Newmarket Era, 21 Mar 1902, p. 6

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i- ighesfc For Ail Grain Seeds ALWAYS OK MOUNT ALBERT Mosey to Both private per DAVIDSON Notary Public Sec Mount Albeit TRY BLACKBERRY CORDIAL STRAWBERRY FLY PADS TANGLEFOOT INSECT POWDER Protect your cttie from tie and get an Increase In the flow of It fix Forrests Drag Store ALBERT FURNITURE You can save money by buying your Furniture at the Store A STOCK AN OF B3roomtd Soil a and Chairs We are seen I a for Pillow Sham and the and Picture Framing a Specialty delivered Ire of when ordered in quantity ALLAN PRODUCE The at tend ed on Tuesday- butter to ebjeiens 40 to 75c 0c- turkeys sheepskins maple syrup to per gallop j A MEAN TRICK Some evil person or per sons paid a visit to the skating rink while it not running and ab stracted all the coal oil out of the lamps About two oil left in an oil was also taken and the can filled up with water There will be a hot time for the one that it if he is discovered moving down two rnites of Aurora where be has leased a farm We are sorry- to lose Mir linger and family as were good citizens and wish every suc cess in their new home Mr George has purchased the Boyd property LDWIN BREEZES- past have Been QUBENSVILLE Special services will be held in Methodist here every night this week and next- Miss Green assist- the pastors Jo this WORTH A branch of the League has been recently organized with the following officers Honorary Presi dent Rev J Morgan President Shields 1st VicePresi dent Miss May 2nd Vice- President Miss Hayes 3rd Vice- President Mrs Secre tary Mr Hayes Organist Miss Meetings are Wednesday evening PERSONAL- Mr J A Miller of Baldwin spent Sunday town with family Mr of Baldwin was town on Tuesday Mr and Sirs Robert Harper have returned- from an extended visit with their son Walter at Kinmount Mr and Mrs intend moving to Sharon shortly Mrs who has resided here for a number of years intends going back to Sharon- Mr- John will go to Mont shortly to undergo an operation for appendicitis Mr Ross Sen his daughter Maggie and son Mr John Ross and family left on Tuesday morning for Manitoba where they will make their home in the future The old- gentle man has been a resident of- Scott lor many years WOOL 1 r Jour to the Mount Albert Woollen Mills and get the highest Toronto prices In Cash Full stock of Flannels Blankets Yarns etc also a good assortment of fashionable Suitings always on hand paid for wool taken in ex change for goods Geo Sons will be the of Rev Mr Camerons dis course on Sunday evening Maple sugar making was in full swing last week in this vicinity There was a good flow report It is needless to say there was not much sap in circulation this week was closed for three weeks owing to the soft weath er which prevailed but is now run ning again The ice is in firstclass condition again There will be a social under the auspices of Junior Bible Class Methodist church on Friday April Further particulars later It is reported that the bakery has been rented to a baker from King OUR Township and will be in running op eration again Ladies are cordially invited to come and hear the debate on Tuesday even ing on the question of their right to vote at parliamentary elections as well as at Municipal elections Messrs John Rosamond and J Woodcock attended the horse sale at Grands Toronto- Each returned with a fine driver The Presbyterian Sabbath School have purchased a number new hooks SUTTON The funeral of the late Geo Newton took place last Thursday to ll Hill cemetery and was very largely attended He bad carried the mail- for about twenty years and proved a faithful public servant The Rev conducted service bouse ind the ReVA Rutherford at the grave Mr and Mrs Ira Fountain are ailed to death of their youngest child about five months old The interred in Briar J Mir cemetery Rev A P Brace service Out village presented an animated appearance last Friday afternoon it being the day chosen by the Agricultural Implement Co of 111 King St Toronto for the Spring de livery of their goods in this section Over wagons loaded with imple ments occupied Highstreet between the bridge anil Mr Geo Cuttle Sons store The Company held a of the street for an hour Mr P Morton of Baldwin is their agent i A dangerous accident happened to Mr Wesley Millard last week at the lake While he and Carl McLaughlin were bringing from the to the shore on a handsleigh Millard fell through a hole in the ice in deep water Mclaughlin however managed to rescue him Blanche Bailey a pupil at High School is home on a visit with parents Mrs J ot Toronto is the- guest of her sister Mrs James Anderson at Ainslie Hill Mr is seriously ill with intlamniation Major Stevenson is haying another cottage erected at Park Lake Shore The remains of Mir John former resident were interred in the Presbyterian church cemetery here last Tuesday Rev conducted the service Mr moved to Thorh about fifteen years ago He was a brother of Mr Joseph of Egypt Settlement An interesting discussion took place at the Epworth League last Monday evening in the Methodist church the question of the Referendum both ladies and gentlemen taking part therein It is said that when whiskey is in wit is out but those who take it in at all are not overstocked with wit at any time There are not a few elevated per sons who will criticise ministers be- they have not succeeded making all thieves men They will freely the and tem perance workers because they have on mm- SPRING STOCK for library East Council meets on Thursday 27h at am not the task of making all and drunkards citi zens Many of these critics instead OP- j ft ff V Dry Goods Boots and Shoes la Arriving Daily and to make room are Selling the Balance of our Winter Stock AT HALF PRICE Bee our prices tor Ladies Coats The Ladies Auxiliary in connection of giving a helping hand will point wilh the Methodist church will hold their annual Social on Monday even ing debate under the au spices of the Liberal Club on Ttfewday evening next All are cordially in vited to attend The Conservative Club held a suc cessful meeting cm Friday evening A of new members were enroll ed LANDING again this came little m Keep Yourself WARM by buying a Queen Stove JDROWLAND Mount Albert Rather cool weather week the robins too concerts being held in this week have attracted large crowds each evening Wonder who will get the prize for the best farmer bet Arthur gets It The news the death of Mrs nee Miss Maggie Keefer of Newmarket formerly this place was received oh Sunday evening last Deceased was spending a few days here just a week before her death at her fathers Mr Jacob Keefer and on returning to borne at Newmar ket contracted a which turned to and was cause her death- Much sympathy felt for the and husband Mrs Toronto a few lart week at her fathers Mr Mr George Rood has sold hi driv er to a man In Bond Head for a handsome Things look rather quiet on Kon fcfricc Stanley left moonlight nights we are Have you had any maple syrup yet say the sap ran rather slow this week the finger of scorn and ridicule at those who arc endeavoring to pro mote reform Let such first of all set the example abstinence before in hypocritical fault finding with others A lion of the store occupied by Mr J fs being fitted up for a jewelers shop which will soon be in running order A serious accident Involving a heavy loss to the Messrs fcldt on Tuesday evening when their mill dam was completely swept away is a heavy loss and will also be a great inconvenience to the commun ity here ALBERT DRUG STORE Coughs Colds Hoarseness etc Balm of Cough Syimp For a General Condition for Distemper c use our We also Carry a full line of rj tent Medicines ajnorug them Cos- groves Remedies and Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions Family Reciplesi g receive personal attention day or night LLOYD DRUGGIST BrownbillMiss Ray la visiting On fftel Miss Ida Woodcock was married to Geo Glover North The honored them with a glorious for which they received the princely sum of von As their expenses for ammunition amounted to about ninetynine cents it left a small mar gin for candies which accordingly was blown out at the Jews Two more weddings are on the cards for this little Names are withheld for the present Woodcocks saw mill is once again on rip Mr Wellington Morton our local agent for the Mfg Co had a huge implernent delivery at Sutton on Friday last Seventyeight farmers wagons loaded with machinery were the procession We leave it to Sutton sctibeto furnish was on the Frogs out on the Three heard them tuning up Donald lvicWglsV grove was tapped on Taffy on It was Old ttxjfeios-loi- forty years ago- no remember song The charm ing young widow I met on the train Weil Ive met her again last week just as charming as ever Her name is Mrs Edgar Owen visiting her aunt Mrs Win Baldwin and other relatives Latest reports say Miss Mary Tay lor is gradually improving It would seem that tbe Hon P- is taking no serious of the petition for the removal of the We areglad Many signed it under mis leading statements- y Our Creator aiohe knows the secrets of our rfarts Men under the guise of friendibip many be planning the worst crimes the calendar Some days ago referred to John mans care for his aged father now lying at the point of death Since that time affairs have underwent a change It is said John has for home after selling every living thing the old man had and pocketing the proceeds some two hundred odd and leaving par ents absolutely penniless The public are very emphatic in their denuncia tion of his heartless deeds not wonder if his ears are bur best return his ill gotten gains One day I soliloquized thus Says 1 to myself tOwl this is a mighty fine naborhood and some jolly good nabors but it does beat the dickens how they with each other over the most Its time there was a change Samuel family arc making all for an early removal to the city We are sorry to lose them for theyre good neighbors and we wish them a horse shoe over the door Good Luck Miss Ada leaves for the city this week She is remarkably popu lar amongst young and old and does not need any recommendations as her pleasant ways soon wins her friends Types of some of our girls There seems to be a wonderful diversity of humor amongst them Some are al ways in a happy mood matter what their surroundings may be seems to their temper They appear In live peietal sun shine A few seem to be and crabbed as if they were kept in a pickle vat Still others are of most variable mood sometimes like a balmy southern zephyr all smiles and sunshine and in a moment later look dark as a thundercloud and fierce as a howling Nelson and Nancy Jano last Tuesday summoned little Charlie the nine year old son of James H Crittenden before Heise for trespass he hating entered their house during their temporary absence and taken some pigeons which he sup posed were his own Nancy Jane who has a very voluble tongue and can talk lawyer to a standstill was keen for law Squire very judiciously gave good counsel and ad vised an amicable settlement which was finally accomplished Pretty rough on the girls One of our young men who thinks he knows say girls would all grasp for a sweetheart as keen as a speckled trout for a fly But I dont think theyre built that way I know boys who arc gone on thetn past nave endeavor to with the man in So per sistent have be modestly hidden- behind a- cloud- Elder Percy and a Ja panese missionary conducted the ser vices at the Christian church It is proposed to keep the heathen Chinee out of by raising the cap itation tax from hundred to five hundred is And yet when the Chi nese wish to live in seclusion and sist the intrusion of foreign devils the powers straightway make war upon them and compel them to be sociable dont consider this fair play In referring to the decease of a a scribe observed he carried bis christian character into his daily walk life This is so decidedly differ- i to the neral run of professing christians as to be quite Many professing to be christians lay aside their religion with their Sunday clothes not to be taken up till the following Sabbath Rev Wilbur Crafts a Yankee di vine recently paid a visit to Toron to and after peering into dark cor ners with eyes and ears open he as tonished citizens of the Queen City by showing them their city was simply a moral pesthouse For years theyve hugging the delur sion that they were the Jerusalem- the Holy City West To bur brother friend in Mount Al bert Robert when may we expect to see thee going round with an elas tic step and a broad smile as thou said of JFC last week Quite a of our ladies are reckoning on taking in the sights of the Queen City during Easter holi days The Owl PS The hoys a dozen in number off for on Sun day night and had a big blow in A MODERN JOB Faith patience and six bottle of South American Nervine made over iHrWrlghtancI all his troubles started In disordered stomach a builder up of the system I believe nothing can equal South American At one lima I seemed to ha afflicted with almost all the ills that flesh Is to Indigestion and nasal and and kidney disorders remedy mended to me I took six bottles all and what was apparently a hopeless was and permanently cured I fell aelf pro ring from the first few doses Wright Sold by Lehman Newmarket Mr Fred Taylor has been again taken seriously UK- There ate many nurse abroad In cities that is no longer for ladies to carry their purses In their bands indeed it seems like courting trouble The only safe is the old fashioned recep tacle In the bosom of the dress St Patricks day In the Next to a circus or an parade I love to see the marchinV They d teem to enter into with so much enthusiasm and real Canada too should have a patron saint The scope of science Is almost lllim- liable Ve need not be so some bold scientist suc ceeds in establishing communication between us the Inhabitants of Mars or Venus has been a tor to l An entitled The Angels Answer by Arthur yan the March number of the J Pepper Piano Music It is of and is sup plemented by another How Can I Thee Best Lord by Eve lyn Herbert ThtJc two songs are alone worth twice the price tills number It also contains pages of the most interesting musical liter ature and halftones which with its complete pieces lor trie songs instrumental Rives those who purchase it several times tho worth of money cents For sale all newsdealers The publish ers of this have decided to reduce the price lor all future num bers to cents per year It is a good move FOR SALE One Fresh Milch Cow one Farm Horse a few Potatoes I i HEISES New Store Baldwin NEW GOODS la lime to Wa a I line of Prims NEW LACK WINDOW VOLES We have a collection of Wall Pa on hind Pi ices Everyone hand a ever of Baa Room and Parlor Bunts Extension Parlor Tablva Conobss Room and Give us a chance to SALT Control Telephone Baldwin EAST ACCOUNTS on band from Bal mis Clergy Res Int Clergy Res Prim moo SO Land li7 LefiiBlative Grant Indigent ice Assessed 7oRoaannd Sidge hand IT Audited Jan found correct JAMES COviBRONl Atk Ann Auditors finally audited and allowed Feb A J HUGHES Also New D ALBERT r Stoves for either Coal or Wood Ranges Heaters in great variety HARDWARE w j 1902 We have been watching the markets and are pleas ed to say have been well rewarded for so doing with a much better Assortment and at much better prices AND PONGEES MERCERIZED SATEENS i Ac J Our 10c Print wide cannot be beat for of cloth and washing BOOTS AND SHOES THE J King Goods Speak for Themselves Our Groceries for lbs Cleaned Currants for Bars Soap for New and Fresh K Cans Pink Salmon for lbs Fresh Figs for 25c for 25c Ids Rolled Wheat for Breakfast Pood Prunes from Be up Dried Apples bright sample COME AND SEE FOE YOURSELF AND WE WILL BE SURE J TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU J C j QUEENSVILLE For Sale Two Jersey Bulls St Lambert fl old Fresh MUch Jersey Grade STOKES Mount Albert The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available 52U54Ifi PJ7IJ00 HEAD OFFICE CANADA IIRAHCH OK Andrew Eh Went Samuel Clous ton Sir Alex fHikt at DAVIDSON SMITH Aucnt Albert Chief Ajcot for We will not Be Behind The Times Our Spring Stock fa composed of Latest- Patterns suitable for your garments Bo among first choosers Our prices are right KELLERS The Fashionable Tailor Mount Albert THE LEADING HOUSE SHARON GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style- workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Suit LADIES Our stock of Dry Goods is eua to Anything cart and just as cheap Groceries Always Fresh KENYON

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