Newmarket Era, 11 Jul 1902, p. 5

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r I- I J fci J1HT ONTARIO CAPITAL- REST rrRW Minster raft NEWMARKET BRANCH i Banking Baste TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits KM IMS DRAFTS Americas bought ao CO BOSS Mrs Simpson prank auctioneer Wretched Sufferers Baseball A lively match took plane the Fair oh nigjii of last week between the Office Special ty and the United factories even the score was entirely onesided In favor of the Specially Bond Serenade The Citizens Band gave open- tJrsL should be used a aft v- august Regular fleeting last even ing Present Mayor Cane Council lors Lloyd Smith Following bills were passed Packard Elec Co ST rii ft THE EN DUTIES TO GOD w Tea t Thou the Lord thy God with all heart Rice Lewis vice for Can- Gen Kite Co supplies Morrison supplies Co tar for 48 freight 1 United Factories supplies Express on elec goods R- cartage Willis fittings for Council Chamber July 13 INTRODUCTION A family of GodRoaring had developed into a nation which been trained by providential g- to reverence for one nation was now segregated other nations and to it was given the basilar principles of moral con duct Though they were given to these command- work at freight on coal 35 rest on the principle that God cars coal 121 EL- cars coal The extraordinary variable spring and early summer weather the gpring drawing coal 11 Mr Hoover has commenced A drawing coal extensive alterations on his premises Tonight Friday the Band is for the Primary Bolton and House One and on Srigley Kt A splendid new stone foundation has been under the bouse The fetter will not be remodelled inside but enlarged- and a second storey added also a front veranda Bier After the to Point will come the Big Flower Show in the Skating Rink July and Are you getting ready to help it along It needs your assistance The Society will have a van call town exhibits Make your en tries on or before the flasket On Thursday of last boxes of cheese were factory sold bores at cents per lb boxes were sold at and boxes at 91c Four buyers were boxes of creamery butter was but was not accepted Next sale cm July 24th Old Stomps Bought Parties old stamps used a A I ICFNSES P At the r print if of our Strong drawing coal IB men have been victims the sheet No L rundown and sickly have in- Sheet No tensely and many families now mourn Sheet No 10 5 F B 10 A Architect and Sanitary St Toronto Estimates made for liadi of 11 Jackson lesuer IB30EB OF LICENSES BOTTOM WEST NEWMARKET makbleworks IK Monuments and Head Stones- 127 the toss of near and dear ones The weak rundown and should oow devote their best energies attention to so as to enable them to withstand the enervating effects of the approaching hot weather The use of Celery will soon bring a return of true phys ical strength the nerves will be fed and braced blood will be made purer and richer digestion will be corrected sweet refreshing sleep will the place of insomnia and irritability Celery Compound is doing a marvellous work for the sick and suf fering at litis time It is the only preparation that possesses value and virtue for recruiting the strength and spent energies of weakly and sick peo ple in summer time The trial of one bottle will give you happy re sults To Develop Canadas sources 17 by corresponding with J no Lindsay Paris Canada The rarer ones are worth from to each Look Extensive plans up your letters write him for particulars and references Leave I New York July A special to the stamps on the envelopes Collections Times from Tacoma says The Ta in A looms also bought j coma Steel Company has had plans prepared and has chosen a site on tide flats for the of It will Pay Sheet No 11 to EG Pay Sheet No 12 The bill of the Era was referred to the Com and paid if found correct The report of the License Inspector was on rile Communications of J re questing value of right of way placed on file The Inspector reported that work was commenced on asphalt walks Council adjourned at oo better For the No Hospital Pretoria June Dear Parents Brothers and Sister I m trying to write a few lines or the time in two months for as you already know have been in the Hospital here with enteric fever bare had a hard time of it but am doing very well now I have not A bus load of Maccabees went to a 250ton blast furnace the moral life of all men They deal with actions chiefly not with emotions but ha bitual conduct always moulds thought and develops emotions These should be stodied in light of toe fuller truth contained in the Gospel PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS No one able to do a mans work Is excusable by God if it is not done Both activity and rest are needed and both should be consecrated to God The commandments are inadequate for mans salvation men are unable to keep them Every Christian is bound by each regulation of the moral law The law is an organic whole and must cither he kept its entirety or broken in its entirety Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deaf ness and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lin ing of the Kustjathian When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is entirely closed deaf ness is result and unless the given any food yetjust lived lamination can be taken out and this of Capitalists and brandy and tube restored to its normal J am very tired of it but expect hearing will be be put on a light diet soon Sister A Couch who has charge of our ward has written you every week for me while I was unable to write for myself I hope you receiv ed them all right I received a let- be destroyed for ever eases out ten are caus ed by atarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars any of caused by on Sunday afternoon to at- modern- Mai furnace ere ted ler jy old friend George Haines cannot be cured by tend the service with the local ledge Pacific coast Iron ore and Newmarket and also one from Jas catarrh Cure Send for Mrs Geo Rose returned from will be brought from the out here He of found potatoes tornpany properties in British Col- ScCms as duck while it will mine its own coal The Canadi last week she in her garden as large window decorator takes and shipbuilding plant P f J Flour and FAMILY FLOUR SHORTS CHOP CORN i OAT MEALS GRAIN COOK BROS cor Main Huron St Telephone to many are away during the StalesBritish Colunia in Corporation has been incorporated me of lans tlir fall ant the best the war Id he glad great J CHENEY CO Toledo Sold by all druggists Halls Family Pills are the best holiday Home Four represeftiiir the The paing teller and assistant cashier the bank at all the Towns Lake have been arrested on lease tell my friends of stealing with a capital of to carry recovery out a similar project at Everett or elsewhere on Sound The or ganizer is J Bledsoe th engineer I can not write but will as soon stronger With love to any more as I am flt SSSrf in and the display of cakes and on tlic fiupper tables was a to inmates were remembered by this gener ous band of philanthropic workers Periodically the ladies show their in terest in this excellent institution for the tare of the worthy poor of the County and their visits are always greatly appreciated Vedneadoy If you have not had a picnic excur sion with your family this year join the on Wednesday to Point a good A sail of hours both ways with the invigorating of Lake playUrg together with at vigor and to tlose who feel the air oppressive In a Town like Oct out and enjoy ll nature for a 7 THE USE OF BEEF IN SUMMER DOBS NOT FAVOR DIGESTION OR GOOD HEALTH Halt Breakfast Food I remain your loving son Sad RceottrJ About guests partook the Kings coronation feast to all at home I poor of London on Saturday There Will were separate gatherings Peace has been declared by Presi dent Roosevelt in the Philippines the placed under civil control fnd amnesty extended to the George Harrow amnesty to me en I case of the burning to death Thc intoxicated Prince ran near More and Appetizing and an aid to Vigor One Cent Package Makes Twenty- Meals The in hot weather is very frequently the indiges tion and stomach The ol heavy rich meats at the morning meal is responsible for Oases of dyspepsia A dish of Malt Breakfast Food wilt SEE HERE One days may ard your friend arourd with an old photo of you will be willing to pay any price to Ret a copy IS Save IrOjbU by having a by J Corner of Main StrtttB Newmarket day at when you have such delightful trip for only Train A leaven at am returns a few mirts after oclock P can aftVud nice lite to get home latere dark in perfect Campers at Roach Point and lfon constipation A sad of an Edward County the accidental on of a hard drinker at Almonte rf done by lire rail resulting in the death of a drunk- en man at Montreal a similar cue A Ontario a suicide at Mont real and t3jc sentence to death In Brit ish Columbia of a man who while under the influence liquor had his neighbor were among the evils by Canadian a Tem plar as of the jrallvrcd in during the month of May the present year One thinking In Aberdeen Scotland an interest ing record was the of patronizing public houses bet woe nine and ten oclock on a Saturday evening in May About were employed in making the It calculations The occasion was not one to lead lr drinking The count was made at a Salter was killed in Hie electric light works while try ing to cross a slowly moving belt Should the pope live till 11103 Ire will celebrate his diamond jubilee as a I is golden jubilee as a car dinal and his silver as a pope A detachment of rkish troops surrounded a hand or Bul garian at in the Vil- acc of Monastic Thirty brigands were killed cents a has been fixed by I he as the milk in Johannesburg have boon more The Canadian soldiers were ac corded an enthusiastic reception in KNOWL Grocery and Provision TOR Storm A very thunder storm paved the the Town just about last Kw i Saturday but no damage was done The current followed the Wit 0 trie wire At the Era Office which three weeks the slate employment one to lead to any excessive liouor Liverpool yesterday and were Afi attained at lunch by the Lord Mayor in the town hall as HO a Men Women Children Total fllBftB cut in places A yttig man jumped oil Height train In the dark at St Thomas and landed ftO feet below in the bed of A little consideration will mae it Kettle Creek His arms atxl legs aro clear that this record for one city broken and his recovery Is doubtful must he indicative of an enormous July Two men the many killed and three Kingdom j Michigan gathered In toe church yard a tremendous ex- fright train near and prayed not only for clear for strong drink on the Thomas early today The train ran adwrtislo for carry the motive power lor our type- Mwimm of In fettle ard farmers save wheat firinxinx w out the Wi j at he f2 J at ft to tti frr tor time use wires burnt out which no dofbt fcaved our electric motor those who are least i from Several od sunhbfne during the wee to I a from men I ne4 fcom to flfr Ir thaf fiend to In the of Wit farmer toll and factory at the the lightning flaihed around the Primary School the fchock of a thunder clap ax a por tion of planter fell from the ceil ing Jog a large wast out on Timothy St The storYo or caused a near the factory two During the thunder storm on a wellknown liver man t WJnnlptg was killed by a fail from W rig on afford it ft Is not id range that look drink an i day evening Mollmnrray of most prolific cause of destitution and crime had a valuable killed by wan only a short distance from the barn when cars on Saturday and gave tr ft lar i electrician a lot of extra work rru eta Wo Several firealarm pw sMAnents grain from Canadian ports this week a I moat i hi Vienna July There was a vlo- to that shinned from all the Salon lea a sca- port city of European Turkey in from the that ttortrie yesterday afternoon Many during June was car- were and there was a great loss of life thru the canals an Increase oct it bt I daughter o er when Adley of Union near St- Thomas I J Jftc hardly wither to Mow the not TO CURES TWO DAYS Laxative removes wan drowned in a before her mo- the cauce ft Groves AND HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHlNa AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE of all Summer Goods commencing June TORONTO JOBBING CALL AND OUR NEW STOCK OF GROCERIES AND CLEAN Lettuce Brand Salmon 2 Una for Following arc a few lines lbs for 25c Royal package Starch 10c package St Lawrence Cornstarch Shredded lb Otter Brand Salmon tins Pure Lard lb Evaporated Peaches lb Apricots lb Try our Victor Japan Tea Bulk Teas in Green and Mack 25o to lb Fresh Confectionery DAVISONS OLD STAND Chocolates to lb Honey Suckles Quakers and lb Try our Maple Cream A CALL SOLICITED LYONS MAIN ST r The Wm Cane Sons Co of Newmarket Have amalgamated with and in will be known thet lu on Wednesday on every box Price cento United Factories Limited All accounts previous to axe due and payable by THE WM CANE SONS CO Any person baying will kindly send them la at once as the Company closing 1U books and will shortly apply or a return of Its charter Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO Dick op And belt Your choke of Full Rig for 40000 On four year Cheap at

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