Newmarket Era, 11 Jul 1902, p. 6

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LIVERPOOL LONDON 4 p vis i ARKfl AttsU Mi Albert j 3 Art THE E v- J I CH Clark St Newmarket WW Mount Albert and Ufa of fiflcb month Orcein r a J The annual will be held weather in Mr John concession Saturday next are cordially persons at Dominion Day flbfal4ona0 expressed prte J seaming slight baseball match played here be- visiting and of our youths Sad Point which services are to be BALDWIN BREEZES con tinned during summer months It is on tip boards that there will Julias is I AUTHORIZED CAPITAL 2000 SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL STEWART i- J i J Aurora teams and looking real in promenading on tost This ought to be too aMcdancrograttepdance on an game sublime language it is recorded girls of j in the the flood can bo made in- Among those who were borne on stock for thiB season rived- We have all Winds Field and Garden which will I we and Hell at will till arid ticks Forrests Store ALBERT You fcave money by buying your Furniture at the p Day were Messrs John Green- that tfco of heaven were introduction Toe annual excursion and for forty days and ntghts t fame as mariner Life on wave seems with His bronzed cbeeKand portly MOUNT At R iRANOM CURRENT ACCOUNT OPENED J SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT INTEREST ALLOWED ON BOUGHT POSITS BANKING BUSINGS I r I to will be a an attack tecrpsse match- played at Or be- teams of town and Business places in Albert will be closed for tee day For particulars see posters sunset black arose in are familiar at Lake the west and by nine it had envelope ports ithe neighborhood in inky hlack- arid a lassie residing eat of Dr Park of was in village Jat Tuesday Mrs has been quite interspersed by flashes are so wrapt up in each poorly but in last day or fire All of a sudden apjoihers love and so everlastingly has somewhat improved there was actoudburst and sweet as to he oblivious of the fact Went to the it the heavens falling in connection with his upon us Very indeed ever in this country have CLOSE CALL Rev a hired man who works last Tuesday visited by a greater rainfall in a Ml gi very largely attended- on space of time Nest acres A STOCK 0 Bedroom d lror tod Parlor Coaches And We Are for Pillow Shun Holders and the And a delivered of ordered inqnotity ALLAN last week He was busy nips for his employer when a bail evidently shot by some person hunting ground hogs ploughed a fur row along the top ins ht Mr was stooping oyer at the mo ment ball struck his hit and had he been standing irprit he would al most certainly have been PERSONAL Miss Nixon of a former teacher in our school is in town spending a few days with friends Mr and Mrs Davidson re turned from their tout on Monday Mr and Mrs J of in Town for a few days Pa spent last week at Hill View farm the guest of her friend Miss WOOL MARKET Tate your WOOL to the i Meant ft and get the highest Toronto prices in Cash Full Flannels Sheetings Blankets Yarns also a good assortment of fashionable Suitings always on hand j extra paid for wool taken in ex change for goods Geo Sons New ads this weekTCaUie strayed Mill Reports indicate that will be an excellent crop in this vicinity Haying is proceeding difficul ties owing to the lavy and frequent showers No apple tree worms are reported in this vicinity this reason Mr Pegs is an improved clover mill Mr John is building a handsome verandab on- the north side of hotel account of the unfavorable weather ministers present were Revs- Robt- of Toronto A P Malcolm of Qucensville and A Cameron of Albert Mr Lester Kemp was in the village over Sunday The Garden Party on Wednesday evening last atfepices the Presbyterian Church was- con sidering the inclement a huge success Alter an excellent tea of strawberries and cream and many other good things an excellent pro gram was given by Mis of Pegs of Union Street Mr Harold Newmarket Bander- sons Orchestra the choir of the church The proceeds amounted to Mr of was visiting under the parental root a few days last week Mrs- and Miss Ralston of Toronto were visiting at Mr Wrights a few days last week Miss Carrie is visiting rela tives at Miss Mabel Anderson is visiting re latives in Newmarket Mr Mackenzie is visiting re latives in Miss Alma Aylward is writing on exams- this week and Mr A MEAN A woman from near in to town one dav a quantity of in which disposed of- to Some of the butter was disposed of in tle usual way but it was promptly returned as carefully imbed ded in each roll was a large nice ly peeled potato An investigation will likely follow as woman is not hard to trace Tfcere I lb rolls all similarly treated The largest potatoes procurable must have been used as in some of rolls there was only a thin veneer of SUTTON J t I SPRING STOCK Goods Boots and Shoes la Arriving and to room w are fiellmg the Balance our Winter Stock AT HALF PRICE Bee our prices for Ladies Coats Fart recent heavy rains raised ttje water in so high it again swept away the work done on the mill darn The Mr who has been visiting with returned home last week commenced writing on his ex ams this week also Mr and Mrs of To ronto were visiting relatives in town this week Mr had an exciting time for a few minutes on Tuesday mornmg He was driving north from home and when about miles out of the Village he drove over a cow that was lying down in the road The rig and harness were broken but no person was seriously hurt AtLtodar Bra the residence Pearson on June a large com pany of friends gathered to witness the marriage of Miss Mr Patterson Stewart of Toronto The ceremony was per formed in the Presbyterian church was prettily decorated for the occasion with and ferns George Brown of Toronto untie of the bride performed the ceremony The bride looked charming in white crepe trirmmJ with lace and carrying a shower of white roses and lilies of the acres of land were submerged Mature can siirpa art every time The display of heavenly fireworks and the booming of thunders cannon on Friday evening was It seems the nature of nervous mortals to have a dread such displays whilst others calmly view them as an exhibition of the Creators majesty the thunder that frights but the that smites Mr Donald Chapman of Parry district is visiting here at Rev A Brae and wife gave Baldwin- la parting call en route to tbeir new appointment at on Friday They were looking pleased having Just pre viously been surprised by mementos of good and appreciation of their earnest work their late charge Mr Brace a secretary book case Mrs lovely autograph qrtlt from the Ladies League of which she has been a leading spirit I am quite a believer in electric force being a motive in hu manity Rev Brace seems to have much electric energy cored away in his being as he sometimes fairly elec trifies his hearers when speaking If our friends who ex- curt to Jacksons Point on see an spooking round there they will please say Howdy Richard and Harry of this neighborhood had successful barn Raisings last week Another of human brutes a wifeheater has been making things decidedly unpleasant for her whom he has vowed to love ancl wife was here with a dreadfully dis figured face seeding law Father down to the Hub so she that public gaze is focused on them Their innocence is setting folks giggling- The Almanac of Almanacs Is foretelling this weather to a nicety Farmers should certainly possess a copy Next season I shall probably be agent for Reports come to us from Washing ton territory that our former resi dent Frank Crittenden Is recovering from the typhoid fever Another unusually heavy downpour of rain accompanied by electric dis turbance visited us on Monday and took snap and crack out of the atmosphere and lowered the tempera ture They are patching up our rickety old county bridge here and trying to make it another seven years as Jacob did but it is a rotten old hulk A steel structure will take its place by and by The excitement caused by a carrying off one of our lovely girls has subsided and now would you other girls are watching for bears so the Owl heed to the voice of nature many valuable can be learned There are ser mons in trees in the running stream and good in everything so the poet Indeed tin greatest poets are who hold sweet com mune with nature The Owl Screen Doors Screen Wire Window Dairy Pails Bam Door warranted not to come SUNMERFELDTS HARDWARE MOUNT ALBERT Before Buying Your Mrs Jqq retire Sou Mich is visiting her father Mr Mrs of this village has gone for a two or three weeks rh Miss Helen awl of Toronto and Miss Garden Tools Rakes Hoes Spades Shovels PAINT visit with parents and friends Mrs l went to Fort Dover last week for a short it with parents and friends Mrs Mark arrived home from the city last Saturday accoxn- by er grariddauhtr Aliiw ingle of Sutton and bis bro ther Allan of attend ed the old gathering btldgelafet week the latest modes of winning popularity is to hold political recep tions on Saturday nights and spend pleasure on Kcwlck Union Sunday excursion took plate last day The day was fine and a most enjoy was spent The new summer chWrch at the lake was opened Sunday Tie AMalonaldof Toronto preach ed afternoon and evening In the afternoon the weather was rain HI to time of READY MIXED Hew Shades in Beaver Brand J ROWLAND Mount Albert arson Toronto and Miss sister of the bride wore while tucked mull with lace applique and carried crimson was supported by Mr W of Toronto Dr Pear son and Mr Frank Pearson as ushers Before retiring from llw Urn bride was made the recipient of a Bible presented by Mr Fair bam in behalf of the ses sion of the church After the the quests turned to tbc house where a dainty dejeuner was followed by congratulatory The and value of wedding among were a leauMlul pearl brooch the gifi of the groom and a handsome from a brother with I lie forces In Africa am to to in ibe bride Is held by her friends Mr and Mrs left to a couple of wjtJs on the waters of the to fake a trip down St Lawrence to meeting and as a con- J Q broadcloth trimmed with and embroidery with a green fol iage hat Messrs T and W Kavanayb were l Toronto this week ludj was wjjoarativcfy small In tre weather cleared arid the church was nearly filled It will teat over four hundred An was the on evening at which a of were present who A Rood program also ren dered from FOR Other proceeds willbelftS W tfl Wafr Con Baal near Albert Steadier Water power In Count Con fort able ood to the of the debt on the church though the auapleea of the body lsirJ5 available for all evangelical to hold service therein A arranged to have iervl afferrxjn i at a In the pavilion at table in Of I Apply to A Old Court Toronto was went elsewhere Dominion Day drew the usual large crowd at Jacksons Point body to see everybody The only real pleasure were the hourly ex cursions on the Islay which is a remarkably speedy craft having been timed as running hourly trips in minutes Point is an ideal breathing spot for the and is gradually undergoing ne cessary improvements Nature has done much art- can do mote I observe that not nearly all our pretty irJs are married hut the hearts of a good many more have had a and- theyre getting spoon ey and fearing lest Ive not observed what Is so plain to be seen some of the most forward ones give me a sociable dig in the ribs with a sun shade or suchlike familiarities as if to say Look at me now aint I a pretty sweet one But dear me young must flirt a trifle tis nature Hut remember too much familiarity contempt In a recent Visit to Sutton first Improvements I noted was a large area new sidewalV in so a manner that even the village wayside grazers had their approbation not by word of mouth but by merely leav ing their mark Space does not permit a notice of- all the improve ments but the citizens are Justly proud of handsome little burg and Indeed were the moral atmos phere a purer and sweeter St would scarce be surpassed by any of similar magnnude They have as fiKi a driveway and cycle path from the village to the Point as is to be found In any rural in Ontario No wonder so many take their summer holi days there his age Charles has recently done some very ornamental pen work colored inks Family record are bis delight ard forte an well It fs much to be regretted that dam at was aain washed away by the recent freshet The flan are ah excellent class of citizen a add last calam ity will cause much peoutilary loss to Dr ban a clever article In Saturdays mainly dealing with Prohibition and the The Dr is one of our and original thinkers and most a believer In tlie gives Premier credit for seeing beyond the end of fin none espe cially the renegade temperance men tiro article I STRAYED Into the premises of the undersign ed Lot con East on or about June one fed and steer two years old Owner is requested to prove property pay ex penses and take it TOT Stray Horse Came upon lot 1st Con West of St on 29th of Dune Owner can have same by proving property and paying Mcdonald l Holland Landing Lost Strayed from lot Mb Kast the last of June a Young Yorkshire Whit Sow duo to farrow Information leading to recovery will lx suitably rewarded SMITH 2w24 P East Assessment COURT OF REVISION A Court of lor the above Township will bo held by his Honor Judge Morgan at Court House New market on Tuesday July 22nu at am A J Clerk HEISES Hew Store Baldwin Wo are better prepared than ever to supply you with all Builders Hardware for the coming Eavetroughing Tin Repairing promptly attended at lowest rata Be suro and be fore buying elsewhere BY Central Telephone Baldwin SEE OUR STOCK ALL QUALITIES FROM The Very TO THE FINEST- D ALBERT I A fire in Swift at the Chicago stock did damage The Liverpool London INSURANCE COMPANY Capital Total- OFFICE CANADA BRANCH MONTREAL BOARD or Andrew Chairman F Esq Chairman Went Buchanan Vq Esq Cloua- Aiex RUk Accepted at Current Unlet in In thunderstorm which raged in the Tp of Pickering on Friday night three barns near struck by lightning and two- were burned Buggies number of SecondHand Cheap Cull and act J P COOK Agent Mount DAVIDSON Acnt Mt Albert tr SMITH for Dominion ALBERT DRUG Pure Paris Green Bought in bulk and put up in packages by ourselves Poison Fly Paper AND TangJefoot STOKES MOUNT ALBERT Breeder of Jersey Cattle Some- cboice young heifers for sale now al so bull j Clothing We also carry a full line of Patent Medicines among Remedies and Cure Prescriptions and Family receive personal attention day or night W T LLOYD and Druggist We nice Light- Bummer Suitings just for hot weather Call and thorn KELLERS The Tailor Mount Albert J THE LEADING HOUSE SHARON GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Suit LADIES t Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh A I

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