Newmarket Era, 6 Jun 1902, p. 5

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ONTARIO I titxn Ptosidfiou y A vffjR 1 t I Geaeral Banking Botes Allowed oh COJtlilVT BITES DRAFTS all rara tt -Next- Sunday devices be of Toron to or Cade to sermon at Conference at being years in INSURANCE J for fire and Life to at Current A Ramsay PI re Afoot Cow Over Shop try mans Win of the late of the Township of Sang Maple Ottawa Canadians at the Bat tle of River on March illustrated by tf letter receiv- SLEEPLESS IRRI TABLE OR OUTOFSOIVTS Ottawa he says We waited until tbey closed in within close range and then fetjhem have it We certainly execution for the be gan flre being to Hot e- I then pulled out my and played Tift Maple Lea Forever The ooys all joined in the song and polled ENERGY Sehool Reason IF YOU ARE to Town Property pitfS Simpson and Fancy estate wortb 7 potter deadly SaeWaS I Boers- Since perries and stock The will directs that estate be divided between widow and children of deceased It is stated that any child who expresses dissatisfaction with his or her legacy shall be disinherited en tirely Will Golden Text fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ made us free I Acts 2233 June INT The Chuxih was confronted by a serious situation and unless IT wis est counsels prevailed and the valof Holy Ghost rested upon you Nerve Force the outcome the of Vigor- and New Health AUCTION Blmooftreet practical Painter iod Ja5kabD LICENSES it the Era Office Newmarket AT at private reaMerc flared If J RAH MARRIAGE LICENSES WEST NEWMARKET MARBLE LATEST DESIGNS Monuments and Head Stones- call Before OrderlDfBIaewbere Allan NOW days arid your friends will call with an old photo of you be willing to pay any price to a copy of it Save them by having a negative made by J SMITH Corner of and Main Streets Broke HI Ribs of a former township councillor Toronto jail awaiting trial for alleg ed assault on his Wil- Ham of Aurora wile it for rea sons and went to live with her father then went down to Au rora and attacked breaking some of his ribs after which be bran dished a revolver two shots Ifagist rates Love and Yule commit ted him for trial There is a good deal of excitement over the affair Those Cushions first June is here but the Metropolitan cars are still cushion- less Had the money spent by the in a attempt to defeat John Richardson East York and to as a of the man who was going to carry Ontario by a majority of twenty seats in the Assembly been spent in tbe purchase of decent for seats in the cars the people of this county would be pleased Meanwhile County Councillor is sharpen ing a stick to give the manager a has not been anticipating the council there was a strung bahtlity of a serious dimension and widespread disaster v June be the banner month of But wise did prevail and we Yesterday we finished a fiftymile year for the enjoyment or nature nave here a model of Christian and quite a of and life If men and women are suited to all succeeding ages- We enemy ffe found two of- physically capable of enjoying the teaches that mode of regulating the wearing our Canadian- and good things of nature and home so affairs of a congregation deciding H provided an AllWise questions- and directing any tbe fault is their own in- the by which the rights conscience the spot the penalty Toe wearing forms being sure death In another letter Buchanan men tions some more instances of Boers wearing British arid Canadian triii- forma and he says they were and shot AN EXCITING Trooper Ernest Holland gives Res cript ion of in South Af rica Speafang of the struggle at Harts River he says was despatched for ammunition by myself thru the hottest of the fightings I went to wagons and asked of the dozen nigers who were hiding there to help carry over a box of but all refused hammered one fellow but be would not face the fire His teeth- chattered with fear so had to carry the box myself On my way back a shell exploded few feet of me is no use in say- was no afraid I was for the moment but after getting through that fire being hit I made up my mind that it was not my fate to be killed by a bullet and not rap for all bullets the Boers could snoot BANISH SUMMER of cases nervousness despon dency aad irritahleness continual and forcible reminders of illhealth and disease Their continuance in June means and their banishment by use of Celery Compound means energy ac tivity vigor and full ability to enjoy Heavens best gifts Thousands are now acquiring rugged health and buoyant spirits through the use Compound The of health home and nature will be jar portion if you wisely use medicine this month It truly people well ooo T 1 J Grocery Provision TOR to Apples Itt for 4fc Jaw Tin Appka ix Plana to Blue per per 16c 9 Now TIME To i Meyers flnother Will The late John of East left land valued at 200 in the first and 2nd concessions cash and vhich made up total sum of The will sets aside for the care fcis plot in Newmarket Cemetery and donates 1000 to the hi boy Frank Hopkins to educate and clothe him anil give such schooling as lie can get in a public or high school but not in any university The test of the is given in onesixth shares to Julia Miller Fred Demi A and daughter onethird of the residue goes to Fred Piano A delightful piano recital was at tbe residence of Mr Root- Millard last Saturday afternoon by the pu pils of his daughter Miss Mil lard About Ml ladies and gentle- men preent and tlie program announced by Mrs J McKay Each of the following memorized cor rectly while the technical ability taste and expression of the several numbers credit on the teacher Miss Mc Kay Miss Rogers Miss Terry Miss Miss on Clara Proctor Miss Me- da Lehman and Miss Alma Miss Millard played National Ihirn to and received he of tier numerous guests School Following is list of the candidates in the recent School Drawing Morning Kate Phillips Hugh Pollock Helen on Irvine Hows Tench Frank J McKacbren Practical Cody Maude iHiiii Drawing Pollock Hel en Robertson Stone Alice Frank A MernoyKnst Mr Sherman has to Jackson Mich with his uncle to vUH friends Police Court County Woodcock had two at the Fire Hall w evening but they were both noon over Mrs Smith of Aurora laid against husband for barge atid the defend ant fined and or days In be oaM today J The oilier was Harford Newmarket He was try ing to pay bis attention to a daughter but the farmer and told him com no to Malt Breakfast Food Is Doing The Good Work Thousands The Ideal Food For Weary and Summer dyspepsia and stomach troubles so common with young and arc banished when a diet of delicious Malt Breakfast Food is adopted for a few weeks Weak and Weary will find Malt Break fast Food soothing and comforting This true health food is a grand pro moter of physical sttengUi It nour ishes the nerves tissues and blood The best physicians it See your Grocer the claims of love and the existence personal liberty are respected while at the same time the welfare of the great majority is ths pro moted PRACTICAL The things that tend to men to Christ and to develop in the soul highest type of Christian charac ter and life are the only things worth contending for and insisting irpon maintaining Faith in Christ drives pride away Christ drives away covet- in Faith Faith in indigence Christ drives York Bootblack The reporter of a New York paper was recently applied to for help by a bootblack who said his box had been stolen and giving the little fel low a few cents he went to the super intendent of the boys lodging house to invire about him A small toy is often robbed his tox and said the and when we know or he ice him lo be and industri ous we start Mm afresh But some of ihetn wi J their kit to go to to see Jumbo or any thing that and then y try beg money for a new If arc ever again tell the boy to bring you a note from me if lie it hell get it How miiny of those who began newsboys have in lifts Why the otter day a man stopped roc in the and ask ed me if I recollected Of course didnt but he coon recalled to my mind lie had been mv care and he told he was now owner of a fa In Newark em ploying two sixty mar visited lately had teen up vaiAt- in the Bowery and had been brought to the lodging house Ilia parents were dead He now prtetor ard editor of a paper in War saw There are thin city who life under our are but some of are ashamed to have it- known They ought to he For the Era Carting In a recent article I called atten tion to the desirability of cutting- hay at a comparatively early stage of maturity In this connection it may of intertfst to have some notes from that well known farmer and In stitute speaker Mr Henry of Manilla Ont is regard to his a new plan of curing clover hay says that he prefers to cut hay when it is in bloom or when the blossom contains the greatest amount of honey Cm in the after the dvw is oft that which is Cut in the forenoon may be raked up immed iately the noon and put in eocs The mower should not be run later than four oclock pm and all put into the dew falls This hay should be into bairn next day and well tramped into the mows This plan can be continued from day to day until all is stored in the barns Three things must be borne in mind in curing hay by this method First Do not cut the grass until dry in the morning Second Do not allow the cut hay to lie on the ground over night exposed to dew or rain Third any hay should get wet rain Jet it stand in the cocks until thoroughly dry before taking to the ham Last season Mr put up some to tons of bay in this way and reports that it came out of the mows in the finest condition 1m ever saw It was as green as when put into the barn and the eaves and blossoms were all attach ed to the stalks ft appeared to have dried out without heating as of the alsike blossoms were pink and the red clover blossoms were from a pink to a light color No mould were visible and the hay was very from No alt lime or other preservative was UH21 Two of the mows in hay wa 22x25 an average depth iit ft hay These tight floored with inch over now is ft a depth of about ft and the floor on the ground The out sides of all the mows are of inch battens with cracks between the boards averaging about threeeighths of an inch just as arc usually found in the bain The sides of the mown next the drive floor were open The hay which consisted of red clover ike and a little was equally good in all parts of the mows Mr says that knows three other who have follow ed tiihrisyfitem Icr several years with success and it would well of trial by our farmers gen erally the advantages this meth od of curing clover arc The sav ing time between cutting and stor ing In the barn that all of the leaves and blossoms which are We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J Cheney Co Props Toledo We the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially to carry out any obligations made by their firm West A Truax Wholesale Druggists Toledo Kinnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system bottle Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free Halls Family Pills are the best th the Old man Says At twenty when a man is young he thinks he knows it all he likes to wag his active tongue and gall he strifes around in noble range the world is all his he laughs to scorn the world of age and lists to self alone He wears a win dow in his eye to sec his whiskers grow he ladies pine and die because they love him so At forty as you may suppose hes knuck led down to tis ot till that he knows how big a chump he is proud of it Many of little valuable portion or the blacks work for the big who sit iJk stoops or in door- jn lne often the ways looking on and big lV ordinary feeds the little one giving him six followed the hay tn tin t STORE pas and the big hoy giving him six for lodging am the rest of days It won- jn ttjC w derful how faithful the are too I suppose afraid of tlffWrYouth Companion J I Another ridiculous food lad has branded by the most competent have the sidy notion that one kind food is needed lor brain another for and still another for hones A cor rect diet will not only nourish a par ticular part the body but it will sustain every oilier part Yet bow- ever good your food may be its nu triment is by indigestion or dyspepsia You must prepare lor their appearance or pi event their coming by taking regular defies Greens August Flower the favorite medicine of the healthy millions A few doses aids digestion stimulates the liver to healthy action purifies the blood and makes you feel and timorous You get- this reliable remedy at Scotts Pharmacy i CASTOR I A than when F Live Stock Commissioner 0 was fined he costs- was Inforrocd a ritrxd same nature would make Mm liable OppwdVt KM a r Tor Infant two day Laxative removes eauce B Groves signature on every box i Fire broke out power house In cm and did damage by spreading to the mills electric light power house Its a delight to see one grow old gracefully To attain a great age a distinction but to do it facul ties well retained and in a to life and living is good cause for exmratiJaton and rejoicing TO CUKE A COLO DAY Take Laxative Quinine- Tab lets All refund the money if It falls to cure Groves signature Is on each box will spend on warships tills A Kansas editor has decided when a man has a hook and line in the river on Sunday catching anything he is not That may be true but he has a gun on his and is wander ing around in of game he is lAintTng Children for CASTOR ii now a- 50 z The Latest v ft I AND I SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAH CO TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE We undersell every house in the trade in the following lines DRY GOOD CLOTHING OOTS SHOES HATS CAPS TORONTO JOBBING HOUS CALL AND INSPECT STOCK OK TltYNG AND CLEAN Lettuce Brand tins for Pure Lard lb Evaporated Peaches lb ApriUots lb Try our Victor Japan Tea Bulk Teas inOrecn and Black to fOc lb Chocolates to lb Honey Suckles Quakers and Kissed lb Try our Maple Cream 1 IK Following are a few lines lbs for Royal Yeast package Ktarcli package St Lawrence Cornstarch Shredded lb Otter Brand Salmon tins Fresh Confectionery A CALL SOLICITED W E LYON DAVISONS OLD STAND i MAIN Win Cane Sons Mfe Co a Have amalgamated with and in tore Kill be known as the United Factories Limited All accounts previous to Dec 1001 are due and- payable by THE Wt CANE SONS CO Any person having such will kindly thern in at once as tho Company books and will pply for a return charter j Id 111 Two Cornells Two Whites One ANDJ ALSO Full Big for On four years time Cheap at

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