Weeks IS OS IK ABOUT Splendid Arrangement Last Tuesday a new system went into at depot here In future the of one line railway to another 10 toe away with and be checked straight thru to destination The travelling a this chang Ugly Ten List Friday Mrs Cook to Mrs Hill at the old Bakery while cleaning around the window slipped in some way as savc on a nail S lorn requir ed itches was healing nicely to close the wound It very painful- the time taut is An apprentice to learn Drug fci J Band Social Mission Band in connection the Presbyterian Church pro pose hi hold a social in the school room Friday evening April a number of useful and orna mental articles will be offered for sal- There will be a short program Admission lor mission work All are Thru Rand Lot Saturday evening Ross iti of Mr Lewis Ni agara met with a very painful accident having a fourinch nail run right thru his left hand lie wheeling some wood in a and striking a board that bad tie driven thru it the board fenced over but Ross lost bis bal ance the barrow upset and be fell his band on the nail and a stick A it thru The hand is doing nicely now Better Cops Wanted At a meeting the County held Tuesday afternoon id the old Court House Toronto Sol icitor Robinson was instructed to notify the Metropolitan Railway Company to make the cars comply with the terms of the original agree- merit with the County by June next The cars are defective the commis sioners because they have no cushions no baggageroom attached and no cross seats as provided for in the agreement A THE Novelty Social The of T intend to have something in the shape of- a so cial on Friday evening tbisvree Each lady is revested to bring for two done op in some novel way During the these novelties will be present A prize will be given to the lady bring the roost hovel package The evening will be spent in a social way with games and- amusements and a short musical program Every body is heartily invited Died In Wishlgan of Mason Mich formerly of Newmarket died at bis home in Mason April 3rd of paralysis Had he lived till April he would have been seventyfive years old After having the second stroke of paralysis he lingered three weeks when death came to his relief He had been a great sufferer from asthma for fifty years Mr was a resident of Whitchurch tor ship one mile and a half south til the wicn to 111 true nine In he to Mason Mich where he resided till his death He embraced religion in joining the SeventhDay of whv Church he was a faithful member died in the hope of a glorious He leaves a wife and four children besides three brothers one sister in Canada to mourn their loss Died in the On Tuesday Mann there pass ed away in the person of Mrs one of the grand monuments of- the living Christ on the Circuit of 1st Church As a woman she was of a pleasant disposition sympathetic in joy and in sorrow and ever true and loyal to her friends She won a place in the hearts of many who sincerely mourn her I I v Regular meeting of Signet next Wednesday evening- Business of special interest every member should maVe an to Bay j Homo The post offices are deluged with the annual spring catalogues of the city departmental stores Wc have frequently referred to the lack of patriotism and folly displayed by those who send away for goods they get just as well and buy just as cheaply at home Newmar ket has good stores and its citizens should stand by the merchants who pay heavy and assist material ly in running the municipal machinery of the Town Blue Stone and Paris Green For Spraying at Hardware Over took tea at the Methodist School Room last Friday night and enjoyed it immensely Now is the tame to commence spray ing in the orchards fiood market last Saturday No change in Next Friday is Court Day in There is an eclipse of the moon on next Tuesday but it is invisible in Canada The next Quarterly of the Method ist Ladies Aid is to be held on May at the residence of Mrs Henry The corporation scrapers commerc ed work on Monday and Main Street looks a little mure tidy than it til a week ago North York License Commissioners meet at Sharon today What a furore indignation would have swept Conservative press of iter Hon J Davis had promised a public institu tion as a reward for election That little heed- is paid to the Whit ney candidates crude attempt at wholesale bribery simply shows that outsiders as well as those who know him do not take the Whitney candi date seriously That the Conserva tive press is silent serves also to strengthen belief that according to Conservative political ethics what is objectionable to say the least in a Liberal candidate is merely clever ness in a Conservative candidate The Whitney candidate worded his bribe as follows II Mr Davis is defeated and I am elected to represent this constituency I- will see that Mr Whitney sends this Reformatory to North York Newmarket or Aurora You know that stand well with Mr Whitney because would not ask him to do anything that is not right we will have that reformatory in York yet if Mr Whitney be comes Premier i r On every Dollar you buy from us you save Listen LAOE CURTAINS You Your end You Takes Choice yds Long Tape Border regular for yds Long Tape Border regular for 50c yds Long Tape Border double thread reg 1 for prints wide Heavy Duck Cloth best goods made rrgular for New Cotton Delaines arid Mercerized very Newest Fabrics Received this week W A BRUNTONS NONE SO GQOlJ BAKING POWDER The GROCERIES Choice Pink Salmon Raisins per lb New Prunes per lb 5c Cooking Figs per lb- Sardirifes per tin 4c Tomato Catsup per tiji Canned Apples Pigs Feet per Washing Soda per lb Whiting lb it Cloth complete 30c CORNER j STORE The Whitney at Aurora I feel tonight as have for the last year or two that in attempting to wrest riding of North York the Hon J have Undertaken to do omeihirg is probably more than can cany out The Whitney candidate at- the same j meeting Chairman ladies and Canes- Factory was shut down fcrt repeat THE LEADING STORE SINCE 1867 the while machinists were mal- m ally tonight that I am some chances in connection with fi to this election I slated it before and I it now J re- death jeat again tonight that never in the t a whole course of my lite did under- She united marriage to will thoroughly disinfect Me Thompson brother of Mr Albert the dirty spots place of Newmarket some three per package at ago Taking up their homo three miles north east of they have labored ineesraritly to build a home and advance by their holy living the Kingdom in the hearts men At the opening of the appointment she ami I am not going to he defeated in this elect if I can help it In one he says he has jhably undertaken more than he carry out in the next he he is The Liberal Club of consistency vitlc- are arranging for a mass meet- art a jewel ing in the interests of the Liberal DEPARTMENTAL candidates for North and York appointed superintendent of the and South Ontario to bath School and continued in this of- j here about May 1Mb tilt her sickness As tie to make the meet- SATURDAY April The Sale Regisfcep 0 drew near aspirations seemed j and best that paltry as compared with tbe spirit- held in the Province ual prepared in the days of Iter health and strength she met sickness when it canie and also death with out dread or gloried rather in the prosper AURORA tors of the Mrs I will have a cash sale of furniture etc on the premises Keswick commencing at oclock The house and lot will also he sold Kavanagh Auctioneer fencing In coiled steel plain or black cheap at A Dont miss entertainment in the Town Hall this evening in aid of St Pauls Church A vaJety program present fd The 1 Canta ta fay juvenilis to he well worth the price of admission Then here is the Toronto Quintette solos Miss arid Mr music by the Newmarket Orchestra and the whole to conclude with a romance rout real life Heals reserved at Drug At a meeting of the Council on tab d last it was unanimously- in the prospect which to the Supreme lay before her Court of Canada against the decision of a vessel was for those she was behind ft and was killed husband and two little children Patrick of Kingston fell in the har the case of vs Aurora Four workmen were killed by the on which they Lac Council A special meeting took place on Hopkins is re ported to to establish a Mi hatchery at London Out the teacher here The bill granting pension of day evening Present Mayor Cane spent his vacation at his home 00 a year to Mrs has and Messrs Robertson Lloyd Smith near passed the United States Congress The Civic Holiday We hope Col Lloyd will press his motion at the Council meeting next Monday evening to set the 2nd Monday in August as a Civic Holi day It I he day that can be aiid by having be date people have plenty of time to male Other arrangements accordingly Another tiing After the day sl Mayor and Council should put down their feel solid against granting a second Civic Holiday in the interest of any society cr itioo School Exams School Leaving High School Matriculation and ami nations will be at Aurora and If ill S bonis beginning on the 2nd July Junior leaving part I or School Leaving nation will git July the 2nd at Junior Part will July 3rd at am Junior If and Serioi or Honor Matriculation and Diploma Part If will fce- July Mi at pm Junior Matriculation Part J I will July at am of application information for candidates it obtained from the Principals of fttoh or of the Public School In whiflj must carefully fill- fed td forwarded with ry fee to the Public School Inspec tor the of May tl ranee examination will be Wd Newmarket Aurora and Schools arJ at tint- fciid public schools be on the day Joor- at am of writing at the must the Public the of A ftt of payable on tbe flrirb y Richardson and Mr manager of the Metro politan Co was heard with to continuing road thru the Town He seemed to be op posed to deviating from Main St be cause of engineering difficulties The Mayor stated that many people residing on Main St who were favor able to the road running up it at first arc now very much- opposed to it Mr Smith attention to the trouble last winter over the nonre moval of siow contrary to agreement but Mr contended that the matter tended In as soon an reported to him As the President of I he Co had promised to consider a proposed route from the Market grounds across to Queen St by way of Raglan St the manager was not aware of it was decided to leave the matter in abeyance nntjl this route is surveyed when a special meeting of the Coun cil will he tailed to consider the re port There was quite a large attendance of ratepayers to hear the discussion The people of Newmarket as a whole are now opposed to the railway go ing thru the Town by way of Main St and the farmers in this vicinity are unanimously against it Following are a few opinions freely when spoken to on the sub ject Mr Belfry If the people of Newmarket want to kill the Town they want to let the run up Main St Mr John of thou Id be very sorry if the electric railway should go up a Jong Main St to the North There in not room enough now for the teams on the and the farmers would be in constant fear of their horses get frightened and smashing the rigs County Coun cillor of Bast It was a great to allow railway to come on the Main street Hie Town will have to provide another street for the rfoile from the country lo en ter and leave the on Mr It of I would not like to sec the railway along Wain St It would be very dangerous as the is too narrow I am Mire if it there It will hurt trio Misses Blanche and Laura of Toronto were home for the holiday Stock WafkCt Rev Bowles gave a very earn- est sermon on Religious Formality in the Methodist Church on Sunday morning tendency As high as was paid The annual Sunday School party hogs from to or This Weeks Selling Silks for Cunts coloring Fancy Stripe a Silk in regular price for cent Fancy in coloring regular for Drapery Bilk in coloring regular price for yard the Methodist Church on Fri day was a very successful affair in spite of the inclement weather but a much larger turnout is expected on Tuesday April to hear Rev Mr Sargent the regular monthly missionary meeting Newmarket April Flour per barrel Mr ami Mrs Henry Welsh of Sand- Wheat per bush spent Sunday with friends in Wheat per bush Churchill loose Wheat per bush CO Mrs Henry Graham visited her daughter in Toronto on Good Friday The far off chimes of wedding are In the air our village Mr Miller from Aurora has moved into the house lately occupied by Mr Win Three of our young men Gray J J Dougherty and W Mullen visited the city on Imrrotanl business last week number of our young friends at tended the Mr Stewart Campbell at on Friday evening of April join with others in wishing Stewart a happy married lile Mr Jas of and Mr Morton Keswick both late of renewing acquaint- antes in this last week Mr V the Shrub- mount teacher called on friends here on Sunday Antique Mai ley per hush Oats per bush Peas per bush per bush Butter Wool per lb Hay per ton Bran per ton Shorts ton 21 Potatoes per hag Chickens per pair Geese per lb Turkeys 17 If CO 00 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 11 0 CO HO 20 SO 13 GAINS IN Regular Prices Dress Goods for following prices which regular price To out the balance of our stock of Ladies we offer them at just about onethird an w Joseph Miller who murdered Carrie Jennet at Detroit was sentenc to Jackson Prison for HEART Ever fool would bo your- that thumping tlWln na tions about your Heart your life out Do Cure for the and It the only liner to drop I r ralnute A ewe of Scut Tortonto Toronto April 17 Keel Wheat per a White Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per bosh a foot Wheat per buuhO a Bailey per bush Oats per bush a per a per a per a Butter roll per lb Hay per ton Potatoes per bag 70 per lb Dressed Hogs per Beef fore Beef hind Chickens per pair DucVb per Seed per French Wool Drew iinhes wide regular price yard this week pieces to choline from Fine French Wool inches wide Hit- ringborm new shades in coloring price SI for yard 52inch Grey price yard This week French Silk and Wool in black and Bro cade effect very handsome regular a yard This week cent Prints for cents yard Mostly Light Shades in and Pattern Prints quality of cloth Regular price for He yard lc Wool Fingering fop Banket Baldwin Scotch Heather Fingering in several regular to clenr at 5c ounce COSTUMES FOR 1 FOR 2 COSTUMES FOR a COSTUMES FOR COSTUMES FOR 12 COSTUMES FOR 00 COSTUMES FOR 26 i COSTUMES FOR oo 15 COSTUMES FOR 00 COSTUMES FOR 18 COSTUMES FOR COSTUMES FOR tmu COSTUMES FOR 00 COSTUMES FOR 45 COSTUMES FOR 15 00 50 COSTUMES FOR Silk Gloves for 25c Fawn and Taw plover All regular price to pair This week your 25o pair Ostrich Feather Boas for 1 only Grey Feather Bom 42 inches long regular This week half price- Ready Mixed Paints at Cut Prices Elephant Brand lb Tins Regular Price 1 Jo for pint Tina Regular 20o for 1 quart Til- Regular Price for oche Newmarket Ont