Newmarket Era, 5 Sep 1902, p. 7

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THE CHINA HALL August Boot Shoe Bargains Clearing Sale Our Summer are fast at oar cut raw sale Do you want a pair of Fine Oxfords For 75 Cents worth more we have in Childrens Slip pers are good and you can have them very cheap- This is your chance for WHAT A Grocery Department For Campers A A can of Ham Chick- Tongue makes a meal for three persona Fruit Jars all Sizes Close Prices Large Stock Rings for Jars for Specialty played the return Aurora act vfeze score to in favor o Aurora Shetland Floss The beet for making shawls at Humes Council met on Preheat Mayor Cane Councillors Robertson Lloyd Smith Hughes Following hills passed care coal Customs coal freight on coal Bros supplies WW lhsnaa supplies Freight Cartage supplies for P 5c Jos Brickbats Express on Minutes livery to i Royal Templars There were initiations again Gray cutting weeds at fee Council on evening and- several more propositions for new members- J I Gospel Temper apse There was not a very large attend ance at the last Sunday af ternoon tie address of Mr was listened to great atten tion He has been for the C that they have rea son to be proud of- It is almo now what a short has Harvest apples are a big crop It pretty quiet in Newmarket on Labor Day Mr Root Little has every thing ready to brick clad his hut is waiting on the masons Mr putting a cement cellar in the house just Carpenters are getting the roof on Mr Tenchs new bouse The Metropolitan track is laid to blacksmith shop Supper Mi Milton Lepard who has served his apprenticeship drug store left on to attend College Pharmacy WW to Murphy lot work at dHaliam work at work on line Councillor arrived took his The following- bills were referred to the Packard Electric Light Co for and 519 for supplies United Fac tories 5410 J A WAllan Co The application of I to rent a meter for ia his house was referred to the Finance Com On the discussion of the last item theifayor mote trans former capacity is required on Mai St TheEiectrician reports that the present capacity is 20000 watts and are required to meet present demands The requisition of the Public School Board asking levy of was referred to the Finance Com The petition of J and asking sidewalk on Timothy St Bast to he removed to the north side of the street was referred to the Com A Committee consisting of- the Mayor Rohertson and Smith was ap pointed to consider the advisability of appointing a permanent Police Magistrate for the Town of Newmar ket Bitter Paper Toronto hoping to his course called the of the exams next Council to the necessity Lepard has only won the Main St- at once He was The cattle market continues to prove over last year The total re ceipts this of about hogs and as with last year The tenders for supplying the civic fuel for the current year were higher than fast year by one dollar a ton for coal and a dollar a cord for wood Labor Day this city was duly celebrated by a big demonstration The various Trade Unions were represented in the- procession The fund inaugurated by the of Trade for the permanent relief of city firemen has reached the amount desired viz nearly more than at contemplated ana he managed by a committee The prohibition campaign is now well under way and Secretary is than busy circulating tem perance literature The Foresters Temple was illumin ated on Tuesday night with Mrs Annie -DoyJs- Sheridan Ave was severely burned by the explosion of a can of coal oil with which she was trying to light a fire last Sun day morning Alex fell from a Parliament street car on Saturday evening He struck on the back of his head and was seriously injured is now at the Hospital A flash in the motor of a street car on Sunday morning threw the A J out of the car upon the road He received a ere scalp wound and other injur ies ExMayor A is lying very ill at his home in St No hopes of recovery are now enter tained A little boy named Harvey whose home is in Ave from a tree in Reservoir Park on Saturday and fractured his thigh He may be lame for life Fox been quite ill the but we are pleased to hear she is recovering Messrs Mel Frank Davis left on Saturday for Manitoba is visiting her daughter Mis Lfexe Uoyd of place Mrs E of Newmarket is spending a week with her lira Will Robert Mr Frank leased Mrs JJ Spinks farm for a term of year- Mr has leased Mr Chappela farm Miss of Richmond Hill la spending her holidays with her cousin Burling Gee Mr Amos and Mr Tom slip of Toronto attended thfcir aunts Mrs on Friday a gloom spread over the set tlement on Wednesday last when was circulated that Mrs had to the dire effects of a stroke which occurred on the Wednesday previous The funeral took on Friday morning when Elder Pressor of pastor of the Christian Church here conducted the obsequies at the house at the cemetery A very concourse of relatives and followed tho remains to their Inst resting place Mr Samuel of Michigan Mr Jos of Toronto and Mr of sons of the deceased were present Mrs Tattoo was the mother of seven boys five of whom survive her wjt i3 or Mayor has from to the necessity of weeks tour in New Main St- at once He was He speaks of the possibilities of that part of Ontario Pure Ream No Parchment Ream Half a dozen steamboat men were fined in Police Court last week selling liquor without a license Were heavy ones each- in five cases and and costs in another NORTH The rush of the Dont put off any long er Prices likely to be higher as quantity decreases We think by the reports we have had that next week will be the right time to buy Plums Lombards and all Free Stone Plums will be more plentiful Wait till after Exhibition for Cheap Peaches Choice Large Bright Bananas and 15 cts dozen Sweet Potatoes lbs for Tomatoes Friday and Saturday basket We keep the Best Quality of Spices or Whole Pure Cider Vinegar 30c gal White Wine Vinegar gat Pickling Onions 10c quart Water White American Oil gal Special Prices in gal lots The Grocer Grocery orders called lor and delivered promptly SUGARS No change in price yet but you know this the season it may go up better have a barrel of the SPICES When you want them get the beat they coat only a little more and certainly are more wholesome China Glassware We lead in this line our attraction Would you like a Dinner Bet of for Come and see one The Leading Reliable A SMITH esteem of the public by j favor of granolithic walk on both manner lias been a general fat sides of the block Timothy to at both lacrosse and St The poles want to be matches The boys therefor from the ditches and placed for selling liquor to show their appreciation and poles not The fines imposed ability and by tendering should be removed A a supper at should also be passed prohibiting one evening last week a standing on the street nlimentary address was presented than a few minutes at a by a Rain Coat as a time mark of appreciation Mr The treasurer was instructed to has good wishes of friends the Metropolitan Co for future success and be has fust the being the price disposition to make friends wherever wetal on Mam Street which was upon The clerk was instructed to Wr tenders for Constructing bo- in Ontario and since Beautiful Silk Fascinators and lineal feet of gran- has almost led me to And Shawls Black and Cream at walk on Main St believe that the Era is generally H I The clerk was instructed to write the figures a Co regarding about right and while is Davis removal of Weir poles district ft is no doubt The Highlands of Ontario for the Era in your last I saw an item altitudes at people in North York will be Replying to enquiry regarding sup- general altitude but the north- ply- of water to the T thVjjest corner SSvSL was higher ed under daily contract of ft- abpve sea of district is con- is V height Of day airrn of this per day land at which the streams start in Ll0 Fiance Corn all directions is just a little to the SnIf to on the northeast Of us near the boundary to Mr iSStS dances- between Parry Sound the adjourwd at oclock to fa and a little north- of w meet Main St at Thursday Here say is the Tired eyes cause sick ness tire folk they are not well to most such case there to Neglected sure to I Hive your Know their condition from I an expert Consultation I L GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co Store OUR your or at a price at tbt Office us or Ho and you will us iX Ice Jim- Crown pretty little villa in the Township of Metcalfe Middlesex County and Mr is the postmaster there and exreeve of the township The wed ding ceremony was performed by the Rev Bell of Napier Mies Edith of King acted as bridesmaid and Mr Howard Cane of assisted the groom The bride wore white silk trimmed with silk applique and pearl trimming and carried a bouquet of white roses The bridesmaid wore silk and carried pink roses The wedding arch was becomingly decorated with large and tiny candles distributee among- the foliage and with the room otherwise effect was beautiful After the wedding ceremony were fiOrved by Cater Andrews of the bridal party befog seat ed at one large table while the guests occupied small tables conven iently arranged around the honor taAJe Suitable toasts were pro- afternoon KINQ CITY On Tuesday night Sept 2nd at a public meeting in the Library the Mechanics Institute Library was and the following board of of directors appointed 5ilmfcr Da vis president Precious V A Hall Rev Lemon Rev Robinson Isaac A J M and Alex Gray The library was closed from now till ttie first of next month to facilitate it put in a practical running Miss Eva Kightley has returned home from a three months stay In arid Mr Vm a hasty trip to the North-west- We are pleased to congratulate Mr Aubrey Davis and Miss Etta of on their marriage which took place at the residence of the brides by Rev Mr Brown and replied And to by the groom Hon Mr Davis and afternoon Sept Mr of The MSH acted as bridesmaid couple left on the evening Cane of Newmarket train to Detroit with the usual shower of rtce shoes aivl the of many friers many of whom at Wie wed ding gathered at the station bid them boo voyage Mrs Davis vtxy widely known as best maap tin newly married couple left on the train for quite an extended trip Civic holiday Aug was a grand notwithstanding it was the first one we have had in point to which the great tide tourists seems to be tending I am pleased to be able to state that with its wa ter stretches varied and beautiful scenery is receiving the praise of visitors from far and The is doing much to bring us to front Fine and sum mer hotels are springing up in all directions There hits been a com pany formed for better develop ment of steamboat accommoda tion which is now quite good as the will show One of our guests Miss Eva Hughes of To ronto wishing l see all she could during her stay of some three weeks travelled over six hundred miles by boat in various directions returning to at her pleasure and on leaving for Toronto stated that this Was tho best place for outing she had yet found Now Mr Editor any of your readers wishes to visit this height of land am sure they will never re gret it While reading Hanker in the last thought how beauti fully nature could be drawn on in this locality Yours truly J JOHNSON Mr William Pollock and daughter returned to their home in Michigan a week ago last Monday Mrs and two children of Toronto who have been visiting for two weeks at Mr Joseph Pollock returned to the city last Monday Mm Hodge and two daughters who have been camping during the past summer on the shore of Cooks Bay near Jersey returned their home in Newmarket last Monday Dr Tyrrell and two boys of To ronto came up to the lake a week ago yesterday to spend a vacation in camp on the of the bay fishing and luck shooting Dr Tyrrell is a brother of the noted surveyor who tome time ago in the employ of the government explored some mile of wild regions along the shores of Hudson Bay hitherto unexplored He is a cousin of Mr Terry of North Mr Fred Young who left these parts eighteen years ago for tho States is home for a few weeks visiting his father and mother and friends Fred a type of the young Canadian full of- courage and hardihood Ho left home when a hoy to make his way among strangera in a strange land Ho hired in a lumber camp in Michi gan for several years and they loft for California Fred went with them and has continued with them ever since We may have something more to say about him later and the company to which ho belongs Mr Albert Peters and his wife from New York in government employ then on a visit to his brother Mr Thomas Peters of this township He hurt a of paralysis late ly which has affected auto of Another brother is in lb citys employ Court House and still another brother Henry Peters Insurance agent resides at Oxbridge Mr of Hamilton and his daughter Miss Nettie the guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Terry day this week OLD DRUG STORE 7 SCOTTS PHARMACY wishes to thank the public for their liberal patronage in the past and to a continu ance of their confidence in the future at their NEW STAND op posite Hardware Store THE OLD PLAN of handling None But the Best Quality in Drugs will be continued and all Patent Medicines and Sundries will be sold at REDUCED PRICES Hear Market Corner West Side ot Street Remember the Stand Telephone Ho Apprentice Wanted THE OF CANADA AUTHORIZED CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL Mr liver the M which W J very well patronize The very one noon till dark when a concert wan was a mtorst et in pur Davis will W Better he alone than had com pany A great deal of talent la lost In the world lor want of to- little cour age Sydney HEAD OFFICE TORONTO NEWMARKET Toronto Clinton BRANCHES MOUNT ALBERT UNION VILLE Ottawa Montreal SUTTON Que Perth Catharines Exeter Ft tfoubt some people faecm to have a aa to What became of it all On Wednesday afternoon Iu the Ice lor will ior per roonth tud their return the coast the of present from a dis tance were ar Mrc J MetfJOdUt church a very pretty took place when Miss Butt the Mr and Mm Butt was married to Mr of Renfrew Hon aod family have vU Mr Mr Palmer Davis and the of Mr A Toronto ONell of Dr Ft Mr Mr Braver Mr home at Bell and Napier family left on be J he party vm at the Mr the lawn by Mr Cane- Davis at OAK The post and general store at by ftrc 2 Thursday morning Tho building was occupied by Samuel Mc- and his wife and and occupants dlfrlculty In getting out the burning premises The was Boyle and was partially ioyered by Insurance and the stock also protected All mall matter the oAoe was destroy- and the Metropolitan cars were detained by the blaze severing the railways high tension wires It Is reported that lives were lost by the eruption of Mont Saturday wight Nearly cases of cholera are la the Philippines with 20- deaths of Greenwood and Cyril Graham of Victoria Road boys were C H LLOYD NEWMARKET BRANCH J- STARK BBANOH Deafness Cannot be Cured by local as tbey reach the portion of the ear There is only one way bo cure deaf ness and that in by constitutional remedies Deafness is canoed by an condition of tho mucous lin ing of the Eustachian Abo When this tube get inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it entirely closed deaf ness is the result and unless the in flammation be out arid this tube restored to its normal con dition hearing wilt be destroyed for ever cine cases out of ten are caus ed by which Is but an of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case Deafness by catarrh that be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure for cir culars free F J CO O Hold by all druggiata Hairs Family Pills the best British American Business College A Building Yonge Street Toronto VicePrincipal J Chartered Accountant Principal DAVID Chartered Accountant The College In Toronto with of Chartered Our Teachware to be In Canada AN EQUIPMENT OF VALUED AT OVER AN INDICATION OF COMPLETENESS OF SHORTHAND-TYPE- WRITING DEPARTMENT may time tot free catalogue ami In Six Hundred Positions Offered Our Students Last Year

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