Newmarket Era, 20 Jun 1902, p. 4

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EWARKxif WiA Scrofula feat ere DITOPk A Remarkable Case During tfce absence of Hon AicUeSf to tf hated by Ross in at tte Coronation by it is understood that Hon Richard An debility of will direst filleted lira Snyder Acting Premier Attorney-Gen- St Troy Ohio left on Wednesday and old manifesting by a Premier will leave today from Mr A fruit inspector of JoisPierCrty at Ot- ifflr of Western Ontario there a ruQatti wtr dm benefited by decrease in noxious insects excellent for a large of fruit TOLD POST OF GRUMTDOB MANITOBA is Greatly for Five years From Rheumatism Doctors and many Medicines failed to Help Him but He Got the Medicine At Last call tad carta tho lirer cor- J Barrister story o Main Street Newmarket to food Solicitor I Lean lowest fit of Feet I doom South flea will Uo e at Saturday Court J Co Bank Aurora Fund Van rtT to Loan fl I tht RANGE J A for ffire and Lire AtinnacA to Loan in threat at A Ramsay Fire Aear Low Farm Town Property ffhoo A press despatch from Kincardine states that a recount for Bruce will commence today on the application of the Major Conservative was declare elected in this constituency by a majority of seven over his opponent Dr Stewart There is specu lation on the probable result It will be gratifying to al residents along and in proximity to our inland waters as well as to all visitors to our summer resorts to team that the Ontario Department of Fisheries is making arrangements to have a large number of bass from the large lakes and placed in various inland waters not omitting Lake The Montreal Conference of the Me thodist sends a resolution to General Conference that the minimum salary to a Methodist minister roust be J50 That body should have a rider to the effect that all moneys raised for ministerial support throughout the Conference should be pooled and divided equally among the laborers in the Lords The Tory organs are going into the iamntation business over the fact that up in- East Wellington the pro hibitionists voted party straight and elected Hon J Gibson instead of the Prohibition Candidate The Tories seem to think that because a man favors prohibition he should a Tory and ignore every other consideration but the Province wants prohibition with the Liberal party in power to enforce it The Telegram has sagely reached the The result of there- counts indicate so tar that the Gov ernment either had a first rate lot of deputy returning or the of one with an old chum of hie own rank in society rather than one who had entertained bY the S and Princes The incident He was think 1 T to prince Waa not less in another representative of labor- Joseph Arch wKo had been a leader of the agricultural- laborers In Mr Arch was returned fej From toe Echo Dominion City Man Recently while chatting with a re porter of Echo Mr well known farmer of Man gave the following story of five years of great suffering from that most painful of Post said There are few people afflict ed can understand how much I during those five years from the tf relEra pains rheumatism There were has tmes when I was wholly unable to work and to merely attempt to my caused greatest agony I tried several doctors but they seemed quite unable to cure me I then tried several advertised medi cines that were highly recommended for this trouble but they also failed to bring the longed for release from pain As medicines failed me one after the other I began to look upon the trouble as incurable and was almost in despair At this time a friend asked me why I did not try Dr Pink Pills and de cided to make at least one more ef fort to obtain a cure I knew my case was not only a severe one hut from the failure of other medicines a stubborn one and I determined that the should have a fair trial so bought a boxes I took them according to directions and before they were gone tere was a great im provement in my condition but was not fully cured I then got an other half dozen boxes and by the time the third them was emptied I had not an ache or a pain left and was able to do a good bard days work without feeling any of the tor ture that had for five years made my miserable You may say for me that I do not think is any med icine in the can equal Dr Wil liams Pink Pills as a cure for rheu matism If is several years since my cure was and as I have never since the slightest sign of the trouble I think I can apeak with au thority When such severe cases as this are i top KING EDWARD VII SUBTOTAL OF THE MAN ait Kara TraiaJtsffTfcat Appt33lo of A good fudge of the King Bald of ftlm once has in him till- sorts of pleasant impulsed towards hit It pleases him to give pleasure That Is a trait which itself what are called little thinge It inay be a aenee of public duty which has led him during a great part of his life to put himself ftt tho disposal of the- public in pub lic matters Hit very frequent pres ence at ceremonies of public interest charities in aid of char ities the opening of the la In discharge of the Which is a of the love a and pother As of he was a good friend to the fcomte tfe Paris wbeu he Settled England on estate In Buckinghamshire He was also on terms friendship with Duke of Orleans and Prince Henry of Orleans but tho reprehensible atti tude takon by the Duke of Orleans some years ago caused all our Hoyal Family show In a marked way disapproval his conduct wlch was as It We believe that before member for the Northwest Queen Victoria the Duke sent a most penitent apology to her and received from her whose wish was to be at peace with all a kindly acknowledgment A The King excellent a linguist that when ha goes abroad he can adapt with the greatest and tact to tho various countries he visits His French as good A Frenchmans and his German is al most as exact Us mastery of ac orn This gift Ion- much to with tEo Kings charm as a host can turn from foreign guest find please with compliment in inp3t familiar to Pawha rionar An Instance may be given of the Kinga readiness to grasp the humor of a situation Not very long ago a certain very excellent peer- who is an aggressive- has -con- vereing with him at the House of Ho expressed a- pious that the Prince would assert his op position ell this Ritualism and Romanism on the Prince Was seen by another peer looking for something and the nobleman asked If he could be of any assistance The Prince who had forgotten where he had loft his hat said laughingly I am only looting for my Ad ieto I Sir Grant tells in one of hie volumes of remmfsceucsa a story which illustrates how the King la Captain who Is the working head of the Trin ity House with whom I dined writes Sir Grant mentioned that the Prince of had one day been expressing to him a very great interest in the Eddy- stone Lighthouse- Captain Webb Bank OF CANADA Authored Capital ftfift Subscribe Capital TORO BOARD OF DIRECTORS H Holt President Montreal Randolph Toronto James Montreal VicePresidents A A Allan Toronto Arch bell MVP Toronto Hon IT Perth John to f Hon McMillan Henry R Wilson New York- Stewart Genera Savings Bank Department Interest Allowed on Deposits Commercial Credits Issued change Bought and Sold Travel Letters of credit available id alt parts of the world General business Special attention paid to the Col lection Sale Notes and Money ad on the same- Newmarket Office Millard Block Branches have been opebed To ronto St Catharines Perth Mount Albert Exeter and Montreal LLOYD Manager turning wioerw or surprisin gallon imposed on him by the a rattling good bunch- of have made tho scrutineers A is paid Williams Pills made fa fau axccptailt the and then fearing ap- suoh reputation the th the ami then fearing ap- suoh reputation the patently that it might be too other diseases of an admission our questions the integrity Government officials j St Vitus dance anaemia con- by delicately hinting that their dyspepsia palpitation GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TIME TABLE i tfj a m a not- esty was result of dose watching On Saturday last Sir Wilfrid and Lady sailed from New York to be in attendance at the approach ing coronation of King Edward Hon Ross Premier of Ontario ac companied by his also by the same steamer On same Hon- Hon and Hon Fielding togeth er with several senators and the House all saited from Montreal by the Messrs and are by their private sec retaries Sir Henry Strong is acting Govern orGeneral during the absence of Lord Coronation ceremonies Sir Henry on the present occasion will be to add to his income at a more rapid rate that by sitting as chief in highest court in the Do minion Whenever GovernorGen eral is absent- even only for a day his nay is On the present during his by tbe Kings command the loss of pay for two months absence will amount to over will go to Sir Strong a month whew Royalty comes high but we must have it the heart nervous headache female ailments and neuralgia are among the other troubles they have cured in thousands cases Only the genuine pill will cure substitutes never cured anything and to avoid substitutes you must see that the full name Williams Pink Pills for Pale People is on the wrapper around every box These pills are sold by all dealers in medicine or will be sent post free at cents a box or six boxes for 250 by addressing the Dr Williams Medi cine Co Brock ville 000 Rev Father Mercer a South Da kota priest was drowned in the Red River near Emerson Metropolitan Co TORONTO 4 4U1 A M I a a ssa a IB 1 a o n S3 da a 9 fcrt Sg a I a TO A COLD IK OHO DAT Take Laxative Tab lets All druggists refund the money it falls to cute ft Groves signature is on each box The cue ferry turn ed turtle while loading cars at St Ignace Mich and went to the bot tom of the slip in feet of The World of last week touching upon political situation inNorth York remarked Accord ing to omcial declaration of Returning Officer Mr Davis the lie- form candidate has a In North York It is hip opponent Mr keep hit war paint on the Hon William in the next Do minion Mr Lennox we in a very popular young man and we admire his but he has had one fall and he ihouid profit by the lesson He mht just as well go and bunt his head against a atone as- run against is no man in public life today who done much for Canada In such a Short time as the Hon lock He may have alienated of his because could give them and their fat berths where they have no thing to do except and draw their salaries but when the elections come on these little matters will only be like flea bites compared with his importance as a public factor Mr Lennox had better think yes or a times before assumes to run the Hon unless he wants to a BALE AT THE ERA be buried forever so deep in Ms grave that he will never tiear trumpet on the resurrection morning WOMEN AND Jewels candy flowers man that is the order of a womans preferences Jewels form a magnet of mighty pow er to average woman Even the greatest of ail jewels health is often ruined in the strenuous to make or save money to purchase them II a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem then let her fortify herself against the consequences of coughs colds and bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr German Syrup it will promptly arrest consumption in Us early stages and heal the lungs and bronchial and drive the dread disease from the system It is not a cureall but it is a cer tain cure for coughs colds and affections You can get this remedy at Scotts Pharmacy years ago at this Utile Great Britain was merrily taking part in the official rejoicings following declaration of peace alter the Cri mean war heartily enters into the spirit of tho occasion makes himself welcome and others welcome to him If he Is bored you would guess It His face lights up as it other scenes which must to htm He takes or appears to take an interest in proceedings which ore often dull listens or SMms to to dull speeches often long He speaks briefly and to the point and Is always In touch with his Alng Is la who seen much of the King In public will testify that this witness Is true and presents an alto- Kings He Is pleased to giro pleasure and spares no per sonal exertion to accomplish this An instance of this oeeurs to tho writer In Black and The Kltxg was Suffering from a cold but nevertheless was anxious not to absent from the farewell concert giv en by Mr In the Albert Hall Accordingly appeared Royal box to the delight of the vast and went during the Interval into the artistes room to compliment the veteran tenor on his singing For soma days afterwards the King was and had to keep Indoors but ho was glad to have been on so Interesting an occasion and to have given to Mr Sims Heaves I Hint ami mi- The Kings liking for the Contin ent has- led to a wide members of most the Royal TO CURE IK TWO BAYS Laxative removes the cause Groves signature on every box Price cent George Webster sawyer and Hugh ftrcman were killed by the explosion of a boiler in the Ontario Lumber Companys mill at French River Children Cry for CASTORS A OF TSARS in OI course ha with nearly every Court by the ties of family relationship Queen Victoria was called that grandmother of Europe and her son lost no opportunity of cement ing the bonds between re tit Britain and her neighbors He bus been popular In Prance from tha early days of childhood when he wan taken to the Chateau dEu by Queen and Prince Albert On boyhood It Is said Utile Prince begged the beautiful Em press Eugenie to keep- him and his sister a little while longer But said the Empress they will mlfO you no said Prince of plenty of us left Wales there at home When Emperor and Empress came in their hour of dethronement to England the Prince of Wales showed thorn every possible attention and had a genuine regard for poor sick Emperor Ho liked the Prince imperial and when the young- Prince perished so tragically In Zu- Prince of hastened to console the widowed and bereaved tan Aft a asked why he was interested In this more than in other and notable lighthouses and tcub informed that ft figured on the coinage a fact which had his notice- lit and It was while sitting on the Commission to Inquire Into tha hous ing of the poor that Prince ask ed that Mr Henry P should be Introduced to him Later Mr invited to spend a weekend at We quote the words of Mr Broad- hurst this incident I will not pretend that accepted this offer of hospitality with anything but greatest delight spent three at with the Prince and Princess and X cun that was never entertained more to my liking and never felt more at home when paying a visit than I did on this occasion I arrived at on Friday night and remained until tho follow ing Monday evening On my arrival personally conducted me to my rooms made a careful Inspection to Eta that all was right stoked the fires and then after satisfying him self that all my wants were provided for withdrew and left mo for the night In order to meet the difficul ty in matter of dress Mr did not possess- a drosscoat dinner Was served to mo In my own rooms every night The did all in his power to make Labor wolcomo AT Division of Norfolk constituency In which is situated He was henceforward proud to call himself the Prlnco of Wales When the Royal Commission was formed to Inquire Into the con dition of Aged Poor Prince of Joseph Arch were lowmembers The prince lost no opportunity of showing courtesy to Mr Arch and the has many pleasant recollections of Me most distinguished constituent i The King is Tory sensitive as to criticism and has often desired to anewtr soma of the misstatements made concerning himself But only in a very few instances and then In an impersonal fashion has he enter ed into the lists with his critics After the first experience of annoy has passed he can laugh over some of the foolish and untrue para graphs which from time to time have been printed by various newspapers- An number of periodicals ore sent daily to Marlborough House from all parts of the world but the King reads very few of them and then only In a cursory manner He sees the illustrated regularly and Is quick to discover any inaccur acy on- the part of an artist In de pleting any sceno In which he figures I recall incident in which the King sent for en actor and Informed him that tho Orders he was wearing on stage were ludicrously incorrect- Kr Cbsraetvr Edward la highly emotional and this fact Is he key hie char acter explains why he has so often done the right thing at Jr if y and why he has occasionally great mis takes Ho a man of business punctual and prompt In action He Is moat in his nature and the most loyal of He is thoroughly British tastes a keen sports man a hater of humbug a lover of courage He has a deep respect for good men of whatever or creed ran bis motor car took him all over the estate and the Princess showed him the dairy On Sunday be directed him to a Metho dist Chapel and in good part Ifr suggestion that a nearer place of worship would be appelated by Nonconform ists He escorted him to the He was when tho club room and sat Imperial was burled at Chi ale- trot of TUB loved that man exclaimed when he read telegram which told of Archbishop death The believes Is one which con cerns Itself with deeds an well as words and that la why ho can ap preciate Booth Br Mies Agnes Weston and other philanthropists Ha a He has Inherited from his father and mother a keen sense of duty and no HeirApparent ever worked so long and thoroughly in the perform ance of those often wearisome tasks which fell to his lot Since ac cession King Edward has proved that in hands the power wielded so wisely by Queen Victoria will be administered as conscientiously Every day he advances In the esteem and favor of his subjects all over British Empire His broad sympa thies bring him In touch with all sorts conditions of men pnd he DEALER IN Coal Wood Lime Cement OFFICBOne door east HURON STREET TENDERS Will be received by the Toronto Trusts Corporation of Toronto for the purchase premises known a the lot east side of Main Street in the Town of Newmar ket on which is erected a store occu pied by Mr Lehman The pro perty is said to have a frontage the east side Main Street feet by a depth of 110 feet more or less Address Toronto General Tresis Corporation Toronto Lots FOR SAL Tenders will be received by the up to Monday the day June tor belonging to the MARY SMITH ES TATE in the rear of The in one block or in lots to suit pur chasers There are some very desirable lots iu this block particularly those on the North side of Park Avenue east of Cyrus residence They wilt be sold cheap First come first served Apply to Solicitor for the Smith Estate Newmarket The Era IS Till Ideal County Weekly It Covers North York Builder Contractor now in a position to take con tracts for all branches of Mason Work Estimates Given at Short Notice satisfaction guaranteed BOILER SOTTING GRANOLITHIC AND SIDEWALKS GRANOLITHIC ROOFS FOR BUILDINGS Intending builders will do well to knows a good more of tlAj wants Consult A HUNTER St Newmarket and circumstances of his subjects than many supposedly well Informed of his Court Box

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