t f CHINA Sugars are away down in price just Granulated we sell you lbs for Rich Yellow lbs for Look out for low grade sugars as there are Jots on the market Prices go up any day buy at once A Car Arrived This Week Canoed Cora each BY BUYING AND what about Last Saturday Eddie Gould boy who a saw for Mr at Canes Factory had the end of his finger taker off He was putting on the brake when slipped He had it dressed by the doctor and is doing nicely To the Roaka 160- tickets were sold at Newmarket depot yesterday morning for the Bracebridge excursion Quite a lot were on the train when it reached here and with those to get on Landing am Bradford it Was thot there would he over on hoard and Implements Will be sold at the sale of the Catty Estate next Wednesday A Quite a crowd went over to the Fair Grounds on Wednesday evening to witness a lively baseball match be tween the Town and toe Office Spe cialty teams The Town won by a score of to which was a bit of a surprise The excellent pitching of Sir had a good deal to do with the The catching also was quite remarkable top Sole The homestead at King City is offered for sale cheap Nine ty acres more or less in splendid lo cation well watered Small orchard Near to Post Office churches and the school A very desirable place Of fers will be received at the office toe late J King City on Saturday June by the exec utor Rev 1 THE- NEWMARKET ERAirPRrOAY JUNE fc Atxxayi A Methodist Rev- J E Richardson died at his residence in Kingston Out on Mon day Deceased was a brother of John Richardson Esj M P P for East York and Mrs Draper of Belbayen also lather of P L Rich ardson Sherlock Que and Dr Richardson of Assa The Homestead Or the late Cap will be sold on the from us We are selling our en tire stock at prices Below Cost to us in many as we want to close out quick Our Womens Oxfords you should tee also Mens Boys Misses and We have yet to dispose of Improvements Mr remove the fence from the front of his residence and is making preparations to put a Coronation Observance Patriotism is an excellent and evidences of loyalty are always highly commendable as a stimulus thereto especially when out juveniles can be so satisfactorily schooled in National and Imperial sentiment as they have been in the celebrations and concert exercises of the past two years It is therefore with much pleasure that we print the announcement that a Coronation Oak will be planted in Public School Grounds on the day of the crowning of His Majesty King Edward VII The youngsters who take part in the exercises in this con nection cannot but in old age recall with pleasure and pride the indicents of the ceremony attending the- plant ing of this one of the most beautiful and emblematic trees to a Britisher and we wonder why our have never hit upon the com bination of oak and maple trees as an adornment to out residential streets- Let all our citizens endeavor to as sist in some united observance of the day A general illumination of the The Celebration for Coronation day in this city is to take the form of a gigantic- rtiutnination and military display at Point Paring the day crowds leave the city as on other holidays hut the island at tractions will bring them home early Beside the illumination and fireworks and military evolutions there will be a grand musical program by four massed bands and male chor uses It will probably he the largest musical concert ever given in this city The Royal Yacht Club will have a race during the day for the Prince of Wales Cup over the lake course An impressive and beautiful flower service was in the Western Congregational Church pad in a ave nue last Sunday before a very audience The floral decorations were most artistically designed The Socialist organ is to be pub lished in future at Vancouver instead of Toronto This city not cry over its removal Miss Ethel Webster late soprano of the Queen Street Methodist Church Toronto has been appointed to the dual position of solo soprano and di rectress of the choir of the Park St Methodist Church Chatham A serious fire occurred early this week at the Mills planing factory street doing 3000 damage- There is much unrest in labor cir cles of tho city just now There has been so mush pandering to local or ganizations by the politicians that they think they own the city plumbers and gas and steam fitters went out on strike the fore part of this week The men are asking for f el f at Canon Robinson Westminster Abbey thus described ceremony that will observed at the Coronation of King Edward He said la of the cross will be cat the Royal Throne find In the sanctuary for the Kings anointing King Edwards chair which contains the fateful atone of Scone The Dean and Chapter of Westminster having first brought the regalia which have been deposited in their charge tew thod of celebration but- nobody seems residences about town would be a pretty effective and inexpensive wages and employers say that contracts were made on the basis of SHRIKE IK Not Kings coronation night before and delivered them to the nobles appointed to carry them will with the choir receive the King and Queen at the west end of the nave Then from the four aides of the theatre the Archbishop will pre sent the King four tiroes to his faith- fill subjects and receive their assent to his Coronation The Litany will be sung by two vested In their copes and this will be followed by the first of the Communion Service and the sermon which is to be short and suitable to the great occasion The preacher hat al ready been nouticed will be Bishop of London- Then when the oath has been taken by the King the presence of the Holy Spirit will bo invoked In the hymn Creator After a short prayer in the course of which the Archbishop will lay hie hand on the vessel con taining the sacred oil the anointing of King is made the BIG LOT Of erri for to have thought much about any 1 present prices for labor Employers observation features which therefore decline to give the increase rather strange remembering our spon- demanded The Street Railway men outburst on Pretoria all agitation this week and a and our united efforts to make the stride is threatened Is the Com- unveiling of the Haines Memorial aipany say they have men ready at a resetter day indeed days call to fill the places of sink- But the scores of The funny part is the men are stone foundation under his house next their heads in all sections of fighting more to have the union re month together with other repairs Town there were less than than for any cause which will greatly improve the pro- flags teW floating- over the The end is not yet a h Peace was The Car conductors sung turn Dr Wesley is getting ready and by actual count eleven of with robbing boxes are being pre- each prftyt address into the residence lately purchased was committed for from Col Lloyd and is arranging track Let hoist the trial on Tuesday build an office at the rear of the re- Coronation Day John Brown a fanner from room on the side j was robbed of while having his The brick for Mr Uriah Marshs beard trimmed in a barber shop One new residence arrived on Monday j KETTLKBY arrest has been made and the j sent up for trial Mr leaves next A Coronation service tgineer OHallarn put in domestic day to spend three months with his he held in St James Cathedral next water connections this week for the son in the NorthWest Sunday afternoon new residences of the editor and Mr A general meeting will be held in the street rail The Grocer Grocery orders called for and delivered promptly Just openedthe greatest Snap in Sets we have had for some toe Very Fin Styles and Very Low in Price Bacon also with Mrs Kennedys connection with the King Christian conductor who is alleged to have residence on Church St Church commencing on Wednesday Hen the ringleader in the systematic There are several people in Town June Service at ociock on stealing from the fare boxes of the who they have the best garden Wednesday Thursday and Friday even company was Riven a hearing in the Whats your opinion ings Fellowship meeting on Court Wednesday morning and The Cemetery Board is doing some day at pm Three services on committed for trial Gilbert to be at a price by on of sodding this week on Endowed Lots- am the King by tho Peon of Westminster The Following Places Heard From AT the chftlrat the loyal doliveredr- spurs the that at once laid by the Kin on the Dawson Mr Ireland Mr Craig Mr Mullen Mr Steward Mr McMaster Snooks Mr Dawson Mr Brown Mr J W Brown Mr Dawson Mies Lizzie Dinner Sets Away Down The Leading Reliable RA See our New Coronation China The eyes at req lire assistance is age reading or becomes an exertion and glasses of just enough strength to relieve all strain should be obtained We are experts in this line We examine eyes of charge guarantee satisfaction GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co Mr Daniord Roche has erected a Elder Percy of and Klder eomnttee Hail for new fence in front his lawn Rattan Little Britain and others was frsed at and for the other vices Everybody invited poo Mr A Smith has a new will be present to assist in these two jit each delivery rig Mr Obed Pine Orch ard brought us a sample of bis rhu- barb last Saturday tfeafcmeasuted inched of solid stalk and the leaf Was inches across Next Mrs Lushs new veranda is a cred it to Queen St SUTTON and then are delivered the ring and last of all the mans story Winning- a new ceremony ton who furnished the diggers to the for in a we men estimated the amount stolen that new which Is little more than from the Street Railway Company at two centuries old A will over per day To meet every demand at A In St Helens Church Toronto at oclock on Wednesday morning Mr Fred Shoemaker of the To ronto was married to Miss Kate Howard also of Toronto formerly of Newmarket officiating priest being Rev Walsh The bride wore dove grey with white waist and hat to match and was attended by Miss Maggie Shoemaker who was dressed in white organdie and pink roses Mr James Shoemaker was At the conclusion of the ceremony a wedding breakfast was partaken of at the Mr Frank Thompson street brotherinlaw of the bride Mr and Mrs Shoemaker then left for Syracuse and other American cities on their honeymoon tak ing up residence in the east end To ronto The bride received many very presents Mr Frank Bar ry of Newmarket and Mrs Barry aister of the bride were among the guests Church A service was in Methodist Church last Sunday OUR PLATFORM J ice your tiger aUn Icebox at a mighty small e tie you will A Ice Man Farm to 2nd Concession of lAve to A Ave Toronto Major Stevenson and others went to J General Assembly the the city last week in connection with Church will meet at the will of the late Miss Comer Vancouver next year The vote stood Quite a little excitement was agattist accepting an here fast Wednesday week the vtation to meet again this city being a Magistrate Court extended by Westminster ftlr Stevenson on one and sortie of the village boys on the other whom he charged with using insulting language and creating a nuisance Four Magistrates sat upon the case Mess Cole Johnston McDon ald and Yates Each side presented by a counsel Mr Crosier for the and Mr Lennox of for the defence so that case developed into consid erable importance lasting a whole af ternoon The prosecution was not entered upon so much for the punish ment of those concerned as to put a check upon disorderly conduct in the future and was willing to let the mat ter drop provided some pledge could be given to that end It is most that such things should oc cur A large pavilion is being erected at Jacksons Point Mrs Alexander Williams has let a part o her dwelling house to Mr Kemp the new blacksmith Miss Louie Lake is to be joined in wedlock today Wednesday to Mr at her fathers home in We extend congratula tions Mr and Mrs Fred of were here tor a few days vjsiting Mrs James left here Wed- for to sec her who is HI A medicine man appeared on our streets the other evening and drew quite a crowd around him He erect ed a torch and stood there for sever al hours loudly extolfing his wares Mr Israel Dent Ikjs resumed his work as forest ranger in the vicinity James Ray The Gage Co of Toronto held a large to Jacksons Point last Saturday The oclock Train bas commenced running for the season Mr Johns conductor has mov ed Ms family into the village Mr Dixon M Townley second son of tbe late Win Sutton was on Wednesday afternoon to Miss Alma Noble you of the Adam cere mony taking place in All Saints Toronto and performed by Urn Rev The bride was attend ed by Miss Kate Townley sister of the groom and a brother of the groom Mr Allen Townky acted as groomsman The bride wore her travelling suit- of blue cloth the smart coat opening over a dainty waist of white organdie Insert with lace A white straw hat with trim mings of blue and white was worn she carried white roses Tht wore a dainty gown of white organdie and a hat of white straw and carried pink roses Mr arid left on the boat for a wedding Journey a- Nine farm were destroyed which they will take up ml- land ten killed by a tornado at street Toronto in MJwnesota on the Tic was and children rendered their pieces well Muh credit is due to those that train them The infant Class of the at home of Mrs RCray on Tuts- afternoon and presented Rev Mrs Bowles with a ail- pie knife as a slight token of the respect in she is held by them Miss Maggie Haley of Sunday with Mrs Hill Mrs J and two Ml arc visiting her parents Mr and Mrs M Hill A number from here attended the Christian Conference at Murkffam The Union School picnic to be held on Saturday the 21st will all an opportunity of a good time for sports games etc ville will furnish music for the afternoon and evening The committee are sparing no pains t it a success All are cordially invited to come good lull bas kets Seven or eight buildings at were on Monday Storms cold and rainy weath er is reported all over Europe City papers announce that Mr Deputy of presented with the words Our King you with Book moat valuable that the world affords Thfn tho King followed with a loud After the Te Daunt hue been sung Kin la into hie by the Archbishop and and of the realm flrat do And kit of tha King The end other peers do their through he representatives of their orders Tho Queens anointing then by the Consent of the Archbishop of Canterbury and King will ha per- SUNDERLAND Mr Johnson Mr Thompson Mr Mr Thome Mr St John Mr Mr Mr Wilson Mr Mr Skinner Mr Mr Mr Daw son Mr Me Knight Mr Harrison Mr Jones Mr Lyons Mr Parish Johnson Mr Mr Mr God- fry Mr Miss Fountain No doubt the election of Mr HIrmen as salesman for the Organ Co is certain as there are several places to hear from including Sutton Keswick Bond Head berg and Newmarket PRETTY AS A PICTURE are new pretty midsummer styles in trimmed hats that wo are showing in all the light fluffy airy that will be so popular Never before have you seen such and superb effects in millinery as you will see this week at ooo SUMMER In most exclusive styles that touch of elegance to the foot found in very finest footwear Ladies require a shapely shoe as well as one giving a great degree of com fort will bo entirely pleased and sat isfied with this line Cor Main Timothy Sis NOTICE Wanted Immediately or A returned from Lake I formed by Archbishop of York ft vitfit fat King caUlng bass for the restocxing the inland lakes late spring Las kept water so cold that the bass could not be caught in any num bers nd wine which are to used for Communion King and Queen wilt mak their oblations or to Church and tha Com munion service will proceed- he certain and King and Queen Joining la Communion At it Wanted Rent service the King through Via the altar screen and of A of or acres Must KCrc be ftrst-Craes- land and good ornaments the altar Possession wanted this fall Apply Edward and then return and to Era pro church All hording accounts Hon J Davis are to A couple of smart boy to years of age for light work In finish- a department at good wag immediately forward the same to his wpeTk curriers Dr J Norman Apply to A DAVIS A SON Aurora 3w19 Wanted PRIVATE RESIDENCE In Newmarket Will lease for two years with of purchase Must be In good location Mice grounds and stable preferred Address A J Scott St To ronto Lowell Tannery Ontario Mrs Baylys ENGLISH FRENCH MUSIC W a r v -o- J