Newmarket Era, 20 Jun 1902, p. 3

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V j Weeks Iioeal oh axon bis Real Estate Sola jfr Albert Thompson has sold at North end to Mm mother Mr takes possession on the first month public Next Thursday being a general holi er all over the British Dominions expect print the Era a day next week Advertisers and will please send their copy a day sooner than usual Gospel Temperance i Tuesday to tbe funds of pi There attendance at fipav ao tbe last Miss prefixing Solos render- ed Lush and Miss Stevens and a reading by Miss Hooter There seems to be a renewed interest the League lately Shoxti When making your for summed dont the third Annual Flower Show Skating Rink place of It is too early for to As the Sunday afternoon temperance Jng arofind making notes Gharri Last Sunday bad extreme pleasure o Searing two splendid sermons by Re J Chatham very courteously to the request tie pastor Special services next Sunday and sermons by Re of StiPauls Toronto I even ing of Members present Messrs Pretty and Dr On motion took the chair The report shewed the attendance as For March aVerage For roll average 315 May on roll average 331 fees for the three Foundry is rushed orders a good deal being city work cant begin to months v fill tho orders that are coming in this hills were passed season Building is brisk in all fence Miss A j McDonald teaching Walker Chief Anderson arrived down Town J A on Monday evening just in time to WAllan are so poorly attended the hot weather it has been some by the to omit Ibtill the first Sunday In October Guide Book it is hoped that the work will renewed with spirit looking for ward to the Referendum in Ladies Aid of the Gourd intend having a Lawn Party on Friday evening June on the lawn of Mr Tea will be served from to oclock A program of vocal and instrumental is being prepared and if the weather is aroral delightful even ing is promised Tee is entirely voluntary but see cream will served as an The public are cordially invited prevent a serious scrap- The trimtning of the shade trees on Prospect- Ave is quite an improve ment Moved by Sir by Dr Scott that the master of remov ing shade trees on the north side of the school as in the communication of on Wilson be dealt with by board- when Garden Party- The toss Garden Party of the sea son is to take pi aw on Tuesday of next week on tho lawn of Mr Silas opposite Horne under the aus pices of the Presbyterian church No pains will be spared to make ills a unique success- Band has been secured the occasion Richardson of the Highlanders Toronto who won the prize at last year for being the best dressed High lander in America The Admission to the grounds is only 10c which in cludes- Ice cream- etc extra Free bus from the church to the grounds Church i At a final meeting of the official Board for th ecclesiastical year held on Tuesday evening it was ascertain ed that a few sub script ions are paid that all debts and financial obligations will be out and the start with a dean sheet resolution was passed gratefully acknowledging the services of Rev Dr Cade during the interim of four months to which the Dr replied expressing thanks to the people Newmarket or the Ij manner in which he had been re ceived and stating that his greatest hope was in the fact he believed toe gentleman to succeed him was in every way qualified to meet all the of church membership It is expected that the Memorial Window erected by the ladies of the lo perpetrate the name or the late pastor Rev George for his good work here will be placed in position tho beginning of text week Trustee meeting on Wednes day evening Messrs Jackson and Webb were ap pointed a committee to superintend tie removal of the front entrance dors have the opening enlarged and place therein double doors on double acting hinges Messrs Jackson Cane Webb also appoiiHcd a committee to have an meter iiitaOed and such cbanges as are necessary struggle between straw hats and overcoats the past week has been heated that it has succeeded in getting up a June temperature Jeveral people have up to the Lake tor a fish this as flshyarns have we conclude that theoatch la othifg to brag about in weather last Sunday out the hummock and tbe veranda Phillip We crip the following from the for summer re- Robert oi Toronto has Daily Alaskan at pairs Carried i f very and well Alaska June 1st Mr Phil- Communications were from printed Guide Book arid Time Table lips is a son of Mr Reuben Phillips Mr J Wife of Aurora PS gratuitous distribution the at- Sharon Board giving Mr route of Railway One Of the prettiest little home wed- appointed as exooihierat ftp Merest dings that ever took place in Aurora and Mr Davidson St while the by patronage author credit lor the manner in book Forget Sbte the beautiful and per sonal property of the late on the farm next Wednesday Sand Serenade Quite a crowd gathered around the our corners at the intersection of Queen and Prospect Ave last Fri day to enjoy the music of the Town Band The serenade Wj another teacher as since- to md for a Garden tho congestion complained on arc best On toe return the garden party at Bradford on Monday night the IT Band the residence of way was that last Thursday even- report of attendance of teach ing when Miss Grace Ford and at Teachers Talbot Phillips were unit- Mr Thonpsson Aurora was in holy wedlock wedding appointed at Newmarket at took place at the residence of the coming Entrance mother Mrs Board adjourned till Wednesday Sixth Avenue which was tastefully June decorated for occasion Rev ttarrison the June pursuant to and impressive marriage service JjWTOiBtL of the Presbyterian Church was used nmson bride was tastefully dressed in Dr Scott presided in white while the groom wore the con- the absence of chairman Mr ventional evening The wed ding- was a quiet home there- report f were no maids or groomsmen About that they- have considered thirty of the intimate friends of the c attendance some of the present The Sions and are of the opinion that iit- u i up their residence at the borne of Mrs I where Mrs Phillips will be at party Was being held for Mr Ben- a Manning bride The Band was home to her friends after June invited in and treated handsomely It was about two oclock when they got home of can relieved by reconstructing the classes This plan was adopted by- the- Board and the Committee au thorized to carry the recommend into effect- The Principal Mr was re engaged for nest year at an advance of in salary Miss Ross and Miss at their present salaries MisS Girl Meanly filled There came very nearly being a a- at ln tal accident on street last of each Saturday evening Mr was author delivery wagon driven by a youth tor of an turning around in front tree on the School Grounds on of the County Council Kitchens residence when little Coronation Day doners reported that on W three years old tried to catch on to the back Badges the horses shoe almost entirely j u Silk Worked Everybody shoirld Home This County Institution came in for a share of discussion at the re cent session The Commissioners reported nnat on the whole the institution is wellcon ducted and kept in good condition but the discussion arose on a of the Committee that a certain from cancer be removed to the hospital the ear from her head and also inflicted length scalp wound The Humes Sviis i sell them trouble is that some County Magis trates do not recognize the difference between a home the Aged and a hospital Wesley the gener al health of the hundred or more ii- the was good There were some cases of ill- however including a womart who was taken ill with pneumonia then with erysipelas abscess forma tion general blood poisoning bed sores and gangrene this conglomera tion of diseases resulting in death One man had an insatiable appetite for morphine and another was afflict ed with a tumor There have been fourteen deaths in the institution dur ing the past year the cause in most cases being diseases that usually ac company age A fissonted Of Fly Nets and Summer Blanket just in at A The Match last Saturday was a disappoint to the specta tors- and much more so to the Specialty Club woo had received very thrilling of the fast work of the Scott and nine on the diamond They were outclassed in every reapect by the locals The score Scott Vum0 Next Saturday the Office Specialty Base Chih have ranged to the return with the Aurora Club at the Exhibition Park here Aurora has a strong bunch rs this year most of whom came girl and the Boot Shoe Factory jock who stays until alter which place last year had the best baseball nine north of five years but did hot see the lit tle girl until he when immediately sprang to her Mrs Kitcheri had frequently the children the street and it was not three minutes before this that they were beside her in the house Both a Mr Kitchen were immediately telephoned for and the wounds were properly dressed but the child was under influence chloroform for over an hour during the difficult operation of sewing the ear in and closing the scalp wound We are pleased to say that the ac cident has not affected the mental or auricular faculties and is doing as well as can be expected It is almost miraculous that the child escaped being crushed to death No blame can he attached to the driver a son of Mrs Fiie in the Singer foundry and lumber yard at Montreal did damage to the extent of about Oclock If ticre are any more waves Wt they confer a their tour of the country till hauling rails thru Town on Wednesday tor hake on Metropolitan High School Wianjticc five more days of school and lb holidays begin Next a St Johns Day Kail is coming in nicely fives of excellent July is the dale it to Jack- letters and reports and the protpecls never were better or a harvest Ir J Taylor bblpped a car of Jbttji ard a double decker to Toronto on l To ronto- They gave the locals a hard argument at Aurora two weeks ago and were only defeated by a narrow Since that time liey have considerably and the a at Saturday will hotly contested Baseball has the supremacy over ail other athlcWc sports In that it does not any aMhulance or surgeon to follow up a game as in In dian It Is also free from all Irregularities as is evinced in the fact clergymen will participate in the game on Saturday Baseball is the national American Time On Im Paris at A One of the pretty Marguerite Wed dings how so popular took place in Toronto on Wednesday afternoon at when Miss Mtmns daugh ter of Mr formerly of Newmarket became the wife of J K Hughson of the Nova Scotia Conference The ceremony was performed by uncle of the bride Rev Dr J Hunter assisted by Rev The house was prettily dec orated with palms and Marguerites The bridal gown was of white Duch ess the tufcked bolero opening over a vest of tucked do sole and trimmed with a heavy chiffon With this was worn a bridal veil hemmed with pearls The bridesmaid Miss Vaughan wore a dainty gown of white India silk the chiffon yoke embroidered in pink rosebuds chiffon applique over pink velvet ribbon and pearls were used for trimming Little Miss was a putty flower girl and wore white lucked India carried a basket of Marguerites The wedding march was played by Miss Havel a sister of the Mr Wallet Ireland supported bridegroom Alter the ceremony the sat down to tables pretti ly decorated with- Marque at a was served Mr and for an ex tended trip Stile the bride going away in a gown of navy blue broadcloth the coat being finished Stoek Market were paid in Toronto this week for export cattle the- highest on re cord with one exception about ago The general run was about to cattle were also selling at 5 to 550 for choice with a few extra up to Anything fair ly good brought at least 1 Short feeders sold at 450 to 5 and Blockers to SI Calves sold on of to per pound Sheep sold at to for ewes and wether and to for bucks Hogs are steady at W5 for selects and JC50for lights and fats fleaimapkat markets game and will soon most pop ular game fn Canada So it a vest of white loth strapped wart to be up with the times come with gold insertion A stylish blue out on Saturday and see hat was worn The games that you ever saw gift to the bride wan a the by your patronage ringwMJc game will be started sharp at received- a pearl and The for gents is ftower girl a turquoise ring and free Mr and Mrs will reside In Nova Scotia Mr hoop mill Is pastor of one of the by ihodtst Newmarket June 111 Flour per barrel J3 a White Wheat per bush a Red Wheat per bush a Goose Wheat per bush a a Barley per bush a per bush a Peas per bush a per bush a Butter v I 43 a a Sheepskins Wool per Hay per ton Bran per ton Shorts per lob Potatoes per bag Chickens per pair 0 Geese per lb Turkeys a a a a a a a a a a 50 70 Toronto markets Toronto June 19 Red Wheat- per 72 a White Wheat per a Spring Wheat pee bush a Goose Wheat per CO a per bush a Oats per bush a Peas per bush ft per bush a per a Butter roll per lb- a Hay nor Jon a potatoes per bag a Sheepskins a Wool per lb 0 a Dressed per a Beef fore fl a Beef hind a Chickens per pair a per pair a Turkeys a 9 as 11 1 yards Factory Cotton Remnants from to yds in a regular 10c wide fine even made Sold in uncilt pieces at yard yards Fine Soft Finish Flannelette at per yard We wont guarantee the price for more than this week- lbs Granulated Sugar for lbs Light Brown Sugar lot are Never Sold Out when you want Whats Advertised Canned Corn Best Canned Tomatoes if- ORN T NONE SO GOOD AS BAKING POWDER 9a00Mf9 Experienced Dress- Makers Good Wages lbs Granulated Sugar for lbs Yellow Sugar for Remnants French Wool Dress Goods 10 cents each in Bilk and Wool Dress Goods in Grey Fawn for Ladies white Bailor Hats cream satin band 10 cents worth Ready -to- Wear Clothing received yesterday Ladies Costumes in Colored Bilks cents Silk for Blouses for cents grey Ostrich Feather Boas for cents m 1 Remnants of Carpets for cents Mens Fancy Strip e Sox cents Mens Summer Waist Coats just in Binder Twine at close prices A great Wall Paper at cents a roll New York Millinery goods very cheap Ladies Shoes in North Store and Books on ground floor Front of Store comes down soon Imported Table Covers to choose from Drapery for Curtains and Covering 35 cents up Catholic Prayer Books Cut Steel Bags and 19ft Mens New Shirts Ties Shoes Hats Belts Straw Hats Ladies Linen Skirts Tucked for Blouses Blue Grey cents New Dress Muslin Dimities Grenadines and New Goods every week p I TH1

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