Newmarket Era, 6 Jun 1902, p. 8

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fc I si t ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its year The following figures testify to its stability LIBER ALITY POPULARITY Accumulated Funds Annual Revenue over- Bonuses Already Declared Claim Paid During year Policies were issued for Deposit Govt over STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to Fifteen Millions of Dollars J A Agent JAMBS CLARKE District Inspector vxs t- fc Evry Cyclist Deserves Durilop Tires Do you want the best ires Dunlop Tires Or do you want to pay Just as much for the second best Tire for And Auto and DUN tor TORONTO WnE4WASJS tips to shooed j When it is cot convenient to a ctACTmraUd le Oust win a On Sunday June at pm the dew is e toe ordiname of baptism will be A will yield four times as ministered by Rev Hainer in much food in bulk if made into ha the beautiful waters erf Mussel as it will if pastured the other Lake north of at the si- e the cattle place of baptizing on the north I vest the for themselves and the side of the Like the day is set young is more digestible J able a short service will be held two diseases termed water cbolera one affecting toe bowels tie -vfto- cholera and the ether which attacks and known as the swine plague An animal may also have both at the same time Mr A Hendersons boy about lObit s en ascs are fell from an apple tree and Nearly the growers got his arm broken in three places of potatoes new el Dr Burns had the misfortune the crop especially if the is Level of tet ter opportunity for destroying wees KING CITY FOE SALE Several pieces of Square Timber lor building purposes Jackson have his cot and leg while treating a horse which will lay him up for some time It is an saying that trouble never comes sing le which in this case is true as Dr Mr Bums right hand man has teen laid up some time and at present writing it not much improved- Miss Minnie Brown and Miss Alma spent their holidays with Mr and Mrs Knlgfcfley of ML Mr J Patterson Chilli South America brother to- the late- Patterson is visiting at Mr J Stokes AURORA A lacrosse match was played in the Town Park here on May between Shamrocks of To ironto Junction and the home team The game suited in favor of the vis itors by 5 to Saturday June the first base ball game of the season will be play ed in the Town Park between the team from the Office Specialty Com pany Newmarket and the Aurora team The game will start at oclovk Linton who served with the Horse in South Af rica left here on Thursday morning to join tbe coronation contingent at Quebec John Hutchison shipped a few days ago from Aurora head of export cattle The average weight was School S No WHITCHURCH Class Lottie Davis Hannah Wright Class Elsie Penrose Spalding Lloyd Delia Lelinan Vina Stevens Lauretta Lundy Collin Bertie Willie Lun Jr Eunice Littlejohn Jane Stiller Penrose Jess Jessie Toole Herb Spalding Dawson Davis Ross Frances Jr If Gladys Penrose Fred Reynolds Moss I Muriel Van Luven Willis Cora Gordon Stevens liar- man Stuart Starr Tablet Ha Penrose Pierce Rose Pierce Albert Ada Rey nolds Fred Starr Reynolds every day A Davis Spalding Walter Be- tic field Clara Miller Herb Spalding Jessie Toole Dawson Davis Clarence May Teacher Class total John May Laura Kit Ill lEKCi eeciiUia U4rtJf oar Scientific York Class total ijJH Street Class total Hazel Van Home Wilfred Fred Wilson 122 Lodge Florence Weir Horace Roll ing fife Harud Pt Class total Pod Street Oswald Clilford Street CI j i total GinWillie Street John I son I Claw total Lloyd Reynolds P tinftm ft8 I a Total Helena Sire t Jack Doyle Charlie Hani Von A i Howard T her well as a Iocs top as An c whi assist the soil in retaining and providing moisture As a reire y against worms mix a of red pepper of black one ground yellow must aid with a of wheat Once a Week dust each with the flovf the plants are moist with dew A of flour will answer for dusting worms ate Jmowpto nrch damage in curt inner andmelon pat It is claimed pit if potatoes are about one apart and six inches deep around vines the worms will leave the cumbers and feed upon the potatoes this way the worms may he caught and destroyed with hut little On the same diet an animal at rest will fatten more readily than one that takes exercise No should allowed to Jose flesh as the loss of a pound in weight is equivalent to a loss of two for the reason that an animal shotId gain instead of losing There is also a loss time when the animal ceases to make any gain in weight As this is the season when the cow should she more milk because she can have the use of a pasture is no rea son why she should not given an abundance hay and grain as well Pastures vary in quantity and qual ity of grass and it is always good policy to examine the pasture fields and their condition frequently for should a cow fall off in her yield of milk she may not quickly tome into full flow again Manure from the poultry house should be daily and be kept under shelter Mix it with dry earth and keep it longer than pos sible as it gives the best results when it is fresh One of the safest and best ways make fruit trees productive re move a part of the ends of brandies during July or early August when the tree is in full leaf you remove part of these by trimming the in midsummer you stop the growth of the tree and force fruit buds into being It is write a lot of work to prime the ends of the branches and it must lie done at a time when other work is pressing but this is the saf est method known to make unproduc tive trees come into beating Many attempt to make cuttings grow when planted in a location for that purpose meet with failure For the information of the inexperienced it be stated that the difficulty arises from he fad that the ground is cold especially in early spring the air is warmer than the soil starts the top bud before the root action begins If cuttings are placid with their base ends in dry soil in the the have will cal lous and he ready to emit roots as soon as lard tiers make the tutting alive by furnishing bottom I eat tb the root ends wanner than exposed to the air During the warm when the farmer is too busy with his crops to care for manure heap loss occurs more readily than In winter away the portions of the manure if it is exported while the summer heat may cause rapid fermen tation and the nitrogen escape in the form of The proper- course to pursue is to keep all manure Under and the bedding or other absorlKnt materials In a fine condition in order that the liquid may be Should heat weir force a crowbar Into the heap in places and told water the manure The closer the ma nure Is and the air excluded from Interior the less liability of the manure becoming over heated lfftf on the be to d v ho arretted in value of has Heave it r 1 In starch works were destroyed by fire The loss is stive at I on don was last Friday with a loss of May a here years old died early yesterday morning few days he bleeding of the Despite the ef forts of a flow of blood could stopped and death re- Mr John of vas caught in 11 of a shingle mill and killed A Co suited of codliver oil is the best thing take for dont feel and know why especially babies they like it men and women mind it but babies actually it The moon a cloud just fashioned street lamp was extinguished ling down a dark alleyway the entrance the Elms a large private residence op Eton- was a lobe flgnre It halted beneath one of the tower windows and remained In a at least ten minutes Then it stood erect a flffdre not more than five feet three slender and active The window opened slowly and the figure disap peared Moving some creeping thing from room to room the dually emerged into the ha ascended the stairs but suddenly to a halt before a door came a light A lay there alone Through a door leading to an adjoining room the burglar could form of a woman fully attired asleep on a couch It was a nurse The burglar looked back at the child Slckncs here I guess bad place for my work He stood intently watching baby face resting on the snowy pillows Tlieo loft in thought he stole over to the cot O A of anguish came the burglars lips little one stirred and tbe burglar made a move toward the hail Want some the child The early bend rolled rest lessly Mamma baby want dlbk At the sound of a voice from ad joining room the disappeared quickly beneath the bed Nursles coming dear And the woman hurried to her charge The hidden figure could have reached out and touched the hem of her Poor little girl the nurse said soothingly Gladys want ma in ma Oh mamma Is dearie Baby wouldnt wake Mamitia mamma pleaded the child As If Id answer from down too hall q low called Mammas com In a moment a woman entered room and crossed iiuickly to the bed side Reaching over Abe kissed tbe Itps and forehead Mammas here darling The little arms reached up and were clasped about her neck Gladys mam ma whispered child Mamma stay with baby Yea darling mamma will stay folded the babe In her arms and her to sleep Then she crossed the roam to where the nurse sit ting In silence They whispered together In low tunes The figure beneath the bed was eagerly straining to catch every word She Is a little better Is she not the mother asked anxiously think so madam This is the first fine she has awakened since oclock You had better rest while she Is I cannot bear to leave her If that child were own flesh and blood I aid love her more was brought the police to the Orphan of the Gray Nuns In Montreal one day when Mr Rogers and were the Institution has brought such happiness Into our The evenings we have speni at homo during the two years Ave have bad have been more than all the rest of my life to inc Iloth In silence Ten minutes passed and the burglar beneath the bed was gelling rest less The in it her was speaking slowly again as If In thought little darling The police say her mother was a wretched creature and the father a confirmed criminal a brute of a man were Serving a term In prison when we took baby Think of It nurse a sweet Innocent Hi le tot like that from auch parents Roche I think their name was They know nothing of the childs whereabouts Tears glistened In the womans eyes as she looked tenderly and yearningly at the sleeping baby and left room The nurse lingered a few by childs cot Then turned light very low and stole bark the adjoining rom Later heavy breath ing told t burglar beneath the sick child bed that he household was asleep once more but for how long fie crawled stealthily but did not hasten from the room While yet In kneeling he raised the childs liny hands and kiss ed them then reached over and kiss il the fevered forehead A smile pans over face The chad was evidently dream ing Me loves she murmured In her sleep A tear frll on the babys curly head what punishment With a look of unutterable anguish the thief hastily from room and down to the stairway Someone was ascending stairs The burglar ran to the nearest window and Bra escape There a piercing scream and a crash The man on the stairs startled reached lo his hip pocket bat all was silent again except for a low Kroaawbtch from the court below Ho hurried to the head the stairs and peered oat Into the darkness railing of the fire es cape was broken but that was all he sea said the doctor who had entered Bomo hurt Burglars whispered other Bo low Feeble gle gate Who- these Are you hurt Strike a match Mr iJtilWiiC On the conch to the library they stretched the unconscious form burglar Hell not this la the hospital for an ambulance Mr Rogers The man the doctor on more light Lifting the head he looked closely Into the face he as he heard ftogera he lowered the lights I with this poor to the hospital Id to watch la case In a few mom en is the of a of the of the lance Tbe women are nervous You bad better with them be said TeAl them the fellow Is all right anything not to excite them May dear said the morning as bis wife entered the break fast room after a vlalt to the sick chamber how Is tlladys Much better The temperature baa fallen and she will surely get well now- At the same hour the house surgeon on duty at Johns hospital was look ing over an entry I a the record book- It read Dressier alias Mrs Theodora La Roche alias Ned Davis criminal killed by tell from third story of the residence of Rogers Boulevard while In the burglarising place was in male attire age thirty- one nationality French Canadian rela tives serving life sentence Mon tana daughter confined in orphan asylum Montreal No Limitations Make up your that tbe Creator made you to enjoy life and to have all the good things this world neces sary to your well being and moral and spiritual growth Think large things for yourself for the all power ful ruler did not set for you oar row limit which you have mind Limitation In thought will certainly produce limitation In possession Jf you are convinced that you will never have much that you are poor and will remain so the chances are ten to ono that you will How can you expect to expand your life to enlarge your possessions to widen your sphere yon think and talk limitation Enlarge your eon be generous to yourself In thought and ambition creator never mode people to limp along starvation line there are enough resources In the world to make everybody happy and contented Tbe great trouble with us Is that we circumscribe ourselves by thinking within narrow limits As a man In bis heart so la be a Odd In Switzerland the bride on wed ding day will permit no one not even her parents to her upon the lips In many of the provinces the cook pours hot water over threshold aft er the bridal couple have gone In order to keep It warm for another bride There Is an old superstition many against May A favorite wedding day In Scotland la Dec so that the young couple can their old life with the old year and begin their married with- the new surely a pretty Idea Italians permit no wedding gifts that ore sharp or pointed from which practice emanates our superstition that the gift of knife severe friendship One of the most beautiful of all mar customs Is that of the bride mediately after the ceremony flinging her among her maiden friends She who It Is supposed to tho next bride Id reign of Charles Judges either a velvet cap a three cor nered hat or a coif but in per twig over from and grave aspect which It gave to an other wise commonplace face was appreci ated at once by Judges and doctors who immediately adopted it for mer have stuck to It ever since relators seeing how good was effect of a wig attempted to copy their seniors example but the Judges lind no idea of their copyright being In fringed and made things so unpleasant for their Imitators that It was nearly half a century later wlga were universally adopted la law courts- Loudon IornuDn Tea Mate or Paraguay lea which Is favorite beverage aiming a of some grows wild In the woods of the southern half of America For many years Ms Hon was a art Although largo plantations planted- by than a century ago later attempts to raise the plant were fruitless and not until recently have new plantations been established In Paraguay Tho secret of cultivation It Is alleged Is that the seeds will not germinate treated with a slum salt The Hoard When Ret Dr Hall was in this In attend ell a of the American board In iSiifofo and was entertained by the Rev Dr Calkins and family afterward of Mass Those were days the coming of I be board to a city or town created consul era bio stir and when Dr Hall entered tbe house one of children exclaim board baa comer and early next morning a voice bis kindly asked Will the board warned in MM about the great mm in which you live and those fmtr enjoy animated stories that are trite jo life beauty any form Then there it foryou must join the army who read regularly FtoURES FOR 1902 New Romantic Love Story by author of The Gentleman from Indiana tale of love thwarted but triumphant gallant irWKfd women It deals with life in Indiana of the Mexican True Story m tar JELL author of fflWPfi of the first and of an economic treatise but an Greatest of tits Ola Masters and helpful paperion Raphael Rembrandt etc their finest pictures reproduced tinta on His travels- His the typical Philacleiphian and in habitant of Chicago and Washington on Tillman Piatt Cleveland and others Clara Morriss Stae Stories Sidclor5s and others A Bathe fef Millionaires By the author Street Stories Serial Tale of the Michigan Woods Josephine More Emmy stories by george MADDEN MARTIN ONE DOLLAR A YEAR But at any price THE BEST J Years In Bank References vAHirnrpip I wwwiwwifiwi If have Iraotgrsed apaidtt laws of NERVOUS mutt Self abase later I I and wrecked CURED Tee Treat promised to core me They got my a friend me to wasuli id a me or P the New Method Treatment for six weeka I felt like i Sew Kid y and Bladder CONSULTATION BOOKS FREE for Home NO CURE NO PAY Call or write tot Blank KENNEDY Cor Michigan jg arid KERGAN Detroit Mich A PEN PICTURE of Troop Un lift dUr The only brigade writes in the Friend It could have been passed It was down Piccadilly It would driv en London crazy I watched them ragged bearded flercoeyed infantry struggling along under cloud of Who could have conceived who had the prim soldier In the time of peace he could so quickly transform himself to the grim vlril barbarian Bulldog faces hawk faces hungry facta every sort of face except ft weak Here and there Is a man who smiled most ami lean a little for ward with steadfast and feat ures Impassive but resolute Hero is a clump of Highlanders with aprons in front their keen faces burned black with their months on veldt Good old Gordons I cried as passed me- A sergeant glanced the dirty enthusiasm In an under cut What cheer ho cried and the men squared their shoulders and put a touch of ginger into their stride Hero la a clump of mounted in fantry a fellow a fierce old agio at the head them Some mnned like lions some have young and keen face but all have an Impression of to me yet I have not irregular cavalry before Why should they ha so familiar to mo this loose- limbed head erect swaggering typo Of course I have seen it In the American cowboy over over again range that a few months In the veldt should have produced ex actly the same man as springs from the western But men are warriors war Their eyes are hard and tjuick They hove gaunt Intent look llko that of men who under the shadow of danger Here and there are other men again taller and sturdier than our Infantry of lino grim solid men straight as poplars There Is a maplo leaf upon their shoulder straps and the British Is glad enough to have maple leaves beside them for the Of a Hans men of New Telephone Directory The Bell Telephone Co of Canada will issue a new sub scribers directory for eastern Ontario including the Newmarket early in June Orders for new connections and changes in firm should be sent in at once to ensure entry in this book The Bel of STARR Manager May t Sold by All Newsdealers Monthly to all of Song and a volume of Choice Copyright CompoaHlons by the most popular author pages of piano Half q Pieces for Piano Once a Month for JO Cenhu Yearly Subscription In joy t ceil a living la one year you nearly Music 252 Complete Pieces for the Piano you it a your to Kit and 1I mill you J- PEPPER Publisher fi not a Yon pursuit of toe legislative Inrpstlgatlng commit tee Hint ho resorted to briber whateer during campaign for ftajoukoowr yea replied tho that Is What I Did he not of pi gars YessU cigars Tfasnl bribes of em Too can try IL PROMPTLY SECURE Write for our or How you ate swindled Bend us a sketch or model of Wo and we opinion as to whether l en successfully J conduct in Siontrcri and prompt ly dispatch snd quickly cue asbrovd as the Invention Highest Patents procured through Marlon ft Ma- rion recti without ehsrgeio throughout the Special tvi at business y MAWON Solicitors i

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