Newmarket Era, 6 Jun 1902, p. 4

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wet I The African War is ended and British nation rejoices that peace- has been secured the sacrifice of hoc- r white at the same time obtaining de manded as a condition to the has cost even mote An Ottawa despatch says the Mili tia has been of tee arrival at Cape Town of the first party of Canadian teachers Ail fee difficult dl- that it DYSPEPSIA- J It it What What of What fears of Imaginary wltii dfcircttafter eating in hostilities hi clifte sat- in treasurerit has cos Forth l The elections from torpid Mm in tbe sacrifice of blood even pre- has been sustained and that money it has also j the sncobfmues to shine just as a great brought its enlarged brightly as pervious to the contest as well as toP respect between the conquer- SOMANS For the 1 ill Both course Hon J Davis for North York and Lennox for Salt Creek The band and procession will follow after many are over the Ross co a faithful of Hoods acta on an ear- end sirs to Ifea Thos J Robertson star fto Main to on Solicitor Hour to Loan Bat Court Newmar ket Ontario Ghoppin Conveyancer Cboppla oor South of fit Herbert Lennox Aurora also Newmarket on Jdlurtlura and Court J A Co Aurora Fa 4rr1ter Bloc IAL A opposite Church BatUrdCttori DR to TirouhtonV and the conquered is easy to talk learnedly speculate freely as to whether the war could have been avoided and who- was at but once entered upon so as Britain was concerned there could only he one ending to the conflict Unequivocal success and nothing short of it had to be the outcome As a result we may all hope that a newer and happier things will obtain in South Africa and that seed sown strife may speedily bring forth a rich harvest of peace development and To hear some politicians talk during the campaign an earthquake is now about due cry for a change was to fervent ilIiji Li d SEVERELY TRIED BY AOelid BY A TO THE SEX 5iivBW ssof JOT The ExpressHerald might turn that on see if it find Lennox since the election A feature in the result of the recent content is the that not- one of the selfstyled Prohibitionists or Socialists in the field approached anywhere near suc cesswhile in some instances their candidature was really in the extreme The need not be surpnsed if toe PostmasterGeneral at the next so of Parliament proposes a change in postal rates on purely trade journals To a large extent these trade journals are simply they contain no news and if they contain a of what is in tended for news His little more than a mere to the publication within the technical of the law At any fate tie matter will receive consideration of the between now and next- session of Parliament GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN TIME TABLE a a And Herbert Lennox concludes that his visions of victory in North York were merely an aurora Toronto Star The Canadian Customs revenue for eleven months the fiscal year up to the end of May shows an increase of over last year The in crease for the year will not be less than per cent This does not as if was going to iii By actual count there were just men women arid the Kink at the time Mr Lennox speaking on Nomination Day hut the editor of the ExpressHerald who al ways tells the truth says he was sit ting in full view of people- Please tell us where the remaining odd were Looking backward down the long dim vista of the ages see J Britain instead of eAjofixi a health Ordinary Medicine ffiir Not Cure Be- as at tjiis it k parched witha Merely touches the a climate How to get at the Root that of the torrid zone Mons Trouble rand tigers rhinoceros and elephants leopards and about in search of which at Behind the veil of her womanly was so abundant- or during and nearly every animal life suffers indescribably front earth brought so abiindantiy to time and continues to Sinter the necessary sustenance and man spite of all her efforts because or- had not been the profusion of is powerless to do such life was astounding and good in such cases Ordinary cine may give relief even and other tropical treeswas a purgative may do that but the one also to that of the equatorial great medical discovery capable of ant preventing a But SLddeoty whether caused by a of ailraent is Dr disturbance the axis of the earth It is announced Ottawa that Senator who was formerly a member Conservative at tite Federal and later the of has forfeit ed bis seat in the Senate been absent therefrom for two years This makes two- Conservative Sena tors one by death and the other ab sentee forfeiture whose seats now be filled by Liberals making a change of four on a vote in arid giving the supporters of Sir Wil frid a majority in that House Now is the time to abolish the whole business A very large increasing num ber of Ontario electors believe it would be a calamity if rie Liberals were returned to power So said a Socialist paper printed in Toronto The result of the ballot shows toe very large and increasing number will have to grin and bear it for an other term A despatch from Pembroke Ont dated May says J- Liberal Tor North Ren frew died at am today It appears Mr had only been a few days Blood had followed from the of a tooth and tho the best medical aid had te summoned it was no avail Mr was a wealthy lumberman and one of leading citizens By his demise the Government majority has been reduc ed by one but it is there will be no difficulty in electing a Liberal as successor to deceased While Mr J P Whitney was for purity of elections de nouncing dishonest practices in Hall just before the contest his servile admirers up in were circulating a forced letter pur porting to come from Mr late Speaker of the design ed to create a against the O yes Wliitn preached one while his follow ing rrctked the reverse r l4 SziD TORONTO AND 0 a CI v o n o to to iC ex 9 o CI CI CO 4 o to 5 a iCtki JUrnocm R Bills tut all If tilt twfl4te4 old BALE AT TOE ERA Trie Literal gaios in the elections last week were West Durham Middlesex Perth Prince East and Went worth The Conservatives seats Bruce Lamb ton Norfolk Ottawa South Oxford Perth Waterloo S Wellington arid V York This leaves a majority of for the Government The sudden death of member elect for North Renfrew reduces the ma jority to until a new election is held ilie as a political is not a On the referring to the fact that Mr Davis were wearing button badges said boys of North YorJc will him such a on the he will think he has been struck the tail tad of storm The fctomf proved a cyclone for the man who was sure of being and a political avalanche to rival in line of prophecy Con sidering the combined sys tematic made by the OppofiHIon Mr Davis has reason to be proud of his majority It is now reported Mr Murphy one of tire newly elect Conserva tive members for Ottawa is a borids- to a large given by a print ing to If this he true it will involve another elec tion- The Act reads person whattotver holding or enjoying un dertaking or directly or in directly atooe or with any other by of a trustee or party any contract or agreement with Win or with any public or department with respect to the Public of On tario or under which any is to be rid for any or matter or thing le elic it an a of the legislative ita he or vote in a probably form grourd of a Mr Murphys The first contract in connection construction of railway to Lake was awarded last week It is for the clearing miles of the to be followed by the line from Bay Some 220 acres of timber land is to lie cleared at an acre by P Furlong of The timber cut is to be prepared for market at rates speci fied For cedar ties to be used in the construction of the road 15 els a tie will Ire paid for telegraph poles cents for fence poles cents arid lor cord wood a cord The will he out and thus all wood cut down will be utilized Pink These pills are nob an medicine they are not a patent medicine bat the prescription of a regularly practising physician who used them for years in his pri vate practice they were given to the public under the name of Dr Williams Pink Pills They are the best medicine for man the med icine for woman Mrs John of says Williams Pink pills have saved me many a dollar doctors bills For some years I was ffeatly afflicted with the ailments that make the life of so many of my sex miserable I tried many medicines but found no relief until I began the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills These pills have made me feel like a new person The almost continuous suffering I en sured has passed away and life no longer seems a burden I know or a of similarly benefitted women and I think Dr Williams Pink Pills worth their weight in gold to those who sutler from female complaints general prostration The happiness of health for both men and women lies the timely use of Dr Pink Pills whrih act as a nerve tonic and supply new blood to enfeebled systems They arc cirrd many thousands ef cases of anaemia decline consumption in the back depres sion of spirits heart palpitation sciatica St Vitus dance and parti ail paralysis But substitutes should be avoided valve your health see that the Ml Dr Williams Pink Pits for Pale People is on every box At all dealers or sent post paid at a box or six boxes for by ad dressing The Dr Medicine Co Register VIOTORrA purebred heavy draught stallion the properly McDonald will make the season 1002 in the surrounding townships FAKIR The property Simon James Hamilton will be at the Jackson House Newmarket every Wednesday at noon during the season Fakir is a standard bred pacer and there is not a prcttier horse travelling Record as a Some time previous to the general elections the Province was divided anions the Cabinet Ministers and Hon J Davis was given tire oversight of constituencies In the last House seats were held by Lib- train J Conservatives Mr Martjhall was engaged to organize these constituencies an1 the result of the recent vole shows that he is a worker and not reward for the seats arc now held by Lib erals and Conservatives a diner- of on a division- Mr Mar shall also proved to a platform speaker on Provincial topics and we would not he surprised to hear of his election in near future to rcprc- scrit constituency in the local Toronto papers announce that a des patch has been received there from Mo on Friday stating that- the mule camp which has maintained since May for shipment of homes and mules Africa Is to be moved to Toronto Major Chaplin one ol the rc- recently buying In the Stales has been in Canada for several weeks buying horses Col Dent has secured the use of the W bit I on grounds as a place to Feed Canadian horses which will be rated in Toronto shortly lire contract for fodder has also been let- in to all these horses will arrive from Missouri In a lew day It Is underwood that no offi cial has been tbat In 1e In Canada Ilye lKriiCs required are straight South Africa will probably rcnutre to a of years fresh will 1 needed all Hie time Seven Thousand or otherwise we can only conjecture all this was changed For from two opposing directions vast masses moving ice slowly and gradually en croached upon the dying land whole of the North Sea appears to have been one vast rising higher and higher as the accu mulating ice was forced forward commenced to almost entire country in its cold embrace the frigid destroyer advancing in such massive volume over the land tbat mountains more than three thousand feet in height beneath pall which was covering as with a tie last rem nants of had not yet sue- climbed before the everintensifying icy so for a long and protracted period this lethal glacial liie-destrxjy- which had laid waste and desolate one of the fairest portions of the continued to entomb fair Brit ain beneath gelid folds the mighty congealed mass like the di minutive Alpine glaciers of the pres ent day continuing to groan and crack into vast crevices as the strange motive power which impels it forces its enormous bulk slowly on wards At length the heat of the sun once asserts its sway the icy wind ingsheet slowly disappears beneath its vivifying rays and in the course of the succeeding aeon the fertile land is once more clothed in flowers and verdure and enlivened with the longsuppressed lays or tho songsters the wood the lowing of the and the bleating of the flocks now soon to be subjected to the domain of man for whose advent this beautiful earth was now almost prepared But man had no sooner been in his lovely inheritance than he un gratefully rebelled against his Creator and Benefactor by bis fatuous sin also entailing spiritual death all his descendants Happily the God of Justice by making His Son a sacri fice for sins has provided a means whereby those descendants may it they will be absolved not only from the nunislunent due to their inherited sin but also from that duo to their own misdeeds thereby ensuring an entrance into glorious realm above the skies which they would otherwise have Hut if will not accept that offer pardon and salvation the entrance gates be shut against them and there will remain for them but the bitter regrets and the grinding remorse of the out er darkness Serious riots occurred In Chitago In connection with the teamsters strike The police attacked the mob which was armed with stores many were severely hurt Ottawa June The Canadian sol diers recruited for service in Africa since the outbreak hostili ties have numbered something over seven thousand The deaths in ac tion and from disease chiefly enteric fever total 230 The peace proclamation will not af fect the term service of the Cana dian corps out in Africa The African Constabulary was for three years of which almost has now passed Canadian Mount Rifles accepted engagement for one year or till the end of No one here expects however that the men wilt be let go till Hie lull term has run out They can give ef ficient police service and will no doubt release Imperial troops who have been in the field since the early stages of the hostilities ooo of Woodstock aged years voted Thursday and then to show he did not mind the cut down a tree The King of a full- blooded negro tire first monarch to arrive in f6r the coronation ceremonies was received by King Ed ward on Friday A twoyearold Indian tiger im ported for a Into a car of at and was killed by the panic- a of Wie horses were badly and bitten Ruth en May Gore son while a last evening artout eight accidentally and Miss Carrie of Mr Cantwcll of this place She was taking care Mr and Lane lelng quite Hi Children dry for TOR I A Dale Roy aged fi was in a noway re at Winnipeg Miss Sarah fell down stairs a luring her skull ami filed scon after The hiring of in Norway by foreigners bus been prohibited owing to the large number recently engaged for Canada The four year old of of Ottawa into a tub of boiling water and fatally Commandant the fam ous leader who was killed on April in Western iTansvaal was shot dead by a corporal of the Mounted Infantry he to a private he intended to kill him Immediately Spring and summer woollens to bo had here cannot bo sur passed our line comprises the roost select and productions of foreign and domestic manufacture em bodying the most desirable staples and a very variety the litest and effects In de signs and colorings The entire selection Is exceeding ly replete and especially ad apted to the requirements of all who dress well and wish to be uptodate Call select yours before the McLaughlin THE Si LOAN SAVINGS TORONTO CANADA Cor Kim tad HON GEO A COX President Fund Interest allowed on Deposits Repayable on Interest allowed on Debentures Repayable oh days notice j WRITE FOR OF ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER INFORMATION WOOD P YOU YOUR Paper In a Moment It Is Filed i -AND- 1 Ate not an and a luxury but a system economy and a necessity It will cost you but a Postal Card to get any our calialoguee ialty Kg Co Bay Street Toronto OK BRO lour and Feel MANITOBA FAMILY FLOUR SHORTS CHOP CORN OAT MEALS DIZAIN SEEDS COOK cor Main Huron Connection Newmarket Property for The cottage of late John Lewis situate on the corner of and Court Streets and double houses situate on Court St for sale Terms reasonable In tending purchasers can inspect premises For particulars apply to II Lloyd Solicitor for 2800 MAIN ST NEWMARKET DAY EXCURSIONS TO THE CANADIAN NORTHWEST AT FOLLOWING RETURN FARES Winnipeg Man Areola Aa Man Elgin Man Grand View Man Man Swan Man Man Man Moose Jaw Assn Reglna Asa Assa Prince Albert Macleod Alba Calory Rod Alba Alba Good going June 3rd Jrrpo and July Return from date issue to Spend tte Snmmer Late Lakes- Ontario Royal Hotel opens on June Tickets descrip tive folders and all Information from agents Trunk Railway System A Agent GENERAL Builder Contractor Is now in a position to take con tracts for all Mason Work Estimates Given at Short Notice satisfaction guaranteed BOILER SETTING GRANOLITHIC AND CONCRETE SIDEWALKS GRANOLITHIC ROOKS FOR BUILDINGS Intending builders will do well to consult A HUNTER St Cox Newmarket Wanted Immediately Compare Era with any other weekly for homo A couple of smart boys 17 to years of for work in finish ing department At good wages Also a couple Men experienced curriers given- preference Apply to A SON Lowell Tannery King Ontario The example of will tank as a precedent Life is a firio to the fiend When a man lends bid Influence he gets it back

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