Newmarket Era, 5 Sep 1902, p. 8

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MEMWMAffiMilJ J IbsCff tlzatosauinpoa ink utterly discredited by modern germs of con- must received from These germ are every where They are constantly being received and cist out by the healthy system Hie to weak lungs strong It cures obstinate dece rn this sect ion Is- that belonging to Mr Benjamin Williams of King Mr Williams had SO acres of wheat from he atsa bushels He sold to Mi at- per realizing I The Council of this town have into contract with the Grand to supply that com pany with water station hero Last Friday was a notable day in lor their tor a period of me the history of this thriving village years at per annum the the last spike- Of the to erect a tank at thi station berg and Aurora Railway was driven and and maintain ail necessary by Mrs Shson one of the oldest connections with the waterworks residents of the place amidst mains in the town The company people erected a 45000 gallon feankaad present The school had a half are completing the connections with day and interested ones for miles tte mains The wort has cost the around came to the village The company about The con- is the narrow chested whose in heritance is who fall a prey to consump tion because they are too weak of lung to resist and- throw off disease rejoicing About Doctor Gotten Medical weak em and other conditions which or un skilfully treated find b fatal ter mination in con sumption To the spring of wy with of the lungs and short of breath and had write Mr of Tear Dr Fierce Golden The few bottle to do toe bat little good Thought I boos be a of that dreaded disease of which of my fztaity died- Had given up r my radtd to yocr a fair trial I commenced It use and in a short time was feeling better its use I had taken sixteen weigh now wlan commccctd J only weighed to poo If any erne this statement I will eased to acawtr any Inquiry Accept no substitute for Golden Discovery Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cleanse the clogged system from impurities first train to arrive of tract goes into force at on sn engine and seven flat cars War- Sunday when the company commence Norman of to tate water speeches Everybody was invited to get on board and were given a free ride to St and back It is hoped passenger tars will be running at once reducing the time of travel to Toronto from hours to hours and be Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO SEPARATORS And belt Your choice of Full Rig for 40000 On four years time Cheap at 60tl fl THOMPSON KING CITY Jenkins or Manitoba and- Miss of are the guests of Mr A Jackson Mich and Mrs Percy Campbell of Milwau kee were the of Miss Eliza on The Mr and Mrs A Car- ley was the seen of a most enjoy able birthday party on Thursday evening in honor their daughter Music and games of all kinds was indulged in until a hour An excellent lunch wax also provide The fortunate win ners the in the games were Miss Ella Mr J After wishing Miss Alma many hap py returns of toe the guests numbering about thirty departed for home having spent a very pleasant evening NOW 18 TIME To Meyers Poultry Spice If you want Eggs In the early winter For Sale at STOKE House BO YEARS EXPERIENCE TftADt MARKS Dcjare Ac a Letter l tor flmerican tt HHff I The Era M TBI Ideal Weekly I It of to city w with a load of returned with in While Ashing at pond early Friday in company his brother TV BFrank- Toronto and a Mr iiutinew was upsel the water by the boat striking a stump nlr was standing in the bow and the force of the con tact threw ii some from the boat fie is unable and before his companions could reach him he had risen and sank a couple of times He went in about ten feet of water and halfuncon scious state bad frantically a sunken log to which was ding ing when his brother dove to rescue The latter had diffi culty in loosening the drowning and raising him to the surface fie was placed arid- taken to tie ft was several hours before recover ed fully from bis hath Mrs daughter returned home Wednesday from a two weeds vacation at Newmarket and other points north Mr of Dixon ill sold a earn draught hordes for over Little Teddy son J If savagely at tacked by a vicious dog at the home of Mr Con on Sunday and came near putting an end to younx life A quiet wedding took place on ajternon Laura only of Mr and Mrs Geo was- united in marriage to Mr J of by the pastor of St James ttrian church The appointed at the public meeting to further un ion recently Md at Melville Pres byterian met in the school the Methodist ehufchj on aftenKon There were pres ent W fie J Wilson Dull Toronto Rev and Messrs titoufler and re- Hit churches Mr elected chairman of committee and Secre tary The principal business of the the drafting a suitable constitution was rfonu and adopted A public convent Ik to be called Tor Friday 8pt to be held in the Melville church at representative clergymen from the three denonilnu- llon will speak AURORA Mr and Mrs Geo and Mr and Mrs jr were here visiting friends Friday and Mr an car- Mr and Mrs of celebrated their on Wednesday Aug AH their children were present except their youngest son who is in Mani toba- The guests were Mr and Mrs Rev J J and Mrs Mr and A and family Mrs J and family and Mr and Mrs Rose of Newmarket Mr of Misses Mrs and family and Mr and Mrs Ceo and family of Richmond Hill Alter partaking of a sumptuous repast from tables which were arranged on the lawn addresses were delivered by Mr H and Rev J J which were followed by sev eral presentations among them a gift of gold from the children containing a dollar for every year of their married life Also a gold shell from Mrs a gold cream ladle from Mr Fred gold coin from all the other guests also a gold coin from friends at Windsor and Detroit and gilt de corated and saucers from and Mrs of Strange Af ter a social afternoon of conversa tion music and games the re paired to the Raffles where supper was served and enjoyed by all The party broke up about oclock feel ing satisfied that a good day had been spent m a ft Hi Heart Modern science reveals wonders which Would have been regarded as impossible a few years ago The Roentgen Xray in particular is con stantly showing new marvels An astounding made a short time ago before a surgical congress at Berlin by Professor Trendelenburg of a famous surgeon He told of a young man who had attempted suicide by shooting himself The bulled lodged within the cavity of- the right chamber of the heart yet strange to say the wound quickly healed Under rays the bullet was seen to move backwards and forwards keeping in time to the mans heartbeats ft is said that there are nineteen in which per sons have survived bullet wounds in their hearts and there are even more where stab wounds of the heart have been healed But this is only case so far as is known where heart action has continued after a bullet has become imbedded In the organ The case strongly shows the value of the Xrays as an aid in surgery Aug Port- was caught by the belt a thresher and had his arm twisted off three inches from the shoulder An explosion occurred at Cher bourg on the French submar ine boat men were injured verjaelB were driven ashore In a gale at Port South Africa I is teen a great loss of life D and S7 North Jd VV tit ti Hi the town It Ik ft years since here Mr Young Plants Every farmer knows that- some plants grow better than others Soil may be the same and seed may seem the pame but some plants are weak and others strong And the way with children are like young plants Same food same home same care but some grow big and strong while others stay small and weak Scotts Emulsion offers an easy way out of the difficulty Child weakness often means starvation not because of lack of food the food does not feed Emulsion really feeds and gives the child growing strength Whatever the cause of weak ness and failure to grow seems to find tula t LIST OF DONORS John George Ed Forsyth Hotel Newmarket Sir Davis King- fc distillers Toronto T lilt w35 1500 10 j Baton Co Toronto J McDonald County Treasurer Toronto Eli Rogers Goal Co Limited Toronto v 10 Toronto Brewers Association Toronto i0 A Mayor Toronto Flanagan Hotel Newmarket 10 John Central Hotel Newmarket Evans Royal Hotel 10 CBorsh New Hub Hotel CorVonge Alice General Merchant Newmarket Hunter Bros General Merchants Newmarket Ontario Bank G Ross Luke Doyle Eagle Hotel 5 Danford Roche Co Newmarket Lloyd Newmarket The Sovereign Bank Canada Lloyd Newmarket oOO A Greer Carriage Manufacturer London Irwin Clerk of the Peace Toronto 00 J Sheriff Toronto Reid Co Wellington West Toronto McDonald Co Wholesale Dry Goods Toronto 00 Thornas English Chop House KiD Wst Toronto Geo J Wholesale Lienors Toronto P Co wholesale Toronto by So Co Limited Toronto 5 Co Wholesale Hardware Toronto Conger Coal Co Toionto r 5 Rice Lewis Sons i Co Hardware Toronto United Factories Limited Toronto- Canada Paper Co 15 Front St Toronto 5 Northrop Lyman Co wholesale druggists Toronto Plat Livery Toronto Alex Undertaker Toronto Geo- Leslie New St- Toronto Christie Brown Co wholesale Toronto 00 Lemon Clyde Hotel St Toronto j David Auctioneer King Kay Sons Furniture Carpets King St Toronto 5 00 A Graham Iroquois Hotel Cor King York Toronto 5 Brock Co Limited Toro Walter Smith Grands Repository Toronto T Herbert Lennox Barrister Aur J Palmer Palmer House Chase Sanborn Wholesale Coffee Dealers Montreal 5 John Newmarket Bradley Druggists A Hardware 00 Frank Stewart Grocer 3 A Smith Grocer Newmarket 3 Toronto Jobbing House Newmarket House Toron J House Sanderson Co Taints c Toronto Dr Richardson Newmarket 00 J Robertson Barrister Norman Warden York Count Hugh Sullivan Coronation House King St East Toronto George Keith Seed Merchant King St East Toronto Thomas Oak Ridges 00 A Crow in High Class Horses Toronto John A County Clerk John Elliott Hotel J Dukes Hotel St Toronto 2 T County Constant Toronto Purse Bros Headquarters Hotel Toronto J Gibson Toronto J Stokes County Councillor King A Newmarket LOAN SAVINGS COMPANY TORONTO and Victoria HON GEO A sr i Paidup Capital Fund Interest allowed on Deposits Repayable on Demand Interest allowed on Debentures Repayable on 60 days notice WRITE FOR COPY OF ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER INFORMATION WOOD Managing Director W him gat A Hill Baker Confectioner Newmarket L County Councillor Aurora Geo Powell County Councillor The Barber Ellis Co Wholesale Stationery Toronto Boyd Laundry Newmarket J Y Druggist Newmarket Dr Alfred Webb Livery Co Millers Newmarket 2 Geo Fortune Newmarket Boots Shots Newmarket Barrister Andrew Hunter Contractor Newmarket Jacob Harness Newmarket fe Allan Marble Works Newmarket Howard Stafford A Hill Butchers Clark Dentist Dr J Wesley 2 Newmarket T J Woodcock County Councillor Norman J Rogers Newmarket 2 1 County Councillor Newmarket Dr ft Graham Frank Bond Lake Hotel Martin Merchant T Nichols- Queens Hotel W J Harris St Hotel Queens Hotel Bradford Butcher Newmarket J Blacksmith County Toronto it 00 00 DISEASED MEN itchiness of eS teizak imarly a indications of the stage fogy meat mercury potash which only anp- preasesthesyrnptoraaforatiais oat again when Happy life Dont let pacts experiment on Treatment guaranteed to care you Oar are back that the patients bare been cored by cat Treatment lor oyer used content Mr remedies than Hot sprlnua and all the doctors and medicines I had pre- tried have not felt any of those or seen any ulcers or for over seven years and ay or the loathesome disappeared My hair fled and hap has grown in fall again and I am married ana nappy writ cure guarantied oh ho fay Kennedy SHELBY MICH ftK i YOU CAN GET YOUR On The Paper Required In a II It Properly Filed Filing Devices -AND- Office Furniture Are not an expense and a luxury but a straight system economy and a necessity It will cost yon no thing but a Postal Card to get any of our catalogues The Office Specialty Mfg Co FACTORIES Limited Bay Street Toronto e4 vp is I 9 P Harman Agent Newmarket Olfice Specialty oronto Lightning J St 00 Merchant Tailor Vto Keith Newmarket 00 00 00 bo 0 00 00 6 00 York fair t ltp Blue Ribbon Tea Co Toronto Perkins Co Wholesale Grocers Toronto Co Toronto United Factories Limited Newmarket Simpson Co Toronto Canada Cycle Motor Co Toronto A It Williams Co Toronto rt- Front St Bast Toronto J Furniture Cd Toronto J Agwit w John Tate Sharon Jackson Editor Kra J Smith Photographer J Furniture Undertaking J Millard Furniture Undertaking Newmarket J McKay ExpressHerald Queen City Oil Toronto Toronto Lithographing Co Toronto- PugBbsy Co Toronto Kcnti Co Toronto i Pure Mfg Co Toronto John photographer Newmarket James Lumbers Wholesale Grocer Toronto John Taylor Co Toronto Globe Toronto Toronto J A Simmers Wholesale Seed Merchants Toronto It Sellers Toronto Mail Co Toronto Hi r r A 00 00 ft The National Fence Co It J Co Stationers Toronto Perkins Harness c Newmarket M Newmarket Gents Furnishings Millinery c Newmar ket v Jos Tobacconist Newmarket J A Allan Co Hardware H Howard As Co Wholesale Liquors Toronto Publishing Co Toronto Star Publishing Co Toronto St Croix Soap Mfg Co Toronto The Cowan Co Limited Toronto The Adams Co Toronto McLaren Dallas Clothiers Toronto Eureka Toilet Co St Arcade Toronto World Co Toronto 3 3 Hook Room Toronto itY I News Publishing Co Toronto J Florist So Toronto Grocer Newmarket Atkinson Co Jewellers Hughes Fancy Goods Millinery Knowles Grocer Newmarket Hath Co Toronto Blacksmith Toronto Saturday Night Toronto J Bonner Yongo St J Patterson Co Clothiers King Oast Toronto Bros Bicycles Ac Toronto M A Bollard Tobacconist Toronto w 00 no

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