Newmarket Era, 15 Aug 1902, p. 5

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hud ioi NEWM ARfCEf BRANCH A TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS a yz At tour sintins Aittrtcii3Dfiiu boufhtani Collection CO BOSS i lento Vatr Goods j I s IS ABOUT 1 Canes Factory Was closed last Sat urday in honor works in the afternoon as well other I J- r For The Fruit i Operates Btiptiotkfb2Ct notice must be given inspector to the pacta owners is and the tor who exceeds bis authority is sub ject to penalty After toe Parliament Canada ftxwi w ImViSSa summed- up as follows passed the Marks Act I jqifflkmla JfOWARD CANAAN fioideb- toy oarafc sake lead me and guide me Wumll0iif3 Aug Various incidents the journey of toe Israelites from Sinai to Pales- tine are recorded in CIKe WeraATket Pointer nod Ctoeh Street fl Bills Architect and St Toronto has rnado for all todi J a of it Ha Office ode PriTat Pi pert issued If business places and flags were fly- ll parts of Tora lot to meet I and Suteroomyl the true evening of Variety of S made band was considerate to the evident The verse of our to appropriate wot of tb Depar ts fe son gives for the beginning and greatly appreciated of spect was and educa- 6 ft t tbe Journey and it was then- we may patriotic airs playing on Main St year son J possess SUpP- that Moses invited to South a thereon J f sale or accompany in offering a ten dollar passed and today the Act in all the and to the of the band and provisions is as plain a pike- T thp once refuting any staff and of Jack of generous treatment on be- pie that be who- tuns may half of citizens towards the hand J No farmer or fruit grower or packer At inclusion of tbe program is bonestm the PRACTICAL Mr Harry furnished for musicians Mr Brimsons Bagstaff dis played a brilliant array of Dominion is honest in straightforward in clasee- The Propery fear any its is being enforced and the inspectors and marked The Act does not provide for execute its requirements r of particular lots and other British Colonial bunting have been instructed to do their S t on his handson are of on Coronation Day bis handsome royal standard flying at the top-mast- f i jip Poop This boasts three excellent steel bridges constructed at an They Parliament has definitely its judgment upon the false and fraudulent packing and marking of consignments and these men hare been selected- to carry out the regulations placed on the pease of several good dol- f tasptayers I book the pro- money The reason that these expensive structures were erected was in the hope that it would be many genera tions before they would have to be replaced It is now ten years or more since the last of these bridges was added to our municipal assets and all these intervening years it is J LICENSES h LATEST Monuments and Head Stones Before tecting honest traders Unprinci pled dealers and of preserving in violate the fair commercial fame of from- the unscrupulous pack ers in other words the Act will ensure to public of the Dominion to Commission Agents to generally in Great Britain and elsewhere that the fruit is correctly marked and packed- doubtful if one brush of paint has been given to any pact of these met- j structures As a result of this neglect almost every square inch of their- entire surface shows the disas trous oxidation of water and a forming rust large scales of which an I tU in diameter are dropping the M superstructure P where initial of his Chris- thrifty wouid have a new rather than in j to have with the name of the variety or arKl l varieties and if with a designation erf the grade niled that they may a very small the first quality No or rf ones by the for fruit of the second quality No or and for fruit live third The principle sections of the Act arc Section very person who by himself or through the agency other person packs fruit in a closed package intended for sale shall it is IS er or seller merchants who af ter notice handle fruit put up con trary the provisions of the Act be proceed against There is grades marked No XX No or X Already tAe beneficial effect of this At is being felt and when it is ful ly known that dishonesty pacing and describing Canadian fruit- does not exist an enormous- impetus bo given to industry in all the markets of the work pres ent inquiries are being made concern ing the transAtlantic shipment early Canadian apples The Depart ment of Agriculture will not any responsibility but though the Commissioner of and of Dairying will assist in securing cool or cold storage spice on ocean steam ers if early be given as to the probable quality the date of shipment and destination It will pay to send only selected buggy or even a second hand lawn- mower so many years exposed to the expect to gel much fu ture good from same A railway company as a rule en deavors to give the iron wort on all their bridges a thorough coat paint once in three From the condition that our bridges are in in such a of fruit shall include one of the following six marks for fruit at present we doubt if single coat quality No 3 or but the of paint would be of much permanent mark may by and deem ft wise that tail dealers into whose hands they go from the wholesale centres a designation of grade provided a Panic The cholera epidemic Kgypt is No more significant sign imagined to indicate that Israel was a Goddirected nation Their obedi ence was also implicit Sucti an object lesson suited well the kindergarten age the race- To day there are principles of personal and national life and conduct which are as well dened as the pillar cloud and fire He who obeys these obeys God The gains of that national school year Sinai were great But God Is the tor of nations Methods nicy but there is a continuity in the divine teaching- Moses teaches us the fine art of soul winning- Kis is the spirit and method of approach lan guage in which Hoses couched Vitation has been used thousands of times since Come thou with us and we will do thee good for the Lord hath spoken good concerning Israel The incident of is one of the personal strokes and interludes which giro a charm to this By every providence of our lives God seeks to keep us from undue at tachments of this world so that we may he ready for the Heavenly Ca naan To serve is the highest privi lege and special blessings are promised to those who follow his lead The Bible stands pillar of fire and cloud an evident and infallible guide and the Holy Spirit counsels cheers and directs lis ot local puWic works department not inconsistent men Killed and forty set about ascertaining at what wUh in a railway wreck at Rhodes is the best sort paint with which t A FAMILY SHORTS CHOP OAT MEALS GRAIN A COOK cor Huron Connection a package and inteffdod for sale such package is marked as by the next preceding section Section No person sell or High The results the examinations for Part Junior leaving and Com mercial Diploma have been forwarded offer expose or have in his to Principals of the High Schools for ale any fruit packed in a closed As our scftool has achieved a great success per of candidates who wrote on this examination have been successful those who failed three are likely to get on appeal as one is only four marks behind the required total another five and a third seven If these sucoeed as is probable the class will have almost a clean sweep of the successful are as follows PART I LEAVING Jessie sakl package While Henry of Lindsay was shall sell or handling filacser Bullet it expired his possession and blew oft part of his linger closed 1 Astronomers at the University California announce discovery of pairs of double stars never be fore catalogued Klva Chapman John Doyle VJola Eves Gordon Kenvon Morton Gertie Muir J as Isabel Howard Rogers A I fee IKJW SEE One something may arid yojf will be call- around with an old photo of you ilvidU be wiling to pay any price a copy It Save them made by J SMITH Grace Morgan Gordon Isabel who may their by applying to Principal package upon which is any designation which represents such fruit as of No or XXX finest best or extra good quality such fruit consist of wellgrown speci mens of one variety sound of nearly uniform ol color for variety of normal shape and not less than ninety per cent free scabs worrnlKilcs bruise and other defecUi properly packed Section No person shall sell or offer expose or have in his poHSession for sale any fruit packed in any pack age in which faced or sitown fa a false representation of the of such package and it shaH be considered a false tion more than fifteen per of fruit is in or inferior in grade to or diflercnt in variety from the or shown surface of package Explanations of its application may be taken thus On mar or packed to the provisions of Act may alter Corner of cd Street Main Grocery and KtafLV tti for Pali ln tt4 log ftg i5q y- draws I Him per can aee J sehvol will reopen the packer by liter or tele Sept at am Candidates who gram place words are alitt to enter should consult the Jed or falsely marked a fine of Principal purchasing ll may for illegally re- fH Course which was moving the organized in our a year ago will be notice that only closed Will continued Trie course Is a packages need be marked A closed very popular one has been is defined to be or bar bed with very great tohtenls of which cannot 1 writing all business or inspected when closed suhject are carefully taught and a or berry boxes Diploma from a veneer covers are not School a surer closed paeliages and therefore of a sound scholarship marking a certificate from a rf rf all wild fruit are nob subject College any one would like- to c provisions of the Act learn Iorthand al Merchants arr responsiUe for come and fcjufpment the fruit niter for sale or l possessiirjn for sale the Coombs 1j glad to if will in hear from any pupils who wish to take Form or Senior The penalty for a violation of work w1 reference to packing and The public arc again reminded that ft Jess than Annual errant cents and not more ode dollar in connection wol will paage for ah Inhpee- held about Oct An forty for has been appointed an to to arrangements for it and a equally lAtween grxd program la assured informant and toe I Pttto large powers to a Cold day lender the Act to enter lor Take Laxative Tab- Jhe of making an All refund toe money J of returned ard after pourlnp Mrs of Ottawa aged years died oh Monday from the effects of burns received by a lamp explosion on Friday The run of salmon in the on Tuesday was almost unpre cedented many fislterrnen taking big catches One boat got Fire did damage at Point Stephen near Winnipeg Monday eve desroying a and machine and a coup- of livery stables The sharper who gave a woman a SI bill raised to Hi played the same game Thursday on A grocer destroyed the summer res J at Lake near Halls of Mr John Kirkpatrick of Pittsburg The inmates barely es caped choir which sang at the the King Westminster Abbey last Saturday Tuesday from Liverpool to make a tour of the United and Canada flit Sons of Grand is at Winnipeg this Court the Foresters for Western Ontario is meeting at Windsor and the Oddfellows Grand Encampment is at Toronto this week Wet end will be entertained by the Colonial Omcc and Lord Kltoliener at naval review next Saturday at and will the manoeuvred from deck a special steamer The reports of big crops in Manitoba the interested over labor as they are doubtful whether enough men can he induced to go west and it may be- necessary to pay fares of Easterners to father In bar- J Noble a on the Can adian Northern train from the expired suddnnly While en route to Winnipeg Noble told a on the same train Ire was 111 as a result of the excessive use of cig arettes and was on way to at Winnipeg to be treated Jacob aged of Dayton Ohio revived from being knocked on the lfid by three masked he Mb shotgun and fired but thieves London Aug A fatal ac cident occurred to a resident of thia city while riding a bicycle this morn ing Mr J ievein who only came to this city last week was rid ing up Richmond St when he failed to observe a street car was bear trig down on him and struck him with great force He was hit on the head and concussion of the brain resulted Mr level in was removed to Victoria Hospital where he died this evening without regaining con sciousness AND JeweU candy man that Is the order a womans preferences Jewels form a magnet of mighty pow er to the average woman the greatest of health Is ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save money to purchase them If a woman will her health to get a coveted gem then let tree fortify herself against the consequences of coughs colds and bronchial by the regular use of Dr German Syrup It will- promptly arrest consumption in its early stages and heal the lung3 and bronchial the dread from the system It is not a cureall but it a cer tain cure for coughs colds and all bronchial affections You tan get this remedy at Pharmacy Arthurs grocery store at Port Arthur was damaged by fire son of Iff Squires manager a mill at Gladstone Man was in a grain bin in which was playing He got- too near centre and was drawn in with the wheat f John while at work in Montreal Gazette Job had the lower portion his left arm tuft completely and the upper portion of toe arm lacerated by caught in a color printing press It to cure Groves signature fa on box for the wrnt purpose packer nil feet set ftrc to He however Is airily profited by a critical condition t Children for CASTOR I A a 1 THE he Latest AND SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LIMBS US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN GO TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE CLEAR press Muslins yard Blouses each Embroideries inches wide yd Wrappers each AT- TORONTO JO CALL AND INSPECT OUR NEW STOCK OF GROCERIES EVERY THING FRESH AND CLEAN Following are a few lines Rice Iks lor 25c Royal Yeast package Starch 10c package St Lawrence Cornstarch Shredded lb Otter Brand Salmon 3 tins Lettuce Brand Salmon tins for Pure Lard lb Evaporated Peaches It Apricots IK Try our Victor Japan Tea Hulk Teas In Green and Black to lb Fresh Confectionery to ft Honey and lb Try our Maple Cream A CALL SOLICITED E- LYON DAVISONS OLD STAND MAIN ST Buggy Sale Mtkado style In good running order Cost cash Will be sold a bargain Enquire at the Era office bo law r 1 oy MtnUfls It Hew York lotrioa p The Cane Sons Co of Have amalgamated with and In fu ture will be known as the United Factories AH accounts previous to Bee re due and payable by CANE CO Any person having such will kindly send them in at once Ha the Company la closing pooka and will shortly apply for a return of Its charter a

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