August Boot Shoe Bargains Clearing Sale Oar Summer Shoes are going fast at oar cut rate Do you want a pair of Fine Oxfords For Cents worth more What we have in Childrens are good and can have them Very cheap This is your chance for SNAPS a WHAT IS OS off I The against two persons for the Holland Marsh out of season withdrawn on to about Toe lowest fine is for each bird ball of goes to tie It 6 easy enough to prove ijtit pot so easy to prove were shot unless seen in possession tie hunters Grocery Department For Campers A Improvements The is being torn Mr Kavanafctts bouse next to stoop and tbe building Some people walk Ate is a little too narrow Whatever width teCpoflcU agrees on should be main tained Town so that time ail be uniform Regular meeting next Monday even- tog- Social and Literary Reception to Students At close usual routine Monday evening a reception will be given to at toe Model School here and also to High School Pupils who are strangers in Town A social time may be anticipated young peo ple A can of Ha to Chick en or Tongue makes a meal for three persona Fruit Jars all Sizes Close Prices Large Stock for Jars 3 for Batter Paper A coat of paint has made a big dif ference to the looks of Mr Barney Browns residence- The weather has proved exception ally for dairy interests the past summer and grain crops are turning out well The Public Library Board will meet in Lawyer Robertsons office Sat urday evening A new furnace is going into Mr Broughtons residence and also one into Mr Uriah Marshs new house has both jobs The Friends Meeting House on Queen St is to W sold by tender Seeing the Fair Up to noon over ad ult chiffons were sold for Toronto at tbe during the Exhibition The late train borne is a great convenience City A couple of Toronto Street Rail way officials were in Town on Tues day and took a drive up to It looks as if bare not yet giv en up the purchasing the Met ropolitans i Roche Co are very fas in Dressmaking at work and are adver tising for more Provincial The Legislative Grant this year to the North York Agricultural Society apportioned according to on the 1st of August is The Legislative Grant to the Newmarket Horticultural Society is Police Court Last Saturday evening a charge of abusive language was investigated by Co Councillor Woodcock when a man named was fined and costs The selection of Jurors for County Courts takes place at Court House Toronto next Monday fflodel School Following is a list of Traming at the Newmarket Model School Miss McCaffrey Newmarket Miss Graham Aurora Miss Williams Newmarket Miss Terrv Sharon Miss Ay J ward Miss Wal ton Albert Miss Mr New- market Mr Vivian Mr Ed Rely Mr Morton Council Member a oil piixeat in trie r Wnutea red and were John Mix the Hub wrnipAW4xai v CITY K4ng City Methodist church Silver Cane and family spent a enjoyable day at their sum mer homo at the on Wednesday of last it being the 25th anni versary of Sir and Mrs Canes wed ding ij Some presents of silver f Wednesday rtatlonerr Howard of Renfrew was John brioge Margaret Louise Fuller daughter Mr and Mrs Jos Bllilngs repair to of village The ceremony was performed by Rev John Webster lumber of assisted by Rev Mr a2- Jonn feeddlng pastor of this Toe fidtir order of Boftxd of Health bride who was given away by her Hugh valuator fee lathery wore a of 5 Eillerr aatort trimtnext 51W applique and earned a James Pearson of bridal roses Her George MjSs Gertrude was brides- valuators Jos also wearing a fawn crepe months salary St trimmed with lace with which jtasdlutlons she wore a large picture hat and carried pink roses The little George Stone niece of the City be appointed silk and carried a keeper in place of Sirs for- roses and Mr Carried be paid the sum of seventy five lavs on account or printing Carried That Councillor be a committee to and director of re survey of first concession of King formerly- ahip of West and re port to this council Carried Phillips following sheep claims be paid being value of same W- Duncan Calms Jonn John Jaraea Ross Carried Tnat the Reeve and Councillor be a com- to one car of four Inch pine or cedar plank to be deliv ered at King or before the first day of October Carried Boat the clerk write all overseers have not re- er The rush of the Dont put off ahy long- Prices likely to be higher as quantity decreases Pore Parchment Ream No Ream SUGARS No change in price yet but know this i the season for it may go better hare a barrel of the KEDPATH8 SPICES When you want get the beet they cost only little and certainly are more wholesome The Specialty whistle got out order yesterday Flowers- Witfti letters con- Tee joists are laid for the ground were received from Knight of Renfrew was best man Miss- Hazel organ and Mr Phillips and Mr John Precious The- bridegroom presented a gold necklet set with pearls to brides maid and another pretty little necklet to the girl After ceremony a held at home of the bride after which the happy couple left on too train for Niagara and Buffalo amid showers rice and good wishes from her many friends The brides travelling dress was a blue Cheviot Eton coat and with a picture hat- A large number of the guests were present to witness the marriage cer emony and the bride became the re cipient of and costly We think by the reports we have had that next week will be the right time to buy Plums all Free Plums will be more plentiful Wait till after Exhibition for Cheap Peaches Choice Bright Bananas 10 and 15 dozen Potatoes 8 lbs for t Tomatoes on Fpiday and Saturday 30c basket We keep the Best Quality of Spices Ground or Whole Pure Cider Vinegar 30c gal White Wine Vinegar gal Pickling Onions 10c quart Water White American Oil gal Special Prices in gal lots The Grocer Grocery orders called for and delivered promptly On Thursday evening of last week our usually quiet burg was awatencd floor df the new Sovereign Bank The front of Roches store is for the glass China Glassware We lead in this line Wedding present our special attraction like a Dinner Bet of pieces for J Come and see one The Leading A SMITH friends in Toronto and Newmarket Mr Canes gilt to Mrs Cane Was a beautiful Gold Ring with dates to mark the occasion Church Splendid Attraction Prohibition held In addition to the ordinary attract Toronto July to of an Agricultural Fair the commend to the chuVches that Sun- York County- day be recognized as the have secured opening day of the campaign for a tions to Interest and the voteou December favor of pie Provincial Prohibition The Band of the Highlanders i being able to with this Toronto i costly request last Sabbath the pastor will always draws a big crowd Bpe next Sunday morning on the music is ftrstnclass Prohibition the Liquor play about two a Traffic In Ontario time Subject Spiritual will also be and fence burlesque in faont torn their road and report to J advent of Mr Stevens council at nextmectlng all road from Earnest Manning and Miss that have not They their statute tabor Lodge of on Sat- this conn- which the hoys cil pay JbeBilHnfffl a salary of thlrtywo a month for overseer of Topee street serenaded fan to of treating toce cream at popu lar Icecream parlor the Grand Stand day tbe Exhibition For further particulars see the official program in another column Issue Tbe competition in addition for prizes are offered to te school children will take place in Model School Newmarket at oclock on Sept and Childrens Underwear Vests arid Drawers all sixes at Hughes i Tired eyes cause sick ness feaust they art not well In most there Neglected evtttrain to poduct I Have your examined their condition from in expert Consultation free GRADUATE OPTICIAN LUdntn Agftln We are always pleased to of boys clirrrbiDg ladder to success and copy the from the Sudbury Journal with a feeling of pride at ttrj time congratulating Mr Geo Mr J Urlch the and Shore Rail way has been to the super- toe Divi sion the Algoma Central Railway and will leave In a few days with his family He is succeeded here Mr Geo A Montgomery late secre tary to General Superintendent Ken nedy and formerly with the in this place and at Bay Many friends will regret depart- ore of Mr and Mrs hite many others will welcome Mr Mrs Montgomery bads to Wwir form er home The On Wednesday afternoon the rails on the Metropolitan- Extension were laid as far as Huron St and the first passenger car passed the entire of Main Street On its re turn from the North end about or boys and girls bad a free ride to the South end which appear ed to greatly enjoy and cheering as the ear passed along It wilt days before thi track properly The poles and wires are not in yet the cars be ing drawn up the hill by two span horses Wouldnt late Aid John Bennett throw up his hat if he had Hied to sec the trolley -at- the North end LArkln That Mrs Duncan Pittsburg A LegeartdPbUIlpebea coriimlttee to is over on a visit examine and arrange to have with her father Mr J out on road between and and other relatives I Mr and Con repaired with her mother Mrs and brothers persona be paid sum set opposite j Mitchell respective names being entitled by her daughter and son to bonus lor erection of fence visiting Rankin under the name jj a of the city spent been Inspected and by last with Mr J M Walton namely I He attended the Lodge on rods at per Saturday J White rode Mr and Mrs P 1 rods at per- rod j has returned to J fitoxes paid the sum of forty fight with her parents here and Walton j jjrs Will Barradell of Toronto was twentyfaevon dollars for re- calling on old friends last week DRUG St OR Sight every person Joows prices which have prevailed for beef since OUR PLATFORM early spring but every person did not deliver to a definite of reason for your wdltlan altho totehm at a their utmost fte at fee Office nee us He mind on this matter or and fcept AK to Man A Golden Opportunity A little concerted effort would rid our carppdnd its array of unsightly and form It into a of beauty with exceptional advantages for winter ice speeding the water Is at a very low point during the recon struction of flutne to the Office Specialty Factories it affords a gold en and we are led to believe that the Specialty Co would heartily if our horsemen or citizens generally would evince some interest in the matter To shatter by means of explosives all and waterlogccd now above the old floating bridge would be a vejy and simple P the fragments for fuel might be ah extra to mm to aid in Ihe needed Improve ment repayment of money Carried o provide for payment of the registration charges- of the of King- City and were passed ordering the clerk to levy the county tax asked for general purpoawf for atrial for debt for rates tor general and such additional the trustees of cacti ftdiool ction for appoint collec tor rates for current year Wankii were In the J Well for the division and Joel folwards for tlie northern motion of Mr council adjourned to meet at Buttons- Hotel on Saturday 27Uu Harry Clarks little daughter Is recover from the scarlet fever Mr David of the Gib was found dead In bed on Tues day morning NORTH SCOTTS PHARMACY wishes to thank the public for their liberal patronage in the and to solicit a continu ance of their confidence in the future at their NEW STAND op posite Hardware Store THE OLD PLAN of handling the Best Quality in Drugs will be continued and all Patent Medicines ami Sundries will be sold at REDUCED PRICES Remember the Stand to Telephone No Apprentice Wanted TH toe for a ice to Private serious among meat go ing to famine prices ever lees reason for alarm has for some time Prices have become a little easier indications for a little drop are wWch will be greeted with a warm by people in cities towns of From a safe at the National hank la Johannesburg a bag sove reigns were stolen fjte United States Government la Boston harbor blew up killing one soldier and severely luring several others armoured trains constructed on the model those used in South Africa will be used at the forthcom ing Russian Military manoeuvres Bor the first time on the Italian coast a has attacked and de voured a bother In near Na ples Edward and Queen Alexan dra at Scotland late Monday afternoon and drove at to Balmoral the per Ontario The cow ha got over the at per moon Is on downward slope we be on for In the line 1 Fools and the perverse the lawyers puree Poverty does not virtue nor does Myrtle daughter of Wr Martin Shire of Enterprise was by lightning on Wednesday lb triers her clothing torn it thought her Injuries fatal Sept During very this morning the steeple the scroolhouse at No the invitation or was by lights- Agricultural Society to open The Ifghtnlng down at on tbe edge of the roof and capped thru Inst The formal opening tater at oclock Mr Andrew Young has corn that measures feet inches in Who can beat that Mr of Michigan is on a visit to Canada He loft these parts some thirty years ago when family moved to Michigan from the Township He is la the fruit business and Kays there is an abundant crop of most kinds this year especially of peaches Mrs James Pollock is visiting her son J Queen St Mr Draper bad a barnraising a week ago last Wed nesday required some hands the following day to finish work Dr Tyrrell with his two sons re turned to the city fast Saturday The campers have all return ed to their homes and Queen Street and shores of the fiume their normal appearance of country calmness and serenity Mr Dan baa been kept busy the last few weeks in meting many of the campers effects Hick to their homes in Newmarket has been an un usually busy summer along the and on the of Cooks Bay Mr Inrnan at is erecting a shop on the having rented his other shop to Mr Miss Minnie Thompson sister Mrs William Wright Just cast of is to be mauled today t Wednesday We wish both her It Is estimated the iht Joy of Wolfe Island Oat have lost mm Mrg went down to the Toronto Exhibition this week Mr Frank Jones of is about leaving these for tte village of Sharon The harvest Is ended and many farmers have threshed the earlier to room In their barns for later crops and are now or sowing fall OF CANADA I AUTHOniZED CAPITAL CAPITAL J HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Toronto Amheratburg Clinton branches MOUNT Ottawa Perth Exeter Montreal St Catharines Sterling SUTTON Que H LLOYD manager BRANCH J ALBERT American to in crops owing to a disastrous storm Ik The Hon J of Public Works run accepted D College Y A Building Yonge Street Toronto J Accountant Principal DAVID Chartered The only College In Toruoto with the or Chartered or Our Praia Teacher are by who know lobe Canada AN EQUIPMENT OP 85 TYPEWRITERS VALUED AT OVER AN INDICATION OF THE COMPLETENESS OF OUR WRITING DEPARTMENT enter at any time Write for free catalogue and specimen In Six Positions Offered Oar Students Last Year