Newmarket Era, 20 Jun 1902, p. 1

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I I la ft Pvea more bom news in North and J County Paper YAJlii gVl J Gin KB the liberty to liberty AND No iSER No piper of North Newmarket Ont June J TERMS annum Oar Toronto titter time grow old before your your bones Use paint more and the scrubbing brush less The Paint is made for all kinds of painting It dries with a good gloss is easily applied and can be cleaned with soap and water Use it this year and housecleaning wont be so hard next year Color cards for the asking at HARDWAR Plumbing and ffewMARkirf Tocun Council Regular meeting last Monday even- Legislation Commit tee was ftig Present Cane and structed to ask the Legislature for cilfora Robertson Lloyd Richardson an preventing the and Smith taking and killing of quail for three Following bills were passed years in order that the species may Tfcc annual of the On tario License Association will be in tins ivy Inst Hotel keepers and their fives Packard Coelec light sup accumulate to toe of axe on supplies be in attendance An excursion work at WAV visit- United Factories supplies for the Falls will be tendered the left last week after Conference visit his mother at Los Angeles who is sick Rice the of Constable Boyd has hope of a reprieve but says he never will be ba means he will try to- suicide but he is closely guarded The Royal Grenadiers of this city have decided to accept the invitation to participate in he coronation cele bration at Montreal According to the political notion- of some people women are too weak to vote but are considered strong enough electric light Pay Sheet No 9 R Pay Sheet No Inland Revenue Li cense A long discussion ensued over a pro- to grant the Village of Sutton to construct a sidewalk over the Sutton bridge The County as a rule is not responsible for walks but this was considered an ex ceptional case the grant was en lite bill of the Council adopted the report 5319 was referred to the the special committee appoint to range the tax proportions between The of tiie Co repairs county and the Town of North Market was referred town will pay per cent to the Market Com the cost administration The first distribution of the License assumed by the county and per Com for 1802 amounting to cent per annum on its proportion to wns received by Treasurer wards the countys share of the new Communication regarding attach- buildings and court house to boilers to save fuel was The was in to do of service over a on to try to make settlement tub such like work even In reply to Col the Mayor with the Town of Toronto Junction dutys than pencilmarking in a poll- remarked that Mr iluyes was in town as to proportion of educational ingbooth jfast Friday and stated the Company Excursions to the Model Farm at was ready to go on with the work I The finance committee reported that from farming districts have the following Monday The Mayor It would be necessary to raise A special train from asked for the report in Tor purposes for which Kingston passed thru this city Thirrajwas promised to Council regard- a levy of mills on the dollar will day a change of route This is to be be made Eight thousand and six It is reported here that all but one ready in a few days when a special dollars is requred for the Industrial of the and Aurora the Council will bo and for the first an- Railway is graded and seven and The cutting of crass on the payment of the new Court House J h half miles of track have been laid Reservoir lot was left with the work will be completed Com by July j The Treasurer was instructed to pay The County Council has decided to the grant to the Fire Brigade sell the old Court and Mr Lloyd was beard with re- rooms for clerk treasurer ference to widening Street Acting Premier Hon Richard were offered for to a depth court turned the first sod for the of It and for the full depth Victoria Statue which is being of lot ft for erected in front of the Parliament The Mayor and Councillors Smith buildings The statue will be in Robertson and Richardson were tion about six weeks pointed a committee to confer with The Star is again offering a Mr Lloyd re building an split bamboo rod with a silver elevator on Hewitt property and suitably engraved as a to the so the Newmarket Sugar Factory person who catches the largest The Property Com was instructed est small mouth black bass with a Jo make the necessary repairs to- the rod and line in Ontario waters before- Fire Hall the of September next Usual The offer made by T Lloyd re- terms of attestation presenting the owners of the Hewitt On Friday morning fast Henry Mo- properly to sell to the Town a strip under arrest on a charge of oil the Hewitt property along the having burglars tools in his posses- south side thereof eight feet wide and won slid his hands out of the hand- running west the whole depth of the while entering the police property from Main Street to Joseph and bolted with several policemen in Millards property for tl sum of chase A clergyman attending be accepted suoltct to his clients Anglican Synod was crossing the ing a good title and to their erecting street taking the the Comer of lot tripped up the prisoner as he for a bank or other office and past him and the police at once a store as is at this meeting the debentures Council adjourned on Saturday For tbe Era is Diana BY A BANKER Only the Freshest and Best a tew of our prices on Patent Medicines with the regular price Our Price PUliaois Pink Pills 35 Kidney W Nerve food Little Liver Pills- Oil Burdock Blood J II the Leading Druggist ONTARIO Dye Works We pay express way on all goods to be cleaned or dyed Regular Our Price Sareaparilla Hoods Celery Favorite Discovery LOO Agents or pounced on him Lennox case between and comes up for tomorrow Cocil stated by Mr Lloyd to be the intention of his clients Council adjourned at pm Cold in South once thriving and magnificent city of in Asia Minor now but the desolate ruin of a mighty past the home of bats and crawling and the resort of hordes of prowling wild animals was in the great days of its pridetruly one of the wonders of the world lor splendor and gorgeous pomp and grandeur Its commerce brought it the riches of the gold from the rich mines of South Africa now again worked after the lapse of mar- centuries precious stones from works of art from Greece with all that could conduce to luxury from all parts of the then civilized world But the attraction of that city of wonders was the stately imposing Temple of Diana which for superb and magnificence exceeded anything the ever has seen and probably ever will see Judging from the remains of the great structure which have recently been discovered hurled were frit on Saturday night at Oregon Fire at Plymouth destroyed the business block The loss swept over the lands Trains are by a fool deep snow drift at IT the telegraph item are down In- S5i tens cold by heavy stage by votes to Two were fleeced out of by a confidence man at the Windsor station Montreal Mr John It Dixon of has inherited a fortune of by the death of a relative in Harry Tracy and David Merrill penitentiary at Salem Ore killing three guards with a Heavy rains have fallen Australia relieving the terrible drouth from which the country suffering snows prevails at Pretoria The mail was blocked in tire snow at Springfield for hours It was rtjcessary to employ three to extricate the train from the drift OOQl For tie Era Calf For a number of years have had most of my tows drop their- calves in the fall or early says Anderson of Rugby On tario and I have to the con clusion that there is a sain in so doing The milking season is cows coming in fresh fore Christmas by liberal feeding in winter milk as well in the early when the pastures are at thir best as that come in in starch We milk months giving the cows two months rest are rested in the early fall when the pastures are at their poorest At that time the grass is generally dry parched and burned up As we raise on skim milk one calf each cow it is very important that the iows should have two months rest out of the twelve When the cows are milked to within a couple of of cahmg they get no chance to recuperate The calf generally comes with a weakened vitality and docs not make as rapid or satisfac tory a growth in the first six months as when tiie cow has had a fair and After a long- of experience I have come to the conclusion consid ering the increased price of winter butter the long milking season rest ing the grass is poor that in winter cows give at least per cent more milk in the season than if they came in fresh spring months Again an win ter or fall calf is as heavy at two and one half years as a spring calf is at three years old There is a gain of six months in the age of the calf the reason for this being that it is weaned off the milk in June and goes on to grass is fed a little grain or meal all and in the fall it is a good strong yearling and winters much better than a spring calf which is just weaned in the fal and goes into winter When a Calf is dropped if is not good practice to allow the cow to fondle and lick her offspring When the se paration docs take place there is al ways trouble in the cow stable the mother gets excited and some nervous cows remain so for the best part of week results are obtained by removing the new born calf with out allowing the mother to lick it Rub it dry with a wisp of straw put It into a roomy dry warm pen free fronts and drafts and give it no milk for first twelve hours When a calf is hungry it is not nearly so trouble to it to drink The fust two weeks it should have a quart of whole milk three times a day care being taken that the noon milk is warmed to new Mr while crossing from Harbor to to attend church was drowned By waste caused by coins rub bing the world loses one and a quarter tons of gold and eighty tons of silver in a year Up to June the Department of beneath the debris of nearly seven teen centuries the glowing heat For the three weeks left us by the ancient his tor isms half skim milk should be are not at all exaggerated to the whole milk at each meal massive sumptuous sculptured When the calf gets to bo weeks columns of which are now old the noon milk also in the Museum in London I the milk giving about three each sixty feet in and about quarts of milk twice a day By sixteen or eighteen feet in this time the stomach will be strong encircled with liresix statuary enough to digest other in high relief by worldcelebrated food Hie noon meal should then be Greek sculptors of columns pulped roots chopped and clover more than a hundred surround the hay If a separator is not used and temple courts must without doubt tt milk Jis in shallow pans or have been the finest display of art deep setting cans it should always bo sculpture which has ever existed warmed up to new milk heat before while the marble interior lavishly being fed if it is fed cold or too adorned and beautiful with solid gold hot it is apt to produce bloating and and precious stones and dcorated scours When thru careless feeding the votive offering of ten scouring is allowed to become chron- of worshippers of the goddess careful to have pail from which the calves are as possible or with skirn milk at right fed out of pails as clean as your pails in not too quantities and fed regularly there will be but little trouble from calves scouring in warm weather calves be kept in during the day time and turn ed out in the evening Thus they will avoid the hot sun and the flies Whole or chopped oats should be fed A mixture of whole and chopped oats about a cupful twice a day for an or dinary sized calf on good pasture will be sufficient For fall feeding until the roots are harvested there is no thing equal to green corn run thru cutting box and mixed with some- chopped oats The main point in feeding is to allow them to stop growing and in the case of beef animals keep them in good flesh In feeding calves as in every system of feeding the extremes of over and under feeding arc to bo avoided Continuous regular liber- a feeding always brings most pro fit and the best practical results P Live Stock Commissioner p Babies With A Grateful Mother Tells How Her Little Boy was Cured Mrs A Rowan ton Que is another happy mother who thanks Babys Own Tablets- for the health of her boy The little fellow became the prey of worms that curse of His rosy lost l heir color his little legs and arms became his eyes lost their sparkle and he became sickly and peevish His sleep was restless and feverish and his food seemed to do him no good His anxious mother almost despaired of him back again to good health However she heard of Ba bys Own Tablets and gave them to her child and now she The Tablets matte a change in my little boy All signs worms have disappeared and he is now in the best of health I can honestly say that Babys Own Tablets no as a cure for worms Babys Own Tablets are a certain cure for all the minor of lit tle ones as constipation colic sour stomach indigestion diarrhoea fever and the irritation accom panying the cutting of teeth Guar anteed to contain none of the poison ous opiates found in the socalled soothing medicines They are for children of ail ages and dissolved in water can be given with absolute safe ty to a newborn babe Sold by druggists at cents a box or postpaid on of price ad dressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Helping Other Diana must have presented a specta cle of awed wonder and amazement there Is no remedy When a calf is not doing well break an egg into its milk this acts as a tonic and The circus has not always been con- a desirable adjunct to tbo and it must have situation which tempted a group of Indian women to seek aid in such a quarter The character of the showman however seems- to have justified the attempt It happened at a time when the fam ous Dan Rice was trying to steer his circus through financial breakers He had got as far as and there one day in a melancholy mood he was standing in front the tent figuring on the prospect of getting out of town at all and gloomily citing to disparaging on his No wonder teeming multitudes adds strength to its ration band by the townsfolk when ho was- Or ftauon l filled orders for supplies idolaters Incessanlly cried To supplement the loss of butter fat approached by a party of ladies one Sound Jwy South Afia for the War Office Great Is Diana of the in milk take tor 12 calves over two said there ana had neen Mayor consist- the great apostle taught months old four flax we have always of hay oats flour etc them that their golden put it into a common stove pot and heard of you as a very charitable June Hansen who goddess was naught but the idle and fill up with water Do this alter- Unfortunately our will on Friday has creation their own hands dinner and allow it to simmer alt at- needs a new that the image wliich they were and evening Next morning thought you be UP WILL BINDING TWINS Star feot ft Manilla to the lb Beautiful Twin will you or your to States I A Suggy Bale style in good Coat Will told aj Entire at Ma Oar Business Course IN WIRELESS now has many No thing it given The Ice are good Write- for particu lars Address Telegraph De- par taenfc uaiai33 TORONTO Write for circular Toronto of the town Two thousand five hundred and ninetylour Boers surrendered on Sat urday The total surrender ed is now of the ftparuTnent Ottawa was drowned in the white attempting to the life of his little niece was to a confession ad and asking pardon of all those whomtKht fell down from Jupiter was wroriKcd lie declares St but a wicked fraud of their priests ho wrond was that his downfall The work on the a Railway has Contractor arrived In town tenths for connect on completed arronwumts and division election in Montreal work northeast of the Mrs a wo- near on was overtaken by a train on a bridge fe to avoid the train by clinging to a post but died from fright A report from Constantinople states the have a caravan of wealthy merchants the near Only twenty of escaped Hotel at Kins Wy has been by Mr Phil lips late of Mr has refurnished and tboroly year when the boys wellknown house In stature day It is expected that Mr will push the forward with all due speed At years of age are gen erally taller than but girts appear to equal at the sevenUi year arid continue thus up to and in cluding tbo ninth year after which the boys rise again above the girls or- two years twelve the girls suddenly become taller than the boys i continuing until regain their so- boil smartly for about one half to toward It stir in some wheat flour until thej of the situation Is about the consistency showman Here he Hut notwithstanding the glamour thin porridge calf three months without a he could call the name and worship of Diana yetokl will take a cup this lax his own asked to contribute to multitudes under the fiery preaching of the brave apostle renounced the fate goddess and rather than deny the holy faith which they had accept ed and filled them with such in describable inward joy numbers thorn were ready like the apostle him self to fight with the wild beasts the great there to be and mangled by wolf hound or panther or hungry leopftrd Por knew that having accepted the Christ as their Saviour all His sufferings bad atkinod for their deeds and they wore as certain as they be anything that the moment the life torn from lie would receive and welcome their purified souls into the and delights of heaven seed tea porridge in ltd skim He pulled a out of is used to counteract the and said with the loosening or the flax Care must be used at first not to Ladies this may appear to you a overfeed but to work gradually to I amount but it represents all what I have mentioned with skim lnc money I possess However I be- milk lax seed tea roots choppedL heartily in cause you are oats clover hay and with com pleading and I shall not utterly re- warm pens kept clean ami I promise you well bedded Calves can in this way if does any business be raised much more profitably in I will not only contribute than In summer When a repairing church but I separator is used it is best to skim wW a roof it tire froth of the skim milk and not reason or another perhaps feed It to the young calves especial- j two those under months It that day netted so good has a disturb the normal was en action of toe stomach and set up to pay his way to Whenever a calf Is scouring church to In a quantity milk Ti v 1 fr vx r

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