Newmarket Era, 7 Nov 1902, p. 4

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NEW MA Thai so to be with or Salt Rheum sad gov vard applications do The the in disappear S ft I felt better it cot loot I w cored Hits rarer hid Sr jnefc 11m jbA SWi9 lid Hoods j the Wood of fell curt all i Prohibition Campaign A- of the North York Alliance Hook place on evening encouraging reports were re ceived from nearly ail parts of the Rising Arrangements were made to in Muni cipality in Norte people may be informed do provisions of toe Act which they are asked to Tote or on of December Speaking on toe merits of this Bill MR JOSEPH RE LEASED FROM to Suffered much Agony His Appetite Failed and His Strength Left Him Hope for Similar Sufferers For sine ending Sept the Provincial iUJ I Only those who have suffered the Christian Guardian says in last issue of the most girt- afc times judicious and intelligent temper- d The symptoms often vary J Robertson ataxy Public to Loan good ttirrltter 4 Rat Court Newmar ket Ontario men thus gives it his unqualified judgment This Act framed and passed by the Legislature of Manito ba approved by the Privy unci of the Empire and adopted by the Leg islature of Ontario and referred to the electors for confirmation in tbe referendum vote is the most advanc ed and strongest piece of tomperance legislation ever entered on the sta tute books of Canada Besides the Act provides the ma chinery necessary for its administra tion and o South of Aurora will beat audConrt J Co FnT to Loan DENTIST Over Toronto Jobbing House but among them will be found acute pains in the and Joints the latter sometimes much swollen At times the patient is unable to dress himself and the slightest jarring sound the pain Lini ments and outward applications can not possibly cure rheumatism it must be treated through the Wood and for this purpose there is no yet discovered can equal Dr mams Pink Pills When given a fair trial these pills never fail to cure even most stubborn cases of rheumatism- Mr Jos a wellknown resident of St Jerome Que in an interview with a reporter of offers strong proof of tbe value of Dr Williams Pink Pills in of kind Mr says For nearly three years I a great suSerer from rheumatism The pains seeded at times joint arid the agony I endured was terrible Seme- times scarcely move about and was unfitted for work The trouble affected my appetite and in this way my weakness increased and mv condition became more deplorable tried a number- of remedies but helped me until I was advised to use Dr Williams Pink Pills and then relief came Gradually the pains left me my appetite improved and became greatly strengthened from incorporation of over coirespfcnd- period Word comes from the northern country that railway construction has a scarcity in labor sup ply of the District Sud bury reports also state that mining companies which laid off in the spring are unable to replace them Active development work is being done on the iron properties in Township by a syndicate of American capitalists J A aU to Loan at Cunfeot A the Newmarket Elections in about weeks more the mu nicipal elections will be upon us not for Town Village and Township offices but also for County Councils and Public School Where the men at present filling these offices have satisfactorily their respective duties are open for it is to be hoped that neither personal animos ities nor petty jealousies will prompt On the other hand where they have been untrue to the trust reposed of public in terests or indifferent to the respon sibilities of the the elector ate should not hesitate to take the Before I had taken a dozen boxes my health and vigor was such that I felt better tbsn I did helots the trouble began I have not since had an ache or pain and I feel convinc ed that Dr Williams Pink Pills the best medicine in the world for rheumatism Dr Williams Pink Pills are sold in necessary steps to secure candidates to tale their places Suf ficient interest should always be tak en by the electors of every to obtain the very best ma terial at heir command Where- changes are desirable action should be taken almost immediately Our farmers and fruit growers will he interested in knowing that In spector Fishers San Jose Scale rem edy has beerLiapproved by the San Jose Scale consisting of Dr Mills of the Model Farm H Bunting St Cathar ines and- John of Commission visited orchards in the vicinity of St- Catharines the experiments were made and it was found that emul sion with lime and sulphur had been swcftlsixt effective inter ested can write tbe department- for particulars Recently the Minister of Education took occasion to explain what the Government bad done for University He pointed out that five years ago a block of land in New Ontario was set aside for them from which has been derived Five years ago also a special grant of was established In the Government took over tie main tenance of the Departments of Min eralogy Physics and at a a year The new Science building now being erected at a cost of about must so be included Toronto University is a pretty institution and only for government would have been hopelessly- involved years ago but it helps Toronto A J Ramsay tUti Farm and Town Property Newmarket GRAND RAILWAY TIME TABLE lilt a- S3 to sag defer a move a change till every civilized land and their nomination day is not only unfair to those new in office but frequently re sults in placing nominees to a disadvantage before the electorate Where opposition to the present men is contemplated a square open fight is the more manly and desirable course and the public interests are best served thereby But above all let it be understood that the weal stands paramount to all per sonal or mere petty local considera tions Integrity and ability are qualifications to be desired in our municipal cc unci Is and school hoards in order to ensure the best possible jo S a io a it rt Oa I I I i S3 a I 2 a SMI a y TORONTO A London cable dated Oct says The last section of the Brit ish Imperial Pacific cable was laid at the Fiji Islands yesterday A congratulatory message was sent to King Edward reaching Buckingham Palace this being the first message sent over the line which links the British together There may be other newspaper premiums hut certainly those being to Iters of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal this year finest we ever seen Alone and Pur ity are the titles and are easily worth times the asked for that great paper and pictures combined The pictures are enclosed In large straw hoard two feet long and reach tire subscribers perfect wndition The mails every day are fall of these straw board and have caused a great deal of speculation as to what they con tained sale is due entirely to merit as a medicine They cure all such troubles as rheumatism sci atica locomotor ataxia partial par alysis nervous headache kidney ail ments neuralgia and the weaknesses that afflict so many women Do not let any dealer persuade you to try something else which he may say Is just as good See that the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People is on the wrapper around every box If in doubt send direct to the Dr Williams Medicine Co and the pills will be mailed post paid at 50c per box or six boxes for the y tZ Oct Steps are being taken to have the Frederic steam launch raised It will be remembered thai she went aground week before last at Island and it was found impos sible to get her into deep water again although the services of he were enlisted Since then a wrecking has given the contract to get th staunch little steamer afloat and she is now being surrounded with cribbing which will support the machinery necessary to the undertaking It is understood more stringent rules will hereafter be enforced by Ontario Government in to succession duties also in regard to to be observed in connec tion with the administration of es tates of deceased persons During the past week an OrderinCouncil was promulgated giving detailed in structions as to the filing of neces sary documents Among other things it is specified that with all application for letters probate from any Surrogate Court in Ontario du plicate affidavits of the value of the estate shall be filed with the A press despatch from states that thfe petition W election feasdhaaeeiL dismissed ftniprfclnV feouhjod with Toronto University is like- crying Give If has got its tentacles on the public of Ontario While the people rural have pay direct for their Schools Toronto has its Upoer at aid its only a high school With college name l election is still getrWng in its work Itia reported in legal circles that more elec tion petitions vil be Monday They are as Hon J Gibson Liberal Waterloo Conservative J Liberal Glengarry Conservative A Thompson J Gallagher Conservative two last named cases there are crosspetitions Observer wants Hon J Israel to go the Tory fold and thus addresses him Take oft your Liberal garb Mr and- do what every has done Come up to the penitent bench and get your Come to party you strayed from a good- hoy make amends for the wrong you done that grand party and help them place Canada in the front rank of nations This is the same Tar the Tories to say was a dangerous man By way of improving the Asylum service of the Province all future at tendants employed at the Provincial Asylums will be required to undergo a course of training somewhat to that now exacted from hos pital nurses- Diplomas will be is sued to graduates passing the course prescribed ftfe understand Provin cial Secretary has decided upon this method of improving the efficiency of the attendants with the view of increasing the comfort of the asylum to- li6UVi ttMM bill feae 6nei tf i fff Ifl05 S an bet neighbors tell her it will dpi mat ft dampers the end all the different features thatmake and I CHI in i XT The open season lor deer commenc ed on Saturday last and will close on the 15th inst Hunters in large numbers were wending their way north for several days before the open season commenced Last year it was estimated that deer were killed in Ontario the greatest who emigrated to Caucasus in left persecution to which they were ted Their name signifies spirit wrestler iand was used as long ago as At that time certain members of the Greek Church who objected to icons were called or Image wrestlers Then the term do or spirit wrestlers was used to those the ortho dox Russians regarded as wrestling against the Holy Spirit Like the terms Quaker arid Methodist in Eng land the nickname adhered to the sect and came into general use The in Russia did not consider themselves Russians but had own religious ceremonies gov- customs ruler The latter was Peter Verigin frho is now in exile at in the north of whose decisions are regarded as law even when sent from Siberia from which they only come under espionage of the Russian police There were four years of hitter con flict from to between the W J SMITH SCQITH CO dtj per cent Original OfficeiHerormer nun AT for a Term any of our splendid- School The being taken in the Magneta- wan River District and the Russian government and the Doukho- lakes region Hunters this year who made only passive resis- have a field as there is an but to submit i j season for moose extending forced service in the army The so to the el November The to which they were sub- usual shooting casualties may be aroused an intense religious looked for TORONTO One Typewriting Machines Twentyfife Sets Telegraph to strumehtsi Premlsesscocupying Twentysix indicate something of our standing as the largest best and most modern Business Training in the Dominion Write for our New Address SHAW Principal u fth the solicitor of Treasury at the succession duties office Toronto To gether with formal notice of applica tion The treasury solicitor will then decide whether the estate is li able to succession duties No au- discoveries of mineral wealth of this Province are being continual ly made as the days and months go to distribute estates will 1 by A deposit of molybdenite has be given unless consent thereto is recently been reported to tbe Crown as t4 w o n H to M to o o o Ml WW- w to n S3 The Advertiser in a letter J Shaw tells a story of an named in the employ of the late Mr Good go ing to the north of Toronto and returning after a num ber days wtjh a chunk of coal which he found not forty miles Toronto on some of the York ridges The letter goes on to say that the the above Englishman state lie believed was Jhere the contraryj considerable a time but shortly with ths secret of the exact locality What an discovery- if Jsat- I ask the cof of your paper it there as used fipwer lor cure and liver not beep cured and we also results such as wit of ooi- despondent in fact any trouble connecjd stomach or liver been for many years in civilize country apd we wish to correspond ifxA our free of cost If you have never tried try one bottle flrsi We never known of its tailing so more serious is the matter with you Ask your oldest drugst- GREEN Woodbury NJ Province very but more half the distance forty miles from Toronto in the of have only found Vlei yellow fcard with of ien it in but only aftr very labor in bunting a Windsor Nov Customs Inspect landed a big haul of goods Saturday In the shape sets under wear He noticed a Syrian woman gave her name as wheeling a baby oarriage cod baby off the- ferry Years- ley that an investigation was warranted an InspecMon follow ed Wrapped the baby every conceivable were found the sets of which seized given the Treasury solici tor or those authorized by the Treasurer to act for Him These regulations are Intended to prevent any future irregularities in the col lection of succession duties The London published away out west where the leader of His Majestys loyal Opposition in the House of Commons has recently been doing missionary in the interests of protectionists dont take much stock in Mr the ory of building tip Canada and indirectly tells the people of this country that Mr Bordens tale re- specting revolutionary notions in re gard to the tariff must he received with a Urge admixture of salt The says Protection may look good to the smoky east where live the fat manufacturers who love a cinch and the underpaid factory hands who ought to know better but if Mr or any of his dis ciples should happen to stray from his home ranch as to get Into these latitudes with that song and dance entitled Up Canada he would in all probability get up against the man with the blue over alls protection per cent who drills with Sheffield protection per cent by the light of Chicago candles protection per cent with giant pro tection ft pound loads the ore on Truax made In cars protection 25 per cent runs it out to the tunnel mouth on Colorado Mine Supply Company eightpound rails protection per cent trams It to on a St rope per mills it In an Allia nade in Milwaukeeconcentrator per and ships It over the average per mile to the Trail smelt er bonus per ton Where the lead fetches the London market price free tribe hundred stol en by the smelters ami i r Lands Department from district Several bores have been sunk with the result that rich depos its of this economically valuable min eral have been discovered the veins giving promise of being quit exten sive is a substance much used in tho production of fine steel We are told that so rare is this mineral that in a raw state it is worth a ton while the refin ed product is worth in the neighbor hood of per pound It will take votes to win in the referendum contest on the ltd of next month and give Prohibition to Ontario- Any person pairs his vote or ntgletts to vote will feel 111 kicking himself all over the back yard if the poll should bappen to snow just one less than the total rc- The total vote that North York must give for to make good its comparative comple ment Whatever less than this is recorded counts against mak ing the referendum a success By municipalities the proportional vojc required to carry the law is as Tp 38 338 Wwmariet Aurora tlje North half of 131 Hol land 105 Sutton Impaired Digestion by won derful One trial will show feeling among them One of their tenets was but after they settled In Canada many of them returned to use of fish and meat Some of them however repudiated tot only ths use of meat but went so far as to say It was wrong to enslave domestic animals and turn ed them free to in two Laxative removes Groves When we Save her When win a Child for VM htr to boxes I a I A heavy showall reported thru out Manitoba Superintendent of Farmers Institutes believes that the practice of individual wrapping In fruit packing will largely experience in the Old Country market that the price obtained more than compensates lor the extra State of Toledo Lucas County that be rent partner of the firmer J Cheney Co doing the City of Toledo County end State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the OneHundred Dol lars for each arid every case- of that be cured by the use ofHalls Cure- J CHBNDY Sworn to Wore me and in my day of A0 WOLEASON public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and sots directly arid mucous surfaces of systecn Send for testimonials free J CO Toledo O Sold by Family We the best GENERAL Contractor Is now in a position to tiks oca tracts foci all of Estimates- 6W at Short Notice iov New York Nov A despatch from tho City Mexico Rays that telegraphic communication has been restored from at the ex treme southern corner of the State of near the volcano of An- in Midnight darkneaa prevailed there fiftythree houre causing indescribable panic among the residents who knelt in the streets and prayed for mercy Earth quakes caused the collapse of several The German steamer Luxor at Port San Benito was covered with ashes The captain put to sea t escape danger- The darkness at noon was so complete that were necessary A gang of fakirs arrived in Bol ton on Fair day and before the day was over some of them got Into trouble One young man lost W7 Children dry for BOILER SOTTING AND 0 GRANOLITHIC ROOFS BUILDINGS jDtendtog will do to coiuwU V A HUNTER il St Box Ml l hi A FT I 9 ft Kinds Of REPAIRED ON SHORT Li If your or dowijtnjp it In A THOMPSON Practical Machinist- Ave It pays to advertise Is

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