Newmarket Era, 11 Jul 1902, p. 2

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J a r I H- v- Slew lost Between Mr Frank Terrys on Queen Street and Queens on Tuesday evening July a Car riage Cellar patent leather back and colored leather face Any finding be suitably rewarded article is left at Foggs Harass Shop ice for Sale Having large quantity of ice sell will supply Private Families for the season at per month and Butchers at pet ton hunter Newmarket Auction Sale I All t It inskretood this fee for fc It 1st arisiocdtfetvtfes Department of fc3 t S last- we A Miss Hattio of Toronto Mr visits wi last I took place obstructions toe Weil and present twees Port and rt Orris of Dawson is suing the County hereon a couple of for a oj visit her sister Mrs Board of -Audit- have Archie Thomson v Seoire of Protests Up to present no less than protests have been fifed at J reued to case an airs J P Hunter of Toronto was Hail in connection the recent one to all County municipal- on Saturday on her way to Provinciai Elections Tie strength of f Hamilton interest by mt3icial men Tee Price if- T two parties being so close is cre ating a good deal of interest in the protest business against feasts if details of its eenicebave as coupe of weeks wife ewmav axe Mr will offer for sale at oclock forenoon on Situdiy tte of Wj all Ma furniture wrougbt Iron range at residence Mr J Wilson Victoria Avenue formerly owned by the late Everything will be cold with no reserve as toe proprietor is go ing to reside in Southern California For further particulars see posters FRANK DUNCAN FLOOR AND FEED Afternoon tea on the porch may be LIME AND CEMENT j fitorehoue East of Main on STRHHT Its For You to Know That our line of Woollens and for Summer of the La teat and Choicest to be found in Foreign Market They will the most critical with any other collection aa to Variety of Quality of Goods and Prices If you are iu need of a Bolt call and we ours and will find that what tb is true Fit McLaughlin MAIN ST VACATION TRIPS Lake River Islands Portland Mo Lakes Lake of Bays Bay St Stepher St John fiervioe splendid vevUMe Parlor cafe parlor awl slrin cars princi pal New Service fKwmarfcet at a to Whirl arid all lake points Train leaves Newmarket at Pullman sleeper to Wfjaf connecting for all points on Also carries a Pullman steep er to Nortfe Bay The Flyer leaving Toronto at am carries a sleeper for Kington Wharf connecting boat for trip Tickets and all formation from Grand Trunk Agent Toronto A Newmarket Against Conservatives Centre Bruce Hugh Clark West Wellington Tucker West Hamilton J- Outre Davidson John Gallagher- South East South Waterloo A South Wellington J- P Downey North Waterloo South Oxford Sutherland North Norfolk Snider Against Liberals North York Hon J Kingstore J South Norfolk A Charlton South Dickenson East Welling J Telling Half the Some of our poraries are quoting tte following comparative figures by way of show ing that the present Liberal at Ottawa by its increase the Federal expenditure is enorraotJS- extravagant OT Now for toe sake of argument we will take the above statement of as being correct in this bald way only the truth is given and half a truth may a gross untruth to those un acquainted with the whole facts It is go in this instance Had our co- temporaries in giving the above data- the further fact that while the expenditure under Liberal rule has been steadily increasing the business of the country has been more than correspondingly extending support ers of the Government would have no cause for complaint Every husi- man knows that a private enter prise requiring an expenditure of 1 costs more than one of and so it is with the affairs of State but if the returns from the expenditure of the larger amount are greater than the re ceipts from the smaller expenditure he does not go Into over the result The prosperity and vefopment of the countrys trade is responsible for increased experdi- false Indeed would be a policy of economy that would retard the countrys growth by a curtailed or miserly expenditure Thrift pro gress and development is everywhere apparent and it would he Wiling the goose that lays the golden eggs to enter upon a calculated to check the trade and commerce of the country Considering the increase in receipts the expenditure compared favorably with the data under Con servative rule Cons Cons Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib rtifr Where were located a few years been made a- matter of forethought i and original An ago article on this head appears On tbe removal of the Rev the August Delineator re- Matthews formerly of Newmarket feme is made to the equipment E Davenport to Queen St east too linen and china Toronto the of the church hints as best method iTlIr of using the natural surroundings of house to advantage To a city reporter Mr Cam eron of recently stated that preparations are being made for the lengthening dry dock to 530 feet and the prelim inary work is actually in progress With the accommodation thus provid ed will have great a purse of nearly the League gave htm a magnificent Mor ris rocker and the of tend ered him a farewell social Mat thews term at Davenport has been exceedingly successful Mr Kester of the candidate in North Ontario was in Town on Saturday and informed us that steps were taken to enter a protest against the election of Mr He confV It- is easy enough to buy get about qualities Are you always sure that your purchase is it ought to reliable You never run thisstore We make sure ft goods Worthy and depend able before offer them to you Then to every purchase you make we add another safeguard our guarantee which says Money Refunded if Goods are Not Satisfactory That is why the success of pur July selling is a foregone conclusion Shoppers know that Hunter Bros goods are dependable month is oyer thousands will know of the tempting prices we are offering in Dres Muslins Prints Table Linens Towellings Boots and Shoes Clothing Carpets Lace Curtains WalK Papers Gloves Hosiery and Groceries advantages over its competitors in and particularly upsetting the election in ronto which has no dry dock and therefore cannot repair big ships OOB- Oar Society offices were opened In dUrtrlot during June According to Mont- population in MW an In crease of oyer the r A young ftJt was drowned in on The remarks is a deal of blank cartridge in theoe election protests Defeated candi dates play with way of Mag themselves down easy with their supporters BUM lley plenty of work for the election courts in trie fall Petition have fikd against t5e election of Mr in North On tario Mr J Gallagher in ard Mr Oxford Miss Wiley was visiting Mrs han last week Miss Case of Toronto is home on a months vacation- His Gertrude Millard has gone to the city for a month Mr A Hill was visiting in Georgetown last weefc Mrs Walt Sutherland was visit ing in Town this week Ir Arch Goring got back from on Tuesday night Mrs Geo Hughes has gone to on a visit with friends Mr and Mrs Coombs spent over Sunday with friends at Bradford Mr and Mrs Lehman are spending a week at Morton Park Mrs and daughter of Ham ilton are visiting Mrs J Muir Miss is spending the holidays with her sister at George town Half a dozen ladies bad a private picnic at Bond Lake on Tuesday af ternoon Miss Cora Connor of Pine Orchard spent over Sunday with Miss Case Park Ave Miss of Toron to was home this week for a short vacation Mr J E Cane and family for on Wednesday for the holidays Mrs Dr Scott left on Wednes day to spend holidays at her old home in Trenton Rev if Hoover Is over from Michigan on account of the of his sister Word has been received from Car- berry Man that Mr I Wright Is very poorly again Mr and Mrs left for this week to spend the va cation with her parents Mr Stephen Howard is slowly gaining In strength and is abk- to bo up a portion of each day The Misses Clara and Dorrthy Wjl- son of Brampton are visiting with the Misses St Mrs Ambrose Cane and daughter left yesterday for Seattle spend for Second Week in July a new election against his he has a better chance tban ever of being elected as he was only defeated by a small majority J H Chant writes to the Christian Guardian as follows Rev Herbert Moore of Mich while on a visit to bis brother Rev J Moore PhB under the auspices of the Epwortt League his estimable lec ture on Young Men and Maidens Their Battles and How to Win in tbe Methodist to the great delight those who were present I have never before beard a lecture to young people so frank so timely replete with good common sens earnest and inspiring Lec tures of character are very much needed Mr Moore married Miss daughter of the late Oliver of St near Newmar ket Rev Mr House a Baptist minis ter from Jamaica spent over Sunday with Mr Thomas and thelat- drove him out to Orchard and Holt to take charge of the ser vices Mr House proved to be interesting gentleman and Mr was with his guest He has been a missionary for some years in where he established a school of four hundred pupils and built a church with coating capaci ty for one thousand He tells us that black men work tbere for twenty cents a day and women for fifteen per day He expects to re turn to Newmarket next winter to give a lecture on his work in the In dies and no doubt it will be wry in teresting Col sends us quite a lengthy letter telling his in getting to a couple of political meetings at the recent elections in the North West Territories The Shirt Waists only Womens Printed Percale Waists in black navy red and with colored sizes 33 to our special at 75c this week clearing it Womens Shoes pair new stylish Oxford Strap and Trilby Shoes very swell and prettyi with flexible soles and patent toe caps perfect fitting and warranted to wear well sizes to excellent at 5175 and on sale tbis week Shifts and Drawers mens Shirts ami Drawers sizes to 46 nice fine finish in flesh always sold at VTn Special Oil Mens Shirts Mens Colored Cambric Shirts negligee bosom neck bands and separate cuds sizes to on ly regular price each ra special this wee Oilcloths yards of Oilcloths in widths of and inches in tile and flor al block designs a good floor cover ing at special this at SUGAR About barrels only left of Granu lated Sugar extra standard quality it you can have lbs for 100 Wall Paper Clearing of all qualities in Wall Pa per during July Now is the time to buy choice patterns and new colors at and per roll Table Linen yards of Table Linen unbleached wide width good value at special at Lace Curtains pair White Lace Curtains new patterns yards long strong make good value at a special this week Special Value this week in Mens Suits at 5 and 10 Shop Early BOS Newmarket Successors to Haddock i ifiss Nora Fletcher will Newmarket on Saturday Instrf to fijtfod a week with friends in To ronto Miss Flo of Albert country has been flooded and the also Misses of Toronto roads were in a state Many I are spending this week Mrs II a new We have before us a copy publication entitled Home Nursing The object of the book Is to practical instructions how to take care of the sick by the training shooiit for fctiuetiori are of course given in all matters of hH any wo man I a person in bed without wetting clothing or change the fcheet the led was arid will at VMj North when is ivw Mr Jos Meads was in Town over will wonder did not Sunday and is on Ma way to holidays with her sister Mrs Travisn of spewing a couple of weeks with her daughter Mrs Mr and Mrs are back from California on a three months visit and arc looking well Miss Clara darter of County Councillor is home from Toronto Hospital for vacation and her two daugh ters left this week to spend tbe holi days in her old home in Mr Herb Skinner and Miwi SWnner expupils of Newmarket High School visiting in this week Mr and Mrs Scott left yesterday morning for a two trip to Tweed Norwood and the Ka- Lakes Miss left last Friday lor a visit of a of months with small bridges were washed away and large rivers rose feet the usual high water mark threatening to carry away some iron bridges The Col spoke at the meetings but there was not sufficient interest man ifested for him to respond to re quest that he shouM be a candidate It was still showery on election day of May and outside of the towns not much over of the vote was polled Iks writes it was no test of the wishes of the peo ple in fact hundreds never knew election was on J The Cradle town on July to Mr and Mrs a daughter cover the way herself a aam- I pie copy of this book can be bad upon peg this week to put in a pipe for the firm that he is employed with two or- three years oiler Cook has returned from Tyrone near where she was for eight weeks nurs ing her mother who has departed life leaving for Newmar ket the Thistleton choir an outside appointment presented Rev J with a of gfld Cull with monogram The Mulock farm Is gay with sum mer visitors Lady arrived last week accompanied by Mrs Kirk- of Toronto Wood of Smiths Falls daughter ol Senator Wood Mr and a retinue of assistants Mail and telephone order promptly attended to wagons to the lake four times each week HOMEGROWN Dining Room Bedroom and Parlor Suite for before taking at prices that are limply How in time to flt up your home with elegant furniture at coot Come and see John Millard Opposite Royal Hotel and A July Six houses mostly were car ried away the flood On largo- sized house passed today In mWntrcarn but it is not known from what locality The bridge over the St Marys River has sagged ful ly six feet and crossing Is now dan- Five hundred Indiana axe In the vicinity of So Ice fearing inundation of the tlon Tomb In East On July Mary widow of aged years and Deceased had ailing for come time She lived alone arid was dead in bed on Monday morning by relatives who reiilde close by Heart dioeawc was the trouble re mains were interred In bury ing on the Con on Wed nesday For preserving Now to Give us your orders and we will try and please you Our Special Boiled Ham to Slice Also Cornel Meats Pork and Ream ORANGES LEMONS TOoIATOES BANANAS NEW PRUNES CABBAGE BEANS COOOANUTS PINEAPPLES ONIONS CUCUMBERS I- A J fctAIN ST NO NEWMARKET Orders will receive Cartful Prompt Attention Once Tried Always Used In Great Variety J AND CENTRAL TELEPHONE STARR

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