Newmarket Era, 21 Mar 1902, p. 4

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arm 7 Your If breath Bat there mar time when roar so bad TOO cant breathe the mouth Is alwaj bed for Ibe It so ben Ibelt delicate bare been weak- toed by of ibe blood catarrh depend Alfred Fa peered from catarrh for year tea J gait bad there a In Ed be not breathe through one of fcii nostrils nor dear bis Attar spec oca ha no irtorccordln to- Ms own Ibis free rtfJoallF a5 cam by laa The Opposition Seoned 4 BLOOD rg The Whitney organ at Toronto is growing quite as reckless in its utter ances as the of party It endorses In Mondays issue with the transactions in the only the Saturday previous in the memory of its editorial staff we fend following assertion The Ontario Government bad hard work to whip all ita sup- porters into line to get them to endorse the latest deal Instead of Government having difficulty to whip all its supporters into line the actual truth is Opposition gave evidence of open MANIFEST THEMSELVES IN MANYDISAGREEABLE WAYS Such as Pimples The Blood be Purified During the Spring Months i The baa been knocked oiitl Mr Pettypiece tiled to bare stores allowed to continue in operation for in the a Very limit ed number being favorable to the tracingstamp way of doing I Jib for Soys r THE A f LEGAL- Trios J Robertson Barrister Public Main to food Farm security T iiioyd lirrfster Solicitor public etc Jliurj j a Court Newmar ket Coovesncert South of Poet flce Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will beat nd Co Banker rtnd Ontario Aurora SI against its leaders while Mr an exleader of the party not way all over body and are the Government for for a large proportion of all Vis its latest agreement but eases various in their nature but voted with the Government in opposi tion to his party In the course of A press despatch from Ottawa Toe Spring season is toe for week announced that the Canada At blood cleansing and blood renewing Railway has definitely Blood troubles axe danger- the property of an in On the so of painful and ways goes one roilliou dollars in cash wis such as scrofula eczema boils and paid on the purchase as an evidence pimples The impurities get in- of good faith- option for coin- to the blood pursue their poisonous pietion of sale has been extended Central SAVINGS COMPANY where boy If he is always told to get out cover that fi 1 TORONTO CANADA Cor and HON GEO A COX til the June next Paidup lupoo Fund- S Banister Bartons Barrister Money to fl I Post Office Block opposite Methodist Church Satisfaction Guaranteed to Dr Opposite Dm Store GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN DIV TIME TABLE a o CO CO 5 I ft I I P3 CI a a I I a a J H a ua in un io i I CO a en h o 5 v J all Metropolitan Co TORONTO AND 13 tf o 4S p in CO a too o a So a CO OS to o CI to a his remarks previous to the vote Mr pointed out that tbe splendid and continuous progress growth at the was a result of wise concessions of the Administra tion Continuing he Opposition had never raised objections to the concessions until the Spanish River Companys agreement of two years ago when they had denounced it as a heme for enrichment of those interested The best evidence that gentlemen had no faith in their allegations lay in the fact that when opportunity of was given they had not taken advantage cf it Tbe present agreement was the most favorable to the people which had ever been brought before the House and he would support it Ministerial cheers In the fate of this evidence of defection from Oppo sition ranks the Mail of Monday has the to boldly assert that the Ontario Government had hard work to whip all its supporters into line Before con- Itding lis adiess Mr Marter rolled up his and gave Mr Whitney Col Mr ana a couple other wouldbe leaders of the Conservatives a welldeerved dressing down Let us quote his own words Any man or any ret of men can pull down or destroy but it takes wiser men to i and build up Ministerial applause I am sick and of these inuendoes that every body is a thief and a robber and s on I have lived to my age and I am pretty well advanced and I think it is yet to ire said that am a rob ber and a thief or that I support men who are and thieves Re newed mini I am tired and vick of it and I only ask for the privilege and opportunity of meeting hon gentlemen who make When the Municipal Amendment Bill was passing through the House last week Hon -Me- proposed to for attach a penalty of for anyone is can who votes more than once for an equal Williams Pink Pills for alderman in a municipal election and Pale People These pills cure all aUo disqualification The dangerous in extreme To nave pure blood and plenty of it you need a tonic and blood purpose there is can eases due to impurities in the blood by promptly cleansing and freeing practice has become so common said tie that it can matter If your Mood is thm or insufficient if you suBer from ex haustion at least exertion if you are pale easily get out of breath and feel constantly languid and fagged out Dr Williams Pink Pills will cure you by filling your veins with new rich red blood Mr Root Lee of New Westminster BC says Before began using Dr Williams Pink Pills my blood was in a very impure and as a result pim ples were very itchy broke out all over my body My appetite was fickle and was easily tired I several medicines but they did not help me my wife urged me to try Dr Williams Pink Pills put a half da en boxes and by the time I had used them I was restored to and my skin was smooth and tlear 1 shall always speak a good word for these pills Unity It is fcecause these make red blood that they erne suih trou bles as anaemia shortness of breath headache palpitation of the heart rheumatism erysipelas St Vitus dance and the functional ailments that make the lives of so many men a source of constant mi en The genuine pills always bear the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper on every box Sold by all dealers or sent by mail at cents a box or six boxes for by addressing Dr Williams Medicine Co ville statements before any audience Word comes from Ottawa that dont care where and I think lean though the Minister of Railways has prove that this is a business announced that a measure making proposition and one in whin there for the appointment of a is no wrongdoing Min- applause In conclusion Mr Matter again blood from all poisonous be by a stringent das A Bill aid AdeUtcfe Tecowto Plana and mxde tor all of fciUanag pressed men would approve the agreement In presenting this last agreement to the House Hon Mr Davis pointed out these facts in connection there with These pulp mills are to have a capacity of tons of pulp per day and employ nams at least ten months the year Themil is to be erected on the Montreal River or the Ottawa less than twenty miles above Pembroke In case of failure to out their agreement the company will lose a deposit of put up The same restrictions in connection cutting etc apply as are incorporat ed in former agreements a at State of Ohio City Toledo Lucas County J Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of J Cheney Co doing in the City of Toledo County and- State aforesaid and that said firm will pay sum of One Hundred Dol lars for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Halls Cure FRANK j Sworn to before me and subscribed In my this 6th day of AD REASON Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally end directly on the Wood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free J CHENEY CO ToledoO Sold by Druggists Hairs Family Pills are the beet The office of the- Selkirk Journal was destroyed by fire The loss will to Forty additional arrests have been made in Constantinople In connection with Path and his seditious designs Railway Commission is to be intro duced it is now thought the measure will not be pressed this session It the opinion that the business will be introduced and then allowed of Toronto and the Province to stand for another years consider ation A fully empowered Railway Commission will fill a longfelt want in Canada A CARD We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a bot tle of Greenes Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold We also guarantee a bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded J R Y BR0UQHTON An amendment was made to the Petty Trespasses Act before tie As- adjourned on Saturday mak ing it a tiespass to go across gardens ct lawns As the law previously stood only enclosures were protected By an amendment to the statute law which passed the Legislature on Saturday anyone in Ontario compell ed tp take an oath may do so it he wishes after the Scotch method of uplifted hand and repeating the fol lowing words I swear by Almighty God as shall have to answer to God at the Day of judgment I shall tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so far as know it and as the same shall be asked of me The remarks of judges on the unsanitary nature of the prac tice of kissing tbe Book and tbe fur ther fact that it is being by some people kissing their thumbs has led to making his change oath available to those who object to the old sure and the amendment went thru According to Mr Justice decision this week York county must contribute toward the support of the South York Model School at the The County Council and its are out this time The County can only get even by making an increased claim on the Junction or the South York Cpunty to some municipality not separated from the County- Application is being made to the Federal Pa to incorporate a company of building a tun nel under the St Lawrence River from Montreal to the south shore to used by steam or electric- trains and pedestrians The Company authority to carry telegraph telephone electric light- and power wires a the iher with a station or stations in or near Montreal The name of the concern will be tbe Mon treal Subway Company i A feud has existed among medical fraternity of On- ta over question as to whether the Council shell be compos ed of elective len- largely of appointive mem- as at present A solution was reached by he Legislature last week it was to submit Dr hill providing for an to a referendum the profession of Ire Province at tie the next election for tbe Council Doctors in arrears are also to be allowed to vote There appears to be some ion respecting the barberry shrub and its influence touching wheat rust When the bill before the Legislature providing for the destruction barberry shrub came on for a third reading Hon Mr had it amended by inserting a clause de fining the species of the it was desirable to extinguish viz Vulgaris Mr explained that there were about 100 diflerent species grown This will account for the wide divergence of opinion as to its effect as a rust producer North Toronto unless all signs fail will have about much politics to the acre at the approach ing provincial elections as any other constituency in Ontario The present member Mr Marter will run as an Conservative Mr J probably as regu lar Conservative party nominee Mr King if he can got the antiprohibitionists worked up to the right key will play the Whitney Con servative antireferendum role and then the old line Grits will no doubt have their nominee pledged to sup port the Government At any rate this is tie situation that district present a as depicted by the city Interest allowed on payable on Demand Interest allowed on Repayable on notice WRITE FOR COPY OF ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER INFORMATION i R WOOD Director p a The cushions that rocking chair Were put there of course to be seen and A boy has no business to ever be The beautiful roses and flowers that bloom On the floor of the darkened and deli- room Are not made to walk on at least not by boys The house is no place anyway or their noise Yet boys must walk somewhere and what if their feet Sent out of our houses sent into the street Should step around the corner and pause at the door Where other hoys feet have paused often before Should pass through the gateway of glittering light Where jokes that are merry and songs are bright Ring out a warm welcome with Bat tering voice And tempting say Heres a place for the boys I A For Taxes in the County of York i THE TERRIBLE fcvinU Our in ftonA aa to a sea scat aut af Ova arto affrts which laiUo in Wots aid ratatWa retard Relief from tbe dote cures tars mads in Bold by Lehman AT ALL TIMES OF YEAR Killer will be found a useful house hold remedy Cures cuts sprains and bruises Internally for cramps and diarrhoea Avoid substitutes theres only one PainKlller Perry Davis In every constituency in which the Alliance puts up a temperance candi date in order to and annoy candidates supporting the Govern ment when the time comes to vote on the referendum the Alliance managers will flnd retaliation votes recorded against prohibition The Alliance cannot possibly hope for any or support from the as their leader has declared prohibition and In favor of a system and if prohibitionists by their opposition to Government antagonize the great bulk of favoring the policy of the present then Roodbye to prohibition for the next decade MONTY OF Br Virtue or a Varrau Warden the County of TO WIT lYorkbcarDirdaiKlbo day of Dceemlier Hundred One a oimttandlny me with the or of Taxes tin set forth together with I notice that the said of and Mid and at speolQcd sell the said lands or thereof as may be to dfsoharae the said arrears Of taxes cbarges hereon ALL THE FOLLOWING ARE PATENTED EXCEPTING LOT CON NORTH URY 1 SALE TO BE HELD MONDAY 21ST DAY OF APRIL IMS at the hour of oclock Id the Court House Adelaide St Toronto Assessed to Claj ton Main MUNICIPALITY OF Fees A Lot Street Acres Taxes Total NO- and of Sale to be held on TUESDAY DAY OF APRIL 1802 NBArnold Street Villa of HILL OF Lot Cod aorea Taxes Aiseased part I to Slan io A Part M0NIOIPAUTY OF Description Lot Coo Acres Taxes to F part St 3 OF V1LLAOH Deecrlptloo New Dress For Ten Cents Price of a of DIAMOND Women of every social condition know from practical experience that It isnt Impossible with tbe aid of Dia mond Dyes to make A NEW DRESS FOR TEN CENTS Ladies use Diamond Dyes to their entire advantage and pro fit There is no reason why too will not in Diamond Dyes the same aid to economical and stylfuh dressing If you prefer mw dress for ten cents instead of buying a hew one at a cost of from five fen dollars buy a package of Dla- Dyes and with very little work you can make your old Idck like new one Send a Card with your ad dress and The Wells Richardson Co Limited Mountain St Mon treal will mail you free of cost full range of Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns to make select from King Edward proposes to signal- he his coronation by a dinner to half a million of Londons poor 30000 has been Bet aside for the purpose- I is II Lot X to to Henry Assessed to Joan to J vrSelby to Bertha Hitler to A DCrosby I to Had to to Bertha Miller Aores Taxes HO ftS Main abti abtl 3d ttoujre KORO xl Bilge Jerman A Bxps i a Fees A A lit BIB l6 135 las 1st 13 Total HIV Total Tot a 15 at 71 It ins flr ftr Ah what if they should What your boy or mine Should cross oer the threshold which marks out the line virtue and vice pure- and sin And leave all his innocent boyhood within Oh what if they should because you and I While the days and the months and the years hurry by Are too busy with cares and with lifes fleeting joys To make round our hearthstone a place for the boys Thetes a place for the boys They will find It somewhere And if our own homes are too daint ily fair For the touch of their fingers the tread of their feet Theyll find it and find it alas in the street Mid the gildings of sin and the j vice And with heartaches and longings ve we pay a dear price For the getting of gain that out lifetime employs If we fail in providing a place for the boys A place for the boys dear mother As cares settle down round our short earthly way Dont let us forget by our kind lov ing deeds To show we remember their pleasures and needs Though our souls may be vexed with problems life And worn with and toil ing and strife Our hearts will keep younger your tired heart and mine If we give them a place in their shrine And to lifes latest hours twill be one of our joys That we kept a small corner a place for the boys Boston Transcript NO Comprising Bast Whitchurch and Holland Landing- Bale to be TUESDAY DAY OF APRIL at the hour of pm In the TOWN HALL OF BAST Acre Tuxes it 45 Vera A Kxpi it IBs 167 Total SO Description Lot part toQeo part 12 toJasTuinoy MUNIOIPAUTi OF Lot Con Acres to John R fio Bparl MUNICIPALITY OP HOLLAND Description Street acres Tores Total Lot I part Wtb J ft ltd 41 40 1 J1 part of Survey Lot J part of ill IK Total fifrJ J NO t North and Village of Button Sale to be held on THURSDAY DAY OF APRIL at of BUTTON MUNICIPALITY OF Ml It IB Part of and part part- W Centre part and and of part JO part to SB part part 1 a no Port Bolster MUNICIPALITY OF Description Taxes it Not Patented to John a nut Lot Coo part St 13 M Keswick Foes ias 143 lift ft Total 1 Is It OF BUTTON Plan Block Taxes M ft JI First PdbUsks4 Vttsh Treasurer mm r F WIRE it 2 common wire vhfch la important rtrirgth of as coil wing to If fa Out loctti j which allows for ax web jratr- are lllMl as and con one piece thor ital DOES IT PAY TO BUY A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right but you want something that will and cure the more severe and dangerous results of and lung troubles What shall you do Go to a warmer and more re gular climate Yes if possible not possible lor you then in aw tale the ONLY remedy that has been introduced in all civilised tries with success in severe and lung troubles lloschees Syrup It not only heals and the tissues destroy the germ disease but allays inflammation causes easy expectoration Rives good nights rest and cures the pa tient Try One Dottle mended many years by all druggist in the world You can get Dr Greens reliable remedies at Pharmacy The Montreal hockey team Winnipeg in the final game for posses sion of the Stanley Cup by two goals to one P W Thompson general manager of flour mills of Manitoba has secured an order for ten train loads of flour for South Africa ONE IS BETTER than tea Ask Doctor Burgess Supt tor Insane they have used it tor for his opinion Tbe L Planter Get genuLne by Ltd RuKsia is pouring troops war material via the Siberian Railway into Vladivostok Such action sa vors of preparation for war Willi Ja pan For and

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