Newmarket Era, 16 Jan 1903, p. 8

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t Too late for KETTLES VTrOAWB iicofS 1 of life many a woman who has gladly faced poverty for the man she loved well doubt hex wisdom when pain becomes Use mate of If she were rich she thinks fine could find way of cure Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription is within the reach of every one It lifts the burden of- pain which weighs down those who suffer from womanly diseases It establishes regularity dries weaken ing drains heals inflammation and ul ceration and cure female weakness Yen hart heartell for advice la writes Mr Geo Fletcher of Victoria Avenue Ontario rot Wed with catarrh of far a year The ail I have to go through I to Or Pierces Favorite Medical l AatipUc and I com- cured fire bottles I am clad to ray Wi cine a aew wo ian Weak and sick women especially those suffering from diseases of long standing are invited to consult Dr Pierce by let ter free All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confi dential Address Dr V Pierce Buffalo 1ST Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets are easy and to take A most effective laxative I Miss visiting Albert Mr Gibson and family have moved to A valuable cow belonging to Mr George while out in the yard the other day got her head fast in a wagon wheel and when found her neck was broken John Ham of Manitoba is visiting relatives- here Hi of Kansas is package containing the butter or cheese in the An old fashioned Methodist sleigh- Itself load is going oyer to wood it is the factory Thursday at attend von- ft wafeniade it No person sell offer expose or mu have in for sale any I vent ion The Methodist choir furnished J rheumatism Mr John Crawford has removed home hut a good farm Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO or And belt Your choice of Full Rig for 40000 On four years time Cheap at 600 THOMPSON The Brass and Works Co have just installed a new standard horse pow er engine its a dandy A dynamo is to bo in position as soon as it j arrives and the electric tight fitted for the Companys own Two engine new lathe and a new are up and ready for work Lin had the to slip and fall a distance oi feet from oft the hog hoist at the pork factory on Monday morning sinking a bucket underneath breaking three ribs Mr Van Forsyth Glas gow lost a cow on Sunday animal loose and took loo big a feed of chop J Saunders of the Whitchurch died very suddenly on Wednesday of last week The deceased appeared well as usual the previous evening and was in the barn attending to his chores hut was found dead in toed the next morning The deceased was an old settler in this neighborhood and was well known in from this village to Mr Jos farm house near line Air John has moved into the bouse vacated by Crawford Sit- Oliver Dates of Lansing is visit here Mr Doves household was glad dened by the advent of a daughter on Ore Gth The Kntertainmcnt was a success- Proceeds with collection on Sabbath amounted to Mrs J Rogers has been very- success Jul with the Dominion Gar ment Co Skirts have proved to be better than the samples were Miss Mary Shanks of visiting here with friends last week Dr Watson and two daugh ters from Michigan wore spending a few days last week with Mrs Miss of Toronto with her Uncle Mr- Will last week Mr Norman Curtis spent New Years Day with his parents here ac companied by a couple friends -ooe- such butter- or was mafic and person shall with intent to misrepresent sell- or I expo5 or have possession Jot Mftivltr Great preparations are being- made having for the opening of the other the Church in this place on Sunday Jan wh actually Scrrices and iVj conducted by Rev art of at Jos Young Chairman of the Bradford District butter has grown to On Monday evening Jan an legislative has Oyster and Fowl Supper will be such en Addresses by Rev Churchill being sold as butter It Stewart Young and others Music required long and determined fight invited talent Big time expect- tfae American a made J- In the States where the yu oledniar Health and Vigor depends upon the Quality and Quantity of Blood The the great secreting its feod it to perform its office bile blood causing many tat vWl duties ahoulders idry- at etc If these fiyznptoco are not rfeatt they become aggravated to to induce severe To relieve at and cure DR CARSONS TONIC and Constipation Bitters lot been the Thece are of an eta- who the prescription In hit tqwiy years with the actor results f A Purely Tonic and Blood Purifier BO cents per Bottle cm pre- of your local but it to obtain H In we to any or bottles en receipt of per prepaid ITree en eettt en of lAodlolne Company Mrs A is visiting in Newmarket Miss Flossie left on Tuesday last for Newmarket Miss Myrtle Norman is visiting with Miss May Norman of Aurora A handsome sign has been placed in front of the Traders Bank Several car loads of are being shipped to from the mills The Methodist Church fur nished music for the anniversary ser vices at Miss I Miss J Robert son and Mr K Robertson I market called on friends in town on Monday Miss has left for Newmarket where she intends con tinuing her studies in the High School The many friends of Or will he pleased to hear of him being able to be out again He left this week for a visit with friends and re latives in A very enjoyable birthday party was spent at the home of Mr and John on Tuesday evening last it being the eleventh of Miss Mary Baud Mission services are being held in the Church by the Rev Arthur Murphy of Toronto for ten days Mr John Headman has moved into his new premises first door south of drug store a KING CITY A very pretty wedding took place on New Years Pay when Miss Alma eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs A was married to Mr J H Precious principal of the King public school The ceremony was conducted Rev Robin son of King assisted by Hey J D Simpson of and Rev Cocking of The bride who was given away her father wore a pretty gown of cream silk trimmed with chiffon and sequin applique and carried a shower bou quet of bridal roses Miss of who was the bridesmaid wore white over Nile green carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations and wore a pearl crescent the gift of the groom Mr J Precious of a cousin of the groom was best man Over guests were present The house was beautifully decorated in Christmas fashion with holy and mistletoe Mrs Precious travelled in a navy blue suit with hat to match and wore a handsome set of sable furs the gift of the groom Mr and Mrs Precious will reside in King Mr Aiex Gray left for New York on Wednesday from where he expect ed to sail for the West Indies for the benefit of his health or which reason he was obliged to leave here His stay in the West Indies may be indefinitely prolonged AURORA Mr Henry one the oldest residents in this municipality died on Wednesday night aged years- King Mission Sunday School a very pleasant entertainment on New Years eve Mlrs McFajlc elo cutionist Newmarket gave a num ber of recitations also Miss of Aurora Mr Davis several selections on the gramapkone The music and recitations by the children who were under the charge of Miss and Miss were well The Flower and Riven by Misses Mills P Lapp and Greer was Worthy of special mention Mr P Pearson of formerly teacher the school act ed as chairman in his genial way much to the satisfaction of tho present m I For the Era Adulteration in Canada the The Hamilton Police Magistrate fined and Ceo and costs each for neglect jog to shovel their sidewalks electric JA An- Kerp in escape harm While Chief of car ferry with foe floee on the River wife wai to death home laip it r Hi6oata Wjpfs the price PLEASANT VALLEY We are sorry that our friend Miss Lily Toole is not any better but we hope to see her out again before long Mr has returned to the city after spending a few days with hisparent in our burg Our enterprising blacksmith will have to stop such furious driving with his high stepper or he will break the record Wood drawing is nearly ended in our vicinity Mr Starrs daughters have re turned to college Mr J and Mr M Duncan went to King on last on a business trip Our Mayor Mr was returned by- acclamation and moonlight nights cause lots of in this locality r Mr J ViddlfieW ha gone to the city on Jury The Convention at Pine Orchard was ah exceptionally good one and by all Miss Alma Sheridan gave a very en able party on Wednesday even ing The hoi Id ay have quite live ly with parties and Vie enjoyed an excellent fctrmon preached by the Rev Mr Cornell Sunday eve at Union f Widdifield will go to Toronto on Monday to attend Nor mal has a lady friend vifclting her Our had half holidays Wed nesday and Friday afternoons A Canadian matiufalurera of box boards and wrappings have decided to advance the price of and wood In car lots to ajA toil Ihcy will the price of wrapping piper to cent When you cant eat break fast take Scotts Emulsion When you cant eat bread and butter take Scotts Emulsion When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing take Scotts Emulsion To get fat you must eat fat Scotts Emulsion is a great a great strength giver Those who have lost flesh Want to increase all body tissues not only fat Scotts Emulsion Increases them all bone flesh blood and nerve For invalid for con valescents for consumptives for weak children for all who need flesh Scotts Emulsion is a rich and com fortable food and a natural tonic Scotts Emulsion for bone flesh blood arid nerve We will Bend you a free sample Out In Iht form of a label It of tUlt of you buy scon BOWNE Toronto ill Some objections may be made to legislation in Canada to require all imitations of woollen goods to be marked so as to show the constituent fibres and the relative proportions of each As an epitome of the nor Dill introduced into the United States House of Representatives the following extract may be quoted AH manufactures of goods or fab rics of any kind whatsoever made in imitation of woollen goods or fab rics or goods which when so made are calculated to be sold as woollens or woollen goods not made wholly shall so mark label or tag such goods as that they may readily be of new or unused wool that it cannot be detached except by distinguished from genuine wools or woollens as defined in thefirst sec tion of this Act That such mark label or tag shall be so attached as and such shall accurate ly state in plain printed letters and figures the constituent fibres or oth er materials or substances of which it is composed or the relative pro portion per cent of each Why should not legislation along the above be enacted in Can ada There is surely good prece dent for such action Take for In stance the various laws already on the statute hook in reference to products Let me quote a No oleomargarine or other substitute for butter shall be manufactured in Canada or sold therein and every person who con travenes the provisions of trim Act in any manner whatsoever sliAll In cur a penalty not exceeding four hundred dollars and In default of payment shall be liable mentfor a term not exceeding twelve months and not less than three months No person shall sell supply or send to any cheese or but ter factory of condensed milk factory or to the owner or manager thereof or to the maker of butter cheese or condensed milk manufactured diluted with water or in any way adulterated or milk from which any cream has been taken or milk commonly known as skim No person shall manufacture or shall buy sell offer or foi sale or have in Ms possession any cheese manufactured from or to secure the passage thru Congress of the socalled Grout Bill as ev ery influence was brought to hear by the powerful incorporations interest ed in manufacture of adulterated dairy products The chief provisions this Act is That upon oleomar garine which shall be manufactured or sold or removed for consumption or use there shall be assessed or collect a tax of ten cents per pound to he paid by the manufacturer thereof and any part of a pound in a package shall be taxed as a pound provided When oleomargar ine is free from artificial coloration that causes it to look like butter of any shade of yellow said- tax one fourth of one cent per pound Manufacturers of and dealers in re novated butter and adulterated ter are required to pay special year ly taxes and each pound of the form er is subject to the tax of one fourth of one cent and each pound of the latter to the tax of ten cents per pound Stringent regulations are in force for the purpose of compelling dealers and manufacturers to sell these adulterated goods for Just what they are Why should not adulterated woollen goods be sold on their merits just as imitation or adulterated dairy products arc Some people may consider such legislation harassing but as John Bright once said there are people in the world who think the ten commandments the most har assing legislation that was ever en acted because they seem to run coun ter to their own peculiarities so ol- Live Stock Commissioner ACOXJ Senator President Canadian Bank of i Imperial Life Co Toronto Managing Director Toronto J itarlaxing Company Trust Toronto TAYLOR Toronto RICHARD HALL Messrs Richard Hall Son Peterborough ROBERT President The Globe Printing Company Director Bank Toronto WM MACKENZIE President Toronto Railway Company CHESTER President Company To ronto r J- I J KENNY Vice President Western and British America Companies Toronto 1 REV JOHN POTTS Victoria University Toronto A A COX Vice President Toronto Loan Peterborough FREDERICK C TAYLOR Lindsay J Director arid Secretary Toronto 1 Per Cent Paid on Deposits Per Cent Paid on Debentures Write for further particulars to Q A MORROW Assistant Manager The Value of Sagaf Pulp the man Says v r No young man or woman ever won the esteem of his by be ing disrespectful to his parents How often do we see some young cub of a boy who may have just recently dis carded his knee trousers treating a kind and indulgent father or a loving mother in the presence strangers- as if he or she were not in his class Those who gave them birth fed clothed and cared for them during their earlier years are still in the es timation of all rightminded citizens more resetted than the young up start who Is so desirous of showing importance The only fault that can be found with the parent who en dure it Is that he did not effectually- apply the slipper earlier in life end thus save harsher treatment by some one indulgent before the young fellow settles down to his proper stratum The Indian population of Canada is An increase of over the previous year Mis Mary Collins of Hamilton died from the shock and the effects of having inhaled smoke white her bedroom was on fire Fire broke out recently in the a by the use of which fl there has been any a foreign to such milk No per- and Ule child which was asleep son shall sell or expose for burned Jo a crisp sate or have In his for The Dominion revenue for the sale any cheese manufactured or months In the use of milk commonly known i or the corresponding as skimmed milk or milk which cream has been removed or milk to which skim milk has been added un less the words skim milk cheese are branded marked or stamped In a legible manner upon the side of ev ery cheese or package which contains the same In letters not less than three quarters of an Inch high and three quarters of an inch wide No person shall sell or expose or in his possession for sale any or iticcec Canada and for export therefrom unless word Canadian Canadlen or Canada printed stamped or marked In a legible and Indelible manner In letters not lejis than three eighths of an Inch high and quarter an inch wide upon I Thy period the proceeding year and the surplus over all expenditures is A Sweet Stomach I I comes only by having a perfect acting liver and good digestion both can easily be had by using A VEXING problem which has many factories in the past what to do wich the pulp which amounts to about per cent of trie tonnage of beets worked up in a factory farmers are just now beginning appreciate the value of this pulp as a stock food Experiments along the line have shown that for fattening and cattle feeding lambs and the dairy cow this pulp offers a valuable and cheap food Atone a ton it would be cheap and in such parts of the country where there large dairy ot stock feeding industries factories have found no difficulties in disposing of the pulp at from to per ton the farmers beets to the factory as a rule being glad to take such share a represented by the total of their beet deliveries at an agreed upon price to be deducted from the price they received for their beets Tho pulp may be siloed with sprinkling of salt and loses none of its virtues for a couple of years after it is siloed It has been claimed on basis of test that better results are obtained from pulp than from fresh pulp ie when fed cominK direct from mill furthermore that such pulp fed to cattle makes a firmer tenderer and better colored Jhe value of the dairy may be better understood from the following figures Calculating the value on a basis of units of feeding value allowing three two units for fatty and one unit for substances free from nitrogen this pulp would represent units of feeding value The following is what some Michigan formers say about pulp My cows increased 23 per cent in one time when fed with pulp in addition to hay chop I consider beet crop very best crop for the farmer and this years crop will put many a farmer on his feet Wo keep cattle and feed large quantities of pulp We it for fatteiiing cattle and and feed it in a to our stores and pleased with the result We used fully six cons per day last winter and it took the place of roots very well of course we feed corn and oat chop cut corn hay and straw to our feeders and cows along with It but very little meal not more than a pint to a bushel to our stores Our cattle did very well We keep 15 cows arid use separator Our butter commands the highest price The cultivation of beets of all woods and Canada thistles I tried pulp too as a fertilizer and the effect was most marked in the crop of corn where it was spread I feed lots of pulp to my cattlo and flow of milk is increased wonderfully Growing boots and dairying go well together the pulp being very valuable fowl just as good as mangels r My brother foods his cows the pulp and sends the- milk right along to town He supplies the town and has no trouble about tho trade The following quantities of digestible matter in 100 lbs of beet pulp and of corn ensilage been determined by the California Experiment Station Beet Pulp Protein rl A V Fat Carbohydrates sugar and starch Fibre Herbert in his valuable book entitled Sugar and Profitable Industry writes Tho roabece after the sugar is ex tracted makes an for all stock cattle sheep swine and poultry Yet its value for this purpose is only beginning appreciated in Ibis country in Europe the farmers would rio more think of allowing Itcot pulp to go to than would think of hay for fuel At the Utah fl Company has con- Corn Ensilaye for all pulp for a series of years and have erected adjacent to the factory ft complete of sheep and feeding pens Two thousand head of cattle are fattened here each season for market They cat pulp greedily consuming to lbs per head each day besides about lbs of hay These cattle command a very good market meat very juicy and tender The cattle fatten quickly under proper conditions and as the Company gets iho pulp for nothing except cost of removing it from tho factory enterprise is a profitable one boot pulp exerts a beneficial effect when fed to animals that is much greater than its feeding would indicate When added to rations of dairy cows it results not obtained from foods This comes not so much from Inherent nutrition but from its solvent properties of available food elements contained in other feeding substances Fitting steers may bo marketed in J of number of fewling days required with ordinary sarao amount of grain Elgin Co The North York Sugar Factory proposes to pulp free to alt farmers who 3year contracts to grow sugar beets Dr MFP for Mus- Creek Mich plant from Commercial Travellers and is taking a rent from Farmers National Pood Company returns for burned on Saturday through an an lncreao in exports of overheated furnace The is and in imports of 98700S8

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