J r jire i Draft for and Rising one and two old Al bert H Shanks Kettleby For Good Store suitable for church school or large room- Ap ply at HUNTER BROS STORE Notice to Curlers The annua inciting of the Curling Co Limited will be held at the Forsyth House on Wed nesday evening at pm FRANK STEWART Secretary CAUTION I hereby caution the public from purchasing a cote of hand made by me dated Nov and payable one yea after date to Bert Taylor or Bearer for the as I have not received value therefore and will dispute payment Nor For Sale at a Bargain That Double House a the Corner of Timothy and Church Streets New market belonging to the Sarah per Estate will be sold at a Bar gain The property is rented for a month and is in good con dition The Executors are closing up the Estate and the property must be sold For Particulars apply to Executors Solicitor NOV ad ah Sever Brighter and Better All Printing Dons Mail Contract Addressed lolbeHt- will at rod January IM Ibecooveyftoc- of Hit a proposed for four tiroes way between traafeani in n frotn ihe lit February next notice containing further infor mation as cjiittlont of proposed Con tract be aeeo and blank or render Offices of Strange and offices on route and at the Post Office Inspector a Toronto ANDERSON superintendent a If Ottawa I November Prohibition A responsibility rests upon every voter in Ontario if con section with the on Thursday of next week The most rigid License Act ever en acted now on the Statute Book of Ontario with the sanction the highest court in the realm and with all the necessary machinery en forcement but it remains with the voters of Province to say wheth er it shall come into or rot The chief aim of the Art is to do away with the source of the most prolific evil of the daythe Felling or even giving away of intoxicating li quors in bar or club rooms in the whole Province When we think of the wretchedness and misery that the liquor traffic has produced surely We will not Mo to bicker over the question of revenue or enforcement but vote yes be cause it is right to do so most eminent statesmen say that Prohibit can he enforced and that the re venue will he more than made up in other channels South Everywhere throughout the great British Empire the intimation will be received with the most profound satisfaction that military rule is at an end in South Africa and that civil authority obtains throughout the Colony The change is far more rapid than was anticipated when the rebellion in the was to a close South Africa made history rapidly during the past three years The Orange Free State practically declar ed war against Great Britain on Oct when the authorities in the Transvaal presented their ultimatum Two days later the invasion of Brit- ish territory followed After vary ing fortunes during the next seven months the Orange River Colony either Inlet or Port- Simpson on the coast as be deter mined later editorial oh Tuesday this statement is Ths northward line in its westerly section will probably be better un derstood by remembering that P passes through the Rockies scarcely miles north of the inter national boundary The Canadian Northern projected by Mann and- now being constructed along the southern bank of River will it is antici pated use the Yellow Head Pass about miles north of while the projected Grand Trunk Pa cific will cross toedivide by the Pine River Pass miles to the north of the Yellow Head It will thus be seen that the Grand Trunk Pacific will cross the Rockies miles north of the international boundary and will open up in Brit ish Columbia a country away north of the Cariboo Gold Fields rich in the precious metals and at present almost as useless to the people ot Canada as if it were situated in the mountains of the moon The Pine River Pass has an altitude of only feet and this seems to war rant the statement of Mr Hays that the Grand Trunk will have especially low grades in its Pacific section rr IP YOU SEE IT IN RIGHT I I- The privations endured by the tramping learned them a much needed lesson The Immigration Agent has sent informa tion to Ottawa to the effect that the pilgrims have since returning to the village ami are purchasing horses Mr Albert founder the Renfrew Mercury and until active in its management died on the The last issue A the Mercury containing- an obituary of deceased comes to hand dressed in mourning fox the departed He issu ed the first number the paper in June The Globe keeps right on rubbing it into the Mail the World and Mr J I Tarte by presenting facts relating to the trade the country as knocks props from the protection platform On Tueshay it said Exports of Canadian manufactures have been doubled in the last six vears showing how industry is being ruined by the Liberal tariff The Ontario Provincial Fair is an nounced be held at on was annexed by Royal Proclamation December to inclusive and on October 25 a few days more than one year after war had 7Mr J of was Town the past week ilr A of Bradford spent Sunday with friends Hughes has but is slightly improv ed Mrs of Bradford was the guest of Mrs John over Sun day Mr Alex Millard and daughter spent over Sunday at The Avon- more Mrs B Hewitt entertained a party of young ladies on Monday evening Mr and Mrs J Cane cele brated their China Wedding a few days ago Rev A preached anniversary sermons at last Sunday Mr am Mrs David at tended a Silver Wedding in Aurora last Saturday Mr Harvey Bowles of Toronto spent over Sunda in Town with Mr A Coombs Miss Grace Kirkpatrick over from Michigan visiting friends In Town this week- Miss Charlotte Dickson is spend ing a or two with her brother Mr J Dickson Messrs Miller- and Doyle spent Sunday in the guests of Mr and Mrs Miss Kate Keen a of Aurora at tended a private party in Town on Thursday night of last week Miss Coombs and her sis ter With of Bracebridge spent over Sunday with their aunt Mrs Charles Miss took advantage the Berlin to visit relatives in Waterloo Mrs Sutherland at Gait and Mrs I Jackson at Mrs and little May have both been on the sick list for the past six weeks but are now improving Halt the time they were confined to bed Col Lloyd was fortunate in securing two deer and returned home last Friday Thanks to his gener osity the editor of the Era was included among the list of friends that was permitted to enjoy a roast of venison The editor and Mrs Jackson were the guests of Mr J P Belfry and his entertaining family over ii NfiWilRKET AND per cent By buying your Furs At this ore hereare none so blind as those who will not see- There are sorne people who cannot be convinced that white and black is because they are to have their own about it Vry such people go through life I missing the great truths and the greatest happiness as well as comforts There others again who areconvincible It is to this class that we like to talk about the merits of Ready Tailored Suits and Overcoats They are better than ninetentfis of the made to measure clothes turned out and the equal of the other tenth The Clothing we sell costs about onethird the price of made to order clothes and have evety desirable attribute of the very best made to measure garments besides embodying many unmatchable features strictly their own That is why we ask you to investigate our Clothing before making your fall purchases You risk nothing and stand to win a lot Money Saving Offerings from the Mens Section Mail Contract This is practically speaking the Fat Ham We also had pleasure of each day and evening lectures will be I Mr J Dickson Miss been Transvaal Colony relating to Cattle Dickson Mr A Cole Mrs Par- was also annexed But the struggle Poultry and their products nee Mias Wilkin Mrs Roper SEALED At Ottawa until Friday for HI Majwlf Mall a Contract lor four each between the Feb ruary Printed notice further of Contract may be blank of Tender may be obtain I at Pott Office of Linton and other on route tad at the Pott Office at Toronto ANDERSON Von Mall rural inch Superintendent went with now and then an event episode till May when peace was signed and the South Af rican Republic acknowledged the sovereignty of Great Britain Briefly reviewing the entire cam paign we join with those who con aider it no uncommon tribute to the loyal manner in which the Boers have lived up to their agreement to learn thai during the past week at Pre toria the glad proclamation made public of the repeal of In the new colonies Both- Beit inner and Boer will alike rejoice that military authority has been superced ed by the civil power in South Af rica Railways are giving return tickets Butcher Mr H Newmarket to Chicago 1540 RETURN r the Live Stock Exhibition Nov to are going Dec 1st 3rd and valid returning from Chitago on or before Dec The Beat bed VestlbuU luxurious Parlor Cars Pullman Sleep ears and the Insure a journey California Winter Resorts trip tickets on goo4 for months for or sin- folder and all from A HfnukiS Six flnofchef the From what has already appeared in the dally during the past week it may be fairly assumed that the It will seek legislation at the next session the Dominion Parlia ment authorizing the construction of a new line of railway to the Paci fic coast The General manager of the an interview a few from all points west of Kingstoo at single fare From Newmarket the rate will be about to obtainable from Dec to Dec 12 to return up to and Including Dec Hunters take delight in a November outing wilds of capturing fallow deer are making to the Game Wardens that the season from the 1st to the is too warm and want the date changed to the to the Nov Funny isnt it Last year ft was terribly cold shivering at some selected point on a deer run and then the shooters wanted It a little earlier so it goes but the chances are the game war dens will try the existing dates for another year There is no sense in being hasty about changing dates of this kind weather dont suit for an odd year now and then The Telephone system common in country parts some of the State across the border is to be Introduc ed in Canada The of Tuesday remarks York county fanners will try a system of tele phones which have become In the western Stales Contracts have been signed by a telephone company for the establishment of a rural and Mr Manning A cablegram from Rome says the Pope gave a farewell audience to Archbishop of Montreal on Sunday in the Pontiffs private apartments He afterwards went to the throne room where Monsignor presented to him all the Canadians now in Rome numbering sixty including several Protestants from the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec The Pope said he was de lighted to see the Canadians and gave his benediction to them all On leaving Archbishop said hope to see your Holiness on next visit to Rome three years hence The Pope replied I will for you fc The Cradle days ago stated that the route service embracing Locust Hit River land Brougham has cornmenc- on the line which will be in vers have as yet been made It is ftration in days Thirty farmers which it intended to follow has already been planned but to expected the new line will be con structed and in operation In five will have telephones the cost to be and a small payment for a fi maintenance There will he no ex- and the General Superintend- flUton8 caUa further intimated the Pacific Is reached a line of hhips to the Orient will follow as a a dairy Nine or tea can talk over the two at one time hut pri vacy is assured ill The to at of the season the will leave on is In Auction of new ablptollding yards natural lo the agreement made This new railway is to be called between the Ontario Government and the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway the Canada Co who are to and will from either Graven- In the Lake the or North Bay and its Pacific Company agrees to erect and operate will be at Victoria The a hatchery and to yearly in be of the highest uptodate Lake I0fl0u010 fry of each both In construction and of three kinds of fish lake trout whlteflfih and pickerel The amounts A Montreal to the Globe to be paid the Province are first says The Board of Directors has year 12000 second third had this project under consideration fourth fifth for some time the company sixth and each succeeding year Is now prepared to go right ahead J 5000 up to twenty years No with a railroad extending from provision to made for renewal The North Bay or on the company also agrees to establish fih through that portion of North- markets In towns and cities Ontario familiarly known as new by the Government This Ontario through Manitoba and agreement It may also he remarked Night calls attended to at Residence Alberta via does not exclude private persons from River or Pine River ordinary fishing in the waters where IUnil l and British Columbia the Company purpose the Methodist Parsmage on Friday Nov KM to the Rev and Mrs Lee formerly of Aurora a son LEADING Undertaking House 18 FURNITURE At Greatly Reduced Prices During the week the Fair Bedroom Suites worth for Bedroom Suits with Bevel Mirror north for Bedroom Suites with Bevel Mirror worth for 1850 Golden Oak Suite Bevel Mirror worth for 1860 Parlor Suite pea silk covering worth for Parlor Suite Worth for 3600 Parlor Suite and for 2800 Parlor Suite Velours worth 2900 Ml Golden Elm Sideboard with Mirror Worth for Sideboard large Bevel Mirror worth for 1176 and ASPKOfALTY operating Phone and Mi Mens Latest Style Overcoas Made with frock lapels velvet collar cuff on well trimmed and lined sizes to special at Oiolh Overcoats in the new Cheater field Italian linings perfect fitting all sizes now on Special English Beaver Overcoats at The very finppfe English Beaver Cloth in Blues and Black made with silk collar mohair sleeve linings best Italian body linings cut in latest style Ae claim that no tailor can fit von better or tailor a coat better at our price Mens We make the claim right here that there is no Suit ever produced in this country ready- to- that at all approaches this Suit at of ours for style for fit or fur workmaualiip cut fromthe finest Imported Tweeds Series and Worsteds in Blue and Black lined heavy Farmers and all seams Wool Fleeced Underwear Mens Wool Fleeced Underwear satin faced sizes 10 ribbed sleeves and ankles now on sale at New Colored Shirts Just received for Xmas trade in neat checks and 3tripeB cuffs to match every shirt guaranteed to wash all sizes at and J Neckwear In Knots Bows Puffs and the very latest novelties obtainable on the market at and Mens Gloves Usual only Mens Kid Gloves wool lined dome fasteners sizes to 10 regular value now on sale at Mens and Boys Boots and in buffs find splits made whole foxed solid leather sizes 1 to 11 all at one price pair Mens and Boys Fur Caps At off only Boys Caps in new wedge quilted linings all sizes now on sale at worth J more Specials Hunters Special Blend Coffee lb Newmarket Cheese 14c lb Choice New Currants and Raisins just in I HUNTER Newmarket Sign of the Big Successors to E Mi w zz British Columbia has just passed political A new Cabinet has formed with Col Prior Premier and Minis ter of Mines Mr M At torneyGeneral Mr J Prentice Finance Minister Mr Wells Com of Public Works Mr Mur phy Provincial Secretary and Minis ter of Education Mr President of Council Another coalition Christmas The Alter fa A KB A IT At the resi dence of the brides mother on Nov by Elder Newmarket Mr to MUs Bertha Smith daughter of fir W Smith all of East Wednesday Nov at the Presbyterian Manse Sutton by Rev Mo Margaret Rachel Shire of Brock to James MoTam- rey of TOYS DOLLS GAMES Tomb rubbers are the most and best constructed rubber shoes in Canada If you value comfort and wear in sist on your shoe dealer Supplying you with this brand 9- Anna Maria wife of the late Edward Wheler of Stoutlvine on 26th November in her 91st year Town on Nov Cofey sister of Dr in her year Interment at PennvIUe leaving the Prospect Ave at oclock this morning AT CENTS EACH Noahs Ark Drawing Slate Game of Old Maid Box of Blocks Childs Tea Set Toy Boats Toy Whips Toy Horns Wood Horses Surprise Boxes Mouth Organs AT EACH Game of Lost Heir Toy Pencil Boxes Large Ark Board and Men China Bolls Doll Head Horn Surprise Dor Cup and Saucer Toy Horse and Wagon Animal Picture Puzzle Rubber Doll Organs Toy Book Money Purse AT CENTS EACH Work Basket Picture Blocks Largo Undressed Dolls Iron Stand Toy Drum Tea Set Ha Mirror Iron Train Steam Bat to run Game of Sport arrows Pencil Box Boor Slate and Pencil Traction also similar assortments at and each PATENT PENS write words with one dip of ink Medium fine at for Try them AND FRUIT MAIN ST NORTH AH Orders will reoeive Careful and Prompt Attention Now is the time to begin the good things Plum Pud dings Mince Meats and Fruit Cakes Tor Wo give partial list In the meantime lbs Good Clean Currants for New Lemon Peel Mixed lbs Select Valentia Raisins Select Seeded Raisins per and New Dates per lb New Data Reject per lb New Oranges per 1 and New Lemons per AD CAKES PASTRY Large variety at little cost Sponge Cokes Puffs Jelly Rolls The Best Bread and Pastry Flour Constantly on sale Once tried always used Famous Pork Sausage Fresh Bulk Oysters STARR- TELEPHONE