Newmarket Era, 21 Mar 1902, p. 3

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1 I fcl Weeks IB fi toOtSY Gospel There was a good attendance last Sunday afternoon provide the program for jest Sun April 1st marks the date of toe opening of Spring Term In the Central Business College of Toronto school which is doing good work which seems to enjoy a liberal patronage as stated its Adv in tbig Prodaoe Splendid market again last Satur day Eggs arid butter up to Potatoes went up to a bag Maple syrup made Its first ap pearand and sold for and per gallon Fresh grated horserad ish was also sold at a quart Credit Sale Mr intends to dis pose of his farm stock implements and household furniture on lot Street miles north Au rora auction on Wednesday April 2nd commencing at sharp He has rented his farm and is about The I Horns on Tuesday evening which was well at tended and a- very enjoy a bk time spent v-V- stock additional with lines including moving away Christian Churns Large attendance last Sunday even ins and at the close of a by the pastor seven candidates were baptised by immersion Rev J being assisted by Elder Prosper Miss a returned missionary gives an address in the church evening The public are invited to bear her The residence Mr John Rogers Yongc Street was the scene of a pleasant gathering on Monday evening when his- friends and neighbors nun about seventyfive went in and took possession for the evening A jolly lime was spent in games and amusements till one oclock when the baskets furnished by the ladies were opened and a sumptuous repast serv ed Shortly after all dispersed wish ing Mr Rogers good luck and pros perity in his new home in Newmarket where he is about to reside Hughes Opening Next week commencing Wednesday 26th in time for ladies to get their hats Meeting Tuesday evening it Dr Scotts The Class will fin ish Ancient at t Part at Report reached here yesterday after noon- that the and store at was burglarized cm Wedrjesday night Constable Savage was tele phone to visit the locality and went at once to investigate fit Home Tuscan Lodge a very successful Smoker in their wellappointed rooms on Wednesday night which was attended by about brethren and invited guests Songs speeches se lections on the etc speedily away tirr the midnight hour when the company The annual meeting of the Executive Committee of the North York Association will be held the Tem perance Hall Newmarket afternoon March at oclock election of -officers- for the ensuing year will take place and other important busings transacted A full attendance of the members the Committee requested king McDonald Sons of premises Is nearly competed They holidays in xhi The Body Recovered After an almost constant search lor three days by upwards of men along the eastern branch of the Hol land River stretching from to Holland Landing the body Foster who was drowned on Wednesday of last week by falling oil the bridge was found at oclock on Sunday by Mr Alf Bacon near the North abutment of the Secondstreet bridge partly covered with sand and sawdust The absence of water in the lungs and the presence of a severe bruise on the forehead show that he was stunned on falling into the wa ter consequently he had not struggled for his breath This accounts lor the tody floating more than usual in the ease of a person drowned and the current being so strong the child was lets Schools close lor Easier next Thursday and of April Next Lords Day is Palm Sunday Hunters dray is painted up like a city vehicle Easter bonnets will soon bloom Annual meeting last night Order buns for next Friday Robins were numerous during tiie balmy spring days last week but this week they must be warming their toes Certain varieties of the Easter bon net are- -ready- for the launching The hens are determined to lay if the bottom drops out of the market Mr G Hill of this Town pur chased a fine pair of heavy draft colts one year old from Lot Hartman Esq of last week for a good figure He intends to take them to the NorthWest The freezing and thawing this week is hard on the fall wheat but it will make maple syrup plentiful Canes Factory are rushed with or ders for doors window sash etc for Winnipeg Three cars full Houses to rent are as scarce in Town as hens teeth Not one to be found Mr shipped a car of cat tle to Toronto on Wednesday iii Stock Good butchering cattle sold in To ronto on Tuesday from to There were very few inferior cattle in and the poorest butchers sold at about 325 Very few dry cows are coming for ward and those that are coming are of an unusually good class These are going at from to for poor to middling and from that up to for the best Shortkeep feeders are about the scarcest kind of cattle in the market is placarded two bouses town J McCIement recently ap pointed agent for Travellers Ins Co reports a rapidly increasing business A house and lot belonging to Mr A was sold to Mr Badger oh Saturday Grand opening for real estate men to putup five or six new houses in Krng many and more could be rented as soon as completed Contract is about to be given for building three houses in vicinity of the tannery Jlr Stokes has been appointed agent for North American Life Ins in this It is reported A Davis Son are cm- look out a desirable site to erect Business has grown so rapidly that their tannery is taxed beyond its capacity Their idea is to place their chrome tannage in a separate plant and run the Lowell Tannery to its full capacity on bark tanned side leather The ques tion now is will the new plant if erected be removed from King and if so The weekly pay roll of the firm is quite a stimulant to this vicinity as at present about one hundred men are employed the year round Air John Burns has bought the farm belonged to the Estate and which- adjoins his property on the line Mr Mil tori Winter is ready to com mence building operations so soon as the weather moderates- Alt has bought the Mount Albert bakery and -takes- session 1st There is no doubt will build up a big trade as abilities are firstclass v Aubrey returned Regular last Monday even ing cillors d IIuies Following A Stork cleaning snow to lots dHoltarn ytirk johnBlaci Bell Telephone use of line of iqoai Duty Freight coal Duty United repairs 30 cv Tbe 1 supplies Hart Kiddell Assessment i Can Gen Elec Co supplies Roche Co J 100 do to jots 150 The of W field re butcher shop on was referred to the Market Commit tee The Finance Committee reported Adoption of Auditors report Grant of to Public Library and to Newmarket Horticultural Society J 3 A bylaw governing the sale of cigarettes J The accounts the Can Gen Co amounting to 5356 referred to Com were ordered to be paid- The account of Dr Webb health passed at Council adjourned J- i si i Spring Goods Arriving Daily i PER YAM UPWARD NEW ART FROM PER YARD UPWARD NEW CRETONNES FAST NEW WAGE CURTAINS We always have shown best value in Lace in Town but this season we even surpass ourselves CORSETS SPECIAL WELL BONED CORSET FOR PAIR STRAIGHT FRONT GIRDLE CORSETS 1 IN ALL MAKES AND AT ALL PRICES Immense Stock i Embroideries r j mm I f Direct to band- Quality Variety Unlimited Price lowest in the anywhere A CORNER STOR NONE SO GOOD AS POWDER w- Next Sunday morning at the Rev Simpson will conduct a Memorial Service in memory of the late Mrs who died in Toronto few weeks ago and who was for many years a respected and much loved resident of Keswick from through anniversary services in connec- and I Vermont with the Methodist School Ale Sunday were well attended Rev Stone baking business Tor Brace pre in next year Special to the Editor of the Era- the morning to the children a very instructie and interesting Sermon In the evening Simpson preached an able sermon to parents The church was crowded On Monday evening there was a full was a bad A Pearson Aurora preached a very interesting and in- bouse but there structive sermon on Sunday evening as the Hunter last in the Methodist church has from Newmarket was not present ow ed his remarks on tie passage of to a death in the family Pro- scripture taken from Duet The attendance was not Very large owing no doubt to the unfavorable state the roads Mr and Mrs William and Mrv and Mrs James Black of anniversary about Air Toronto spent Sunday at sons Air up just now from a had sprain received while un loading a car at Gilford last week who have spent tbe roughest part of We observed o party playing croquet the winter months out- town the lawn Mann one day turned home last Sunday We would like to have members of the get down to work laid up for the past few weeks with after a- brief rest The meetings have attack of pneumonia is able to be been very poorly attended this winter again last week Mr Friend who has been at the present time Good cattle of tarried under three bridges and over brush and underwood that seemed to be impossible a distance of at least yards Saturday night the and stKkers water was let run out of the going at 275 to this class weighing 900 to lbs are bringing to Good are 325 to town and Newmarket ponds as fast as it could and bet ween and oclock on Sunday morning both dams were closed as tightly as pos sible In the course of an hour there Yearling calves are fetching to and good veal calves to Milkers are exceedingly scarce and badly wanted Those in are not of a good class but are but now that spring is nigh at and the roads more becoming there is no reason why we cannot have a good attendance from now on The meeting will be held in the Presby terian church on Wednesday evening at The subject for consideration will be Home Missions Our own for Christ We heartily welcome everybody Owing to the absence of a choir in the Methodist church last Sunday evening the organist invited two young gentleman to assist in the sing ing This invitation accepted snowdrift and rendered assistance to best of Winnipeg their ability This went very well J but there always seems to be some- body somewhat jealous or else go to the church for nothing el than to and find fault with everything Newmarket March that is said and done Now VloiiK per barrel a are thrown out that these two per a gentlemen made their own way to the le bush tig a comfortable pews of the choir to the Goose Wheat per bush a Action is about being taken by the Toronto Ministerial Association to stem the tide of gambling At a meeting on Monday it declared that the betting Woodbine and other sporting places has produced an epi demic of gambling throughout whole community Minister of Justice was memorialised on the sub ject The body of Mrs Mcpherson who wandered away from her home on the night of the storm was found in a in the northern part was only about six in Iks of water bringing to something really left in the bottom of the streams and would bring to the men able to more fetching to carefully than it was possible before yearlings and bucks a the men atc steady at 6 for were only a few feet apart and the and and fats ted of the stream was being up when a thrill of satisfaction was carried along the line by the tews that the boy was found The body was immediately taken to Road- houses undertaking establishment- iubequenlly removed to the home of the griefstricken parents The funeral service took place on Monday afternoon at the home on Prospect Avenue conducted by Rev Dr Cade who was assisted by Revs and The was crowded by sympathizing ft and the beautiful floral tri- conveyed silent messages re gard and condolence Among these were a magnificent pillow from the Specialty Employees sprays from Ladies Aid the MeUiodist Sunday and vari ous floral designs from Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs J Mr Mrs Mrs Jackson Mis ody and About 100 employees of Specialty Works and over children of the School irlarchcd in procession to the depot where the remains were placed on board the train the taking place at Nelson Pennsyl vania the home of both the parents accompanied the casket The sympathy of the whole Town has rone out to Mr and in themselves in so to speak We Buckwheat wish state that these gentlemen Barley per bush have been invited back to assist bush choir in the future but if on opinion J bush like what we have just mentioned is going to interrupt brain power flutter some of our friends the time has not J yet come for an addition to the choir I Pelts Sale Register MONDAY March Jas Smith will have an unreserved of stock and implements on lot Con North near Jersey mos credit on sums over except for hay and hogs or per of for cash Sale at oclock auctioneer TUESDAY March Mr Hen ry will have an important sale of stock arid implements on lot In the rear Of the 3rd of Bast hall a mile east of Terms7moe credit on Gums over Sale at one oclock sharp W Kavanagh auctioneer FRIDAY Men Mr John Money of lot con will dispone his drlvhig ware and a number valuable farm implements etc on the usual terms Sale at oclock March Mr V Brooks of lot con 1 miles east of Mount Albert win dispone of his horses cattle pigs implements etc on the usual terms of bush land will 1 also be offered Sale oclock Smith auctioneer Wool per lb Hay per ton 1 I 047 00 spoken of We arc told that owls have large eyes consequently they must be able tosee a vast area at In ton 21 over the Mount Albert Branch of Potatoes per bag the fOra we under Baldwin Breezes the name or signature The OwJV Altho may be one to aii other yet we congratulate the Owl on the news and informa tion that he acquires from week to week It is very amusing sometimes to note the different catastrophic Might wo be allowed to mike a Chickens per pair Geese per lb Turkeys per lb I a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 0 0 0 20 0 13- 65 13 00 0 Spring AND 0 a Toronto markets Toronto March 1002 Red Wheat per little joke though old it may be AU wheat per bush a noted tramp promenading for Spring Wheat per a SPECIAL DISPLAY NEW GOODS 1 Wednesday Thursday March Street Walker Co and as usual made his calls three times a day at the farm houses for meals He called on a particular farm house early one Monday morning learning that had been troubled with rats Conse quent he for his breakfast that if they gave It to ifim he would kill all the rats about the house The lady of the house think ing that she has a time Goose Wheat per hush 66 a per bush Oats per a per a per bush a Eggs per 12 a Butter roll per lb a Hay per Potatoes per bag 0 Wool per lb Dressed per a a a a when relief would be given gave the his breakfast which was not- a fore A a very small one after Beef hind 8 a away all thegood things making Chickens pe pair U9 a a finish of his breakfast be exclaimed Ducks per t a Now lady bring on your Turkeys Portuguese troops have captured Seed dealers and killed In Pot tuiese Africa Seed 11 a a a a a March March are respectfully invited to attend and our a Roche Co 4 I r i

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