Newmarket Era, 23 Jan 1903, p. 3

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WW 1 1 t weeks WHAT ABOUT fi Cold Snap Another cold wave visited us last Saturday afternoon an stayed for a A grand Hockey Match is to take place at Newmarket firav It is the second League Match or Championship the Toronto and Newmarket expects to win Among arte Monday is given a Sunday morning the mercury went list of large mercantile and to below zero Monday houses that have been it was below witha very into Joint Stock Companies- wind and frosty and among them is the firm of The Roche Company Limited of j Newmarket with a capital of Brought to Limited companies seem to be popular On Wednesday afternoon the re- jail over the Province mains of Mr Geo druggist of were brought here for in terment in Newmarket Cemetery ac companied by his two sons Mr married Miss Sarah Smith The Bar He the semifinals of the second Consolation of the bonspiel Skip of Newmarket eldest daughter of late Robt failing in time but was only Stevenson of confine to bis bed for about two who had drawn a bye in the weeks Many friends here will re- to hear of his demise A Success previous round were anxious Newmarket to get away on early morning train and Skip Stevenson generously waived his right The Social held Wednesday eVenjto a game and offered them their in the basement of toe choice of the first and second prizes Christian Church by the Ladies Skip not to be outdone in proved a decided success About one hundred were present and enjoyed themselves in various games and social intercourse Tea was served and a program given the fol lowing contTibuting Misses Ada courtesy chose second place The annual meeting the above Society or the mutual protection of Lily Lush and personal property took place in the Pecks Was Ida EX only surviv ing of the late Mrs Susan Peck of Toronto deceased Jan 3rd ap plied in the Surrogate Court for let ters of administration of estate which is valued at The principal assets consist of book debts and promissory notes mort gage bonds real estate 3- The whoe estate goes to the daughter Wreck Last Saturday night there was a on tie track about a mile this side of Bradford An engine was taking water at the new tank when a heavy freight train drawn by two engines ran into it The first engine ran up on top the one taking water and both were badly wrecked Engineer Fox formerly of this Town was on one of them and strained his leg jumping from the engine Nobody was badly Mr who is employed at the Office Specialty his hand hurt on Monday and is work The ice harvest commenced on Mon day morning Mr O Tenth has been moving into his new house on Queen St the past week A large skating party attended the rink last Friday night County Council meets on Tuesday Special will be held in the Christian Church v in beginning next evening Jan The pastor wilt be assisted by Mr of The Ice Gave 3 Lives Lost Jan a large crowd was skating on tie bathing basin near the Washington monument ths evening the ice suddenly gave way and precipitated twenty or more persons into the water Three per sons are known to have lost their lives and it is possible other deaths may have been caused by the break ing of the ice Sdtta m m f I WHITE LAWN rat lie FOR THIS MONTH ONLY towels at ficlajc -r- FOR THIS MONTH ONLY WHITE COTTONS 5c lie FOR THIS MONTH ONLY YDS WIDE SHEETING YDS WIDE SHEETING BLEACHED FOR THIS MONTH ONLY- J EMBROIDERY IN ENDLESS VARIETY AT fiOc FOR THIS MONTH ONLY VALENCIENNES LACE From lc to FOR THIS MONTH ONLY TABLE LINEN for for 26c for 29c for FOR THIS MONTH ONLY MENS WHITE SHIRTS From to FOR THIS MONTH ONLY e v J Mann and Messrs Willis and Scott Fire Hal Newmarket last Saturday Mr Arch Goring who has the best I with Mr Jackson in the chair phonograph we have yet heard gave j The Secretarys report was several uptodate selections Mr I The Secretarys report was read A Collins made an efficient chairman The proceeds in aid of the Choir Fund amounted to Junior Hockey The Newmarket Juniors got their death blow on Monday night as last yeirs history was simply repeated The St Andrews College team of Toronto had a very easy victory the score standing to at hall time and at the end 9 to 4 in favor of the visitors The only player on the Newmarket side who distinguish ed himself was Ernie Doyle made a better rover in the last half than he did at point in the first Tie attendance of spectators was small Mr Walt the game with general On Thursday the Athletic Club Juniors play an exhibition game with Richmond They ran an ex cursion down return fare being The West end Juniors of Newmarket journeyed to Aurora last Friday night to the Aurora boys how to play the game A rather rough gane resulted Skipper his hack slightly strained and an Aurora having a tooth knocked out 1 to Re turn in the near future showing that nothing had occurred the past year calling lor action Two members had been removed by death Messrs My and Ver non and new ones had been add ed making the present membership I The- election of officers resulted as follows Jackson lst Vice Cyrus 2nd ViceC Webb Secretary J Millard Treasurer Arnoldi Height Directors Dennis Barron Wilson Silas Armitage Albert Stephens Walter Wm Powell and John L Jackson and Levi Rogers The meeting then adjourned Sorrels In large or smrril for sale at J cooperage Balls clip the from the Ohio Daily Age of Jan Dairy The annual meeting took place in the Hal on Tuesday afternoon Mr Webb in the chair Having adopted the minutes of last annual meeting the reports were discussed and matters generally were inquired into to ascertain why the factory was not better patronized last season During the three months that New market factory paid 13c for butter fat all other factories around only paid 1 and had the factory been running later in the advance In cheese Newmar ket factory could have paid ale for butter fat while was the high est paid elsewhere From this in formation the president was satisfied that the patrons could obtain better returns by sustaining the factory than any other way Had the fac tory been better patronized there is doubt that the profits would have keen larger than at any Reason dur ing its history Mr Charles Haines has as strong faith the factory now as ever be had and was ready to support it Some thought the reason that the factory v as not better patronized is largely thru the Introduction sep arators but SI the factory is allowed it tie greatly this Borne fault was found with the Dl- and some lli but the latter it The SJth annual meeting of the Newmarket Cemetery- Co took place at the Fire Hall last Monday evening On motion Allan presid ed The Secretarys report was adopt ed without discussion it states that the general improvements have been carefully kept up the past year and that roada ad avenues are in a good state of repair The caretak er under the direction of the Grounds Committee tastefully decorated and beautified the grounds with a variety of blooming plants The caretakers residence and the Receiving Vault have each been the front has had two coats of paint and the premises present a neat The marriage of Mr Jesse and Miss Annie was sol- this at ll oclock at Holy Trinity Church Rev Dr Lloyd conducted the ceremony Immediate ly afterward they were driven to the home of the brides relatives Mr and Mrs Thomas Turner on Locust St where sumptuous wedding feast was served The happy couple left on the 0 this afternoon for a weeks visit in Ashland Mansfield and other points On their return they will be at home at 128 North Sixth The bride is a daughter of Mr of this Town and the Era adds its congratulations Jan An acci dent occurred at evening at Corners by which Alva of that place Was killed arid John Robinson of seriously injured The two men were- engaged with others sawing wood on Mr farm when the circular saw broke the pieces Hying end striking killing him instantly Rob insons arm side are badly lorny and slight hopes are held his re covery was a young many about years of age and leaves a wife and ore child Canadian piers on Top The greatest which Mont real has ever seen since the old car nivals took place in the city Friday Curlers from Scotland just come over curlers from Scotland who had been here for years curlers who arc Can adian born Montreal Curlers and curlers from the country played against one another There were rinks going in the morning and in the afternoon and that means that curlers took part- The idea was to pit the Canadianborn curlers against those of Scottish birth and the latter as a matter of course numbered amongst them the Scottish curlers who have come over here on a visit Canada carried of Housekeepers can save more th an OneFifth on Every Dollar They Spend by making their purchases now CORN TOR NONE SO GOOD AS BAKING POWDER A j Vii the victory winning by to for the Old Country a majority the Canadians of tor Stock to be reduced to a certain figure The following 12 Lots of Goods will be Sold at exactly Cost Price from day day until further notice if a Terrible Explosion in British Columbia A Down Lives Arc Lost About SO on Sunday evening an alarm of fire was sent in to the Wa ter Works from three alarm boxes almost simultaneously The en-gin- Vancouver Jan Through a responded blowing first one num- double explosion in the works of the Iyer and then the other The firemen Hamilton Powder Company at De- soon had a reel going down to thejparture Hay this morning no fewer North End but it only reached than twelve employees were hurried corner when word met them and the majority of that the fire was out and right glad were they that they did not have to use the hose when the ther mometer was nearly down to zero The cause of the alarm was a chim ney fire on the bouse on St owned by Mr W and by Mr Ceo Harper The eat was so intense that the roof appearance During the year there fiC fire V0Un have been interments of the deaths occurring in Newmarket and the remaining outside of the cor poration There was due on Jan 1st on purchase of lots opening and closing graves and care of plots of which sum about have since been paid The Treasurers Report shows to tal receipts for the year in general fund and an expenditure of leaving a balance on hand of The Treasurer also explain ed men climbed on top and put the fire out with a pail of water The annual meeting of the congre gation was held on Monday evening of last week and although the night was stormy the attendance was quite large The reports of the various societies were read and adopted and it was the unanimous verdict that never had a better annual meeting rfthrgenMtodi teWer Were invested In real estate to be used in the extension of the grounds when necessary The Permanent Care of Lots Fund been increas ed to by sums of from to from persons who recognize that this course is the most feasible way of having their plots attended to after they have been laid to rest The reports were adopted as being very satisfactory Some discussion took place on the Although finances are never mention ed from the pulpit there is a balance on hand the plate offering for the year amounting to In addition to this there has been to be paid on the debt of the church about The Sunday is in a flourishing condition and raised during the year The Willing Workers contributed The and Mission Band Twentythree names the buildings utilized in the manu facture of high power explosives re duced to matchwood The concus sion was so severe that a few win dows in more than three miles distant were simultaneously shattered while numerous chimneys and unsubstantial structures in the coal city came tumbling to the ground The shock was less distinct and less disastrously felt as far as Parks Icy miles north and Ladysmih equidistant on the south while even in Vancouver the earth trembled so that a supposed minor earthquake shock was recorded in advance of news of the disaster 1 Mens Overcoats Mens Tweed Suits Boys Overcoats Ladies Cloth Jackets Ladies Costumes Ladies FurLined Capes Ladies Blouses Millinery Dress Goods and Silks 10 Groceries and Provisions 11 Crockery Glassware 12 Hardware Tinware Paints and Glass Returns that farms were located in the last year Mr John house near was burned during his ab sence Mrs Held and the children bad a very narrow escape markets tafatf IhJ grave fiat level with the ground to- Ulead the ax hedges for all purposes during the year in Kng fcC fault with the manufacture A regulated and of tree also iJiied about Interfere with driving on cer- the weight of milk lhey tain roadways as well preventing credited lh- amount the grava from growing on certain from to in a can compared with the weight at home The election of a Board of report also being circulated or wavs then proceeded with and re- that the down had suited as follows J J an effect in reducing nurnhcr of cows kept by farmers in new which cott and gave much better satis faction and everything is id working order ihe report were adopted and tie of officers for with following rrstrti Smith A J Proctor aha new Board will meet shortly it hoped that the farmers will unitedly sustain this means cfieu- 600 in cash eery month Mushes Brunt On and J 1 A Jackson Howard John and Audi Millard r A motion carried unanimously that the Board should consider of recognizing the valuable voluntary servittfj of Mr J son zh Treasurer for the The meeting then thereafter the Board met and reelected the following of ficers Treasurer 1 J Pearson Chairman of Grounds Com J A the neighborhood of shows a spirit that is exceedingly gratifying to all who have the welfare of the Church at heart With working bal ance of over to commence the new year there is every reason to believe that the year will ho an Improvement even past At the conclusion of the meeting the ladles served refreshments and a social hour was enjoyed Register WEDNESDAY Feb The stock farm Implements etc belonging to the late Geo Vernon will sold Lot- la the 3rd of Whitchurch commencing at one oclock Usual terms Smith Canadian Timber In Demand British Buyers Secure Most of the Cut of the Ottawa district for this Year greater part of the cut the Ottawa district mills has sold and as usual British buyers have contracted for a large part of the future output Prices are fully per cent higher than they were last year according to the leading mill men The production of deals in the Ottawa Valley will be less than it was in Watson and Toda of Liverpool have secured the future cut of the McLachlan Bros mill at Arnprlor amounting to con siderably over feet J- Sharpies has secured the cut of the Lumber Company mill at Edwards Companys mill at A great part of the future cut mill afBrac- has been- secured by the Export 1 Newmarket Jan 1003 Flour per barrel J3 a Red Wheat per bush OS a White Wheat per bush a Goose Wheat per bush a Buckwheat 0 a 0 Barley per bush a Oatt per bush 30 a 0 a Rye per bush a 0 Wool per lb 00 a Hay per ton a Bran per ton a CO Shorts per ton a Turkeys per lb a Butter per lb a Eggs per a Chickens per pais GO a Bucks per pair on a Geese per lb We are offering the remainder of our Stock of Hot Water Bottles AT COST PRICE J Children dry for A particularly sad story comes from An epidemic ol fever and broke out a few ago In the family of Sir Wellington who lived for several years and learn ed his trade of He Mrs Asling and thewhole fam ily of vS children were stricken down one after another with a very malig nant form ot the disease Five of the children died within lour days The parents and the remaining child recovering At the instance of the Board Health the dwelling occu pied by the afflicted family was de stroyed as well as the clothing used hy them Toronto markets Toronto Jan Whit Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per bush a Goose per a 0 Oats per a Barley a Peas per bush a 0 Eggs per 25 a 035 Butter roll per ft 0 a 22 Potatoes per bag Hay per ton a Wool per lb a 0 Dressed Hogs per cwt a 25 Beef fore ft a 00 Bee hind 00 a- Chickens per pair a 70 pucks per pair a 80 Geese per ft Household Ammonia bottle ioc Perfect Emulsion Cod Liver Oil bottle Blands Iron Pills ioo in bottle Slock Food three pounds for f Particular Attention liven to Trim Fitting A A BRADLEY CO DRUGGI8T8 Newmarket SUCCESSORS TO LEHMAN The Largest in the World I 4 Bell cream that made 1 the largest separator factory in the ttJ people who make tbo J Sharon Out ALWAYS- HOME t art i JT MFC Seven id months This signature A I J

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