Newmarket Era, 7 Nov 1902, p. 3

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Weeks Swinging to Tims By order tae County feUjor last issued writ silast Metropolitan Railway Co lot alleg ed breach of contract In not putting on cat scats The Gospel Temperance meeting Sunday afternoon will take place the church coroxoeudng 315 Let the Place be crowded speaker will be Mr Alex Mills a young Toronto Lawyer instead or Mr Week Next Sabbath the birthday- Regular service at At SO pm a patriotic service the Orangemen of Newmarket surrounding country will tend At Rev has kindly consented to preach tibition public are cordially Invited to attend all services Resident 4 A gentleman from Toronto was Town last week looking for suitable premises to operate Factory which require anywhere Irom to girls and women in fact all female help available in this vicinity plans of the new Bank Building vers shown him and the- third flat cults exactly Nothing definite has been done since but prospects encouraging Royal Templar Rally night last Wednesday at the of was a grand success There were Initiations and the cer emony was witnessed by persons applications were put in for new very interesting- program was presented with Mr Howard Cane in chair It comprised a song by Mr Harry Barry which was very loudly encored Speech by Mr A on the Sick and Funeral Bene fits of the Order Recitation by Mr J Green Music by Messrs and Lush who also responded to tbe by Miss Lush Solo by Miss by Mr Fred and bis two boys Speech by Mr Hunter on Insur ance Department of Order Dia logue by Messrs and Peter- man At the conclusion of the program joined the insurance and the Sick Funeral It was ocock when the Council It was oclock when the Council A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of the fcrrideVr Mr on Wed nesday last week when bis young est daughter Miss was unit ed in holy of matrimony to Mr Henry Everest of Toron to eon of Mr Everest of ibis town bappy occasion was enjoyed by over forty invited guests lire Rev Young officiated Miss Way board of East Toronto fcin of the played wedding march A The bride was attended two nieces Miss Cooper of and Alma King groom was by bis bro ther Mr Arthur Everest The bride was given away by her father was beautifully attired in a rich cream silk trimmed with and and wore cream The were charm ingly gowned in white organdie and wore pink roses The happy couple received numerous costly Hand useful present a sumptuous wed ding breakfast had been served Mr Mis Everest left on tfce evening train for Toronto where they will Mr of tee in tbe Specialty fell open a garden rake at his home last Friday and two teeth fan into palm of his right hand making- a very painful wound He was ante to be cut yesterday arm is about cold enough now for the populace to crowd into st of fice in tbe evenings half an be fore the mail is distributed No more than seven persons from each family will be allowed There Other places besides Dresden wfcfcre limited service would be a boon School J J Pearson Father Board met on Wednesday A Whitney Webb J Proctor A report from the- High School showed net proceeds of 39 which were placed at dis posal of Principal for additions to Library Chemical Apparatus and general School Supplies Three applications for caretaker were received and the appointment was given to at tbe same salary as bis predecessor Blue Messrs J A and appointed auditors bill of QABinns for paints hardware etc for repairs during the holidays was passed and the Board adiourned ToNight Tbe second of the Public Library Board Entertainments is to take place in tbe Town Hall on Friday evening Nov and will comprise Lime Views describing the wonders of prehistoric ages as re vealed by science exhibited by Mr Gilbert A Smith A of Toron to entertainment is likely to be one of the most interesting arid in structive given in Newmarket for a long time and it Is only because tbe Board expected to have the liberal support of the public that the price of admission was placed so low Tickets for Nov and Dec can be had for children half price For next Friday night only adults and Public and Separate School Children 5 cents each T The Womans Christian Temperance Union met at the home of Mis Kir- ton on Wednesday The ladies decided to take up their annual Tbankofleting for the poor at their next meeting Arrangements were also made for speakers for the next four Sundays at tbe Gospel Temperance meetings It was decided that in order to give the speakers longer time that these meetings should commence at 345 in stead of 1 oclock Reports were received from Provincial also County Conventions These meetings are growing in in terest and attendance AH ladies are cordially invited to attend next meeting to be held at the home Mrs M Hughes Main Street November iV t T Woftery Stephens of in prizes at six of fall as follows Toronto prizes Newmarket prizes Queens life prizes prizes Bradford prizes fiis Honot Morgan presided at the Voters Council Chamber there were no less than against the Voters Newmarket- Mr Lloyd defended the Reformers and Lennox the Conservatives The court was still in session when to Farm Produce Very good market last Saturday Lots of butter and eggs Prices were as follows Butter and 17c- per IK New Laid Eggs to Apples 15 to peck Pears to Pii pipkins 5 to each Turnips to per bag Potatoes bag beads for to per haJ Cabbage 5 bead Dressed Chickens to 66c Dressed Bucks 55 to- Dressed Turkeys- per- 9 to Live Chickens to per pair Live Ducks- to Live Turkeys to Lamb andc lb by the Separate School Report for th months of Septem ber and October names being arrang ed in order of merit Weekly Exams P J Lizzie Vincent Wallace Henry Burke and Oscar equal Frank Bert Barry Doyle Annie McCaffrey Daily work Henry Burke A McCaffrey Lizzie Harry Doyle Oscar P J Bert Barry Frank Vincent Wallace Frank Barry Florence Vincent O Willie McCaffrey Mat Bessie Racine Mary Roach A Burke Irene Doyle Bernard Maurice Frank Gould Doyle Willie West firarjorie I Roach Frank George Racine May Forhan Walter Gould Florence Roach War ren Holland Teacher r l Before Co a- man who was arrested in was trie for an inde cent assault in and conrmlfcted for trial bail being ac cepted On Monday before the same justice a case of assault from Holland was dismissed Both the slaughter bouses in front of Newmarket Cemetery have been removed to the rear the prem ises which will- be appreciated by the public The water was turned into the new Specialty race on Monday night and everything is working Providence is helping us out grand ly in the fuel question by the mild weather we are having r A tiIe II people Newmarket what are would turn out larger numbers to bear the Sunday afternoon addrewts In Hurray every seat of the ball was filled but there room for more in gallery while teat4 in llea could the chair and Mrs fi wyan The id now to old gave imp ration to the and Mr A gave a Mr TfifbiAsj Was capita He enorzrdty of the drink traffic remedy Act of will wm the of Dec tiin pointed out in case lay toJftt prove ha or Instead of a at this to prove the Mr a Week Toronto Is Try an Era It pays evenly Convention is to be favored next week with the annual Convention of North York Sabbath School As sociation evening sessions which are of greater interest to the general public will be held In the Methodist church and we hope to crowded as on other previous On evening the President Robinson will give an account of tbe great International Convention lield in Denver Colorado last July Rev It J IS will give an address Prepared for service During the evening Mies will ren der one her sweet solos and the Church choir wiff lead In a service of song On Friday evening trie address Teacher 1 1 be given by Rev Dr of Central Presbyterian Church To ronto The for is a moat enthusiastic speaker and the peo ple of Newmarket are highly favored in privilege of hiring one of Newmar kets soloists will give a Action and as on the previous evening the choir will lead the service The Day Seiitrns will devoted to the of Teach- not In the tudy of the of Acts but in the truths to scholars The her vices of Harris of Toronto have len secured for and we alnoertly hope that every school In the Riding will try and or four delextes to engage in tls lightiul The probably toe qualified In Toronto tor this work and the pleasure ex perienced in Bradford last year by those who heard him will surely bring out a large gathering of delegate be to Mr W Tie Bil leting on Saturday PFCscntation On Wednesday evening last mem bers of Mrs Lehmans class is the Christian met at tho of her father Rev and presented with a handsome salad bowl and stand as a slight token of their esteem and remem brance owing to her contemplated removal to the city Miss Willis read tie following address We the members of your Sunday School class are met here tonight to express you our deep regret at your departure from us We also regret that we did not fully appre ciate your worth to as a teacher until we learned your proposed re moval from our town and Sabhath School We are grateful however for the happy associations of the past as teacher and class which will ever be to us a cherished memory Your cheerful presence mingled with a spirit of reverence for all sacred things and places your ability as a teacher of Gods together with your strong personality have made impressions upon our lives which we are confident time cannot efface and we can assure you that while in the Providence of Clod we must be your Influence will linger with us as a constant Inspiration to high and noble purposes and endeavors If at any time we may have ap peared thoughtless or inattentive so that your pat fence has been tried and you have been tempted to trans fer your responsibilities to other shoulders assure you it was not wilful on our part for we have al ways loved you And now dear teacher tbat we may not forgotten by you In later years life please accept this gift which In some slight measure an expression of our esteem and love Together with this gift we offer our wishes that your life that wherever you are it will be spent for of God and In His service Signed Nora Fletcher Bind Robinson Lillian Lush Vera Mann Spring Smalley Mildred Lily Road house Willis Alice Nora Fletcher presented the and made a suit able reply In which she her wish an part of her class fed already accepted Christ as their and were endeavoring to serve Him the day would not be far dis tant everyone of them Him and make willing work ers in His atrrlce Pastors subject next Sunday even ing EIijfch at or Gods of himself The regular meeting of the will take place next Wednesday after noon at the of Mrs Man ning- the Quarterly Meeting on Wednesday evening the treasurers report showed an advance in the contributions for ministerial support The following Stewards were elected Messrs J head G Richardson H Cane Manning and Jackson the first named being re elected Recording Steward The annual meeting of the Curling Club was held last week and was very well attended The following officers were elected for the ensuing year Patron -and- Patroness Hon and Mrs J Davis Hon Mayor Cane President Vice Chaplain Rev A Representative members A Council Dr Clark Stewart Sutherland Rev A A Downes JRY A linns Stewart Col Lloyd Rev A A Hon Mr Davis has signified his indention being present at the fi nal game for the Davis Cup donated by himself fc A Keep the Nickels Let any has any cent pieces with the Kings imr age thereon be sure to keep them in his possession everywhere arc looking for the new King Edward five cent piece on which tbe of England put the Queens crown on the reverse instead of the Kings crown The and pieces bear the Kings crown The Government has stopped the issue the pieces and will confiscate all those not out The people are nevertheless mistaken in the rea son Cot the stoppage of and tte real reason is not on account of crown although this admitted an error The real Is that the small beneath the wreath that is necessary on all the coinage done by the company Jias been omitted in the firtt con signment of pieces that Canada The and pieces lcar the All coinage of both Canadian has no letter beneath the Is done at the royal mint in London Tho Ilea ton people only get the orders when the royal la very tufty The new cent issued of which Rome of the banks have just received large con signments were coined at the royal mint Sale Register Nov James Andrews of Lot Con Whitchurch will hold an exten sive Auction Sale of farm stock and implements etc Sale at 1 oclock Pigs roots and po tatoes cash months credit on sums Smith Auctioneer Nov Henry will held an auction sale of horses cattle and Implements on Lot Con on the usual Sale to commence at clock Robert Atict I ETHEL CORNERS Rev Roach an excellent sermon to a large on Sun day being meeting fanners are all very happy to see such fine weather for loll work Kettle has gone to spend the winter the city Annie returned home on Wednesday after upending a few at the She la looking much better after her visit Remember the prayer arid Bible Class on Tliursday at 1 j Home Spun Dress Goods regular yd for Heavy Coating in Black only inches wide 55a yd Cloth Suiting in all Colors For Childrens Wear yd Ladies Wool Hose pair Wrappereties at yard We Have Mm The most complete range of Underwear in the in Mens Womens and Child rens Winter- Weight Underwear starting at 25c and upward Ladies WinterWeight start ing at and upward Under vear Childrens Winter- Weight starting at and upward NONE SO GOOD AS S POWDER T IVilLLINERY DEPARTMENT MISS HARRINGTON late of Winnipeg OOO I I MANTLE DEPARTMENT MISS late of Brentford DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT MISS WEBSTER or Aurora SAL DANFORD ROCHE GO Stock fllattket Five dollars was top price paid or export cattle in Toronto this week and this was secured for very few The range went from that- down to 450 Choice butchering cattle are bringing to and good ordinary stock to with dry cows to Calves will letch as nigh as Choice milch cows are in demand The sort stock coming in Is bring ing to but really good ani mals will fetch to Hogs are down lor selects and for lights and fats Sheep are bringing from to bucks to lambs to O0 Nov Flour per barrel a Red Wheat per bush a White Wheat per bash- a Goose Wheat per bush a Buckwheat a Barley per bush a Oats per bush a Peas per a a Butter per lb a Eggs per a W Lambskins a Wool per a Hay per ton a Bran per ton a ft Shorts per ton a per bag a Chickens per pair a CO Duck per pair a Geese per lb a 0 Turkeys a Toronto Toronto Nov White Wheat per a JO Red Wheat per a Spring Wheat per bush a Goose Wheat per bush a Oats per bush 037 a Eggs per a Butter a 20 per bag a Hay per ton 12 a Wool per lb 00 a Dressed per a Beef fore a 6 licet hind a Chickens per pair a per pair a per lb a Turkeys a oil Germany Is to ad- vantages in the Valley of China regarded as a British of influence WE WOULD ASK YOU TO LOOK THROUGH OUR STOCK OF Before buying NEW ODOR8 wo sure you will like and tho rices are Right Olive Oil and Cucumber Soap Three Cents Some of our Prices on Patents Reg Price Turpentine Hill Aniawd and Scott small a J- Cherry Pectoral A A BRADLEY DRUGGISTS Newmarket The Mens Leading Out Fitter ARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK CO Mens Fine WoolLined Mocha Gloves Regular Price aixl THIS WEEK cents only Boys Tweed Suits Long or Short at PRICE THIS 385 Mens NeatFitting Wearing AllWool Suits Reg Price OUR PRIOE THIS WEEK Mens Grey made to Bell OUR WEEK Mens Oil Boot Oak Tanned Leathcibettef you usually see at OUR THIS WEEK loll to see tills line Mens AllWool Underwear Good at OUR THIS WEEK 36 cents Main Timothy

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