Newmarket Era, 21 Mar 1902, p. 5

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T ONTARIO CAPITAL REST Total a NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED riTABLK At ALL bought ano feu attended to IN8UKANCE fl for HI I to Loan interest at Current Of the Newmarket A fl Ramsay Insurance on Farm and Tow Property Hodges Shop tot JAPS Simpson 5UlD8t Sundries and AUCTIONEER Bern HtdiDiMCi2i Street Bolton poetical and House Corner Millards and Church Street Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES it the Bra Office Newmarket W Papers issued at private resident t ISSUER OP MARRIAGE LICENSES NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS l LATEST IN Monuments and Head-Stones- Call Before tig GOOD FRIDAY STUDIO OPEN A Li DAY J Come the possible J SMITH Photographer KNOWLES Grocery and Provision TORE It First in Mia Estimation s0ctO yziTi7 Dried Apples per Apples 2 lbs Tor Iail Jam Jar Jam Evaporated Its for gallon Tin Cringe Marmalade Jar Plums Blue Berries pet cm Cherries per can per can NOW ISTHE TIME To Meyers Poultry Spice you Etc fcaxly Pot t STORE Another to who use spirits is in the terrible tragedy by Frank lost Ms litem new City on the He was ejected from court because intoxicated and to male bis railing and the meat floor distance of feet His head struck first and tie was killed leasei leaves a and dynamite at the a icOmt one eye and txto hands tbe young man ice has largely disappeared from the harbour and early opening of navigation is It is expected the elephant India for Park will reach here about the 1st of next month A liquor dealer sent a bill to tbe City Medical Health Officer amount ing to for ale arid whiskey sup plied to guards on duty upon houses from which smallpox cases had been taken Dr reply was to the point Send these to those li quor Among the packages as un claimed goods by the Ex press and at prices railing any where to were those of a set of false teeth a glass eye and a ladys a five gallon jug was run up to but alter the spirited buyer uncorked it be found it con tained nothing- but mineral water worth a gallon One man how ever got a pair of curtains for but next fellow paid for a pair of overalls Such is life some win others lose President Mack of the Toronto Baseball Club has donated a cup to the City Amateur League and has appointed three gen tlemen as trustees to tee tbatit is awarded Quite an epidemic of mumps pie vails among children of the city The men of- the Higfcknders chosen to represent Canada at the military tournament in New York will leave here on Toronto has seldom witnessed to large aid representative a funeral as that the late Mrs Ross wile of the Premier The lloral tributes were most profuse The members of the Legislature attended the as a body the House having adjourn for the purpose Members of the and the speaker acted as Rev Dr MiHigjan of old St Andrews church conducted the last sad rites at the house and at the cemetery The Dominion Parlia ment was at the funeral by Hon Mr The memory of St Patrick was duly honored by Irishmen of this city on Monday St Patrick was a real man a missionary of the olden time not a glorified myth and although there was no parade the sons of Erin did not fail celebrate day Bogus- bills of the Bank were again found in circulation at the close of last week The business of the Legislature was brought to a close about oclock on Saturday members singing save the King f and cheering Smith and Mrs Smith have gone to Auntie City for a few weeks stay Mrs Osier wife of Hon Mr Just ice Osier of the Court of- Appeal early Saturday morning at the family residene Collegestreet In the last issue of the Junction Hie editor solemnly adjures Town Council to do something appears the Junction badly needs lighting for houses More Gtc Some members of the expiring leg islature are like curios They cost- times more than they are worth Rev Matthews pastor of the Davenport Method church preached last abba I It evening on the Witch of practical sons Among other halftone photos in last weeks illustrated pages of the Globe was the portrait of late Rev Canon formerly of Lloyd- town A generous citien of the city has authorized Aid Lamb to purchase a pair of lions for the Zoo They will be secured ttls season Holding an old ragpicker was- found on steps of Grace Hos pital Saturday afternoon riuffering from poisoning She died on Monday While was crossing a track at North Toronto on Saturday he was down by a engine and received a arm The arm had to be amputate The Toronto Junction Council are entertaining a proposition from the Foundry Co to erect a building for manufacturing stoves coraony have secured site and are bound in tbe to employ at least men of whom per cent reside In the Junction council also read a bylaw a second time to renew exemption of Com fort from taxation In of their building a large I addition to the building now occupied of Justice of hm I Dies at Her Home in Orb leaving i By death of Mrs Jane stbhe Luck jell of the late pd- l ward Luck the Township of loses March Text Be not drunk with wine wherein is excess one of is at the time of its Tire deceased lady was in The Epistle to the in her year and had spent the many respects is one of the- most greater part of time on the lot of St Pauls writings THE MARVELLOUS SPRING MED- she died the part a literary creation it is both brilliant BANISHES LONG STAND- of her life was spent in the and comprehensive its style being AND STOMACH environments of a home it suited to the people to TROUBLES was not without its important whom it was addressed its themes having special reference -to- their j Mrs Lucks parent were in uheser- This epistle taken as a Do not allow dyspepsia indigestion vice of Klphinstone from whom whole is a harmonious of the and troubles to continue her at the request spiritual and the ethical and reveals their bodydestroying work as you of that noblemans daughter- At the not only mans oblations to God enter the glad springtime time of her birth they were travelling but bis duty also to his fellowmen is arousing from her winter in Scotland and Mrs Luck was born admitted by all students of Bible slumber of death and putting on a in TIjc years of her Wstory that St Paul introduced the brighter and more cheerful garb ihildhpod i into us there while the birds the rills and company her parents she came are Joyously singing their to this in early life During of welcome to a new Hie so the voyage the ship was wrecked should men and wornen endeavor to the Banks of Newfoundland where cast off the fetters of disease and put many lives have since found watery on that new life that enables After being exposed to appreciate the joys and beauties of for some hours they were newborn season jiescued from their perilous posit ion on The great spring emancipator rocks by a passing vessel and liberator from the common diseases life is Celery Compound Tested for years by the ablest physi cians and triumphant in over- Coming sickness it is gladly recom mended by the great majority of medi cal men from day to day Mr John Justice of the Peace and Clerk of the Township of Sarawak and Brooke says You will think me ungrateful in not sooner acknowledging to you my entire cure from dyspepsia through the use of Celery Compound but when I tell you that I suffered all the tortures of- dyspepsia for five years and during that time having taken most of the great remedies advertised as the only sure cure for horrible complaint with little or no benefit I was determined to be cured before I would be satisfied Some of the great remedies would give me a little relief while was taking them but as as I thrh was as bad as ever When I commerced taking Painesj landed safely on the For a short time she resided in Toronto and wards met and married her late husband spent together a lung life of happiness upon lot in the concession of Her husband died 1884 but alter that Mrs Luck continued to live with her wo unmarried daughters on the same lot She left all of whom were at home for the funeral except three grandchildren also as well as The relatives are Mrs Deputy Sheriff Mrs Hampton Jury and Mr Lick As was to expected the funeral was a very large one Relatives and friends assembled in large numbers to do homage to a woman who was a friend of everyone and related to not a few The Services were very ive were conducted by Rev Mr Douglass in the Methodist church Daiston pulpit was heavily for the The Celery Compound I fully expected the the gratefiliy same results as my conscience in the tokens of medicines was shaken hut from displayed on all sides dese of the compound I felt bet- White shamrocks after taling two bottles aid were placed thought I was com lei el cured hut opiate places and the grief to make the cure certain I took four of the more is now over was In many rince I took tbe last dose and 1 eased lave rot had the lean symptom of Jell the unhappy but sacred duty of the disease in any way I can their mothers remain to the own experience recom- J the was and the Paines Celery Compound as a sure cure and a very to take- when on from to Jerusalem about the year PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Character is largely formed by Young people cannot be too careful of their associations for influence of early years last all thru lire W ben we hear coarse vulgar phrases impure suggestions we may be certain that the heart which prompted them is full of evil We may war ftne apparel and worthy of high social rank but if we coarsen and vulgarize our speech we at betray our real nature If the of early life are neleciedrschool education training prestation for business etc will have sustained an irreparable Our earlier years are the foun dation upon which all the after life builds Nothing young people should be careful of than their habits of life and conduct Any defilement therefore of the body any yielding to temptation any indulgence of will even- work out the most dire throat rtietjt are quickly relieved by in cents per box All drug eldest years of age pleasant Lucks husband was a native Albany the age of 1 years moved to the lot on he died in He was a A lumberman named Samuel Coo- j ated man and during scholastic to be insane received fatal 7 career won tin gteu injuries while attempting to i -rfcr- County for general secular education The Hon Senator at way if to Tho Hoopers house Falls Brampton March 15 jr of the firm of Peaker Son hardware merchants died at his home about this from the effects of the injuries he received on Monday last by the explosion of a canister of powder in the firms ware house- He was a- young man of great promise Mr statement is that he took the wooden screw plug out of the wooden powder keg to ex amine the contents and that when ho screwed the plug in again there was a flash of fire and a report this is all lie remembers mothers Should Always be Prepared Promptly Treat the Minor men is of Their Little Ones to Ail- Opposite Forsyth House by them No mother can hope that her child ren will escape all the minor ailments that afllict little ones and she prepared to treat ills instant ly when the emergency arises At the same lime mothers cannot be loo careful what they give their little ones in the way of medicine Doctors have long protested against of the soolhiigi preparations and they are still used and with alarming frequency by mothers These prepar ations invariably contain opiates which drug and stupefy the little one into temporary quiet or sleep For all the minor ills of little ones Is no acts so speedily as Babys Own Tablets and they are sold under a guarantee to contain no opi ate or harmful drug Thous ands of mothers now use no other medicine for their little ones and all have tested it speak of its prompt and action En the warm est terms Mro Geo Well wood have used Babys Own Tablets my house for some time and I can sincerely my that they ate the bevt medicine I have for my little ones They promptly and the results are al ways I think mothers should keep these Tablets constantly the Own Tablets a cure for such troubles as colic sour stomach indigestion simple fevers diarrhoea and worms They break up colds prevent croup and the Irritation the cutting of teeth by drug gists cents a box or sent post paid on receipt of by addressing The Dr Williams Medic Co Experimental Union Tests in flgnieultufe The Ontano Agricultural and Ex perimental Union is prepared to for experimental good of leading varieties of farm cross to an average of sixtyfive farmers in each County and District of Ontario Each person who wishes to conduct an experiment and is will ing to use great care and accuracy in work and report he results of the test harvest should the exact experiment desired and apply for Die as soon as The material will forward ed in the order in which the applica tions arc until the limited supply is exhausted Aitho material for not more than one experiment will be sent to each person it might be well for each applicant to make a second choice for fear the first could not be granted List of Experiments for 1902 I Three varieties of Oats Three varieties of sixrowed bar- lay Two varieties of barley J Spelt and two varieties of Spring Wheat 5 Two varieties of Buckwheat fit varieties of Field Peas for Northern Ontario Two varieties of bugproof Field Peas Coo Peas and two varieties of Japanese Deans Three varieties of Coin Three varieties of Mangolds 11 Two Warier of Sugar for feeding purposes varieties of Swedish Tur nips Kohl and two varieties Fall Turnips Parsnips and two varieties of Carrots IB cTbree varieties of fodder or silage Corn Three varieties Millet Three varieties of Sorghum Peas and two varieties Vetches 19 Dwarf Essex Rape and Thousand Headed Kale Three varieties of Clover Sainfoin Lucerne and Burnet Five varieties of Grasses Three varieties of Field Beans Three varieties of Sweet Corn Fertilizers with early Corn for husking Fertilizers with Swedish Turnips Growing Potatoes on the level and in hills 28 Two varieties of very early Po tatoes Planting Cut Potatoes which have and which have not been coated over with land plaster Planting Com in rows and in squares an excellent variety of early Corn will be used Material for either No or No experiment will be forwarded by A quarantine has been established express and for each ol others It at Manila vessels from Hong will be sent by mail Kong owing to- the cholera at the A Agricultural Col lego Ontario BRONCHIAL Affections coughs and all quickly cured by It bits no Acts prompt ly heals and cures Manu factured by the proprietors of Perry and the late Mr Clifford were the examiners on the occasion For lwentytyo consecutive years be taught flic public school of Hill and at a time when the present conveniences enjoyed in a rural school were unheard of The Hon- Charles was one of the pupils who received his early education from the late Mr Luck Mrs Lucks mother lived tot a ripe old age and had she been spared for another three months would have at tained the age of years THE DROPOFF HEART Doctors didnt Mr Jam long to live- but Or Dure tot Htarl foiled them and cured her For fifteen Mr John A of a great from Divas for days at a lime confined to bed aid It teemed as tboogh might bo her last that aha drop off any With tenacity In g and that white Ufa therea hope he using for Heart Three bottles cured her remedy in roinalea Sold by A party of tourists were robbed of half a in jewelry while traveling from London to Vien na A BUI YOU LOSING WEIGHT The will always help and build you up Restores digestion and brings back health Manufactured by the Davis 4t Lawrence Co Ltd The blizzard which raged in Man itoba from Friday afternoon to Sun day night is said to le worst storm in Winnipeg in fif teen years Children dry for CASTOR I A A section of the naval arsenal at Valparaiso has been destroyed by Are The loss is placed at r The Latest AND s SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION- JACKS FOR HIRE Pairs Mens American Sample Boots lace or gaiter Sizes 7 j4 and only Regular Price while they last 1 49 Ri member we clearing out Winter Goods Tho Whole Story In letter PamKiUeY Prom Police No W in stom ach all which our I fcaYe that i to at Internally od Two and ENGINES FOR SALE company a capital being formed at New York to promote- the Marconi system of wireless telegraphy Children for Sold by All Newsdealers Monthly to lover of Song And VAit volume New Choice Copyright CompoflltJona by the most authors Pages of Piano Vocal for Piano One a Month for Cenhu Yearly Subscription in any off A Li one get newly of Mtalc comprising Complete of lb gH a from and to us and mill you a in PEPPER Publisher Pa Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer BEFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO Peerless SEPARATORS And Your choice of Full Rig for 400 On four years time at 600 THOMPSON fi i WILL SKI A j TWINS Red Star feet the lb Hi Manilla feet to lb Twine British sub lets will you In dustries or nd your money to the States The Sons Mfg Co Have amalgamated with and In will bo known as the United Factories mm OLD SALE AT THE OFFICE ted Ail accounts previous to Doc due and by THE WW CANE SONS MFG CO An- person having such will kindly sen them in once as Company closing books and Will Apply a return of charter

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