3 and post It looks fn a Creditable Display Mr house and eec ws soccers toria last tbe flowers badly conuebtly bloom eh street was raised this up to last year excavating is going on for a- new foundation A kitten is also was one that ai Reason of Tie Rink was decorated with bunting and an artistic AH cordially invited to was arranged in centre with Friends next Sabbath building A large platform Subject Catching Fores V was erected for and All seats entertainers Tbe general arrange- J produced a very pleasing and the- board deserve praise for their gratuitous Walks AH sidewalks on Model The Cut Flowers formed a Grounds in front of build- tractive display As usual tbe are being up aod removed to Sweet Peas There place to gfeno- no Mi than but walks Mr tod this was only about tbe shown last year There were so 22 hand bouquets 6 very police Court one for a The case funeral collections of up again last Friday afternoon titans of Phlox vases Collection small- fruitsMrSolF I The judging was lone by a profes sional Mr Geo of Seed Store Toronto who appears to very On Tuesday evening attendance was small The Town- Band was froEaei J presort and rendered a good program Smith J The Workers of Curob bad charge of the stand which well fomaed Verbenas Lyj Directors meet at the Fire Wednesday the th of Aug ZmcOa8ChaB oclock to hear appeJs make Miss Wm returns and wind up show I business will be payable af- inminl8 Mrs Mrs this Perennials Mrs Lynam THE SECOND MIGHT Willie Show was quite a success In Carnations addition exbibits a varied pro- Geranium loose J G Partridge gram was- presented Mr J Ciiaa presided Splendid solos were Mrs Innate J rendered by Miss Edna Miss R Willis arid Stanley Mrs Poppies Mrs Smith- 1 Dragon Stocks Sweet Peas SO Martin in such a manner that we have reason to be proud of our tal ent George McDonald rendered a Comet solo also received a hurst of applause and Miss McDon ald a pianoforte selection Mr P gave one of bis pleasing that will soon place him in the front rank of the Ladies Black Hoe Good Shirtings per Fast Color yard Soft Finished per yard inch Turkey Red Table Linen Ladies Summer Vests 36inch All Wool Dress 40inch Cotton Cashmere Cretonnes per yard 4 are showing a larger Variety and Better Value than house in the trade County Councillor reviewed geraniums of evidence The decision rested of stocks and of balsams tolerably of all tbeiy were entries for Cut in question and in spite of Flowers besides ltf exhibits by school tbe protests of tbe defendants which feature was very Bert Forsyth was tied for pleasing trial at the next Session bail being In Potted Plants there were at tries and over onehalf vrere plants Pens spikes E Mar- profession Rut of the were three Sweet red Mr Jesse Crone of Toronto While Mr Crone fold the in Peas white Samuel song it was on canvas Martin j in beautiful and distinct colors by Sweet blue Martin J means of a and Crone made a decided that was CORNER T NONE SO GOOD AS BA1CING PONDER License Inspector Ilugbes bad begonias persons before Magistrates Woodcock geraniums and a fuchsias and on afternoon of House Plants charged procuring liquor for a were very choice against whom the dealers were A very instructive feature of not to provide Two young Exhibition that overy entry so and Harrington named that may fined and Jointly without asking any questions two got- but it was a exhibit of fruit was very fine comprising entries 3 cherries f raspberries 16 currants berries and one u The show of Garden A very passed iULs tables surpassed anything in previous tS bSMtion stalks onions nearly as big as ft was north rr Allans house on Park but slate roof appears to have scattered the current without further damage chimney at Canes factory was A Mr as Partridge Street Peas pink Stark J Partridge Sweet mauve Foray Peas variegated Thompson J Partridge Hand Bouquet Table Bouquet Mrs Lynn Mrs Jones fully appreciated Between three and I four hundred people were present I ft ft Accident On Wednesday got his right arm caught in some machin ery and nearly had it torn off He carries it in a sling now HAEDWARE DEPARTMENT in size showing the effect abund ance of wet weather Tbe entries in this class numbered Five lawns were entered for compe tition viz Messrs J Partridge Brides Bouquet Mrs Lyoam ifrs Jones Bonkers Sweet Peas and Mignonette Bank starts of the Town will Mrs recreate on the civic holiday By Floral Design for Tame Pros- mutual arrangement the two local ser P Jones monetary institutions will be closed Funeral Design Tuesday lawn arid anotner tree in the same as last year front Home about v K t iA Those making the largest number of toe stze of a Dole was ft down rain torrents was blown wre ran down the streets in Mrs Mrs K Jones Following are the The for their Bond Lake last a lare of scholars availed as well as a Accord ing to all accounts both old and young enjoyed I Following are the Prizewinners In Hoys under Tench Irwin Lloyd Girls under Gertie Weir Boys under 2nd Allan 2nd Ktntl Cole 2rK Basket Out Flowers Partridge Mrs Extras ilra Jones lilies Childrens Competition Best not than years and under Amy J on en Best launch not spikes years and over Most Competition and kept Church Last Sunday Rev Stanley Robin son the student in charge of the church on the Lake Shore at Jack sons Point occupied the pulpit here while the pastor took charge of the services in Westminster Church To ronto Mr expects to be with bis own congregation next Sun day Baseball arc arousing a Blue Ribbon 650 feet to the pound Gold Leaf feet to the pound Silver Leaf feet to the pound Maple Leaf feet to the pound 14c 18ft 11 lawn Tim J Cane It quit an interest in baseball and good crowds go over to the Fair when the games are on After the Hoys under J5 Rohinson Annie Tench Boot 2nd y Her ft is a Jong had a Circus and at crowd may be Ud Jo Friday day and date mt4 being WINNERS Plants in Bloom- Begonia Tuberous Miss For syth Begonia any kind AiiVootten any kind beat J 2nd P Jones Fuchsia 2nd TrivetV Geranium double Jones Geranium singleMrs 2nd Jones Geranium ivy Mrs Jones Trivial 2nd Mrs Pi Jones 2nd Mrs Petunia double Mrs Garden Vegetables Wax Beans in pod Stack Tuesday night score stood Won Lost A r Beans Martin Specialty 2nd J Hal long Beets 2nd J Partridge Turnip 2nd business people funds Cants Factory TJe Town club are greatly this week A subscription fcCt up among THE DEPARTMENTAL STORE 18761902 Fire destroyed Martins residence at Ottawa causing a loss of Lightning struck church at Glen- major Sunday and alt escaped ex- Regular Packages to the extent of about with Garden CarrotsMrs in the Partridge Geo It arrived Point Simmer- day and comprises six balk hats ton 2nd Kavanaich catcher outfit fielding gloves and 2nd previously graph line and now they threaten to i tamed gray they are now cut the lines Motley 2nd J to accept without the of borrowing from other clubs Call and get a sample of our Ex cello Polishing Powder for Silver children who were stunned John of Mackinaw Maw 1 Winnipeg from injuries receiv ed by being knocked down by a trol- Mays of Black Late Que- was buncoed by a confidence man who friends with him on a car Hon J Israel Tart has cut the pay of the men tbe Yukon tele- Paris Green in any quantity lb Pare Fresh Insect Powder Guarantees to Kill Plants not Necessarily in Bloom pylorus Mrs 2nd Cactus J Stark kA J Partridge 2nd Mi A Ilex Begonia any A fto 2nd Forsyth Lettuce Mrs Jones 2nd J Partridge 2nd Peas in pod J 2nd Mrs Peas 2nd J Onions green from seed 2nd Geo Onions from Dutch 2nd Sir Thomas says that the tender which the P in the here Winewlay and made for a fast Atlantic service would include tour fast passenger sola of knots end or eleven fast freight vessels of knots all of 10000 tons yesterday just as hot has been very nicely A gasoline stove exploded at Pin- graded this week Queen street is to yesterday in- the house of to have some next M Feathers The house was con- The carpenters will have Mr and two six and four new house the lathers years old burned to death Mrs next week Feathers barely escaped with her life I The editor was in luck and her young baby wan seriously in- Cucumbers table use John us his exhibit by the lard I and 2 drowning fatal- Tomatoes best Hartry 2nd that ho had at the when Sam won prizes and Miss of Turnip 2nd he thinks lie should had of the Queens a few of Our Prices on Patents Compound Discovery Pierces Prescription Pink Pills 3dc for Carters Liver Pilla loo Liver Pills l5o Closest attention and lest prices on all prescriptions at Whitesell Bradleys Pharmacy MARKET the Kern any Trivett 2nd 2nd J of this mar- 2nd giant A j P ivMce no matter how 2fjd can tell a of won- with which great arc Foliage l Plants most tastefully t credits with ii is menagerie which la entirety from Wild of all kind of fcavae exhibited in in huge siecl barred it teen in the JVoptaji capitals a real and a A wonder pace forbids detailed accunt of All id all Great are moat fcurprSMrg arl of ttiat new great fid may to surprised at the ftxhIWUon will be here Tht Town of the T ft of ft are ver with the only played a mean trick on and changed his ticket The election cost Hon J 2nd Kavanah I of the her and a cramp for she was a good swimmer she tried out to her cora- lost life In the bay Point Miss who was about years of age wont In bathing with three little girls when she got ar- Plants most tastefully Procter J Partridge House Plants George 2nd 2nd 9 Cut Mr Mm V Pros- J Partridge Mm K Chat J 2nd Mrs Collection Garden Vegetables Geo 2nd J Partridge Celery 2nd J Partridge Beans Mrs Jones Fruit on Tuesday Caught Sometime last fall a woman calling impossible Mrs iPatterson in of a widow the vicinity of Newmarket for the Ladies Home Journal receiving quite a number of an she told a pitiful talc of her need One week she panions and ank When- recovered i ten minutes after resuscitation was ficuumapket terries appeared again on Street un- field Jno l fJg Raspberries Stark Mrs cognized as the name individual Black Cap James denied the accusation 2nd Maurice Foster to remain while a was B Martin for but to F to call at the home Aj watched and right Do wives by the gate As the bow M Foster ohed a young lady and wMteM Foster 2nd Jumped into the buggy overtook woman and demanded Currants I footer that the lie refunded or the would Mrs W at once to a magistrate and money under 2nd prervnees feroallM w glad to back Mrs the of in July Flour per barrel a Wheat per bush a Wheat per a Goose Wheat per buHh Barley per bush GO a Oats per a Peas per bush a per bush a roll per per 014a a Wool per lb a Hay per ton per ton It a PRETTY AS A PICTURE arc new pretty in trimmed bats that wo are showing In all the light flatty airy effects that will be so popular this Summer Never before have seen an and superb effects in millinery as you will see this week at ours oOj 13 SUMMER in most exclusive styles giving that touch of elegance to the foot found only in very finest footwear Ladies who require a shapely shoe as well one giving a great degree I com fort will be entirely pleaded and sat isfied with this line per ton Potatoes per bag Chickens per pair per lb- a a 0 a fc0 lui Cor Main Timothy Sis Subscribe for the Era and get all the Home v