Ml Stuffed Up bom Sultan turns out v- flfcmlfer thai to try fo straighten out the Buckingham PaVaca finances responsible Abbey are pi occurrence a is a In ld blood hid when ft and ma ram any of the really good- During teg the head threat sports Granger into the feS of do of various state depar SKS LaKe receipt en wives sen and the Cr6wn Toco treatment the effect that fee fires reports did Count lor crowing j did not last long w i3 ess mto last There is no telling how much a woman can in those shopping ealt in Que- bags that they carry around hut the week a cross will to woman that was arrested in Torpid J M where they will remain till to on Friday last must have given Conservative can- November tney will thence- them a pretty good test Mrs Jane ttlww at Ontario elections Ottawa Lever the wife of coma te charges- LMfarrhhwothef and asks that Mr Stew be appoints JS rt found to have in her two shopping cm his arrival at Ottawa- Between flf Star rives the thousand people q of ribbons The Toronto gives ice u to win in welcome t toe authorities WoSB sefc Detective was membrane sad because me whole system of personal acts commander of the Canadian fifilitia before and on day o Solicitor Notary Public etc Court rf or Of fice Uo Rod Court Din J Sot Co Banker jid Aurora a hard punch tbusiy given by shocking to ttat the Con- party d rjundonald spate in sbe party the of tbat sort of touW before go- tol import was amigneama detectives thus ribs part of Sfonflay She pleaded to our own infant detective industry Work to Bast Toronto has been allowed to pay for the goods but of agreed upon by all parties interested couM not be en- According to ail reports tbere is ft the arrangement Word was sent to her lot- of copper mining going on in- the by an fnend that she has been arrested District tbis summer It is the approval or the Lieutenant stoeri tenses was feign that toe best claims are owned Governor Sir in few by Mining Co which has change will add about about employed The to East Toronto with over Gold ion obtains very largely in the -Li- trict that mines will be Ottawa July developed year J The Inspector of Fishery Mr sovereigns fljmt has received complaints from Word comes from that Northern- settlers who object all three protests in the AlgomaDi the inland Jakes- restocfeed peculiar will be pushed and general bass as they entertain the f flF impression prevails that sup- that bass kill- off the trout Mr J Evans fpofters of the Ross Government will says tbe complaints are en- only four hours notice to returned The groundless Experts at the Block bell stories during tbe recent cam- Fish and Game Commission were pos- to P SUI A I Over Toronto Jobbing House a political reaction is very manifest in the district I A At tot for Ifon bo Loia icltrott lit Current ib4 A A Fire and Tow a op ffpw market consistent paign since been disproved and the trout no harm P lbe S able present the check I Reports from Pacific Coast for the regimental pay at the bank state the seasons- pack on the in The manager told Col The Kingston Whig asks this sig- Columbia Rives thus far amounts to Evans that he no bank notes and question How much mon- about cases Storage plants that he would have to take it in gold tire Michigan Lumbermen pub have put up about tierces of This men received on board ship into the local elections and in favor Chinook Salmon and have packed and brought home with them of the Opposition The Toronto about tons of steel heads the Star comments Perhaps they equivalent of about cases of Oil has been in large paid the hilts of the New York packed product in pound cans The quantities in the Island of Trinidad purifiers These political purl- total catch of salmon in the Columbia Mn under Canadian fiers remind the in North York River to date this year is therefore auspices of the Dodge election in days gone estimated to be the equivalent of ISO- Ottawa July J a by cases local celebrity who stole ahorse I from Reeve Smith of was And now the Hamilton Herald is Tbe London Fro Press referring to today sentenced County in favor of riot only increasing the interchange of Cattle trouble Smith to five years salary of the ion Premier along the and United States in Kingston but of voting a substantial el- frontier lines the NorthWest says Chippewa July Jail here to the leader of the It will be well if the interchange of was burned down last night Geo Considering the fact that the cattle on the borders does not set the Reck the only prisoner after being been among the journals two countries by the ears so little released got away It is believed which has complained of the growing heed is given by dealers to frontier the a who was with expense of tbe Government under Li- lines Last October as lately him before he was arrested set fire rule suggestion is not very ten head of pure bred cattle were to the building Forbes other day For Fdrhes frful one pj No man brought greater gifts to war when was in the ranks himsoif unfailing energies the promptitude of- a born matt at the top of it oil a singularly bright and picaresque pen W fflftH vigor rather than In woe Incapable for instance of reaching anything like style that was at tained by poor But no- man- could or well the throbbing and terrible of battle- field of the kind est of he the defect of bid Indeed there woe a certain of swashbuckler about him especially in when he I remember hearing Mm- night make- at a public dinner which ffka aiaeogeavcry elo quent end vigorous challenge to all those present who from events as they were then I have heard some of when be in the midst of com- palgnlng But this was only outward shell Underneath it all he manly fellow In hia closing years hie but little joy for Archibald Forbes hardship and reck less disregard of his health brought their Nemesis and he was ah inval id subject believe also hours of poignant pain There was some thing very pathetic in this great strong man brought by Illness and pain He used to resent bow- ever any allusion to his state of health- in any public notice of him I was once warned by ah intimate friend of be most careful not even his delicate health in something happened to be writ ing about him From M A P Beans Pees it I Watermelons i RAILWAY TIME TABLE ln purpose and not for sale as I a by authorities of ton state for duty the Canadian hinv against gram ship contending that tWcatUe from points in Ontario pure were intended for i00 The readers will be pleased that one dreaded disease that has a a mat were in meat of an independent Railway Com- mission which would have power to security of regulate matters ftflA rtiirn i I ia e o 5 j5 W a o I 3 ta 3 Co a pending decision by the Customs On interviewed in Ottawa department Mr said from Ottawa re- the as far as can judge there monuments of likely to being placed on the boundary line be along the line of tweeri Regis and Rottaws Point Catarrh being oonstituticmal disease constitutional treatment Catarrh Cure la taken acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of by destroying the foundation of disease and Riving the patient strength by building up the nature in doing its The proprietors have line win independent of the Morgan At the recent gaitttr- Toronto Mr Richard MPp preached as that there no pi of the Conservative is the chief Canadian representative Mr Willis for the State iff New York The old boundary marts that Were placed in position some the of iron columns ace in the ranks avr The new pendce we may conclude I arty for that every native who Is not Jot is bedded in one About concrete so for Whitney and ftVer half mile one of the dorse all saying Ins a toW out of the f Wj party of ethics WVtr lhls ftbfut t politic might have done in the days ao but neither Liberal nor claim the t I think and act for themselves will cept any dictation miles The the money for these election protests being put up by leading Si5 ri and m rt o central is running whole cafijhin and protests are being 171- approve or not for example the lociJCotier- did not fcatikfujd thai the and that a new would not letter ntfatlers But the Toronto ordered a protect fco a protect be Antony who tritributed generously the fund raided to llp Mr Whitby hold of Ontario put up J fckrfj ol whom were Merits Oder Kemp rxV arid Kmfrin fctery other ft each or aad afternoon But iff v Ill be avail Ti have 010 power and tU people will have way o a Although medicine abjfd above be carried on and of tibfoVtuatte ft and The of the jicfc and traded upon in tbe curci promised many piertira- arc tome are to health ft all fcroprittery jewcdl4 regarded people flQ for the bid me announce liart- WALKER ft which will we axe be an of truth of repre sentation concerning Remedy Co Ltd The statistics for beet for J puts Michigan in lead over California over acres Horse thieves stole rig the property White of Pickering but have been located near Kails An excursion party of Tim from Syracuse on the steamer New York not allowed to land at Kingston on While on a tedder Farmer Fred Teeter of was struck on Thursday and his arms and There is Me hope of bis recovery TO TWO laxative the ft Groves on every box Price cento There Is a demand for the Ottawa valley and are nearly twice usual rate rang ing from a week for to for included The oars on Canadian Pacific train on tin way Into on Fri day jumped the track and a number of were hurt Herbert old son George- who nurTcred from lockjaw from rusty nail on Friday night One hundred arrests were made in France arising out of the closing of religious scWls Children for CASTORS A leer GvBm put up in 1 pint and 2 pint AND FORGIVE the b He implored them to forget and forgive and to work under the flag the free and glorious lack These are not Kitcheners words nor nor the words of any to his nwn Hicy are the words of newmade General chalk Burger former VicePresident of the to some of his in one of callus- Much as there bus been to admire throughout the in the courage and the self- of the they deserve our admiration in the with which so far as from cabled statements of their leaders they are disposed to assist in the rehabiliialion of their stricken country It is paradox perhaps one who a ago was vehemently urging that his would never live under the British should now describe tlmt flag glorious Jack and look forward peaceful prosperity Under its egls too we are told remarked thai the day he treaty wait the bap of his life since he lertscbuolV The change in sentiment Is Wa not concern ourselves the psychological process by which it was accomplished It In or us that we these of the empire symputh- cordial Strang to use the word in such- a connection loyal We share la Burgers for of country and In of the Union Jack Toronto A biography of Marshal has been published In Paris Not least interesting purl of work Is that which refers the ex traordinary popular that stale visit of lute Queen Victoria to French fupital sovereign with tier consort and heir went to the to upon thi tomb the was dne which to have greatly thy marshal who thus it was profoundly ftd a was spoken person stood giving at was lost AJIktI was In front of me In the rail uniform of a field marsh at- his side stood the Queen and hen the Pi lore of Wales dressed his his Velvet coat Ills purse of and the kilt at the right Was Princess who foal urea standing middle recalled so vividly the tares of her After a mommts jiaUH of of ahsotuto the with an expression on her of and to the Prince of snd her his In Milder said Go down on your the tomb of the Napoleon a fine of keen political tart as well as of human feeling on part of the Queen Ameer Ardur left behind him are told copious from directed his successor to arid publish portions which bore upon his private and dometle Ufa omitting It Is to appear under of the KniyilojJrtBa of World Is no to bad for an Informal do mestic record even of an oriental po tentate Madras Mutt i of Town 6rocer ifh I Grpoety orders called for and delivered Is in a position to take con tracts for all branches of Macon Work at Short and natiefaction guaranteed QTTJMQ GRANOLITHIC AND CONCRETE SIDEWALKS ROOFS FOR Intending builders will do well to consult A HUNTER St Box Newmarket Having new building Ave Newmarket End I am fitting it up with machinery to do all kinds Repairs to Iron Wort Will ready for week Prompt attention and faction guaranteed A THOMPSON Practical Machinist Sods Co of Kpwmtbut Have with and in fu ture will be known the I United Factories Limited AH accounts to Dec are due and payable by THE CANE SONS CO Any person having such will kindly them la at once as the Company Is closing IU books and will appjy a return charter Two Two Whites Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED J ALSO Dick monepch op And belt choice of Full for four time A THOMPSON CALL AND INSPECT OUR NEW STOCK OF GROCERIES FRESH AND GLEAN Following are a few tinea luce lbs for 3c packagd Celluloid Starch package St Lawrence 8c la Otter Brand Salmon a tins Fresh Brand Salmon 2 tins for Pure Lard 18o lb Evaporated Peaches lb Aprioots la Try- our Victor Japan Tea Bulk Teas in Green and Black to lb to So lb Honey Quakers and IK Try IK A CALL SOLICITED w DAVISONS OLD STAND WAIN ST