I t J- 1 I fl So iiAsy Jew Good Reliable Hut I he Merer Lets Up I Bright All Doha at Homa was against the of Mr Pease in Kingston Mr are Married man preferred employment Apply to JFco- Deli Aurora for dole J Having a large quantity of ice to sell I will supply Private Families iiiictnwR for the season at per and feBirt and Mr John Dick- Mr Prank of was Butchers and Stores tU5oper ton in South have been borne over on a J Mrs John HUNTER filed Mr and Mrs spent visiting stater Mrs Matt prawn I the 1st at with the siskinlaw Mrs protest has been entered against Boys Mr of Toronto home over Sunday Mrs Geo Richardson was visit ing in Albert this week lot Newmarket people summering at tbe Lake Hiss of Toronto visit ing Mrs Miss is speed ing a few days Olivet Messrs Jack and of borne for Dominion Day holidays- Miss Holmes of was visiting with the Misses over Sunday I Mr and Mrs nee Miss P ret- of and Mr Oscar Pretty of were home over Sun- is Art Wilson of Toronto ijr the return of Mr A J memberelect for In j Wilson was home Prince Edward County per pasture here he Is than duty to look alter bios you see 90fi UNION STREET NORTH Jrim please take care of him and drop J his market me a card I will go after aim and say A Newmarket Residence for Sale opponent The Customs revenue of tfee Domin ion for the present an increase of over on the for for fiscal year compared with for last year an increase for year nearly three million dollars This is very satisfact By the decision of Mr Justice lennan in the Court of in state of cultivation to on Wednesday the County if Lennox goes Conservative and the Governments majority is thus to J However North Renfrew which electa late Mr Monro by majority is vacant and in a probability will add another vote tor Mr Ross The cross appeal for will be heard on Union St Sunday School intend holding a garden party on Mrs on Thursday That splendidly situated property on Prospect Ave near High School now occupied by Mr E Martin House rooms and Summer Kitchen and Cellar Domestic Water Good containing a variety of small and large fruits For further particulars to M Agent Our Toronto better Mrs of Toronto was itins her mother Mrs Belfry week also Mrs of Miss Lizzie Edwards Toronto ton was drowned by the a Mrs Jordan and Family for toe district of North York JAS J PEARSON Voters List Notice is hereby given that Messrs Christopher Kennedy Samuel Roberts and George Coulter have presented a petition to the Court of Appeal for Ontario under the Ontario Contro verted Elections Act against the of Hon J Davis as member Kew Beach on Dominion Toronto spent Tuesday the 1st of of the Provincial Legislative July Mrs Jordans sister Mrs On Tuesday night two carmen were hurt by a collision just east of A daughter Returning Officer Woodbine Prances Cane returned from Dated at Newmarket toe 2nd day of A slight accident occurred on the g Friday night for the Northern branch of the Grand Trunk afternoon between Davenport j for a considerable distance Pas- and drove up with highly from both directions on the evening trains were transferred and Rev P Fletcher has accented to walk some or yards the call to the Christian Church at I The little 9year old boy of Mrs Drayton and moved there this- week TOWNSHIP OF Robinson who left his home on from Toronto his grandmothers Miss Aylward of Queens Hie is and caused much anxiety as to his the new assistant at the Post Office whereabouts was not discovered till Miss takes her holidays in a Notice is hereby given that I have Friday when bis body rose to the couple of weeks transmitted or delivered to the per- surface the waters in the bay Times Mrs Wesley of sods mentioned and of By the aid of a stomach pump the Newmarket was the guest last week the Ontario Voters List Act the Miss Ottawa St who daughter Mrs Thompson copies required by said sections to- be took Salts of Lemon by mistake for Villa so transmitted or delivered of tbeliste Epsom Salts was saved from death made pursuant to said Act of all She had a narrow escaped persona appearing by the last revised city has won its appeal casg assessment roll of said against the Street Railway Company to be entitled to vote in the The city held that the oars should be for members of the Legislative assessed as reality and the Co want- Assembly and at municipal elections them assessed as personality The and that the said list was first post- city gains an assessment of about up in my office on the day of by decision July and remains there foe in- 1 The School Board has won its case against the City Council The Ontario Street left on Monday that School Trustees are s the summer holidays with the said list and if any omissions or to the people the same Mr and Mrs of Toronto program will be provided and also spent over Sunday with her father Mr J Green Mrs Johnson and Miss Johnson of Toronto were visiting over Sunday with Mrs A Mr and Mrs Homer of Oril- lia a few days in Town last week visiting relatives Rev of Trafalgar daughter of Mrs Cane Is here on a visit with her mother Dr of Toronto and his sis ter from Bradford were visiting at Mr John on Monday Mr Robertson on of the Sovereign Bank our Sunday at Orchard Beach Mr Jackson and moved to Zephyr Villa their summer cot tage at the Lake on Tuesday A number of young people spent a vsry pleasant evening at the home of Dr Richardson last Friday night Mrs Geo Evans has just returned from a visit at Rev and Mrs Douglass of were the guests of Mr Dike on way to attend tbo Boys reunion at 0O No BAST Allan Gertie Leslie Young Barbara Young Jr Rose Amy Pollock Vera Smith Sadie Roes Smith Raymond Howard Lloyd Cowieson Pt McDonald Smith Lome Burrows Jr Lulu Willie Young Martha Burrows I Angus Mildred Nellie Smith Annie Present every day R Smith A Cowieson R Deavitt A L Irwin Teacher Tt3 Jrtco Store j Store We have determined to make July eclipse any of the montbs the inauguration of our Newmarket business Good reliable desirable goods will do it and nothing else back if you want it Nobody means to buy poor clothing but lots of it gets worn out every year and none of it came in or went out of this store Even poor stuff loks pretty well at first and just think of the nice can be said about it TAKE NO CLOTH I Better not trust low prices alone or too much to your own judgement except as to the style you want Better trust to a house that deals in the good only guarantees every garment as represented plays with no misleading statements and makes everything right that goes wrong Better yet return i he clothing if not entirely satisfactory and gel your money back without the first hem haw or quibble about it Whoever Spoke Fairer Whoever Offered HI ore Than That County of York Mr Workman and bride from Rochester are the hon eymoon with her parents Mr and Mrs Robt Meads Mr Montgomery arrived in Town last Saturday from Syracuse on a visit Ibis wile and child are also with him Miss Mary and Miss Bessie Hod- any errors are found to aldermen and the city can only in take proceedings to have when the trustees propose ex penditures for other than school pur poses George Queens store on Ave was entered on Friday night and worth of goods carried away Another evidence Torontos growth was announced on Saturday when the wife of Mr Moore traveller for Comfort Soap gave birth to two girls and boy the late Victoria had teen alive she would probably forward her usu al donation Majesty may do so on learning of the event A entertainment given at Point every this week of the City churches on interested are invited aa services took of supplication for the recovery The Mayor and the resident Clergy Majesty the King and of have been Invited to deliver short and that the critical period appropriate addresses his illness had passed JACKSON a I old Secretary has stolen J A the past K V 2W22 t batons and The Labor Day committee has Robert of re- lhelr demonstraUon on as automatic telephone is 1st at the Exhibition tb party alter telephone grounds Another street car conductor named Albert Cooper has been commuted for trial on a charge of from fareboxes Money is no object there la lots ot it in North York On errors corrected accord7ne to law J- a oI Whitchurch Dated day of July Decoration Day Wednesday July At the Newmarket Cemetery at pm Toe different Orders of the Town and all friends in Almonte The Misses had a Juven ile party on Thursday afternoon of last week and the little enjoyed themselves On leaving Weston for Newmarket Rev J and wife were pre sented with a Silver Tea Service as a mark of appreciation and esteem Mr Hughes mother moved to Town on Wednesday from K-ettle- occupying the premises which recently purchased at the North End Mr Milt went to Ux- on Wednesday to play lacrosse with against the home team Score to 5 in favor of verton The many friends of Mr Wallace and family at Lindsay will egret to learn that they wore burnt out in a fire at that town throe weeks ago Mr and Mrs John Montgomery who have been residing with their at Ste Marie for over a year arrived in Town week on a visit witb their daughters Among the soldiers who left South Africa on the of June for home is name of Lieut of Newmarket there are Newmarket on board The vessel is due at on the Inst Now ready for another reception Tokens from the Dominion Govern were presented at Owen Sound last week to Geo and crew of the P Steamer Athabasca as a recognition of their court connection rescuing the crew of the franchise in Hamilton A of Cholera at Port Arthur China caused toe death more than persons near ly of whom are Two men were and fourteen int1 injured by the explosion of a military powder mah near Madrid ffi royal patace snake MU A sit at and who has been in this East Streets has purchased for five years was Wired with in- Heap of tbe new public building which tbe decent assault found guilty and Wlpeg and his father Mr Government erect in to throe months In Gen- Selkirk Man arrived Marie with twelve Saturday and a fire at the Hotel three fal ftfcSE W other a iTJf iv ff young lost his in the r to months UNION No KING AND WHITCHURCH Following is the report for ex amination for Promotion num ber marks required by Ill and Jr HI classes was class Dennis Lurtdy A Rao 253 P Mills H P 374 384 Brawn P Morton 339 P 273 T 270 Fry 253 J 240 F Geo Teacher ooo The International Sunday School convention will be held in Toronto in Mr James was drowned at Gait by his canoe upsetting on Tuesday Three persons were killed and several injured by a tornado at vllle There has been a big fire In the tbe city of Cape Town and several large business houses have destroyed The loss is very great Children cry top T The Cradle to Mr and Mrs Hu of the firm of Hunter Bros New market a son MORNING In King on June 25 to Mr and Mrs John Morning a daughter HOLM AN At tbe North on July to Mr and a son Mr and Mrs Frank Dunham of Western Ave To ronto Junction a son on Master Frederick Earl Dun ham Extra Specials For First Week in Jufr Mens Button rfack tiuits all wool domeiic tweed dark or light shades good linings good trimming only about suite left but all sizes to ar repieenied These suite are worth from to Your choice while he Extra pedals For First Week in July Mens Button Sack Suite single breasted fine Eng lish worsted yarn dyed linings and trimming of best- quality perfect fitting or blue colors a very good wearing and stylish sizes 34 to Worth while they last Everything in Mens and Boys Wear at this Store Boys Piece Suits dark and light colors good linings Knicker pants in serges tweeds and worsteds 200 5250 and up SPECIALS FOR LADIES for first week In July doz cotton shade shap ed half sleeves for white long short and no sleeves fine ribbed worth and 25c for 15c Colored Blouses extra special tor 50c White Blouses special for Black and Colored Gloves special Boys Summer Wash Suits to Boys Piece Suits in all grades years Bargains at per Suit SPECIALS IN SHOE FOR FIRST WEEK IN JULY pair Mens Heavy Boots worth for Pair Mens Extra Good Heavy Boots worth lor Pair Ladies Slippers all shapes worth for Pair Ladies Button Bal Vfcl KM Boots the latest Shape Knicker Pants sizes to special values at 250 and up SPECIALS IN GROCER FOR FIRST WEEK IN JULY lbs Best Granulated Sugar for 30 lbs Bright Yellow Sugar for Cases Sweet Corn the best for per Can Ton Best Bacon at a Special Price per lb lbs Tea our own Importa tion very Special at for 150 All Goods Delivered Promptly With 30 Pair Ladies Tweed 15c Horse and Wagon P EARLY UNTEE BROSr Newmarket Successor to Wife fcW rf It is over years since Mr Heap kit tberc for Canada Dining Room Bedroom and Parlor for days before stock teking that are simply amazing Now Is the time to fit up your home elegant furniture at least coot dome and sea John Opposite Royal Hotel al Embalming The Thursday the June at pm in the Presbyterian Queens- Thomas Stewart o Toronto to third daughter of Dr Pearson Miss Emily Meads youngest daughter Mrs Robert Meadfl Newmarket to Mr Rental Workman Rochester on Tuettfay J 1st at am by the Rev Henry pastor tno Central Pres byterian Church of Rochester at the residence Rev 24 Prince St Rochester DAVIDSONTERRY At the of the brides mother Mr Mar tha Terry on July J by the Rev Mr to Miss Terry all el Albert Tomb the Lakeside Home Toronto on Saturday Juno Slit Ralph Llewellyn youngest son of Mr and Mrs Garrett Bradford aged months and days Richmond Hilt Sun day June 2Sth Mis Agneo Mil lex Coulter her year Deceased was one of the oldest resi dents of York County and mother Dr Coulter Deputy Mrs Coulter was a native of County Down Ireland and had lived at Richmond Hill for years Her survives in his year Albert on Friday June Bertha youngest daugh ter of the John Esq aged years and Mail and telephone orders promptly attended to Remember our wagons go to the lake four times each week HOME GROWN For preserving Now is the time to Give us your order we will try you Our Special Boiled Ham to Slice Corned Beef Chipped Uriel Me its fork and Beans ORANGES LEMONS WATERMELONS NEW PRUNES BEANS COCOA NUTS PINEAPPLES ONIONS LETTUCE CUCUMBERS S Orrf Tried Ahraya Used In Great Variety MAIN ST NO NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Cartful and Prompt Attention- AND TELEPHONE TARR