Newmarket Era, 23 Jan 1903, p. 5

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-v- V rtl THE NEW MARK in ERA FRIDAY JAN j J NEWMARKET BRANCH Business A BanliBg t interest Allowed on Deposits CTJKRXST DRAFTS ISSUED AT and American bodkin Collection SitApabtiV and Goods prank Dane an AUCTIONEER Street Bolton sinter and Decorator Corner Church and a A DOUGLAS CO and percent Original Office Reformer Block A an Engineer Hanging Chambers Toronto and Estimates made toe ail buds of The Public At meeting Board of Man- last Saturday the following officer were elected President A E Coombs Secretary J For ban Treasurer It is hoped that all the old mem bers will renew at once and sustain tie Board in their to provide a circulating library and a very convenient Reading open ev ery night except Sunday The Board meets again this evening Its an oldfashioned winter all right enough m At the present condition of the coal we all wish it get some new style of winter The auction season is not far dis tant and we wish to remind those who intend to sell that our facilities for printing good attractive auction bills on short notice is unexcelled A free the sale is also given in this paper Some people are being kept hot this weather by coal and others by way they dont get it It took the baker three hours to go to Zephyr from Mount Albert last week The roads were drifted up level with the fences in some places I Isuer of LICENSES At the PrSvt J at private it IB30BR MARRIAGE LICENSES NEWMARKET 1 LATE3T IK Monuments and Head Stones- OiilBforeOrderlnirBlaewiere J S3 IS CikJ Ar tew Oak card at Studio Corner Main and Grocery 1 tti tor lft0 aoVaUJ He 1 i V iec There was a good attendance at the meeting on Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Airs Manning Very favorable reports were by the collectors who had made a start towards the proposed Memorial Drinking Fountain on the Market Square The work will be contin ued as soon as the weather moder ates program for the Gospel Temperance Meeting next Sunday was arranged and the President was tfcoiiztd to procure a spcaker from Toronto for the first Sunday in Feb ruary We hope the public will lheir appreciation of this effort on the part of the ladies by a large at tendance Further particulars next week The ladies also talk of hold ing ah l shortly A good supporters went down to Toronto on Thursday of last to cheer the Newmarket boys in their at Georges j at the Mutual St Rink and although the latter won by a score of to the Newmarket boys are confident that cauhot do it again Independent rushes were the order and combination work the exception The ice was not in the best of shape Referee Rose penalized several of the players for minor offences Stanley Per ran Pardee Lyons and were given two rests St Georges have a good defence and in this respect were superior to their opponents although Doyle put up a fine game Between the two lines there was differ ence tho St Georges wire tet ter shots than the Newmarket quar tette and stopped many a rush and goal turned several shots which were label led goals Br union of the forwards and Roy at cover played strong games and together with Flanagan and on the hoards played best game for Newmarket Triv- Is a neat stop ped and made a number of rushes It took eighteen minutes for Lyons to tally the first goal for he Georges Four later on a scored the goal making the halftime score When the play- was resumed New market rushed the game tnd rfrpt in the vicinity of the St George goal Brunt on scored two goals for his team and the game was a lie to At this period the Newmarket crowd to make themselves heard hut their jubilation was short lived after a pretty run up the J goal poai was shot for the Saints was injured off to even up No wore goals were altho Newmarket made des perate efforts to land the nuck in the The teams and were Newmarket goal Joyie point coyer Lit iter- right Flanagan centre The following bills passed Metropolitan Railway on ft G R coal Jos drawing coal Geo wood for l snow cleaning to lots United Factories work at IV OHaltarn work Lloyd and deaths A Thompson rep engine Hunter Thps Hunter drawing coal The following accounts were refer red to the L Com Packard Co sj32ii Morrison Mfg Co Manning 530 The communication from the Clerk of re Huron Ontario Elec tric was to the clerk for further information The report of the Striking Commit tee on the Standing Committees was adopted as follows Finance Robertson Lloyd Cane and Richardson Fire a Robertson and Smith Roads Bridges Lloyd Cane and Market Town Hall Smith Rich ardson and Hughes PrintingHughes Rob- Property Lloyd and Richardson Col Lloyd objected to going on the Com another year not be cause he wanted to get out of the work but because he had been consulted about the work that was done last year change was made A grant of was made to the Sick Childrens Hospital Toronto Council adjourned King Council ft flk fc Will Your Neuralgia l 1428 Jari PAULS TO Read the Strong Tcstinwmy a Gentleman Who Failed With Doc tors and Ordinary Medical Pre scriptions Golden Toxt Hold fast which is good unto that LEADING- rheumatism and a gen eral rundown condition result rcctly from- an impoverished fam ished system Celery Compound corrects this faulty condition Being a true nerve food and it builds up the nervous system and ful ly it While Celery Compound is working at the root of disease nerve centrres bracing and up the weakened aid ir ritated parts and the Wood neuralgia rheumatism and poisons are expelled forever from the Dr Phelps wonderful prescription is carrying health and happiness into thousands of homes it is whatyou makes sirk people well and strong Mr West writes as follows i I have had several attacks your- present troubles i ting and I tried all kinds or medicine and so at Mast that that I could not sleep at night I I saw an advertisement of Celery Compound and went and bought a bottle and it cured me of all pains and now I can rest as well as ever before in my life would not be wit hout Com pound if I had to pay fifteen dollars a for it Met at King City on Monday Jan Owing to the resignation of Reeve and Councillor Alex the other three members of the coun cil J Larfcin Phillips and proceeded with business That Councillor act as Reeve protein The following Hills were presented J rent of 1 John Melcan rep road rep culvert That- the Treasurer he and is hereby to pay to tho Deputy returning officers the sum of each expenses of Tp election in Jan That this Council donate to the Sick Childrens Hospital Toronto That the following persons be paid the of SI Mi each being refund of dog tax William Case Jtobt That Dr Lock- harts resignation medical health officer be accepted That believes it would be in the interests of this Township to commute or abolish Statute Labor and that the Reeve and Councillors Phillips and be a Committee to draft- a bylaw commuting or abolishing the same and present same- at next meet ing of Council The several bylaws v re passed appointing a local Hoard of Health and auditors John A Watson of Las- and A Wilkinson of assessors Malcolm for Southern division and John Winter for the Northern Division a byJaw time and place for holding surSfSjonit meetings for the current adjourned to meet at the 5006 Killed St Petersburg Jan The offi cial figures show that persons lost their lives and that houses were destroyed as a result of the recent at Turkestan Our lesson an array of du ties positive and negative there virtues to follow and evil practices to forsake The Christians are ex horted to warn and sup port othos and to pre peace and their own lives to rejoice pray and give thanks On the oth er hand Jhey warned not to the Spirit or despite prophesy and to avoid even tie very appear ance of evil With the word Of wis dom ere is the word of warning for the and evil must in some manner be dealt with by all men If those aright the sequel will re a sanctified life preserved itfameless by the grace of the Lord Jesus SUGGESTIONS Becoming and the comfort and hope of his people- llow Christians should the coming of the Lord a I on a In King City day of at was liurned last night and a squaw in They are Dr Clarkes Little Red Pills the Greatest Wonder of the Age of the Sir I am only too pleased to write a letter the press as I firm ly believe that all who suffer from rheumatism or any troubles of the blood can get sure and certain relief I was ill for many years and am now entirely well Dr Clarkes Lit tle Red Pills arc without doubt the greatest wonder of the medi cine They cured and I know they will curb others who are even worse an was I write this of my own accord In the hope that it will do some good Evans Blair News Agent Union Station Toronto A Que writes Six boxes of Dr Clarkes Little Red Pills entirely cured me of indigestion alter years torture Dr Clarkes Little Red Pills arc a positive and certain cure for rheuma tism asthma paralysis coughs lame back indigestion stomach and liver troubles female complaints even when the diseases have been standing for many years the most stubborn coses will yield For sale by all local druggists or sent direct by mail by addressing Canada Chem ical Company Peterborough tint cents a box or boxes for SI Dr Clarkes Sure Cure for Catarrh Dr Clarkes Sure for same price will be paid for any case that it will tint per manently cure Pursuant Statute Council for current Kians Reeve and J til Steven son Reuben Hart and Taylor met at Mon day Jan at oclock and subscribed to the of and of was pass the following officers auditors John M and George A Corner sor Toml Collector Jos Kay member of Hoard of Health James Cornwall The following accounts were orders- to be paid World election c Geo DRO No iRnry No No No Returning officers fees James supplies to Family John Atkinson repairs to scraper Trustees of Virginia Hall for three meetings S3 A donation the Hospital Font Five Dollars was granted to the Municipal World for six copies there of one to each mcmrer of the Coun cil and the Clerk The Township printing and adver tising was to J McKay at last years figure The Clerk was ordered to all the evidence possible in reference to the flooding of the 3rd line 2 and also get ad vice as to Mr right to flood same and to assist the municipality in building a bridge over the River at said point Council adjourned to meet at on Monday Feb 23rd of was given to for Sick Children To- Ice the 3rd When Trivett was off another i all bfetHJf-awiaSdUftsfi- to the A Toronto J fell right Lyon ntrfc Mi rover JWerwiugh A J Morrison J- impireaW A Team by St Georges Lyons WONDERFUL MEDICINE For Billot WnifodlIfnhl i lb Slit I Disorder City Officials I Ac- pills will quickly fccallti Any Time mm rata ruin min Hon or Weak Stomach fforA Mm itit Regular last Monday Mayor and Lloyd Richardson and Mia tca li tor wt St fc1a ft arte The trial of Fred L Vandcburg mayor William West city clerk and John of the streets of the pity of III charged with In and a wmspir- to defraud the city which has in the St County Cir cuit Court for the last four days came to an end last night when the Jury returned a verdict finding all three men guilty as charged a despatch to the Tribune from Belle- vllle VanderburK was given two years In the Chester Penitentiary and a fine of received one ear and was fined and punishment of West was left with the court Indictment charged that had carried a numler of at raw men on his payroll with the knowledge and of Vnderburgand West Or ders would be drawn oh the Treas ury for pay for these men and then would according to agree ment divide up the money equally with copartners In crime It was also found upon Investigation that the raised warrant and by other had defrauded flic city Brooklyn out of of Good Roads Movement The first application for allotments of Urn million dollar good roads fund set aside by the Ontario Gov ernment two sessions ago have been received by the Commissioner of Pub lic Works The first County to re ceive a share of the grant will be At the recent municipal elections bylaw to take oyer four of township roAtJs and a county system by a majority of The contribution will be The county of raising by bylaw to con struct a county road system and has already paid tor toll roads An application for a good roads grant has been put In and under the terms of Ihc Act will re ceive The county Lan ark has a bylaw in shape to take over miles- of road and form them into a county system and will re ceive rf I Although the mould above all be carried on the and ten of the unfortunate fact in that In there to much and deception Yho the It relatives are traced upon ijiriul manner We cures premised many ate worth lew iodic are positively laugerou to health Consequence all proprietary by many people and the good suffer for the bad these reasons announce that our principal holders in mm A famine an puijp In which rill we are sure an ample guarflutetiyf The Ironox Co Ltd k SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN TELEPHONE CONNECTION it JACKS i T Next door to Post Office f id We have now a complete line Pure Drugs Druggists Sundries comprising choice Stationery Toilet and Sponges Brushes Combs Atomizers Hot Water Bottles c A Full of Patent Medicines at lowest reduced prices We pay special attention to our Prescription Department A 6all SoUcitieJ til The NORMAN L ROGERS CO Limited iw J PATTERSON AGENTS FOR THE NORTH COMPANY OP CANADA If heme Ho J d White Cotton li i ei in lengths from to 10 yds At Less than Mill Prices Our First Shipment of Spring hand j J itvyv in nif J a if To Buy Your Come Where it is Made Every Mixtures pound Cream plain per pound Maple ream Chocolate Drops Mixwl Cream do do Peanuts do Peanut Crisp do CI I IB L Li- do- jjW New Currant and Canned TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE

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