Newmarket Era, 20 Jun 1902, p. 8

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Id by All Newsdealers Furnishes Monthly to of sA of Choice Copyright ComposfUonn by mod author Pages of Piano jnusle Pieces for Plana a Moolh foe Subscrfptioa If In hi at aculi a Id year you get nearly Page of 252 Complete Pieces for tha If you eaaccrt a ran your send mail you a J PEPPER a Philadelphia Pa Dimlop Detachable Tires First in Foremost ever since To have been first merely proves antiquity To have remained first proves merit TIRE CO TORONTO BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Mark Designs Copwigkt ankfctfAand cor lea JreonadfiUl cm for acurfnj Mann iteoU for arh without In CO Scientific American A IllattrU el or a Mew York Ittftoo i If Hut ffH PR HAY SNOWBALL IS THE TIME To Use A great many are taking advantage of the bylaw arid COS one all over the- taking advantage as much as they are a amo of extra tax will be needed- The Kirg Mission Sunday School Sunday School lie school intend holding a union in Mr Jos beautiful grove on Saturday June Foot J ball and other wiu arranged for TO LEMON VILLE is training his pony for the races at on the 1st The steed that John Gilpin rode in his famous ride would simply not be in it with this pony Miss Newmarket visi Wlh MEDAL- KING EDWARD VII Mrs Taylor last week 2nd other friends here Sunday in is spending Mr and Mrs Smith of last week spent a day at last KESWICK week The regular monthly meeting the Mr Morton of Ladies Aid I at the home of Mrs on Thursday There j was a good attendance The amounted to 5800 r Prank Hancock spent Pickering Miss of a few weeks with her sister Mrs Bowles Mrs Emerson was away to attend the funeral of her sister Sirs of who died The many friends of Rev Mrs very regret that the time is near at hand for their re- from circuit to Brampton is agent West In the esteem and affect son of to lame and collect for will be hard to The best wishes mi Throng Jfiik flt and Iraud Kins Edward born at on November thus riving a double In terest to Lord Day mother Queen Victoria conferred Mr Fred Taylor our new harness- title of Prince of Wales upon him PmaJcer is now operv for business All he a month old Ho wig 1 christened Albert and near- worship guaranteed was in public Mr lhe t Howard with their families are at when he was his eighth he performed his pub- Coal change London He parents to Parliament for the flrat their summer resorts for the Tiie Day at lie duty opening the the Christian church on Sunday of the go with them to their new field of labor Miss Jessie Lemon spent a cou ple of days in attended Methodist in Toronto as delegate from this circuit- Miss is spending a few days at Jacksons Point a AURORA Mrs Hale and Miss grand success The church was over crowded The did ex tremely well and much credit is due their trainers All subscribers in arrears roust re new at as the price is per in advance- J is agent in this- place is iptons The annual Convention of nisfil Tp Association place at Churchill on Friday 20th An interesting program lias prepared and it is likely that some of our workers will cross the lake and take it in BOO- I A very pleasant event took place at the residence of Mr Irwin line on Wednesday llth the being the marriage of his daugh- of Western Ave Toronto June- te to Mr Arthur tion are spending a week Aurora of among friends of the groom acted in the capacity of best man The ceremony was performed by Rev the and i hue whin he was fourteen- In he went France with the Queen and Consort and commenced a popularity with that nation which his yearly increased When seventeen he confirmed by the Archbishop Canterbury Bertie acquitted i Ho rrcntJy pleased with with the wrote Consort the of first meetirig with wife and- her thtng poBsihis had been contrived An note Prince afterwards became the venerated King of was traveling on the Continent with hit charming daughter and ssil by chance young to throne of Great Britain to join little party The young people did sightseeing together but had really very opportunity of coming to a understanding even if such a result was desirable st that what wo may term pourparlers were established and from- this forth It was known among a few relatives that the Prince of Wales hud been delighted with the Princess and intended to pursue the matter in due course He was not twenty years of age so there was no immediate hurry for settling down in married life A few words be written con cerning the Princess who was destin ed to become Princess of Wales Alexandra Caroline Mary Charlotte Louisa Julia was the eld est daughter of Christian IX of Den mark by his marriage with Princess Louise daughter of the William of She was of himself extremely well In his on December so was examination wrote the time of first meeting His studies were divided between Edinburgh where ha attended ths chemistry lectures of Oxford where he resided Christ Church and where he was a member of Trinity though residing it having also the benefit of Charles lec- Mr Henry Barmen had the fortune to slip and fall on the walk breaking two ribs and spraining his back severely Mr Thorn has sold his and lot on the corner of Tyler and Washington in the presence of immediate friends of the bride groom Mr Klniwood was in our He Temperance streets to Mrs H also visited Schomberg- We aSf lbC B has on evening it was decided lhe these two to their annua to wnin elec halls about the first week in has moved his barn from Miss Flora Amos has been success- intends putting a in her final examination for the it nidcr has raised his English and modem at Toronto University at the recent ex- aminatioas Mr Arthur Webster of this town under it Fred of King had ten sheep and three lambs killed by dogs on has been successful in obtaining fewi class honors in his year in ma- and physics at the recent Alii j Children Cry for FOE SALE Several pieces of Square Timber tor building purposes En quire of Q Jackson in the University of Toronto The Sons of will hold their annual demonstration this year on Coronation Day June instead Dominion Day They have secured the Sons ol England Naval Brigade of Toronto who will give a number of drills etc They will he accompani ed by their band A special meeting of Town Council was held on Tuesday evening ooo Mr Howard Newmarket visited in Town last week Miss of Newmarket spent a few days with friends here New- a her nothers Mrs issue an order for 101078 and inter- est on the April in favor of thc Village of Markham to pay share of costs in suit of Markbamvs Aurora In accordance with request of a number of ratepayers lhe Mayor called a public meeting for Monday evening last to consider action will preach his farewell sermon at on Sunday June 22nd A large number witnessed the bap tisms by Rev on Sun day last at Lake There were fourteen candidates i On last Friday afternoon the the J ow to Mm wiroloyees Company and l9 tor a silver cup donated by Mr that a fountain should are rapidly and more paid by A was a louniain inouiu in the town the ifWtOMI Company whn completed in the nehbor their business of and to Ik paid by private i subscription a corntnutee was ap pointed to canvass the town for sub scriptions and a sum has al ready been subscribed Mr Root MoKec died very sudden ly at his late residence of this place shortly be fore noon on Monday The old gen tleman appeared as well as usual the forenoon and spent some time with Mr Wilson one space Is now Co- are enlacing their equipment to dourfo its former capacity Several ma sons arc at work at the present time enlarging the buildings and other nec essary improvements are being mad to meet the rapidly growing require ments of the Companys output The Public School picnic of Vivian Garibaldi Glasgow Franklin Pine To Use f neighbors Mr Wilson during it- v Orchard Concession Good- Meyers Poultry Spice SSr- If you want in earl winter Mr was you want Eggs in the early winter For Sabs at vmn Opposite Forsyth have been completed in Hal ton Huron and Centre coe with no important change in the results as OR tfcOAHEY8 fall asleep Mr at once left Urn room thinking Mr was weary Shortly afterwards his ler entered and was shock ed to find her father dead Heart disease was the cause of his death Deceased was born in Ireland and tame to country when quite young He first settled in the coun ty of near years ago he purchased a a mile northcast of this place and has resided there since He J leaves two sons arid two daughters Dr who is at present in ting- land James who is at present resid ing in Honolulu J Brown and Mrs Marshall Wil- who is on home- aalaStfaJal Aurora Cemetery on Wednesday and was very largely 21st steamer Winnifridian has ar rived at Cape Town with the Cana dian Mounted Rifles on board Bold J A Co i showing the esteem in which was held by his j any sickness no matter hat sort begin with a little Emulsion of codliver il It is food and more than it helps you digest what ever food you can bear ion acid 111 fc Prince of Wales seventeen old Her father had not then attained to tho throne of Denmark but was sim ply CommanderinChief of the Dan ish Cavalry It is not necessary to credit all the storks told of the sim- of led by him and hit wife and family in these early days in order to realize that the I860 he traveled through brilliance of that household in the Canada and visited thc United Courts of Europe was entirely as the guest of President suspected It was not until the offered to carry him across the Palls in a wheel barrow Returning horns ho studied military at the Dublin and his superior offic er kept him up to his work as no one else if one wrote Queen Vic toria after a visit to her son To the grief of all and Prince Consort died on death of Frederic VII at end of that this Prince of Denmark became King of the gallant little country which went through so many conflicts in the nineteenth century before it was allowed to retain its independence But in he had been recognized as thc heir to the throne A great deal of the wisdom with which he ruled Denmark was December and attributed to the shrewd advice of ward thc Prince of Wales had to be hit Royal consort whose death in more than over his mothers helper September was great grief and deputy He had tour in the East with Dean Stanley as a delight ful Cicerone On his twentyfirst I PA LA CI birthday his betrothal to Princess daughter of King of was gazetted A month before his wedding the Prince took hit seat in louse of and ever since manifested personal interest in Parliamentary events His marriage was celebrated in Chapel Windsor Castle on March King and have had six children one dy ing in infancy the Duke of Clarence who died in three daughters Princess of Fife to all the family and particularly to the aged King The Queen of Den mark was fond of literature and art and imbued her children of whom there were six with an Interest uch concerns She was one of the wisest of counsellors and to her came in the summer the relatives of her family now stretching far over Europe certain of receiving suggestions School of Coronation Mr Percy Godfrey music mas ter of Kings School Canterbury who has won the fiftyguinea prize and the freedom of the City of Lon don which were offered by the IVtncvss Victoria and buries of and Prince of Wales In 1871 ihe heart of the nation Was trained with anxiety by the almost fatal Illness which befell the Prince of Wales at On his re covery a National Thanksgiving Ser vice was held at St Pauls Cathed ral and even the pickpockets retrain ed from plying their traffic us a tok en of the general rejoicing In the Prince commenced a tour which lasted seven months and Included a long visit to India or coronation march miimiing Just before the Company of Musicians for Urn of Victor a us of host Coronation march There were I fulfilled many from pints of the lie duties at with considerable kingdom ability lie delivered his nmidn in the limine of on a 1HH4 the subject being of the poor The confirmation in set forth on a Continental tour In course of which bo visited the Pope rather to tho annoyance of the Protestant par ty In England Ho also and of course Inspected famous Lines Reluming homo went to Edinburgh for a further course of study His were resolved that he should ho a welleducated and towards this end they took the advice of var ious us to the best teachers the of tuition It pleased Scots too that Heir to Throno should come to their undent scut of for part of his education and the air of Edinburgh was very to health of the Prince He spent an holiday In the Highlands end became a great ad mirer of Sir Walter ro mances log year lie and the Princess visited Ireland In he Was a witness in what known as the Baccarat cane The same ynr by the birth of the Duch ess of Fifes daughter ho became a grandfather In his only sur viving mm thy of York was married to Princess May In lublce celebrations of Prince and Princess effaced them selves charming modesty so that all louor ml ho accorded to Sovereign In a IarmleNS attempt was made on the die of the Prince while leaving In a train On January by death of Queen Victoria after a brief illnesa the Prince of Wales the throne choosing till of King events of the first year of Ids reign evidenced his high respect for Constitu tion his gracious consideration for all the countless millions of his sub jects scattered throughout the em pire which he An Interesting Coronation modal to commemorate the crowning of King Edward VII and Queen Alex andra has been designed by Mr In April Prince con- AUA and is in presence of his parents sued in bronze and silver by the sisters Among the other Mint Birmingham Ono side carries were three statesmen portraits of the King and Queen en- Lord Derby John Russell and circled by their titles In Latin and Viscount The the date The other sido of Canterbury the cero- an crown against a and had the blazing sun and supported on either en previous day for a full hour side by oak trees bearing the Princa Consort of the United Kingdom A quitted well cut of medal appears VJ THE Canada LOAN SAVINGS COMPANY TORONTO CANADA Cor Sic HON GEO A COX CftpIM I interest allowed on Deposits Repayable on Demand Interest allowed on Debentures Repayable on days notice WRITE FOR COPY OF ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER INFORMATION WOOD Director it -p- PR ft Fir r of of as ware the ban forced by or the of feel are not the they oaf to be to be I lm manhood are licking through you little and energy are yoa Irritable and and haggard poor and fagged hare too weak and at night weak you Debility Wcaknessa Oar NEW Cnra Ho Pay Detroit Bank J jsaware of eld Free Free DBTROIU YOU CAN GET YOUR On The Paper Required In a Moment It la Properly Filed ANI Ate not an expense and a luxury but a straight system economy and a necessity It will cost you no thing but a Card to get any our catalogues Co 1 FACTORIES OUT Limited Bay Street I New Telephone Directory The Bell Telephone Co Canada will Issue a new sub scribers directory for eastern Ontaxlo Including the Town of Newmarket early in Juno Orders for now connections and cliaogts In flrrri names should bo in at onco to ensure entry in this book The Bell Go- of Canada STARR Manager May j I PROMPTLY Write for our Interesting Help How you are Send us a rough a or roodeJ JJJ ntJoD oplulon to whether iliP0tw7 been by conduct fully equipped In and Washington patch work and quickly accure a a the invention furnUhed procured through Marios rloo notice Uhout over loo newspaper distributed the Specialty Patent of MARION MARION This Is to certify that Hon J Davis in pursuance Section of the Ontario Election Act ban ap pointed Dr J Norman of Atarora bis Financial Agent for North York Newmarket May 1903 Officer J and Carpet Weaving Having purchased an American Loom I am now to give the very best to ail customers both in and price A loom for sale cheap ISAAC St Compare the Era with for fiovnv to to

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