1 J 4 J r I l Em givc3 more feosas news every week other papers in North combined to be Leading Paper v r- I s I J liiJ fir J NORTH YORK AND- to teoyjojer and to ftesly to above other libs I rty Single cents J T of North York unless paid in advance 1Q03 TERMS- 25 pec wurnm if in advance fidlljOj C Toronto The slumbers of the household at Huron street were Ottawa the season of there shipped points along the Canada Atlantic Railway deer totalling rudely disturbed Friday morning j pounds of venison This is- he I 340 by fire which broke out est number ever shipped in one portion of house and an- increase of over firemen were summoned by telephone when were taken mi In and the blaze was quickly extinguish- j WOO- 346 were shipped si that the The origin of the Tire is a number ot sportsmen coming to does not points along this line is exceed fully by roni year to year is estimated Lukes is the local rcpro of the Mann interests A enclosing 2 sterling been received by of from Lord Roberts fought under Lord Roberts in India and has been on the pension list for years The were sent by Lord Robert- as a Christmas gift Frederick Wool a boy For the j in I the as the line many season more by the killed settlers iloug At a meeting of a society the mem bers of which are exceedingly loyal tcr their native country and each other one of the afterdinner speakers tola a story of which Windsor was arrested in the Union Station on Thursday night eastern pi on a charge of robbing the mails He was taken east for trial It is that during absence of the baggageman Wood cut open a mail in pure a kick bag and stole a letter containing The Turk jumped to his feet and Several letters were opened without a word struck the Knglish A colored man named Albert soldier square in the face felling him died at his home on Adelaide to the ground- street last week He claimed to he Three other soldiers made for the years old For the last Turk and prepared to take a years he has been a familiar figure hand but two Irishmen coming n on the streets of Toronto fig imwer No kingdom on the lace of the earth in either ancient c modern times has forged Ahead rapid ly than Japan not only in its commonly accepted sense but industrially in its fullest com meaning A quarter of a century ago Japan was practically known as four large many small islands off the northeastern coast of China where people employed their time in tea inlaying trays and embroidering silken gar ments with golden threads Today Japan is an empire worthy of the name comprising an area of square miles with a population of of people The adoption of western manners and customs the abolition the feudal system under which the country was governed by a few lords the conversion an ab solute into a limited monarchy as the result of the revolution and the introduction in of a PAINTERS SUPPLIES one of Great Britains possessions a charge of robbing the mails An English soldier saw a big raw- elected parliament have t j raised the empire of from a drinking from a brook The soldier sovereignty to be one of the Powers of the World which has how to he reckoned with in all matters of difference between the Occident and the Orient Japan has a nation debt of 000000 While not more than one sixth of its area is cultivable the soil is very productive where it can utilized at all and there it teems with every variety of agricultural produce To bacco tea potatoes rice and wheat are all grown its floral kingdom is rich beautiful and varied but its For the Era 11 bus I ft bake BY A BANKER the following result Bach using pounds of flour they I Wfi and pounds of f bread I CaniilafIoUr Indian corn flour cheaper substanees is il and for strength this lour is usurped In the matter of imjeximrU wheat Hour hotter J appanage the West lumber of all kinds f f the Strang ducts carriages aw mHiuac- wonderful marvels of cottons and I is Japans natural tev control Li route east the motherland to the rUicFt con fines of the Pacific Less than three weeks wilt transfer from the board to Yokohama the red J take the mi to west and I fi inn If however he does venture to do this he should not omit to take a good stick with him for he probably will soon and Canadian Government fio of great cold storage both the railway larger than swans Carriage bi Plumbing and The political hockey match between Premier Ross and J P Whitney re- suited in favor of the former 3 to News reached here last week that Judge who is in Bermuda had fallen while on a steamer there j from 1 breaking his ankle The Judges leave of absence has been extended two months on air play Turk whip ped of the Englishmen and as he gave the third one a finishing touch exclaimed Now ye villains Whin ye tackle a who appear to resent this intrusion of their domain open wide their gigantic beaks as theiugh they Would like to devour him ighest However haying driven away these angry and discordant visitants ho in through the most glorious of tureflqwer gardens Tall palms their long fronds hanging gracefully down brotherly redness as has hibiscus shrubs magnificent case the least that Japan j mauveclad can do is to reciprocate by another exotic her commercial patronage where and decor- she has not sought in vain for Ira- Sowing acknowledgement She knock- 1 m surpassing loveliness lie at door of ibis Dominion and J charm to this it was instantly opened wide for of reception we have m Mile birds glittering gars and on the steamships renders the transportation or such perishable articles as butter fruits and meats as safe and easy as the carrying of the roughest lumber Whatever Japan requires in the way of imports Canada SVjiriared riff supply on the most mutually lageous terms ana when comes to the assistance of with been Another bogus check game was worked on an Insurance Agent in this city last week f NEWMARKET fl Mothers fruits though abundant arc for the Turk agin be sure he has miles of privately owned railways and 768 miles of Govern ment lines on which last year a net profit the aggregate was made of Japan posses an army of constant I 1 requires and that of Ike vervheFt quality and Japan will now have an opportunity of practical her appreciation of our generos ity by placing her orders where she their bright iridescent metallic flit gaily from bough to bough But now a strangely weird and spectacle bursts upon the view A lake black as night Every mother know the The arbitration case of Arm- care a little requires ami t of which rong against the Aurora the young and inexperienced mother repaid by indemnity She did not hesitate to place her leaden surface no wind ever cation for favors r nor blast n hurricane ever causes a rolling billow Osaka the site the proposed i though here and there fountains of is an fluld high in the air cans a V S2S5 or craters to form for a sh strong me Aurora a the young and inexperienced berg for damages because who is caring for her first baby there diverting the line from bo other peri id In her life more was up before Judge on trying the little ills that are Friday and again adjourned certain to come to all Infants and Wishes their many Customers 1 OF THE lor Work to 4 led the i MONEY IN CHASE BROTHER The Winter Criminal and Civil As sizes opened here on Monday with Mr Justice presiding on the bench i The police made six arrests at a Chinese laundry in Queen St East on Saturday It was afJeles- The gambling articles confiscated were very strange specimens How who ap peared to be leader of gang to him Sam tied up in a small tag being arretted James Scott a bartender employ at the Stag Hotel at York and King streets while walking down stairs Sunday afternoon and fell His head struck a radiator causing painful injuries Four members of the Worlds edi torial staff have become associated with other Toronto newspapers this week After being absent from home for years Edmund returned to To ronto from Manitoba oh New Years Eagerly he searched for his wife whom he had not seen for so long He found her after making many arid the meeting a most touching one Both will re turn to Manitoba in a few weeks President over forty years ago could cut a figure eight on skats with the best them and on Saturday evening last he rated at a city rink that he had not fongotfen cunning of past years Toronto wants more post office ac commodation A city paper at once put up tbeMea fehould be erected and advocated lo cating It opposite new Court House The Telegram has the right Idea when It advocated a new site near the Union Station so an to got the postal matter out of the cars arid Into the the ter carriers as soon as powiible- Vith postal delivery and drop boxes the city it dont matter so much about the location nt announcement Is made this week that longpromised new cars for the Metropolitan- will be ready for use in ft a meeting of the County Council Is arid there must be a show doing something to quiet the refractory members till after the session Newmarket and the Countys experience with the Metropolitan Is alike The Company a policy but raking in tie fares all the even if passengers do ride in refrigerator o to speak Both Councils want men of real grit thcii would J yoirng children the mother especial ly the arid inexperienced mo therscarcely knows what to do It in to meet emergencies of this kind that Babys Own Tablets arc offered to ail mothers These tablets are an absolute cure for all thc minor has a well equipped navy manned by J men and her mercantile marine j is worthy of her progress j During the last fiscal year Japan exported to the United Kingdom cop per curios drugs jute silk raw manufactured and straw plaits to the of while during the same period her imports from the old country iri alkali arms carriages cotton yarn goods machinery cial centre of Japan containing a population of 176271 It is what is commonly termed a show city its causing short time upon the surface of liquid Hut no boat could row thereon no gallant ship could ailments of little ones and should metals ships and ship machinery and constantly be kepi in home I reached the value of there are young children comes quickly with at hand the emergency Sickness Own Tablets at nana me emergency is promptly met Mr It Mountain says commerid Babys Own Tablets to motors who have cross or delicate children I do hot know how I could get without them The Tab lets are guaranteed free rjm opiates or harmfuldrugs and crushed to a powder may be given with absolute safety a new born babe all druggists or sent by mail at a box by direct to the Dr Williams Medicine Co Ontario Willing to Try The late Sir John Stalner one of Englands most celebrated musicians corhposerB was once staying in a small Swiss village and the Eng lish was on outlook lor a musician to assist at the service was the office of the ho tel when the clergyman found him and started the conversation with Do you play the harmonium A little was the reply of tfic exorganist of St Pauls Cathedral Will you then be good enough to help us out of our difficulties on Sun day We will read the Psalms and thcUiymns shall be the simplest I can select added the delighted par son I will do my best said with a smile The service procccdei satisfactor ily hut tbe congregation at close listened to a brilliant recital When the parson heard- the name of his assistant he asked him to dinner Do you smoke he asked at the close I do my befit responded and the ensuing laughter was the prologue of an entertaining ex change of Oxford reminiscences It OWwfell from an tor at Fort William sixty feet to the ground and was Over conversions resulted from Abe special evangelistic services conducted and Hunter In recently During same period Canada ex ported to Japan only worth of goods while she imported there from materials to the value this is in the process of change years ago the Mr now for Japan in North America -with- head quarters at Montreal was despatch ed to Canada by his Government for thc purpose of advocating the Feder al Government disallowance of cer tain legislation passed by the Prov ince British prohibiting admission of Japanese into Can ada Mr successful Inter vention was followed by the natural desire on the part of his Government to cultivate International trading re lations between Canada and Japan and the latest outcome of his matic mission has been the decision of the Hon Sydney Fisher the Do minion Minister of Agriculture to cooperate with the Government of Japan In furthering the success of an international Exhibition to be held In in Kingdom of tho Mika do by the furnishing of a section of almost everything grown or produced in Canada Mr William Hutchison Com missioner the Canadian Govern- will he in charge and one of the main features of the Canadian exhibits will be making on spot bread from Canadian flour by Mr Jameson an ex pert baker who Is calculated to prove an expert demonstrator Canadian flour of the sort that will be exhibited contains by actual anal ysis about onetenth more of than the best quality of Hun garian flour ana tho albuminoids or gluten being more tenacious yield a dough Which rises better and holds Its position the baked oar When this Is seen the demonstration In Ja pan will he followed as elsewhere by a demand for Canadian flour in that country far in excess- of the paltry worth exported last year From Canadian flour bakers can make not only the best quality bread but likewise largest quan tity per barrel -Three- independent tests were made by with strong Canadian Hour Riving the mint temple the or com mercial bazaar the theatre and a multiplicity of curio shops The Kakku will be at night and condensing all the shops and factories of the town in that one place the Canadian and other visit ors may review industrial Osaka by electric light The labyrinthine ba zaar is delight of tho natives and it is joy of every visitor to fol low tortuous mazes without a thought of fatigue Kach city in thc Mikados kingdom possesses a large bazaar under Government control where goods marked in plain figures arc sold for a small commission There thc useful and the useless the necessities and the luxuries life newest inventions antiques cur- whatnot unobtainable else where Invite the inspection of vis itor and tempt a purchase if only as a souvenir typical of the land of the chrysanthemum The richest silk fabrics loom and hand can produce are here to be found in and a tourist who wishes an hotel conducted on thc Kuropcan plan will discover such accommodation at Osaka Hotel which is pleas antly situated on an island Osaka is most delightfully located and has not Inaptly been termed The Venice of Japan for it pos sesses no fewer than bridges Formerly Osaka was a military cap ital of Japah and within its castle walls much of its history has been made lot therein were played the final acts of and with thc surrender of the Restoration be gan Ottawa Thc funeral of of Spain took place at Madrid Two hundred thousand Mauser rifles have been ordered for Turk- army James ONeil was fined and costs for maintaining a gaminghouse In Hamilton Two hundred persons were drown ed as the result of a landslide at China Two political offenders against the election law down at Kingston have been brought to book For having voted without taking any oath of qualification Mr Justice Drltton electors liable a fine of each One of the electors is Mr Carey agent for Mr the other Mr Smith the Mr Gallagher Conservative MPP Honors are even one on For it is fed from beneath not from above Its source is not the rains aid the storms but a great boiling cauldron deep down in the depths of the earth where in a form er aeon vast forests of pill- trees grew in rank luxuriance their sap now being distilled in that of nature and forced up into the great black reservoir which we are contemplating a lake not water hut pitch Bub though so black yet it is beautiful Some times when surface is partly studded with temporary lowerbedecked islets which later arc absorbed and sink in the viscid fluid sometimes sullen black expanse but always fringed with its florallyadorned border of shrubs and graceful palms like a coatblack dia mond in a setting of gems And as we survey this lake our thoughts revert with a shud der to that symbolical pit of black ness and darkness that realm re morse reserved for those who forget their God But for those who Him and whose Saviour is the Son or God who gave Himself for them it has no terrors for they know that they are safe thru His pried to Death Through a Fait k i Windsor Jan Mrs wife of Mr William known resident of this city Saturday night while descending he cellar stairs at her home in Windsor Ave slipped and fell scattering all over her clothing from the lamp was carrying With her dress ablaze the unfortun ate woman managed to climb the steep stairs into the dining rushed past the table the cloth on It catching Ore In her excite and wild with pain she threw herself into a cane- bottomed chair and the bottom was burned out Continually screaming she managed to get Into the parlor where the fell on the floor All of this hap pened in a- few seconds so rapidly that by the time daughter May who was on the floor could mother her were such that In ward saving her life were useless Her face and hands were burned black and carpet where she fell ooo Seven persons were killed in railway wreck near Pa a 4