RBBT Total UUP I J NEWMARKETS- BRANCH General AH ACTED i- Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUEL AT and Draft Collection- cOBO IM iii i 1 r Simpson IS ft ABOUT Talk about big strawberries but Mr can beat anything have seen season Last week be sent us a sample that measured inches one way and inches the oth er It wouldnt take many to fill a box Old Stomps Bought Parties having old stamps used bo- darelions OILER THE GIVING us this day our Does a Mr Geo March After Failures of Otiar I July prank AUCTIONEER Bolton Hewitt practical Pooler Corn Church Street ana A Ellis Architect and Sanitary St Toronto ind Estimates made for all of building The result of te Text has reaobed the city fiiid daily bread bat the coal dust left the mine in dangerous condition caused the Eiod They recommend the INTRODUCTION Government to take steps to enforce first the immediate installation of Discontent had reached a climax the most approved system of month had the chosen people teen allaying dust in coal mines on their way toward the promised J second that a thorough land and lessons had been to he adopted at these mines learned which should have made throughout the old workings and considerate It is well known that terrible rooms contiguous to the air PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS fore can get high prices for them sciaticacause more help- that are not being worked third Despicable indexi appears the con- by corresponding with Lindsay acute sobering and agony that the safest explosives and most pC and yet Paris Canada the rarerones are an any the other diseases that approved safety lamps be used lesson worth from to each Look afflict humanity The great medical Mr- fclias managing against up your letters and write him for virtues of Compound tor of the Nest Company circumstances are particulars and references Leave it the only trustworthy specific says that the Government inspector stamps on the envelopes Collections for the cure all forms of rheum reported the mine good condition musL in Albums also bought sm Thousands strong only ten days Wore the explosion letters from the most prominentia two before a committee Election prove that Celery Com- it to he in a safe been issned tta T were prohibited sev- on the bodies services will not suffice to stock has paid all funeral Notices to nominate a candidate for the va cant office of Councillor for the re mainder of 1802 owing to the resig nation of McDonald If more than one candidate be nominated the election will tale place on Monday July fln R Plant Having experienced all the pains and agonies of that awful disease rheumatism for the past ten years and having met with so many disap pointments after using inc of all kinds I consider it a duty to let men and women what Celery Compound did for me when my very life was in peril I was strongly recommended to of CARRIAGE LICENSES At the Private print if ffii It Celery Compocnd a fair Ugh made JJJ trial for my I bought Newmarket one day JeeL found everything OK Out a marvellous jurisdiction he said New- It were was encouraged and overjoyed J rah NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Allan BRO Flour and Feed MANITOBA FAMILY BRAN SHORTS CHOP CORN OAT MEALS GRAIN SEEDS COOK BROS cor Main Huron Telephone Connection Newmarket NOW SEE HERE One these days something may happen td your friends will be call- plants in market had the neatest and most roomy and the efficiency Sfwf fcSf se as mine I light are probably the best Compound and now and there no room for complaint in every re- constant extension of service is fames Compound good in j in the of my rteys I consider Fames Celery Country schools arc closed till the Compound my healthgiver and life- second Monday in August and Town preserver schools till the 2nd of September ooe Newmarket Band was engaged fori Kinos a garden party at Holland Landing scopes last night expense and provided for immediate necessity Besides it has subscrib- l l this to the permanent manifest home the expenses of this strange recovering- the bodies at an average would not keep over- of nearly a day and the work J g the day has been on since May fi remai normal thru all that day and the next Thus not only was vahs presence and power emphasized but the Sabbath day was specifically designated as a day of rest in manner well calculated to Koin A relief committee has been formed in of two members the Board of Trade two ministers the manager of the Bank of Commerce two miners accountant of the coal a Mr a impress left about had been character to the relief sobering than the truth that this life fund ami it the was to this fund that The Crrcafc Hood Sale of It rained every Sunday in Juno in times King has been it seemed to us that it rained close to death every hut we did not keep a re- While a schoolboy at Oxford a boat cord he was rowing was over- All people having bills against the turned He saved himself by swim- Corporation should send them to the ashore Clerk next Monday so as Upon returning to England in I860 to he included in the halfyearly state after his visit to the United States Canada his voyage was so de- state of trial and preparation for an other Life is not to be valued by accom plishment but by endeavor provided the manna but the people had to work in order to So today God gives us our The recent auction sale at Hood but in order that we may Farm Lowell Mass dispersed one must work Jerseys to breeders and all over the country from Maine to Oregon it being the largest and most sale of American- bred Jerseys that been held in America for years There was an at tendance of over torn lisiitg the test known Jersey Breeders in the The 18 cows lfi5 an average and calves sold for and bulls and bull great show bull Our spirits need to as our be fed as well fa be Cored by local appliations as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deaf ness and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the lin- head lnc Eustachian Tube When Hood Farm lh you will have i Separate School Ill Frank Vincent Brans- field Florence Tagne II Bessie Mat Norman Maurice Jr Alice Rose Racine Brown Willie McCaffrey Andrew Bernard Rudolph Racine Mary Roach I Willie West Annie Doyle Roach Jr I Geo Racine OHearn May Florence Roach Warren Knopf Esmond Knopf Knopt Holland McMann Marie Dont Tiie Spectator comes down on the who I aids his paper to his neighbors Its remarks are of importance A of Spectator called at the office yesterday paid the amount due on subscription and discontinued his paper at the tame time a regret at having to do without it for a time and stating that the only rea son for discontinuing was the intoler able annoyance caused every week by neighbors borrowing it almost as soon as it came sometimes not returning it and sometimes sending it away to fng around with an old photo of you friends It is a small matter perhaps will be willing to pay any price but it is worth while reminding copy of Save them this pie who a habit of trouble by having negative made by borrowing a neighbors paper that It is both an annoyance and an by storms that warships were sold for for sound or imperfeet in search or the warship Hero by Sophies Tormentor for lt entirely closed u attack of typhoid fever an average of by deafness the result and unless the Report for the months May and threatened to result fatally His life Brown Bessies Sou and by inflammation can be taken out and June names being in order Three young toilers this tube restored to its normal O Mai ley Mar Hod- Hood Farm brought luring will be destroyed Rose Doyle an average of cases out of ten are sprang upon the Princes The remarkably pood prices by nothing but -ielephaJit- His life was saved by Col the young heifers of Hood Farm inflame condition the mucous DoylqHank PJ white of his the show breeders appreciate surfaces Bert Barry Anme beast I the great breeding represented in this We will give One Hundred Dollars young bull and his progeny None of case of deafness caused by these heifers are in milk their aver- Catarrh that cannot be cured by iaKe being about 14 months One Halls Catarrh Cure for dr ill 1898 he slipped and fell on stairway sustaining an accident his knee which threatened to roake a Mn him lame for life Within a few brought this being the free months On Copenhagen he was shot at by crazed youth named at the Hc Brussels rail were fired ths he had completely recovered highest price paid for any female not J Co Toledo April while en route to 1Iood M Druggists 75c was shot at by a half Family Pills arc the best station Two shots r Jj Brilliant both of which missed their IKK Was lhc I mark While stags his horse The horse reared and threw him to the ground- He only slightly injured He missed death by just ten seconds on Shamrock last while yacht was on a trial spin He was a guest of Sir Thomas Upton the boat caught in a and the mast and rigging went over the life of the host and his guest ooa The Breakfast Table Leader plum or the sale and was on a visit to the wellknown hanker and copper proverbial j is sometimes abetted J price MS wile is illustrate by a story S S K ThrJaniSorteBerkshire of even- J SMITH Corner of Main on Grocery and Provision tion In the average family a week ly newspaper will lie around and be read at intervals for several days of ten there is something in it that wish to keep often have not the time to read it at once and put it aside for a while In any case they are likely to lis annoyed at lending it Of course It Is a different mat when As a hot weather breakfast dish one wants to see a particular Malt Breakfast Food has no equal in Malt Breakfast Food HAS HO EQUAL IK THE WORLD Sambo which Mr Hood hot in two years ago was by Mills of III for and about oth er were at an which showed that the for this breed of hogs is good Rheumatism is treated with ing success at Mount Clemens Mich Seventyfive ter cent of Rheumatics about the Usual hour for retiring lie took it into his head to run over to the club just as and madam were returning from evening call Hut said the lady must have the rout floor lucked before retire emergency staggered the Pro fessor and as he looked bewildered at his wife the lady seized with an continued Ill go in and lock door and you the key out window This program tarried out and when he reached club the are cured and ninety per cent the incident to a friend as fitted by the Thermal Bath Treat- evidence of his wifes unusual ment bubbling springs are charged with mineral constituents and healing medicinal that have proven so efficacious in diseases originating from uric acid Thc friend greeted thc story with a roar of laughter And why my dear professor said did you not simply admit your hotel For wife lock the door from outside the Most Concentrated Form Of Nourishment free booklet giving lull particulars Hat of hotels and boarding houses with and all information write to T agent at Newmarket 0 Soldiers Home Durban Natal June a About come away True ejaculated the learned man of science we never of that The climax was reached her ls-t- when returning home discovered that the lady in her excitement had thrown him out thc wrong key TO CI1113 A COLD IN ONE ft Applet for 35c Pal fcfc Jim for Canadian troops sailed from hero Take Laxative Quinine a the general issue of which the world It is health nourishment All druggists refund the money not of interest to him People of- in the most It Canadians will start for en come to lle Spectator office to is delicious to the taste satisfying borrow some particular number of an appetizing and easily digested Maltj paper containing Food and invigor- 1 The County of will ooo they to and they are body and It Is the only pay for the toll road owned come to It Hot the habit of sensible food for the young and old in rowing a local is a bad one the hot weather Your Grocer must arise chiefly from commends It for surely no who is Inter- by the of Frank Smith Paul Doyle Mitchell and James Scott burglars convicted at Niagara Falls were signature Is on each box per pet can I KKOWLKB in the paper to read it June grocery should grudge two cents of A Buttons store was week or a fraction less which it this morning at three oclock I ous on Block and building will be a checker board one spot about to Insured for wet and another dry This is A came the Inclined railway at cause certain of ratcrayers on to three years in Kingston Midland after the Sprinkler passes up and down King Street re port Stanley parted on Tuesday when a car full of people was lxV- oin Beyond a fjiabing up no one was InJrt Children for CASTORS A jKing St wont pay their share operating the machine consequently no water put in front of their I Anarchists In Patcrson plot to kill proprietors of the mills now closed by the strike there Ninety American soldiers have died of cholera in the total deaths to date of ChJ It iiahy tick grave her When itie Child for When loCftfttoriA THE LEA I I AND SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE I 3 of all Summer Goods commencing June TORONTO JOBBING HOD itv CALL AND INSPECT OUR NEW STOCK OP GROCERIES EVERY THING FRESH AND CLEAN Following are a few lines Rice lbs for Royal Yeast package Starch 10c package St Lawrence Cornstarch Shredded lb Otter Brand Salmon tins Fresh Confectionery Lettuce Brand Salmon tins for Pure Lard lb Evaporated Peaches lb Apricots lb Try our Victor Japan Tea Bulk Teas in Green and Black to lb Chocolates to lb Honey Suckles Quakers an K lb Try our Maple Cream lbs A CALL SOLICITED it J LYON I DAVISONS OLD STAND MAIN ST The Cane Sons Mfg Co of Have amalgamated with and in fu ture will be known as the United Factories All accounts previous to I are due and payable by THE CANE SONS MKO CO Any person having such will kindly send them In at once as Company Is closing books and will shortly apply for a return of Its charter Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED J ALSO or And belt Your choke of Full Big for On four yeara time Cheap at 600 fl THOMPSON fie cum or