Newmarket Era, 16 Jan 1903, p. 5

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fc l THE mi ernes NEWMARKET BRANCH TRANSACTED I J J interest DRAFT ISSUED Simpson an Goods AUCTIONEER leeks fas GOING OX IS ft ABOUT TOWS Notice is hereby given that casts will fee added to all taxes remaining J -Anderson- Collector Mr Case had an exciting fire or Friday The Queen City OH Company has a new delivery sleigh on the road this week THE MYSTERIOUS VISITOR IS NOW HOMES Hewitt Line and V j t CO fc A Bills Attest and Room SShool Trustee meetings The first meeting according to statute Public School Trustees for in Towns and Villages will be held next Wednesday for organiza tion and general business Protection The Annual Meeting of the North York Protection Society will beheld in Newmarket on Saturday next at Three Oclock for the election or Officers and the transaction ol Gen- era Business for j I MARRIAGE LICENSES I ot MARRIAGE LICENSES BOWWOW Next Monday night a Championship Match in the Junior Series will be played on the Rink here be tween St Andrews College team Toronto and the Newmarket Pack faced at There will be lots go and it and give the juniors a cheer Methodist following are entitled to the Honor Roll for having obtained per cent- or over the marks during the whole year Clarice Brock Cody Roy Cody Harold Lush Garnet Kirby John Morgan Evelyn McKay Lawrence Spring Carl It Strikes and Old Who Predisposed totemtieM By Sehoof AND i AT BEKPV Hatavia Jan A freight train on the branch of the New York- j a lcigh containing five persons at a word grade crossing a short t of Stafford afternoon the five occupants of the sleigh one received injuries that Caused j ii Fortifies the Body Cleanses Blood and Gives Strength to Resist all Attacks That mysterious visitor Grip is now invading many homos and strik ing down the young and old who are weak or predisposed to disease It is now well known that the disease spreads rapidly to the various households into which it has introduced It accords with the theory of infection also that the disease has usually attacked the per sons liable to infection Dr Rick in his book on Influenza says the disease is almost entirely propagated by infection In past winter seasons it has been fully and happily demonstrated that Celery is a tower of safety when Grip is prevalent When this scientific and healthgiving medicine is used it strengthens the nervous centres of all the vital or gans it purifies the blood regulates digestion gives a tone to the whole system enabling young and old to feci secure from the ravages of disease Weak nervous dyspep tic and ailing will find in Paincs Celery Compound a true pro and shield from the dangers of Grip A trial of one bottle will banish all existing doubts is a Ian lamp Apple In Targe or small qnantities for sale at J cooperage NEWMARKET WORKS IK Monuments Headstones- Very Last Friday a young man named Spencer Everest met with a at Canes Factory lie was operating a band saw cutting pail staves the proper length He mis placed a stave cutting it too short and in raising his to throw it out for apotber friers came in contact with t aw and quick as a wink lie had three tinkers and the thumb taken Almost Wesley dressed- the hand immed iately and hehas iiopea of saving all the members though they may be still hereafter Ait ever fltudio Corner and KpVjfor Newmarket Produce Good market last Saturday per doz for new laid eggs hens are laying golden eggs nowadays Pre vailing pnees as Putter to KggB Iff packed fresh Chickens to Geese Ducks 80c lie VAX to JG50 Wrk to Hides Tallow- te hard Dry cord Dry Hardwood firsttloss Dry Tamarack St to Green per cord Green Hemlock Coupeil First meeting of Council of look place at am on Monday Cane and J Lloyd Richardson J and It Smith Hiving subscribed to necessary declarations the Mayor addressed the Council expressing the hope that the Metropolitan matter may bo finally disposed of early this year and also that some granolithic walk may be constructed on Main St A Bylaw was passed I Jackson as High School Trus tee and J A and as auditors The Mayor Councillors and were elected by bal lot strike the Standing Commit tees for the year A refund of SI 25 in carters license for J was made and the Council adjourned A second sleigb which was follow ing close behind was over turned by being brought to a sudden stop to escape running into the train Four injured in the sec ond vehicle The sleighs were part of a funeral procession A snow storm was rag ing The crash and the cries of the in jured the next sleigh but none too soon for driver forced to stop so suddenly that all the occupants of the sleigh were hurl ed into the ditch and and were removed lo a neighbor ing farmhouse medical aid was sum moned from here M death a few hours later two others scene is before us were so seriously injured that their J T th is momentarily expected- and two were seriously injured They I lfe Our all members of the family of- is confirmed and we are J fc by the fact that Gods word makes ouf duty unmis takably plain those who seek after God search bis own word with sincere prayer and conviction is cer tain to follow PRACTICAL Tho advantages of church The doty of bible study sure and providential direction of those whose lives are devoted to Christian enterprise ifi A A- in Hamilton Grocery and LLl ftt t lo I to c Wc jOttacn- lit Ua IV rjtjA l vJlc I j J all j TOMfwj feu m Kt fJJori- In the Hockey filatcb here last Friday night between of Toronto and the home team the visi tors were defeated by a score of to p- There- was a fair attendance and the game was enjoyed immensely The Newmarket boys put up a splen did combination play ami this is where they had the advantage oyer the visitors who played fast indi vidual work the Toronto goal stopped many a hard shot in the last half Newmarkets defence were a hard pair to pass showing his brother Walter who was playing with the visitors how to play the game On the forward line Ulster and Flanagan were the fatars Simpson was very strict and had ftcven men on the fence for up matters too energetically The teams forwards U point- lion of TimekefcperW J flmjtt Dixon I f i Newmarket It Hoi Iran New market i Wilt Breakfast Food ISA FOOD FOR HEALTH NOT FOR THOUGHT w A breakfast grain food preparation that requires thought consideration or deliberation before it can he used is not a sale article diet for health seekers I it- is too short health too precious and lime too valuable to make any article of diet a food for thought Malt Breakfast Food has passed the of infancy it does not demand hours of thought before it can be used the ablest medical men and the most holed food experts place it at the head of all grain foods because of its healthgiving and qualities It is the food for the weak and strong the and the invalid All over this con tinent has the fame of Malt Break fast Food been established as a health food AH grocers Into Boy l Winnipeg Jan 9 It was all a joke Four young fanners were in for a good time They had Henry a boy aged and decided to him drunk was willing and now it is all a tragedy The boy died last night roused to consciou- a couple of hours before his Weak heart gaVe last beat he tpW as much as he could remember happened to a coroners jury held an inquest over tle remains and the four men arc held on of man slaughter It was last Monday night that the wis done As long was able to hold hlftitelf to- jethtr be yielded to brutal in Urge doses When be became unable to help fcflf his associates further amused by holding his head and pouring liquid down his throat Jvol ii Ibe completely did the disgusting spec tacle end The victim taken and he in a state til lit night when he died U A Valise Went Heres a story of recent campaign as ild by ihc Journal the new miller accompanied by Mr late owner of the grist mill who by the way is a large man into town Saturday and the former inad vertently left his in the cut ter that immediately returned to Owen Sound and thereby a ttle Mr as soon he no iced the loss telephoned hack wjn Sound to send il valine tow But in the meantime the Conservative corns in that Town that a a- big man was leaving Toronto with a valise full of swag and when they by accident heard of the mishap of Mr Graves valise they jumped to tHe conclusion that they had spotted their man Another rig was Hired loaded with half a doen amateur and away they went after the valise As soon as they arrived they proceeded to spot their man and by their amateurishness gave the snap away I ho local sports saw a good lark and two of them pretend ed to he very anxious This had the desired effect and they were shadow ed all day and into the next when they hired a rig and started off at a breakneck rate for closely followed by our wouldbe detectives our sports came to a good thick swamp north of the village they drove in and knowing the road well easily doubled on heir pursuers and tame hack to village The de tectives are in the swamp yet beat ing the hushes in a vain search At any rate they have not been seen since t0 9 at BIGGEST OF HE KIND IN WORLD Ottawa Jan Photographs the hew hydraulic lock at were brought to the of Railways and Canals today by Mr It Rogers engineer in Ihc Trent Valley Canal They show the work of placing the iron supplied by the Do minion Bridge to be mak ing good progress Inwards compila tion lock is a wonder in its way There arc only three other locks in existence constructed upon the same principles tltosc at Font tics in France In Belgium in in point size with tho lock It is a double hydraulic liftlock to convey vessels between the lower and upper of the Trent Canal which at thai point have a in level of feet The locks are watorUgiit steel boxes in width 110 feet long containing feet depth of water in the clear is balanc ed on a hydraulic ram Which applies the power by which the lock with a afloat in it is raised or low ered 65 feel from one reach lo the other pair being arranged bo that when one is ascending the ct Is descending The weight of each lock full of water is t6ns arid each tarn tons The pres in the connected pair of steel vater presses which operate the rani is about GOO poinds per square inch The of metal In the whole flVrbcture is tons Thelockfl are so arranged that the upper or descending one will have inches more water in it than the other so will W tons lhah the ascending lock Mr Rdfcera estimates that when the lift is In prrtnor running two In oppoaiW directions can be passed in ah out of the locks in from twelve to been minutes SHELF Hamilton Jan Had it not been for the excellent work of the firemen and the favorable circumstances pi the roofs of the buildings in the vi cinity of Messrs Stanley Mills St Companys store covered with snow one of the most important busi ness blocks of the city bright have been wiped out tonight by As it was the front portion of Che Stan ley Mills Companys store was completely gutted and the fire- invol ved a loss of probably or f Thefire started in some manner unaccounted for about ilje middle of the big store in life wes section and it was going when the alarm to department This was about fcii and the flames were then bursting out of ioof and out of the portion of the building Prior to tbe appearance of the fee on theou side there were loud explosions these caused a smashing of glass tbfi adjoining buildings in arid slightly cuf the former on the head and the Vat- oh the back of one hand Con stable McDonald was also cut by flying glass and his wound the services of a surgeon riot serious Fireman was nocked from a ladder by the explo sion and he was stunned but recov ered The cause of the ex plosions could hot be accounted for as Mills said there was no powder or anything else in the building to cause an COMPLETE IN ALL LINES US A CHANCE i TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAH TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE 710- door to Post Office i J the sense fort in the stomach often re suits in weakness of the heart jH palpitation and fluttering l of breath pain ih ifi the left side arjd constipation Cur for Indigestion ill hi tin in TABLETS To Fifty Tablets 25 Cents I j TO A It Toronto Jan After the lapse of over twelve years the murderers the Mr Large the Canadian Methodist missionary in Japan have been identified The murder occur red an April and all efforts to trace the murderers at the time futile of mo tive and the skill in swordsmanship displayed by the murderers were two most striking features the case Two years latex a temple was enter ed and two persons murdered with the same skilful sword cuts the police suspected that tho crimes were committed by same persons tho they failed to secure them The same year however two men and Tsuno- for burglary and sentenced to fourteen and thirteen years imprisonment respectively A Japanese detective connected these burglars the murder of Mr Larue and following Up clues obtain a pipe and tobacco pouch left by tire assassins in their flight has at length unravelled the mystery One of the men has died In prison and the other when con fronted with the broke down and made a full confession Ho is an exsold ler and a very expert swordsman and though he throws Take Laxative Quinine the chief blame on his dead AH druggists refund money there is little doubt that ho Ifjlt fails to cure delivered the fatal blows The oh- droves signature Is on each box robbery pure and simple We havo now a complete line of Pure Drugs Druggists Sundries comprising choice Stationery Toilet Prepara tions and Sponges Brushes Combs Atomizers Hot Water Bottles c A of Patent Medicines at lowest reduced prices We pay special attention to our Prescription Department A Call Solicited I The NORMAN mm J PATTERSON Phm AGENTS FOR THE ORB AT NORTH WESTERN COMPANY OF CANADA No yds White Cotton in lengths from to yds At Less than Mill Prices Our First Shipment of Spring Prints to hand I It is Brown Mixtures per pound Maple plain pound Cream with per pound T I I fifcf f i do do J r ft ft V Ay Peanut Chocolate i Vew0rknM all i ai and Canned at 1 TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE

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