Newmarket Era, 7 Nov 1902, p. 8

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I J i Vims and rest very well at night When a ruffe from sod irregularity or fitaer forma of disease the to be parked os tein the general effect being as in Mrs Wooding cace rest- fct night and a condi tion It rimpty then care tie Ktrvoiueii other of womanly Pierce Favorite which undermine the general health enfeebling drains heals in flammation and ulceration and cures female weakness It cures headache nervousness etc by cur ing the disease which ailments Sick women are invited to consult Dr Pierce by letter fret AH correspond- private Pierce Buffalo met Ktefi hire Dr he a ad Golden Co care of Box No been troubled W fj nervous at and act was ruajdon but after of Favorite ataWtifriTCttted I Bare no and in fact fed tike to kind and wonderful from ouWea to write to Dr it key not regret it Prescription has the testi mony of thousands of women to ita com plete cure of womanly disuses not accept an unknown and unproved suo- in it place Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets should be used with Favorite Prescription when ever a laxative is COP- Anniversary services will be in tne Baptist church Sunday Nov Rev Mr Black of University Tpionto cemduct services in tie morning a in Meeting in the afternoon at and in the evening at He 111 assisted by Rev of the Church of Toronto special preacher for the day Mr is composer- of some of the sweetest popular church music used in our public worship today choir at Christ Church on Sunday did ample justice to some of it tt 7rV The first nitetlng in vision in in church on Mon day evening ohn the energetic Chairman of the ship Temperance Association present and delivered a stirring ad dress Funds were raised to pro vide an ample supply ofiesnpe ranee literature division BRADFORD Several of the fakirs were heard Jo remark they bad up against hard luck during the Fair coiild be said d the individual relieved Mr Don ald Ferguson of 77 A young couple driving Holland the second of toe fair came to grief at the the road within the corporation missed the turn which the dis covered after going a few yards A deep ditch caused the horse to stum ble and fail the buggy to overturn and the occupants to scramble about in the dark in- a of water and mud- A gentleman passing by did the Samaritan act and started the couple as or table as risible under- the Witness the ever potent ally of a national rce as will as a terrible burse we etttreat bur young to free themselves from its bondage- One of the advantages of the Onlario Act is that it iss at the and practically the treating system- soaring educating on cbrnmunHy must be incalculably great Asst Press Belfeven For the Era- Sonne the Shoddy Question Mr said that H Bealey New Sealant fill for distribution A V- Not But Good read ike ARM ADVOCATE iKstr they art its l FARMERS ADVOCATE Jacob Gould was limping around town on crutchis on Wednesday He fell out of an apple tree some time ago and received injuries which made him tee quiet for some time David- was picking apples on Thursday of when a limb broke and let him fail to the ground One of his arras was bad ly fractured near the shoulder and he received a severe shaking DO and HOME MAGAZINE the tfcovghU to it be who will IK- v- you I I Quarterly meeting in the Methodist churcli here last Sunday Rev G Washington pastor conducted the seryice Mr has purchased a gasoline engine to facilitate his chop ping husiness Mrs Toronto Junction am friends in this locality this Mrs is spending a few weeks with friends- in Midland and The Temperance meeting held in the i church Tuesday evening was fairly we Rousing ad dresses were delivered by Revs Brown of and Fockler AURORA I jjt m of iy fading w fcAbi Send tf if i It J LOrfJfl ONTARIO SALE Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer AND PAINTED ALSO or Peerless And Your choice of Full Rig for On four time Cheap at f a or in to for old oild a fidt weekly tttiaty of St etch all direct from A runaway freight car a the Railway Friday and caused a flea via Ay LI WTj veto Mr Norman has purchased Mr chopping mill on Wellington street east and is refitting it At a meeting of business people one evening last week it was decided that a Christmas Market will te held on Thursday Dec in tlie Drill Shed in the also that all the prizes must be cash result of the gathering of the boxes Aurora Church was wiped off- the debt of the church recently Through this agency nearly 51000 has been wiped off the debt which by April next it is expected the will be clear A serious accident occurred in front of the on Monday evening by which Howard the youngest Bon of Postmaster Proctor had his arm The little fellow bad ridden down from the station on the waon and after the had been taken out started to get out of the back part of the wagon When the horse started and the boy lost his balance arid fell striking the edge of sidewalk and left arm just above the elbow An At Home given by the young people of on lite evening of in Mammoth Hall An enthusiastic the lo cal was held at the post Of fice on Wednesday when the following officers were elected Pa tron Hon J Lennox launders Vice M Managing Cow J Baker Clark J A Brown and Renfrew Say niter The old rink under the Daley Hall will be used exclusively for curling The Harvest Thanksgiving at Church on were the succes In the history of the church The interior beautifully and artffctl- decorated with fruit flower vegetables and evergreens A very pretty device had been ar ranged front of the chancel aerofta the idiyrtH on which were the words prate God we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord was a work of art were neatly arranged intermingled with looped up with gar- land or heather and of The beautify vices were- Chora thru- out the whe of the entire being composition of Rev Copied from the Pioneer The useless practice of treating is the parent of by far the greater part of drinking and dunkenness that curse our country today AVnong a certain large class the idea seems to prevail that a man who does not treat is mean and a man who does not drink when bis treat is unsocial The dread of being con sidered mean or unsocial seems to he strong enough to compel a great many to do what they know and con fess to be wrong Such deference to the tyranny of a custom which they condemn speaks badly for the moral backbone of those who acknowledge it A man of Spirit would be ashamed to own that he was Craven enough to do wrong because some body might at him if he did right One whose good opinion is worth anything can only despise the want of manliness evidenced in thus truckling from sheer cowardliness to this absurd and villainous notion It is a mistaken notion that the reckless spendthrift the freehanded treater is the embodiment of and generosity We know some who are slavish n their subjection to this stupid habit most extravagant in their pay ment for tfcfe commendation maud lin and who at hotne the most contemptible misers This is only natural Stinginess cowardice and vanity are all indica tions of littleness and generally found together True courage is above purchasing exemption from the sneers the worthless by the sac rifice of sellrespect or at the cost of depriving a loving wife or child of some little luxury or comfort The seduction of the young to the ways of dissipation ruin is al most invariably accomplished the treating system That system is the of public morals and r The valuable paper on Substitutes for Wotl read by Mr Allied before the Inter national Confer ence of Sheep Breeders at Carlisle England which has attracted a good deal of attention in this coun try induced a general discussion of the subject by delegates from nearly all the woolgrowing countries of the world The views of several of gentlemen will be read with interest by out legislators fanners and man ufacturers Mr J Tread well of- England sale that they were all very rmicfa indebt ed to Sir for the trouble he had taken in collecting the facts it seemed to him that the should take a cue from Mr Minseils caper and impress upon the presi dent of the Board of Agriculture the necessity of introducing a Bill sorne- what on lines of the Food and Drugs to require the vendors of fabrics to declare the composition of those articles so tat the per pie might know what thsy were buying Notwithstanding the adulteration of socalled Woollen poods these ar ticles did not get much cheaper Mr R Richards Natal said that the had made him feci quite uneasy had been wonder ing how of their garments had been manufactured out of the castoft continental rags which the paper graphically describee Speaking purely as a consumer he thought the paper should do a great deal of good But sreaking as a producer of wool in distressful country South Africa he believed that anything that be done to raise the price a hall penny or even a farthing a pound would hare the hearty of his fellowproducers But the question was an international one If the labelling of goods was only to be carried on England and was disregarded on the continent and in America it might possibly prejudice English producers and traders of other nations romp in and reap the benefits The matter should be taken up woolgrowcrs throughout the world Mr Manssl deserved thanks for drawing attention to the bogus ar ticles used in substitutes for wool and he trustee the paper would bo the beginning or an active crusade against the spurious article Mr Peer of the United States said that ho brought to the Conference the compliments and best wishes of the National Live of America The members of that Association were doing all they pos sibly could to mate honest men of manufacturers of wool hut it was a pretty hard task Adulterated goods were now so common in Amer ica that it was hardly noticed and he judged from what ho had seen that the same criticism might be ap plied to manufacturers in England But id spile of the bad example set by the manufacturers of the United States the farmer of America and he wan sure he might include the farmers of England and the other countries were honest men A great deal of work and a very strong combination would be required to get the matter dealt with by the Legislation of America and he that polities were the same the world over A Hill on the of Woollen Manufacture bad been introduced into the House of In America with the object of requiring that all socalled woollen articles not of pure wool should be plainly marked in such a way as to show the articles of which fabrics were composed and the relative proportion of each Ingredient He was Informed that the measure being strongly op posed by the National Association of Wool Manufacturers were ex tensive users of shoddy They were opposing It not openly but because they dared forward and submit to be fore the committee which was deal ing with the Bill of Cape Colony that the natives- of the country he resented not manufacturer but consumers few years ago an attempt was made to start a factory In South Africa He knew from personal experience that a great deal of shoddy was consumed Colony The trade in outh Africa required goods matter what goods were offered for sale the Dutch people always asked Have you nothing cheaper Un fortunately farmers In South Al as representing Cant erbury Agricultural and pastoral Association New Zealand he could very support Mr ex pressions It seemed to that nearly every country produced the abominable fabrics which had been described- He thought it had been reserved for Hew Zealand to be of the few places where they ed a that was not adulterated He could state from personal exper ience that yew Zealand wear far longer than any strjts be had been to get in London If the Zeal and cloth has any it was that the wearer of the clothes made of it got tired- of his garments before they were wern out woollen cloths will wear much longer than the shoddy things sold as cloth The colonies were perhaps more in terested in this subject than England He thought the subject should be pushed as far as possible not only be put before the Minister of Agriculture in England but also be fore the Colonial Premiers If the matter was properly- represented to Colonial Ministers they might be able to do a great deal to help Mr Reid of Tasmania said it him that manufacturers roust produce what the public want ed The main thing with which the producers of wools would have to concern themselves was to secure goods produced were proper ly marked by the manufacturers so that the consumer would know ex actly what he was buying LOAN it nil TORONTO SAVINGS COMPANY CANADA Ccr Victoria Sit ii HON GEO A COX President Capital Fund i J Interest on Repayable Demand on Interest alloWe4 on days notice WRITE FOR COPY OP ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER INFORMATION a WOOD Director Manager Four men were killed and two fatally injured- by a explosion at Niagara Falls last Friday Out Oct William Giles years old son of Patrol man Giles of this city was run over and instantly killed this afternoon The was riding on the seat of a wagon in which was a heavy load of dirt from an excavation He was jolted from the seat and before the could stop the rear wheel had passed over the boys head Commenting upon the case a young married woman in Out a mere girl who swallowed poison and died because the village gossips were whispering malicious slanders against her the Hamilton Herald remarks This is a record ed But think of the myriads victims slanderous tongue who though they do not seek refuge in suicide live crippled lives and sufier in secret We forget at the moment what torture Dante invented for the slandermonger in his Infer no but it should be something more excruciating than the punishment for most other sins I 1 1 IS J The Specialists of 25 Years In Bank out of every ten men yaUty of their youth excuses go matter he be- The and with the crime treatment too set in effect proper DRAINS cither by DiffhtlrldtuBj or through mast be the NERVES ho built the blood mast the be developed the DRAIN Oar Hew Method provides all these Undtr lit Itifltieacc the the blood that all pimples blotches ulcer the fttroogu steel so that and despondency disappear the eyes become bright the face fall and return to the body the moral physical peaualsia ate rated an far as do more vital waste from The The organs We invite all the afflicted to call and confidentially and free Cure or no treat care Blood fttrlcture Unnatu ral Itldaor Bladder Dlaa t unable to call write for 2 or Home KENNEDY A 148 ST t r I- FOR w TABLET for IjaDlOESTlOH MICH A f THERE ARE PAPERS THE la la dialect Will you with Home Foreign and I was run clown very much but I am thankful to say that IronOx Tablets have put new life into me My wife also is taking the Tablets She finds great benefit from them STONE Brock Ave Dont forget the old man with the fish on his back For nearly thirty years he has been traveling around the world and is still traveling bringing health and comfort wherever he To the consumptive he brings the strength and flesh he so much needs To all weak and sickly children he gives rich and strengthening food To thin and pale persons he gives new firm flesh and rich red blood Children who first saw the old man with the fish are now grown up and have children of their own He stands for Scotts Emul sion of pure cod liver delightful food a natural tonic for children for old folks IS and for all who need flesh and it he pamphlet sent Strength rnarVet- and they j aropc sent Toronto Ontario 9IOO1 Were ww talking of and cross and Vigor upon qua Illy and quantity of Stood liver the great secreting o the body and when it to its office bile ac cumulates and the becomes poison causing many such as dull heavy feeling indisposition to attend to duties pain in back or shoulders sour stomach conntipation the skin at night these not promptly dealt with they become aggravated o as to induce severe Illness To relievo at once and cure permanently DR TONIC fltomaoh and long been recognized as sovereign treatment These ace made from the formula an em inent Canadian physician who ha used the prescription in his practice for yearn with tho satisfactory results Blood Purifier per you can the pre paration of your local druggist but unable to it in neighborhood we will send to any address or more 1 on receipt of price per lxt- tle carriage prepaid on Application on receipt of stamps to postage The THE WEEKLY SUN Its special art Market Report at ax equalled for FULNESS and Regular contclbaUona by Byatayder on current Reports of ConvanUons and meetings fa ts rest and Talus to all farmers dairymen an Practical talks each week on Live Stock Crop Culture for Profit wd other HOW fori ERA THE And we will send The Sun free for the balance of Leave youv order ONLY DROP A POST CARD THE WEEKLY AHD THEY WILL SEND SAMPLE COPIES FREE by St Johns Nov town of St Pierre the French Island of has been devas tated by fire A destructive confla gration started last night and swept main portion of the town Governors house the Government building the Court House the build ing fyy Ministry of Mar ine the Roman Catholic cathedral the presbytery the and a number of other buildings were de stroyed It has not yet been how fire originated was no wind or the entire town would probably have been completely Even as It is the ex tent of the disaster is very and- financial loss will probably reach hall a million dol lars There was no loss of life or serious accident r At Dawson I a belle was found guilty of the murder of and sentenced to be hanged on Janu ary A company of Americans ne gotiating for purchase of acres of land near West Selkirk for the cultivation of sugar beets and the erection of a sugar factory to a day Take Laxative All refund the money if It to cute Groves signature on each box PROMPTLY Write for our and How you or and fraaour opinion been prosecuted conduct fully equipped office in and ly and quickly at at the invention procured through ft notice over silnt I the Patent of MARION MARION Patent fc k La A vf1flX

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