Newmarket Era, 21 Mar 1902, p. 7

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J r-i- VN I V CHINA Weeks Local OX TV ft ABOUT Cabling The Town Curling Club hate been shoving stones wbeneVer tie ice was favorablein connection with the contest tor the Davis Cup toe final rink with Mr Stewart and t jMr A skips were to by Mr play last night A good deal of the interest was centered in Montreal River concession which Hon Mr Davis had roofed in a brief address explanatory of the terms and THE Em the By Our Special Reporter The dramatic of the session the ratification of the occurred in the on flr Whitney in the course of his day last when the long standing charged that ark bad been entered into which the the in open rupture The trouble was aggravated a remark Mr in- Box Social The social conditions Leader had the Temperance Hall fort criticising the proposal in his a robber great success There was a a public crime and making at concession had practically been sod twice already said the were giving away public territory As Mr Whitney had denied that either he or any other Conservative speakers had charged that the Gov ernment had given away the land in connection with these agreements several members of the pointed out that be wis defeating his own argument bale k to S oft repeated and as often away the land but he did not think the kind for years were over Mens Boys and clubs being of the alleged breach of faith The lovers of the national question and if AND The lovers of the question and if to will meet in Flail next vindicate himself to reveal what Monday night to officers and it really did take place at the caucus in he catered question This proposition was for the Intermediate Championship with such alarm as to bring pro tests from prominent Reduced in Price away down to close out before Spring Goods Arrive China Goods TOILET SETS Sale Prices DINNER At Clearing Sale Prices LAMPS LAMPS At Clearing Sale Prices muslin Tucked with drawn work and wide at M Hoe key en charge that the Government any was looking avariciously for increased the dues on as a the land upon which pulp wood grew result of the revelation of the secrets alleged that large sums of money of the Conservative caucus This would te paid by the joint stock com- Newmarket will not ntlwi brought Mr to bis feet and to whom- the franchise was j Towns on the- Athletic Meld this turning to his colleagues he dared granted to people to he used for the summer as there is of la- anyone to say that he bad been benefit of the Government a assert- in ed that the concession was a gigan tic public robbery and great pub lic crime and the public was justi fied in the inference that there was something crooked behind it After a word in justification of his course in endorsing the Governments pulp policy and to show that his course bad been consistent Mr ter turned to his colleagues and said I just want to ask one question if- any gentleman on this side of the House can answer I hope he will answer it now Who wast party suspected of giving the counsels of our s Now if there is a gentleman on this side of the House can answer that I want him to do so A silence ensued as Mr stood facing his colleagues Finally Mr Whitney rose friend probably expects a from roe said he I do not know whether he does or not It is As I do not intend to continue the business many BARGAINS and caused to whisper to his colleague Mr that he was not the suspect- party Tbe concession is without dr i doubt the most favorable to the Pro- heretofore granted pro- Si tW divides for the construction of a pulp or paper mill on the Montreal or Ofc- which resulted favor of the former above Pembroke in the by a score of 3 to return match was played on Tuesday even- must en average 250 men and there Married Men by a score of to fc of tons The gate receipts testhaooooo must be- debated to the Sick Cmldrens Hos- lhe Grocery Specials Choice Table Figs Its for Worth It Cheap for Cooking pita This evening the Town and Fac tories will choose sides and play for the Davis Cup Another Sudden Death ratification of the agreement additional within years and the remaining within thieeof no consequence whether he does or years The area over which I have not heard anyone in the is given to cut spruce poplar Howe today say any one was sis and of six inches After a illness of only a week wards comprises about square Mr Some one did arid I Mrs Thos Hunter Jr succumbed to miles The payable is cents prepared to fight it out now and pneumonia- on Sunday afternoon per cord and this can be increased here may say I a party in deeply regretted by a large circle of from time to time Only the right to that if I am hot reveal- friends cut pulp wood is given the Company irig any party am was an energetic and although Conservative speakers thru- j paired to state what took place on Will he given in the following lines viz Fresh Herrings in cans price was 12Jc each now for Dainty Pickles Relishes and Dressings in great variety must be sold at and below cost Fluid Beef Jellies and Jellitines and Mince Meat were 12q now 3 for The Davison Laundry Soap bars for The Toilet and Bath Soap Cakes for Seeded- Raisins were now 3 for Macaroni and all Fancy Groceries and High Priced Tea and Coffees will be sold at cost Shoe Dressing Polish and ChinaWare All Fancy Candies will be sold at cost H BICKLE OLD but finally professed to become suspicious and since that time had opposed what they had formerly vot ed for It was he said a most for tunate thing that the House when first concession was granted to Mr in 1H05 did not take the position that some members had that day He felt so certain of his ground arid that the Government was doing what was best in Hie interests of the business men of the city and Province that he dared not keep TEA A fine full flavor for COFFEE Will Please You Always Fresh and Fresh Ground fable young woman a great worker out Province continually speak of that occasion in Royal Templars a regular at- pulp concessions as though the land j Again turning to his fellow at the Methodist Sunday was handed over to the Company as vatives Mr continued and was prepared to defend his School and a consistent member of well- Therefore Jet Dement or mining Hon gentlemen on this side of the with U and in any constituency pointed out that the had Evaporated Fruits- PEACHES APRICOTS Very Fine Quality PRUNES FIGS for Cooking ft the Salvation Army operations not interfered with House think I ought not- to do so The funeral took- place on ard lands sold or leased for say now Wednesday afternoon and were largely agricultural or mining en- 1 Mr paused again to allow that parties had been sell- attended Ensign of To- title the holders to all the anv of his colleagues to answer who concessions at took charge and was assisted just as if the agreement had not been felt disposed fabulous prices but when given an A officers of made As Mr Davis also fully Messrs Whitney and Car- to purchase the and Aurora Among the floral plained there is no of streams scallen spoke at the time Spanish River Pulp Company upon were a beautiful triangle from or rivers or even of life pulp wood personally have no objections 0 of a lovely spray from on this area The company has the said Mr to the Hon gen- sionaires they had not Mrs Normal Class and flow- first right to cut only and if it doing as he thinks best bub from Mrs A Hunter and Mr and be shown that there is more the Oh leave it to his sense of Mrs of Toronto The pall- company other parties maybe honor added Mr bearers were four brothersinlaw and given the right to cut Existing Yes leave it to his own sense of HONEY- in Comb and Extracted A SMITH The Leading Grocer Telephone AFTER XTRAq COCKS HEMS THE SKIM THE HOST OCR CLOSE WITHOUT RESULTS tntedtoia two brothers Royal Templars timber licenses are not interfered marched in procession as well as the with It is also stipulated that no A The relatives present from is to be cut in the vicinity distance were Mrs A Hunter of pine or what is considered by Mrs J P Hunter Mr and Mrs the Government to be pinehearing of Toronto and Mr Lewis lands except on such terms and con- Keefer of editions as the Government may fix- Deceased leaves a husband and little A very important provision four years old both in delicate Mr Davis provided that pulp- health to mourn the loss of one shall not bo exported or to was always planning for their com- other persons for export Timber fort and left insurance in the other than those specified may be sold honor replied Mr while the Opposition leader contented him self with stating that Decorum is decorum Very then said Mr I will choose my own course If there is a man in the House who thinks the secrets of their convictions The timber of the country was valueless unless utilized and as between manufacture the and manufacture by pri vate enterprise he favored the latter The territory had to be large because spruce timber grew only in scattered clumps and in the miles under discussion perhaps more than half of that had not a spruce tree it The Opposition made two object Ions only to the Governments mode of ROCERY o Templars for their benefit by the Government if they see fit and timber licenses may be granted or permits Riven respecting this area just as if the concession did not ex ist Further the Government does not any quantity of wood on area Mr Davis explained that the Government was profiting hy past experience and a deposit was for the first time required If the does not expend within months the agreement is null and void the Companys deposit is forfeited to the Crown If that amount is expended caucus let him stand up here and say j granting concessions First they say so today they should be put up at public coin- Mr Whitney In order that there petition which is on be no misunderstanding I pro- count of the immense expenses attend- pose to deal with any difficulty con- lug the delimitation and estimation me when it comes before me Secondly tley claim that the dues my I Ion friend on my left Mr should be regulated by the Legislature accuses any other friend Instead of by Government the on my left of said this present dues are not ttimcient is it M ftftfl Ports Eztmct The eyes at forty assistance is age reading or nat vork becomes an exertion and glasses of just enough strength to relieve all strain should be obtained We are experts in this line We examine eyes free of charge and guarantee satisfaction GRADUATE OPTICIAN L Co NEWMARKET Mr I said simply tins- Wo were all of one mind with the exception of myself and say they dare not the state nent that I did It but they Insinuate it Mr But you got in on the ground floor didnt Mr turning to Mr You are always Interrupting I had to ask you not to male unnecessary interruptions and J hope you will have the goodness to keep just now Especially when your opinion of so little value Laughter Mr Whitney He does not say that anyone makes the statement Mr- Marter They dare not At this Juncture Mr pull ed Mr Matters coat tails and whis pered in the latter s ear as ho leaned over not the of gentlemen on this to say by resolution what in their judgment they think they ought to tie and which they have not yet done That is a better way than finding fault people who are trying to do the peoples business or set of men can pull down and destroy hut it takes wise men to build up have got sick and tired of listening to innuendoes that everybody is a thief and a rob ber and so on I have lived to my and 1 am pretty well advanced and I has yet to be said that I am a jobber or a thief or support men who axe robbers or thieves tired and sick of It And I only ask lor the privilege and opportunity of meeting gentle men who make such assertions when will endeavor to convince any audi- Interesting Prices for This Week I lb Evaporated Peaches for lb Apples for Choice Apricots per 4 lbs New Prunes for Tomato Catsup per can Pickles per bottle 9c cans Salmon for 25c Hops per Castile Soap Choice Maple Syrup per can lb can Baking Powder oc lb can Baking Powder Lard in Pails 45c Fresh ground Coffee per lb Assortment of Biscuits per lb Malt Breakfast Food Raspberry and Strawberry Jam per pail 50c choice Bacon per lb Navel Oranges from Marmalade Oranges- Choice Bananas CQethodlat was a very good representa tion from churches of the Town at the open meeting of the League Monday evening ihe President Dr Richardson occupied the chair J Cade and J assisted in devotional Miss contributed a beautiful solo and Mrs J presided at the pipe organ Rev A of the the time mentioned ins of Presbyterian church gave an will lie to the Com- report of the Student Volun- It is arranged that Convention held in Toronto a and payment for wood cut is to couple of weeks ago He dwelt made a year at the close of the significance of the Convention navigation Another new brought together national- that Canadian cement and wait the largest gathering of isto be used in construction students ever held in the world There far as practicable AH wood cut were alo212 mu be manufactured into pulp or and upwards of missionaries aSo in the said mills or In was the gathering in the tlohs thereto in the Province of of the press that over and thai I not be sold in an sent special reporters manufactured condition In any other motto of the Convention was province The company must not The evangelization of the world In or transfer rights under the the present generation and so agreement until said mills are erected spiring was the gathering that It in operation and the Crown may that understanding that did not seem Impossible during revoke the companys rights under Tre on the Government cannot be impeded we next years The speaker this agreement whenever they fail to ride of the House laughed as Mr all understand Now sir if there was Fruits Breakfast Foods Oats lbs for Rolled Wheat lbs for 25c lbs for lbs for Fresh Manitoba White Fish lor Saturday lb GIVE US A CALL The Grocer Right at Your Fingers End Mr straightened himself up In this country that this is a good business proposition and- one free from any wrongdoing Applause What does the settler The party of doing this I am to who takes the concession takes It a smile on his face and said I have Just learned from my linn friend on my left that I am hot sus- on the signs of the times the comply with its terms open doors the for the mis- This In brief is the substance of field and the possibilities wrap- the agreement as outlined by Mr up in the an church not who before taking his scat only that hut considered that the pointed out that the pulpwood forests rose to his feet very red in no mill there the settler not the face to protest against Mr Mar- want to go The poor settlers of our making public use of private In- know the value of taking formation I never suspected my out and it is a fine posi tion friend he said I told him ion that wttlers going on these was not missionary hi under discussion were at the present privately just now and he Imrnedl- Its become the owners of every stick spirit was filling mission time not yielding one cent of re- speaks out publicly of timber on them except the pine A vote of thanks to tbe speaker and venue Would wire men continue The House laughed more heartily and upon which eagre no dues all who had contributed to the pro- such a poHcyxas that or would they still and asked whatever Who is taking anything gram was moved by Mrs J Mo rather endeavor to develop the to be kind enough to tell from the settler then These Kay and seconded by Mrs natural resources given to them The them Just whom he did suspect And do not and I say again that Jackson on behalf of the on this area could be utlliz- with this the rather painful scene I give my hearty concurrence to this which Society the meet- and would reproduce In ended as I did to those that years and the Province would then Mr in the course o his coded it have said and I say vote was carried unanimously have an even more valuable asset remarks proved again the Government Is doing and In responding on behalf of the it had at the present time Ample slvely that It was his and that previous agreements- which ladies as well as himself Mr judicious care had been which was the course met with of this side had drawing up agreement every of the which had House were not nearly as fa with the movement for public Interest had been by endorsing pulp concessions vorable to the Province as the which accounted for his en- every respect and therefore were not nearly so favorable to one Applause Why fihould I In regard thereto seconded by Hon Mr the Province as the ope Under discus- efface myself am only tor v This is where you could find any paper required if you used any of our various filing devices Save your time and thereby your money and your temper by purchasing an uptodate Filing System that would meet your require ments Systematic Business Is The most Desks and Tables for the Sehool and Home FACTOR ited Bay Street Toronto day what I have consistently done tot general public of the Province of past seven years or since the first inception of the pulp industry I feel perfectly certain of my ground and I believe that the business men of the province of Ontario will back me up in the position am taking That it Is riot only in the interests of the and and but especially in the interests of the working men and those wish to go to our new country -h- search of homes Prolonged Govern- rnent Applause agreement was ratified by a ma jority of Friday is a

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