosser lighthouse keeper JAMS Raspberry Strawberry Currant Red Currant in Pails rce price Pail our price cents Pall A FEW LEFT cents CANNED CORN PEAS TOMATOES FOR cents CHINA At deduced Prices to clear and many other numerous bargains H OLD STAND arys services He was hard on the but easy on the goats Bell Ringers here tonJgM Wed in connection with Christs Guild Considering the state of the roads there was a goodly turnout We regret to report that Mr Norman our genial deputy Postmas ter here will vacate the position about April 1st Oar Toronto better An member of York Coun ty Council who represented York Township in that body about a cou ple of decades ago J P Bull Esq died on Wednesday last He was a brother of the late Dr Bull formerly of and also of T Bull late clerk of the peace ceased was in his year a con- on Fox Island is around giving his in politics and a Methodist friends a call before returning to bis in religion duties on the Island i Toronto Horticultural- Society had During tire fine weather last week Jits March show plants and flowers on Cooks Bay had to wade thru the water several feet deep that had risen on the ice One man crossing the lake on horseback on Tuesday evening which was well attended The of Council and the Toronto Suburban Railway Co J The eyes at lire assistance are sage reading mar vork becomes Ian exertion and glasses of just enough strength to relieve allstrain should be obtained We are experts in this line We examine eyes free of charge and guarantee satisfaction GRADUATE OPTICIAN L A Co Mr Allen Howard student at the Theological Seminary New and nephew of Mrs of this who was attending the big Convention in Toronto last week preaohed both morning and evening tfie absence of the pastor who was also attending the Convention Remember the lecture on Astronomy by Atkinson of Toronto Mon day evening at oclock The lec ture will be by limelight views It is highly spoken dt Everybody welcome Small admis sion at door Proceeds aid the Library evening will give an account of ttie Volunteer convention held in Toronto last wtek was the greatest ga thering ever held on the continent and almost every Protectant denomination was represented Go and hear of the work of this great convention Sap Get your supplies at Hard ware On the lath of last month a man named Matthew resid ing near Vivian left his home to at tend Mr Michael Cams sale on the of East a distance of about miles When he left homo he put In hip pocket a telescope case containing In bills tens and savings of all last year while working on the railroad with the His intention Mas to buy a span of at the wile but when be go was missing It had evidently out of pocket lie inarched the as carefully as possible but saw no trace It Thinking that perhaps might be hid In the or picked up by honest lite fattier advertised for it in the last Issues of the Era but far has been heard about It you hear of finding any money out that way you will confer a great favor by dropping a card office and help to remove a very feeing from a young mans heart over the Iocs of very hard earned closed about oclock by singing God Save the King Tim delivery of the mails by stage routes on account of tlie bad roads has been very much demoralized No mails from Newmarket or for several days Mr and Mrs Lapp of Loxncville are visiting here with their daughter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs Miss of Goodwood was with her falser Sun day Mr P A good deal of sickness prevails present Mrs Boyd is in rattier critical Mr James Bailey has been to ted for some days Mrs Miss Nellie Crocker Mr John and others are also suf ferers Mr Fred Shaw formerly of this vicinity but lately of Winnipeg in tends becoming a resident of the vil lage We would say that if a necessity exists for the erection of a Lockup in tlie village then left those who necessitate such an institution bear the expense connected with it KESWICK- The Annual Anniversary of the Kes wick Methodist School will be held on Sunday and Monday the 17th of March On Sunday at am Rev A P Brace of Sutton West will preach a sermon to children and young people In the evening at the popular of the J Simpson will preach a sermon to parents and teachers of the Sunday School On Monday evening the annual Enter tainment will be in cbtfrcb consisting of recitations by the of the and Revs Braco of Sutton West and MdAclhur have been invited to give addressee The committee of management have Also been fortunate In securing the cervices of tlvo noted Bros Orchestra of ket Mr Hunter will also give a illustrated address en- titled Seven Downward Steps of a Young Man McDonald Bros of will sing a couple of duets Mr McDonald is Presh dent of the Sutton West Simpson will the chair Doors at oclock See posters tic water reached the horses breast reached an on Tuesday now the line will go through Township cheap rates per mile with a further reduction on book tickets was secured in return for right of A man named Taylor a cigar- maker was run down by a horse and on on night and when picked up it was found his leg was broken Sheriff and Miss enter tain a number of- guests at dinner this Friday evening at The Sessions opened before Judge on Tuesday No less than aliens made application for papers to His Honor and desired to take the oath of to King Kdwarxl Thelist several Chinamen The Wellingtons play a team from Ottawa at the Mutual rink here on Saturday evening The match will be a test of Ontario hockey Legal action is threatened against the City Council granting the use track on tho Exhibition grounds for races by the Driving Club The meeting of the Canadian Lacrosse Association will be held in Toronto on Good Friday- at the Temple Building thought he the horse were going to the bottom Mrs John Jr returned home last week from attending the funeral of her brother Only a few weeks ago her father died A very successful social was held in the Temperance Kail at Keswick last Tuesday night under the auspices of the Methodist church There was a large attendance of both old and young people and all seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves Rev was chairman was the life of the entertainment After tea was served a literary- program was given Proceeds for repairs to the i The snow that has so long remain ed piled so high settled very on Friday and not only caused the water to flow freely for a time but made our miller scratch his head as to his waste gates were equal to the occasion or not how ever they filled the bill and every tiling became lovely The been had week Old resi dents as had as ever saw them The people arc now very busy pre paring for Spring and no doubt the few stately maples that are left standing will soon be yielding sap for the sugar makers very scarce in this section Quite a number of ladies assembled by invitation at the home of Mrs S on Thursday of last week In the form of a thimble party and the results were marvellous Mrs Tiios Blackburn on Tuesday of last presented with a promising young lassie Con- granulations Thomas Mr Wilfred of Manitoba was the guest of Mr Wilfred last week- Mr Alvfn of Dental College Toronto was here a few days ago working up trade For a time we have had three or four vacant In village but recently they have been leased and a demand for Mr Simeon of Poplar Lodge farm held a very successful sale of stack on Wednesday among which weic and every purchaser was imbued with the idea by tough a goat in Hock would dispense with a i FRESH ROLLED WHEAT lbs for cts ROLLED OATS lbs for BREAKFAST FOOD CALIFORNIA PRUNES and lb DRIED PEACHES PER lb I2c DRIED APPLES PER lb APPLES PER lb cte CLEANED lbs FOR lbs FOR CATSUP PER CAN TOMATO CATSUP PER BOTTLE PICKLES PER BOTTLE cts FAMILY FLOUR BAG 100 COOKING PER lb Special Prices in Sugars by the Barrel RASPBERRY JAM IN TIN PAILS cts STRAWBERRY S RASPBERRY JAM IN PAILS SECTIONS HONEY each CAN BEETS PER CAN GRANULATED SUGAR FOR lbs BROWN SUGAR FOR 28 lbs RAW SUGAR FOR PEAS CORN TOMATOES CANS FOR NAVEL ORANGES LEMONS CHOICE BANANAS MALAGA GRAPES MANITOBA AND FAMILY FLOUR OWE US A CALL H The Grocer JOHN LEES FEAR Was ovrtod by timely us of South Nervine- did beat but Mr of I bad I Ion my I run down to flh- I whs so tick ikat feared foul In despair my seemed powcrleu to com with was Induced to try South Amcrfcan Nervine received so benefit from oho SEE HERE Dont you want A New Suit bold hit persevered In the treatment and today new nd wa cured com pie Sold by Newmarket Notice to Contractors Tenders will be received by the up to the March for moving the Stable on the lot corncfof Queen and Niagara St in the Town Newmarket ftlso for the Painting of outside Further ran had J vcterJnl w5 PO SPRING TWEEDS OVERCOATINGS FANCY VBSTINQS NEW IT Latest Cuts and Closest Prices ALL WORK GUARANTEED McLaughlin MAIN ST NEWMARKET For Sale Short Horn Bulla No calved 2nd February 1901 Price calved 3rd April Price Apply Lot IRVING Special Settlers Trains TO CANADIAN NORTHWEST Will leave Toronto every Tuesday during March and April at p m Passengcis traclling without live stock should take the Express leaving Toronto at 145 p m Passengers travelling with stock should take the train leaving Toronto at p Free i sleepers will be attached to these trains Berths may on rival at Toronto For tickets folders and apply to Agents Grand Trunk Rail way System A McCLELLAN Agent Newmarket District Passenger Agent net increase Torontos as- over is about 5000- Man To commence work by end March at latest A good handy steady mat to work on Stock a year and hoard to suitable man and opportunity of running stock Apply- to or to the editor the Era The Health re ports there were new cases of smallpox hi the month five of them be in York county

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