Newmarket Era, 26 Dec 1902, p. 5

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i FT ONTARIO XIO0000 J General Bulking Business j Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED form fitamftPkt Depot THE ATLANTIC given number This machine has and High have rw great for the position County has at jscapabir5f out very sii- Councillors HY Kirby shipped to l0t eight re Atlantic In re- having been given to a perfect is their opponent I and Chi a car or hogs tda Mrs C Simpson J Mala St Good ilea 13 Street Newmarket Bolton Hewitt Decorator Street Lane nod WJSMITH EVES SCDITR DOUGLAS CO Socfcipajrlaf Original secure iruaranteea Ellis fcad Room Manning Chambers Toronto Estimate of by foe til Jackson Of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Ha Office palcat ft at residence If J JR RHH MARRIAGE to the city the this thrown from a buggy parallel planes and the rolls I ec to inform of paper arc all at one end of the nave established wireless machine while the finished product is Mr between delivered at the other telegraphic MtPorhanl Principal of and Cornwall Model School is to be complete success on having all the messages including one Training the term obtain Governor General of Can- sufficient marks to entitle them to Mward have al- j ready been transmitted and forward I to the Kings of England and It- Teaching the Shrouded in lee BY A on Thursday night by collision with a Metropolitan car Dr Richardson was driving south from York Mills The step of a southbound car caught the buggy wheel and upset the rig but did not injure the occupants Anson Raymond was acquitted on Friday last on the charge of having in his possession bogus one dollar bills The jury was locked up for two hours before it brought a ver- I Regular meeting next Monday eveV Our Heavenly Home and the Way Rev Rev Leader Miss Hoover A fiuiecasf Few Colleges of any kind have won a better reputation Tor thorough work and for successful graduates than The Central Business College Toronto The Winter Terra in excellent school will begin on Jan as per notice in our advertising columns also a message to the London Times transmitted in the presence of A its special correspondent Dr Parkin rounds of some of the of Toronto Signed Marconi staling that a foreign scientist manufacturing bogus dollar bills definitely formed the conclusion that j A a meeting of the Milk Dealers the time is approaching for the Association last week it was decided diet He and his wife are still held paragraph has been going the bail charged with having newspapers had in their possession material for Clubbing Era and Weekly Globe with Bra and Montreal Star with premium Era and Daily Globe 1 year North York only Era and Farmers Advocate I Era and Toronto Sun Balance of free for Weeklies Presentation On Thursday evening of last week Sir A E Coombs the popular Prin cipal of Newmarket High School en tertained the pupils of Forms III Marconis Experiments Prior to December the great est distance covered by wireless tele graphy scarcely exceeded miles Early that month Marconi visited Newfoundland and from Hill commenced experimenting with Corn wall and on Dec and faint signals of the letter s repeated several times were caught by ear only with the aid of telephones Lat er on Marconi on board of the steam ship Philadelphia and hound for Am erica succeeded in establishing com- with Cornwall at a dis tance of Transoceanic messages were also received on board the Carlo Alberto while the warship lay at anchor in Sydney harbor but none were sent Marconi arrived in Cape Breton on Oct and since then he has been perfecting the ap paratus at Table Head He met with innumerable difficulties there but at last succeeded in sending a transoceanic wireless message Canada to Cornwall a distance of miles The Carlo Alberto the Italian warship which has been given by the King of Italy to Marconi to assist in his experiments was days ago ordered to proceed to Venezuela but as her immediate de parture would have retard- and at his home Just pre- vious to leaving having spent a de- operations the order lightful evening the pupils surprised and she was held at Mr Coombs him Mr Coombs by presenting him with lommuni- fountain per with gold K teeKsfully untinVs sailed today for Venezuela to the blockading opera- mountings take part in lion Doubts Should Vanish London Dec Marconi has at last succeeded in establishing wireless telegraphic communication across the NEWMARKET 1 MARBLE WORKS to DK3IQN3 t Monuments and Head Stones XT Awful slippery walking Sun day morning if you would like to get into a crowd just call at Newmarket post- Atlantic The message which he has office every evening about transmitted from Lord to the The Insurance Agents are King is an accomplishment which Calendars for among their should do away with the many doubts patrons as to the ultimate success of his Sabbath i3 Review- Day in the markable system Wireless Iclegra- Schools ls already in commercial use at several of the Lloyds signal stations Flour and Feed FAMILY WOOD i Ft or Short Lengths COOK BEOS i tot Main Huron Taken Off Last Monday there was a small v reck at the depot Mr Wesley drove a car on the siding and unhitched his horses re moving them to the hotel stables while he loaded the wagon with brick A freight train came along and was shunting on the twitch The hind wheel wagon was too close to the track and a car jammed into it smashing it to piece T 1 The Christmas Tree and came off last Friday evening and was well attended The pastor presided and gave an address as did also Mr A Davidson The singing was done by jhe children Who wore delighted with the on the tree The of the school Mr 11 Pretty kind ly rememUrcd by a handsome Hook of and J A vray a pair of beautiful fur gauntlets rf vitx tea tew frner Main and V OWL r Grocery Debate Friday afternoon a very in teresting debate took place at the High School A committee appoint ed for the purpose selected pupils to debate the subject bat the advantages of city life are peri or to those of country life- The affirmative side was or Miss Olive Hodge Miss Cko Brought ton and Mr Cody and the negative side of Miss Sir John Hoy and Mr McDonald Mr Coombs was In the chair hut the whole teaching staff decided the debate in favor of the negative A collection wax taken up at the iloxe A the debate for the Sick Childrens Hospital Toronto amounting to while some of the greatest Atlantic liners have been making from to a trip by transmitting messages to shore The British navy also em ployes the system in a modified form nearly all the modern battleships and cruisers being fitted with the neces sary apparatus I London Dec The Times con firms the receipt of a message by wireless telegraphy from Marconi at Cape Breton WORDS IN AN London Dec of the Marconi Company say they have been receiving transAtlantic messages for a week They ad J the messages to King others came thru without a hitch and practically instantaneously The key was defirosCii it Scotia the receiver l Cornwall answered It I hat company will able handle words an hour So soon as it Is able to the pot- authorities to connect with the inland telegraph the com pany v 1 commence regular commer cial business between Cornwall and Nov a Scotia ft Marvel of Mechanism te I pa jr One of the largest printing presses in world and undoubtedly the largest la Canada is shortly to be of and Toronto Thin monster Is Known as the Scott Straight Sextuple insetting and Folding Machine Its enormous ca pacity of papers per hour printed pasted cut and will enable the and Km re to hour and a half later than at present This mammoth press is the most uptodate and complete ma chines ever manufactured An idea We of Town its prodigious may be gather- joying a boom such never by feet In experienced Since the feet Inches in width and weighs July last new members have W tons ft will print been it fated and not one withdrawal W and 21 pages as required Another large batch were really three prases Hall- double width or four pages wide filled at every Sir placed one above the other In par ago two popular young men planes were chosen a Captains press carries sixteen and Keif they type plates and Is fed from a roll of in a contest for the paper 70 inches in width Tl Webs iiX of the are brought together in register after to give an oyster slipper at New being printed and receive a Marks were given for tut in the centre making six- memUrM and programs or alternate continuous webs or sheets the The is up to width of the paper The ver heat and the marks ire socJom sheets receive a in the centre hard telling vfaUU while rut the run and arc cut oil in breaking loose of the vast accum ulation of ice surrounding the ant arctic pole the mass amounting in the aggregate to several thousand square miles and of a thickness of as he estimates 12000 feat Ross however puts the thickness of one part of great southern at not more than feet the altitude above water being according to his calculation less than He gives his reasons for believing that this terrific mountain of billions upon billions of tons of ice towering high in the upper regions of the air will in the course of time Ireak down and overwhelm the entire earth in one vast frozen shroud Although of course we know that- in the age preceding the present a catastrophe of that character took known as the glacial era when from some unexplained cause the polar ice overspread the greater part and North America yet it must surely be a fatuous and extra vagant idea to conceive that this en tire globe will be sepulchred in ice and transformed into a dead world from pole to pole in a vast frozen winding sheet But though it were idle to specu late on this contingency yet we may earn our thoughts hack to that faroff epoch when a lac fate so large a portion the earths surface and of which to this day so many indisputable ves- remain at the time was an almost tropical count Lions rhinoceros hippopotamus hy aenas and other tropical animals roamed over the country present race of man had not yet been creat ed and palms and tree ferns nour ished in abundance But suddenly the temperature begins to fall and in the far distance is heard the dull murmur of a continuous crashing sound caused by the vast bergs and towering icecliffs striking the North ern coast And as the lofty frozen mountains of the far north collapse one after another impelling the huge floating bergs before them they in their turn being thrust over the land with titanic force the whole country is soon devastaled and almost all life destroyed The valleys opening north are transformed into great broad streams of mighty blocks of moving ice heaped and tossed about in confusion as the terrific forces in their rear to impel them forward and grinding channels and striae in the mountain sides which remain to this day as silent witnesses of the tremendous icy cataclysm And still the glacial invasion con tinues the chains of hills are sur mounted great detached bergs bound ing down their southern slopes the land is hidden beneath its icy pall win in North it is proved attained a thickness of feci the Channel is reached ami still the ice advances covering the greater pail of France and threat ening to immolate the world But fourth the ice surge is stayed gradually succumbs before the solar warmth and the fair face of the laud once more resumes its beauty And if the Almighty were to give the word and to let loose the forces of nature this earth of ours would once lore be destroyed Let then ruin submit to Win obey Mis laws and believe His Holy Word Then his sins being thru the neverrefused intercession whatever happen he would not tear For his home would be in the glory land repairing his he a comfortable that ft is win j lengths of one page after which they Mr is home which will place The hockey boy are practising every day and will give Tottenham a fast game when they meet Mr intends brickcladding and fixing up In a firstclass shape the house vacated Mr Mr and wife started for their new homo In Michi gan on Wednesday Mr Boyle will move into the brick hotel on Jan 1st as Mr Bale- man takes possession of his store on that date to carry on business Is On the boom hero The price of property Is on the in crease several sales have taken place lately and moving is the order of the Mr Ed Street opened up the skat ing rink on Saturday night and had a very good attendance for a start Send the to absent not to raise the price milk this winter An address on Quakers and Qua kerism was delivered in the Friends meeting house on Carlton last Friday evening by Cornell of Newmarket It is now stated that- a scrutineer at the referendum polled his vote twice once on his certificate and then in another division where he was a voter After a long illness and confined to his bed for five months Mr A of city passed over to the majority during the of the in his year Two writs were issued against the Grand Trunk Railway last week in connection with a fatal accident that occurred at on the 13th of this month Hockley a farmer residing about three miles north of while driving home from market in the morning was struck by the 10 oclock express and instantly killed His widow Mary Ann Hockley as executrix of the estate sues the Grand Trunk for carnages for his death Albert Davis who owned the rig in which ley was driving also sues the company for s275 the horse killed and the rig demolished Kohl Holly ledger keeper in Ihe Parliament street branch of the Bank of Commerce has been arrested on a charge of the Dominion Co- by securing express or ders with bogus bank checks If a person residing in the rural districts had been as easily swindled as was the agent of the Co he have been guyed a lon or a hayseed The Christmas Musical festival Chorus with Prof as leader in Massey Hall Thursday night was a grand success The Hallelujah Chorus had to be repeated in response to an Toronto is quite the eminent has- given Technical School but the directors arc clamoring for This city gets more money out of the public chest than all other of On tario combined and then is not sat isfied On Thursday Rev J A Rankin pastor erf the Central fticthodint Church formerly of Aurora under went a successful operation for ap pendicitis at the General Hospital The operation was performed by Dr Starr Mr Rankin has steadily im proved and his complete recovery is considered to be but a matter of time and care Alfred charged with stealing succession duties was form ally arraigned in the Court last and committed to stand trial at the According to the engineers there are 2Jl miles of sewers in the city The holiday excursions from Mani toba and the arc bring ing crowded cars of people to visit their old Ontario Homes- this Mr Geo Coles elevenyearold son iturge met with a painful ac cident last Tuesday at by left hand caught in a suet machine The end of one fing er was almost cutoff and two others were badly crushed i a the medicine above all he carried on with the utmost and of the unfortunate fact tint In other there to much hum bug deception The and are traded upon fn the many and arc positively to health a all proprietary are- regarded frith auaotdou by many people the good foe the bad these reaoniwe announce tht the principal Q LIMITED vhich we are an of the truth ftentaHou r jurat ON TABLETS Ironox Ltd- It A ir AND HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED A ALLAN CO j TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE fi era We have imported ciiivcc New York some of the Prettiest and Mont Tasteful Perfume it was to secure- They include many new delightful and the Dainty in which they come are really To get an idea of their appropriateness and real worth you must come in and see them and that in just what want you to do Youll he pleased with them k22i i we REMEMBER ITS The Newmarket Pharmacy St Next door to Post Office Phone Ho 15 DAY l ENDING AT Till TORONTO JOBBING To Buy Your for Come Where it is Made Fresh Every Daf i I Brown per pound- Maple Cream plain per pound Maple Cream with per pound Chocolate pa do Mixed Creami Io do do Peanut Crisp do v 15 Chocolate do New frobhFiga Dates all at hand New Currants Peels and Canned Goods at Prices i NEXT TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE

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