Newmarket Era, 21 Mar 1902, p. 8

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THE MARCH el God Oil j Trade Will YOUR HAKE TO STRONG I BAKE YOU ireCTiljj it I trw at C Tit to AOcRd St a The St ASSURANCE CO The now enter- upon Jits 76th year The following figures testify to He LIBER ALITY POPULARITY Accumulated Funds Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Paid During year Policies were issued lor Deposit Govt over Tb STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to eve Fifteen Millions Dollars J A Agent JAMES CLARKE District Inspector I JWUlsons WOOD Nut Stove and Egg FEED TIMOTHY SEED or fall sowing J cor Main Timothy St Farm for Sale Special to the Editor of the Era COR- 1VOBIHT TO On Saturday last notices were post ed up in the town giving notice of compulsory a lingering illness Mrs passed away at her resi dence on Monday of last week The funeral took place Wed nesday to toe line Presbyterian church Hie service being conducted by Rev Dr KINO CITY Hiss Green who has been revival meetings in church for the hist five weeks brat to a close last Friday night- Mr John Murphy bad the misfor tune to cut his foot while cutting wood which will lay him up for a considerable time Miss Bullion was the guest of Miss Alma Carter Vaccination is the order the day in consequence of which our doctor is more than busy Mr A- Campbell Commissioner of Good Roads will be in on Thursday for the purpose of discussing the best means of constructing a road on Mainstreet Dr A McCalluni or son Mr of has appointed Superintend ent or the London Asylum in succes sion to the late at salary and resilience On Wednesday evening March a quiet and pretty wedding took place at the home of the bride when Mrs Geo was united in marriage tot Mr John McMillan of Scott The bride looked charm ing dressed in fawn trimmed with silt to match and white silk tucked font The ceremony was performed by Rev in the parlor which was beautifully decorated with flowers after which all partook a sumptuous wedding dinner a Children Cry for CASTOR I A BRADFORD On Wednesday of last week a team belonging to Mr Fred a very narrow escape from being drowned while being driven on the Holland river When nearly opposite the old wharf or miles up the liver the horses suddenly sank thru the ice and hut for speedy help on the part of the drivers would have both been drowned On Friday of last week a little black stallion to Mr Hulse managed to get out of its stall in the stable and got in that belonging to another Smith the hos tler in attempting to remove the ani mal was unfortunately kicked in the face and in the left side breaking his jaw and cutting his chin the latter required three stitches Mr Smith who has suffered considerable is how doing as well as can be expect ed iyt I en goal na ture to ask spate in your paper to say a few words in favor of the pres ent cause of prohibition and in de fence the Hon Geo Ross who so ably holds the office of Premier of We dont wish to enter into any ar gument with those who are cont4nu- on argument by correspondence in the Globe and papers but we beg to take exception to some of the utterances of the most prominent and educated men of our province One man will argue that prohibition is a failure and even ventures to say that if a majority is cast in favor of prohibition it wont stand on its own pinions Then again we look to socalled prohibitionists and they will condemn the former for the simple reason that he is an antiprohibitionist and then goes on to condemn toe Bill laid down by the Hon Ross The Referendum is condemned on l ground that the question of prohibi tion is ripe and ought to be enforced without asking the consent of the electors Every fairminded person will know that any question before the public does not stand condemned or item one election to another For in for eighteen years the Conservative Government held tie lelns power over the Do minion of Canada firstly under the leadership of the late Sir John A McDonald then Sir John Thompson and others up to Sir Tupper who all advocated the National Pol icy from one side of the Dominion to the other The time of election pre vious to their defeat the National Policy was yet before the people and the Coo Government was elected to power by a large ami handsome ma jority hut sis yeara ago when Sir came before the people as Premier of Canada and an admirer of the how quickly had the voice of the people changed over throwing the P and electing the Hon Sir Wilfrid to the Pre miership to direct and manage an economical and progressive Govern ment as it has proved itself to be All this explanation is not necessary to get at the point in question but hope that readers will not take it amiss under the instances- The point in view here is to show how much- public sentiment is changed in such a short time of Ave years and even four years which limits our On tario Government So tion even if the feeling seems to fa vor it with a majority in 98 we are confident that it should be a question alone and should be dealt with alone by the people and as soon as pos sible and not for the Government to assume full responsibility of passing an act on so important a question without having a genuine back bone with which to feci that tiiey are justi fied in so doing Anyone who has given Hon Ross speech a fair reading and understands the of a man in the position he now occupies would surely say and say candidly that he has given study and thought to the entire question and has done what he thinks and helpful measure moral re- form Now let us look at what has teen said in the Local members- Hardly anything Hardly one member in the House of either patty opens his mouth on the ques tion- It would be a great satisfac tion to the majority of people if we could have an opinion Let them stand by their colors and whatever they miy be let them stand before the province be willing to be de feated or elected in the cause of mor ality or a fallen people then we shall know right from wrong in vot ing If one is ever in doubt as to what position to take upon any question of morals or temperance or citizenship or social or political reform if he will stoutly oppose what the liquor men favor he will be right every time In the very nature of the case it is ut terly impossible for liquor men to favor or good and pure and noble and righteous and morally uplifting Their whole busi ness in every phase of it from centre to circumference from foundation to capstone is to man subver sive of everything that is good with out a single redeeming quality Let lovers of truth and righteousness keep the Flag of Temperance fluttering in the air and hold the flag high so he who carries it may not ab sent himself from the public view Yet we believe that some of those who seem to love truth and are doing the cause of Temper ance and prohibition more harm by introducing new fads as it were and those who ought to abide by the Pre miers decision They cannot make it any better by arguing one with all ot and putting people astride the to speak and why hadnt they better practice what they preach arid proclaim Ross far and wide for the permission of supporting an act has met with general sat- is faction and approval throughout pur Province Temper a nceyjlle Cor The regular Fellowship Meeting of the Keswick Christian crunch be held on at pm Quarterly Sacrament Service on Sunday 11 ai conducted by Elder A A What is Mr George will start framing next Monday Miss Brown had a birthday party one evening last week and a number of her young friends spent an enjoyable time Mr Albert Oliver of lost a valuable horse on Monday had just got to the mill here with a load of grist when the horse dropped dead AURORA Mr Richard Wells of Aurora lias en- his brown colt for the Kings Plate to be run on Thurs day May have been no fresh cases of smallpox during the week and alt the patients are doing exceedingly well Some indignation and surprise is felt by residents here that one of the pa tients was so indiscreet as to leave the hospital go to his home and pro cure supplies and then return to the tent A gasoline tank Laun dry exploded on Wednesday There was but a small quantity of gasoline in the tank or the explosion would have been more serious Mr hands were severely burnt in trying to remove the tank A HEADACHES and HANDSHAKES imagine thai the headaches or the hand hakes that head or hand Is the seat of the trouble Ninetynine times In a hundred you could trace them as symptoms that the kidneys are South American Kidney Cure the of impurities In nature way eradicate all disturbing symptoms quiets the head and steadies ihehndlt puts the to As a kidney curt next to Infallible Relieves la six Sold by Lehman Newmarket To the of the Era Dear Sir As certain of your cor respondents make free use of tho names of residents in their respective localities in a manner subjecting them to ridicule I would call to Section of the Criminal Code which reads as follows A defamatory libel is matter pub- lished without legal justification or excuse likely to injure the reputation of any person by exposing him to ACHES Boil Ctay and Latin in cultivation kind or to from GEO Aurora Farm for Sale The of the Aurora have purchased the home and lot now occupied by Mr Terry and propose remodelling it for tlseir own convenience to erect a station and freight on the premises There is a good healthy boom in sight for the sum mer Several new blocks and resi dences to be put up and with the early completion of the railroad a station house freight shed grain elevators etc are among the most likely addilinv This will make a hatred- contempt or ridicule or wbat the majority thinks to be a to the person to whom it is published Such matter may be expressed eith er in words legibly marked upon any substance whatever or by any object signifying such matter other than words any may be expressed either directly or insinuation or irony fv Section says publishing a libel Is exhibiting it in or causing Wedding bells are still ringing Mr Prosser Keswick was re newing old acquaintances around town last week- One night last week a large number of married people their baskets with the good things of the season and to the great surprise of Mr and Mrs Walton took possession of their house and tendered them a very en- evening before leaving for Mi Albert Mr John Laurie is putting a stook of timber at the sawmill for the of building a new barn next summer also Mr Daniel Meyer is do ing likewise Married On March Miss Ann eldest daughter of Mr Henry to Mr of Dakota A reception was given the happy couple on Thursday night They took their departure for the Northwest on Saturday morning The merchants of Zephyr are trying to get the Bell Telephone Co to run a line into Zephyr and we expect it will be a success The concert in aid the public library proved to be a success Mr John Waltons sale was well at tended mostly everything selling at the top price his horses averaging a head is for Infants arid is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops Soothing It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance It is Pleasant Its guarantee Is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers destroys Worms and allays Feverish- cures Diarrhoea and Colic relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach of Infants and Children giving healthy and natural sleep is the Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend- Caitorla is an medicine for children Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect Ihelr children- Da G Lowell Mais well adapted to children that I rccomraeud it superior lo any scriptton known to me A Brooklyn THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER 1N J Sum Hi P If ever contracted any blood are unless the pea has been eradicated Pave yen any of folio wing vbi ton la tbc half achinj thcskinsoresor riya- tic stomachy ladicatlous of with the old treatment mercury and potash which only to break out again indoruilc life Dont let quacks experiment on you- Our New Method to cure you by bank bonds that the disease will of bare been already cured by New Method Treatment trover year No without content Mr E- A remedies me more good than Hot Spring and all the medicines I bad pre- tried I not felt of or any or for brer years and of the have entirely My hair has grown in fully Ua and I am married and happy WRITS FOR QUESTION BLANK Drs Kennedy Si Herman MICH j shown or delivered view I am yours Never thought of such a j sign for a- medicine did you lfi w i by the person defamed or- by an other- Well its a good sign for Scotts Emulsion The body has to be repaired like other things Scotts Emulsion is the medicine that does it These poor bodies wear out NORTH Mr Richard Pollocks three young est children are quite sick at present family are having an unusual share of trouble this winter Mr James Peters has quite poorly this winter also his sister Mrs Thomas Smith who con fined to her bed for some time with pneumonia died last Monday morn ing Mr Andrew Young of Queen- St thru age and infirmity has been quite it to lead or seen or showing or tow is sustaining delivering it or causing it to be its record for sickness RUBY LIPS The Rome correspondent of The Chronicle says the Vatican has confidential news of a premeditated Fenian rising in Ireland Many of the best things hap pen many of tbe funniest as well as the wisest tilings that are said never reach the newspaper offices for Some the vicinity re porters of the city dailies tell only the bad unfortunate or disgraceful occurrences in their respective dis tricts These are the food of the pessimist without which he would grow thin and die YEARS- EXPERIENCE Trad Mark DctQN ConmioHTS Ac our opinion whether an it C tor curinj without chc in lU TEEM And clear complexion the pride of woman Have you lost these charms through The river is clear of ice the first boat came up last Sunday People arc crossing the lake on lie Last week while Mr and his Km were trying to reach the shore near the horse broke thru the ice and they hid some difliculty get ting him on the Ice again after which deemed it prudent to retutn home rather than attempt to from our thru Part of Lot No in the Con of East Acres Frame dwelling good barn with stone foundation about in Orchard good well and cis tern to W on the premises or to Newmarket Better Than In the management of the country home dairy and the making of women know belter than men how the work be conducted to pay Women who make the best gilt edged butter know that WJULS RICH- AUDSON CDS COLOR is the safes and best to use and always buy the kind that has NO MUD or IMPURITIES the kind that gives the true June tint that fades mi Dr Kidney and Cough Powder ft busy town a number of invited met at from worry from the home of Mr and Mrs John t don last Thursday evening when a from disease They get thin Someofthencw A to take them Act The fleeting hours soon broken by daylight as all were enraptured ones are not well made and uric Pleasant all of the old ones are racked township King making vaccination compulsory The bill poster made a usa Ln New hurried canvass of the village last Scotts Emiikion all Saturday the reading of the bill ail no little as the kind It does the work both occupying the St Catharine Jad to performed within three J t 1 flats at street and Grand from date of notice Several of inside out It makes soft were driven from the building by the are already beginning to hones hard thin wind wear an expression of horror Dlooa blowing and had to work others are undecided in their Weak lungs Strong hollow hard to confine the flames to the St opinion as to which Is the more dan- f Catharine tenants had barely gerous and annoying the smallpox or shivered in their being vaccinated are used in the patching until the neighbors were think the p dont show that the intermediate department of our has been declining instead through the new glow of health of making the progress it should The very that parents of this find it almost impossible to induce YOU can GO it yourself you their to go to the on the other side Mr Torpid Constipation tons- team also broke the or one day last week we understand The late mild weather made it risky crossing the Ice yet people will venture their lives Anniversary services in the Keswick Methodist church last Sunday Rev A Brace Sutton West preached in the morning and Rev J Simpson of in the evening The people of this section read with sorrow of the sad drowning of Mr little boy April 1st continues into Special Summer Session July and August in all Departments of our Splendid School The Business College There are no vacations and mem bers may enter at anytime and continue for any desired term A dozen Teachers Typewrit ing Machines and a daily Roll Call of members this month indicate the character and repu tation our College W Principal Write for circular Toronto citaflfic American A clr- of It four Mew York The in ss Is greatly relieved by use of LONQ DISTANCE TELE- PHONE You reach your cus tomer in a few seconds and MUCH can be accomplished at cost of LITTLE time trouble The Bell Telephone Co m Urn i etui 4 J i Sold by Co some have arranged for educa tion in adjoining it quite evident that things are not run ning so as they should As a result of the recent student riots in Moscow only IS students out of five were sent to Siberia as milder counsels of thc Minister of Education prevailed vV picture Iht Trade Mark of Scotls and Is on of every bottle for tree M SCOTT Tablets Cure a And Mai- arts a lot fre quently is Pain Id Backache Chills and Axueake with will and Fur red Tongue and etc ionic the o caused I TORONTO CANADA I two art a key to ninny trou ble which fiod from time to time In out of blood and cute iirtapCoraiU of them Icanuottakequtn the with the out Sold at Scott Start alter cases especi ally reduced circumstances The Dominion Council Royal Templars of Temperance of Canada meeting at The Trunk Railway has given an order for tons of steel rails to an English firm Raising a crop of boys is Just like raising a crop of corn Unless they the proper amount of sunshine and good advice their yield will be nubbins They should be taught from childhoo to be obedient to duty to be respectful and to know that success is the reward of honest in dustry If we will read the lives of our men we will find that they climbed the towers of tame only by intrepid efforts youth they did not stand idle their neighbors in the vineyard Above yond the vulgar idle things of life they saw the laurels and reached forth and plucked STARR Manager EASTER HOLIDAYS RETURN TICKETS I WILL BE ISSUED AT SINGLE FARE Going March and inclusive returning up to and includ ing April 1st Between In Cannula All Stations In Canada to and Detroit and Port Huron Mich All Stations TO but not FROM Buffalo Black Rook Nia gara Falls Suspension Bridge TEACHERS AT STUDENTS Of Schools and Colleges on surrender of Standard signed by principal at law a a Una Third Going March to inclusive returning up to and including April For further particulars apply to Agents Grand Trunk Railway System A Agent Newmarket DICKSON Passenger Agent- IifcJ- PROMPTLY SECURED or Inteftatlof books lavtat Help and How are Send ua a rough sketch or model of your In and we will tell vow opinion as to whether We offices In qualifies us to prompt- have often tn prosecuted by conduct fully equipped and Washington ly dispatch and quickly secure as the intention references procured through Marlon Ma rlon recti sptcia notice without In throufhout the Ditnlnton of MARION MARION Exntrto and Solkltors New York Ufa Atlantic Gen Hamilton has captur ed a Boer laager and Gen Bothas brotherinlaw Prince Wales the first sod of the new dock at Avorv- I- rrf

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