Newmarket Era, 23 Jan 1903, p. 8

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la well expanded He uses his lungs to their fullest capacity People in ordin ary do not use much over half their Jung The unused lung surface be comes inert and offers a prepared ground or attack of the germs of There is no heed to warn people of the danger of consumption but warning is reeded not to neglect the first symptoms of dis eased Pierces Gold- en Medical Discov ery cures obstinate coughs bronchitis bleeding lungs and ether condi tions which if neglected or un skilfully treated find a fatal termi nation in consump tion It is entire ly free from opi ates and narcotics About three vnnc Ago I conh vomit and writes Mr IK J of Sprit fc- Va J tried Dr Golden tiding bottle and around the AM TO iUHUKTON 0 Mothers Anniversary- services in connection with No Melon Union held Sunday Jan Id the Methodist church conducted by Rev Cannon A rad will It bed in the Is to see her Little Ones Healthy Rosy and Happy jVltxsViiiderstbod that res will nominate Mr Frank the AH mothers Utile It was about on Monday when the citizens were from their resting places by the wellknown fire iiarm The fire which burnt the dwelling belonging to Mrs Carney was caused by a de fective chimney Mrs Carney is an elderly widow of industrious habits the less to her will be consider able as she not only loses her home but some of the contents- In the afternoon the chimney took nre but it was checked and it was supposed aI danger had teen averted W of the Township J on the County bright rosy and Jwppy Mr Prank at ir Musk- Hail on Friday Jan unfortunately all mothers do not the program consisting of tions dialogues songs etc cross a tie- they give him Too late for week The teameeting on Monday I j lievjng they arc aiding the resuH is just the opposite as these soothing stuffs arc poisonous dangerous Babys Own Tablets should always be used and they will be found a prompt relief and ailments from Medical Discovery four vials of hi I to improve a on pronounced it ulcer of he nearly two years of the lirne die ll I thought it be for Die toliit night at onetime any blood now for twelve worked on the all It was Dr medicine that cured me Accept for Golden Med ical Discovery There is nothing as good for diseases of the stomach The Medical in paper Cov en it sent frit on recafpt of to pay customs nd mailing only Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO or Peerless ATORS belt Your choice of Full Rig for 40000 On four years time Cheap at 600 A jolly sleigh load of young peo ple from here attended an oyster supper at the home of -Mr- line Whitchurch on Fri day evening On Meyers of was before Mr- Sanders J P for alleged violation of Transient Traders Bylaw ill the town by selling kef on the west market and fined SI and costs which he paid- Mr John Leak is Township for S200 to cover the loss of his team of horses which fell over an embankment owing as Leak says to the negligence of the Township au thorities not keeping the roadway in proper repair was a good success considering the stormy wether The lt was nearly filled Both to e es suffer All program gave good Hunter Bros provided the Rev Dewey We are come Mr Dewey HAPPY THOUGHT have decided for SCHOMBKUO The heavy snowstorm has caused many of the concession roads to be completely blocked Large numbers from here attended the special services held in Mary Magdalene church Lloyd town during he past ten days Club were entertained to a parlor social at the home of Mr Harry Walker Tuesday evening last The late Hugh Gallagher of King who died from the effects of a fall a short time ago left his estate val ued at to his wife and chil dren On Wednesday of last week Miss A daughter of Mr- and Mrs Michael Trainor of King was united in marriage to Mr Con Murphy of Toronto i Health and Vigor upon the Quality and Quantity of The liver the organ body and it alia to perform office bile ao- the blood causing iIeaatnt as dull vy to attend to duties pain te back or soar bets of too at eta- are not dealt with they become aggravated to severe To relieve at once and cure DR CARSONS TONIC Stomach and Constipation Bitters long been record red aa the treatment are made from the formula of an the in practice tor many years the results A Purely Price BO cents per Bottle you can the of local druggist but to it tout we will end to addrte or more bottles on receipt of price per prepaid on fct receipt of to cover Company TOROKTQ- were killed by an Ion the United BVaV5 4ifs by en bear a arid is filed f- ft The Will of the late Henry Dan- brook was find for probate Ibe estate is valued at and is divided equally among his three chil dren The estate coasts of in mortgages in book debts and in Cash in bank On afternoon the of toe on street near ly opposite the blew out it too bill Sunday morning to fix it- Mr Herbert who has in Manitoba for some lii2 living vicinity of the gave an interesting address on the habits of these people before the tpwortb League Monday evening Jos j received a car load of hard coal on Monday This we believe is the car load re ceived here by any of te local this season Mr divided the carload up selflit half a ton to each applicant as Jar as it would go On Monday Mrs Oar row of passed away alter an ill ness of some weeks aged years Mrs is a ol Mrs firoad and Mrs Writ Warren of place She was mum by all those who had the pleasure of her lhc funeral took place from her late on Thurs day afternoon the Ceme tery The Vandorf Telephone nave completed their an J present the line is connected with Mr A fetchs residence The Telephone Company refused to allow the Vandorf Company to put line Intj Mr Loves store con sequently the run to Mr residence until some other can be made The Aurora Hockey Club a meeting on Wednesday night and or- for the Reason eltt4 Dr Ford Butler Stc Gibbons Manager Holder Captain Man Com Dr A Ford Duller and A The first carnival the season was on rink here Tuesday evening and was a great jHicccts the very large Jhe Nearly a year ago Sirs of this village was one morning dressing her baby then four months old The child was seized with a violent cough ing spell and for a time the mother feared it would choke It soon ralli ed and as the child thrived the inci dent almost passed out of her mind Last Sunday however it again cough ed violently and up came a safety pin about an inch in length The pin was open was much discolored and when handled broke in two pieces The wonder is that the child com plained so little during the eleven months that the pin was lodged eith er in the or the stomach Liberal The entertainment and tea held in Methodist church in behalf of Sunday School on Tuesday evening was well attended Rev presided Rev gave a short address on success in life which was much appreciated Dr Barker and Mr gave in strumental selections and were encor ed several times Miss William son gave vocal selections which were well received Mrs Irwin gave an organ solo Miss OBrien gave which were greatly ap plauded A collection was taken amounting to After singing the National Anthem the people dis persed having- spent an enjoyable evening Wolves Inerfeasing Playing Havoc among the Deer Algonquin Park in find them the best medicine have ever tried No mother should be in the house ie Tablets arc good for children age and can In given with ab solute safety to a new bom babe Sold by all druggists or sent at cents a box by writing direct to The Or Williams Medicine Co Brock Send us name on a postcard and we will mm you a valuable little hook on lie care of infants and young children An Open Prominent Divine on Leading paper ttttttttttttttmitttM To the Editor A certain leading Divine of Ontario when criticising the newspapers of Toronto complained during the I arte fight in that province the Referendum the uf them had nothing positive at all to say on the matter which had ted to the conclusion that the ordinary Daily no longer has any opinio is on sub jects of public interest but like tele phones and telegraph wires are mere transmitters There is a certain amount of truth in this statement Not only is this the case but in very many instances the matter is even worse Some papers only have opin ions when paid to express them If a sufficient amount of the filthy lucre is brought forward they can be in duced have very decided and very strong opinions- upon almost any sub ject There is one paper however we are glad to say which none of these things can move It has its opinions upon every public question and upon all occasions it is ready to utter them- with a fearlessness and candor which must commend it to rightthinking men This newspaper Montreal Daily Witness pub John Son Witness makes for righteousness and truth regardless of cost and cone- Thc resident superintendent of Al gonquin Park reports that wolves arc increasing remarkably within the con- stands four square To every wind blows It prin fines the park this season and are made to poison them Once the crust ts on the snow they play Sift vHh the deer since the latter break through and founder in the snow and are left to the mercy of the wolves 7- Dr prize- ago ladys dst bjr Kn on bir I 9 ii fM ft 2nd A Broom costume Miss 2nd Taylor toys race IS Griffith comic Long 2nd A pre Hit and furnished music I The walking sick what a crowd of them there arc Persons who are thin and weak but not sick enough to go to bed Chronic cases thats what the doctors call them which in common English meanslong sickness To stop the continued loss of flesh they need Scotts Emulsion For the feeling of weakness they need Scotts Emulsion It makes new flesh and gives new life to the weak system Scotts Emulsion gets thin and weak persons out of the rut It makes new rich blood strengthens the nerves and gives appetite for ordinary food Scotts can be taken as long as sickness lasts and do good all the time Theres new strength and flesh in every dose We will be glad to send you q doses free which is a somewhat rare thing for a ho have in these days and by these principles ft is prepared to stand or fall Per sonally value the Witness for many t hints I like it because of tho rcliabilty of its news lam al so partialto it because of its educa tive influence subject of in terest is there discussed In strong vigorous fearless editorials and bet ter still all arc dealt with from a Christian standpoint These editor ials the stamp of a high order of literary merit and almost a pain ful conscientious ess l idcd a refreshing thing in these days men talk of the dollar as If it were almighty to find a news paper whose principles go right down through the pocket and whose owners arc willing to sacrifice for conscience There are papers that pub lish religious things because these may secure for the paper an entrance into homes from which otherwise they would be excluded Hut the religion of Witness permeates the whole paper Long may it live abundant ly may it prosper and long may It be spared to- inform educate inspire and uplift humanity Yours very sincerely Mr is pastor of one of the largest Presbyterian churches In metropolis Ed The Montreal Dally the only metropolitan paper In America that dares to be a consistent spoken of the drink the New Voice J Scvcrte Prevails in Severely cold weather continues to prevail in tho United Kingdom Traf fic on the railroads of is Impeded by snowdrifts are in some localities- the low est for fen years Deaths from member of the York Division for the On Thursday of last week the of Sir Frederick Bor den inspected the Cadet Corps from Institutes and Public School- The inspection took place at the Armories and after the Ca dets had gone through the required movenxnts Sir Fredwick compli mented them on their appearance and proficiency After a long scrimmage between the longrobed gentry it was de cided in Judge Morgans Court last week the alleged and f dues should be tried on February temperance people have mined to make it warm for the at the referendum vote Application has been sent in for a judge to hear the trial seven or eight of the alleged offenders Un der the law the judge will have to come from an outside county The fuel famine is having the effect of overcrowding the sick hospital Many sick folk who were cared for by citizens privately are nut to one hospital for want of ability to procure fuel the League is now going to regulate matters in this country and ouWistance the whole family including the Police Magistrate Yes this League institution is to regu late the Government and Parliament of this Dominion and say Who is Who and What is what It is said the hat is being passed around among leading Conservatives for the necessary funds to enter tescs in the North Norfolk and North Grey byeelection contests But Whitneys star is declining and sub scriptions ace not so easy to obtain as before the general election A number of important live stock meetings shortly be held in thjsj city The Dominion Cattle Breed ers Association meets on the the Sheep Breeders Association and the Swine Breeders on the 30th Also on the insti the board of the Provincial Winter Fair York Township and Weston Agri cultural Society at the recent an nual meeting took steps towards so- curing new grounds for this years exhibition It is intended to increase the ac commodation at the Toronto Normal School by about per cent if possi ble to make room for the or students Steward McMillan of the jail re ported that the cost of main tenance was cents a day for each prisoner last year The food cost 6c a head cartoon in Thursdays Tele gram showing the old seeds who form the Young Conservative Club of this City is rich in the extreme Rev James A has arrived in Toronto and assumed the editorial management of the Church Record which after the next issue will come out as a weekly to be known as Anglican A western editor remarks Coal dealers who give short weight de serve to go when they die to a re gion where there is a reckless con sumption of coal The coal san ation in tills city is anything but pleasant in contemplate I i Common Ranges were enough why should they be for you Dont be imposed on by just as good tallj The construction of The Happy Thought is patented its registered it is totally different in every respect to other There is none like it There can he so good- If you only me the trouble the bbnr would save you bow little fuel uses would not be one single day without one STOVE Bold A Newmarket BEAK THEM the Old man Says fc K bet The Pago Fence Co Limited Montreal PQ and St John I rust To Luck ADVERTISE IN THE ERA i Whenever you hear a man finding fault with the local paper open it up and ton to one he hasnt an adver tisement In It five to ne he gave ft a job of work three to he docs not take tho paper two to one if he is a subscriber he is even be never does any thing to assist the publisher to inn a good paper and forty to one if the paper Is a good one and full life he is the most eager to borrow the paper when it comes out Cholera in Elgin hog Is porteiyfAnn Sparta Co farms are affected Fiftyone The who to spend a cent And never advertises With gain must bo coutcnt While others take prizes No matter what your wares may be Nor how much worth selling world will tho wiser he Except tis by telling Condition Powder three yearn Bold by A the fit- John mixed up in the murder rose tent to the for arid three j on iLt jou Chemists Toronto Ontario til have been reported a hogs have slaughtered by order of minor shipwrecks are ported The Immigration department decided to send successful western fanners over to Great Britain to place the facto about Canada before prospective Immigrants At Kalso of Mr Michael Murphy dpfitroytd by Are occasioned by Murphys Uwoyearolpi child overturning the lamp While left for a few moments by the mother the baby being burn ed to a cinder of Inspector Perdu on the farm of A Smith All infected hogs ordered to be burned The disease was to the by an imported hog South Car olina shot editor who had At Henry Hath was to five ycare In tho pea- for setting fire to a He church s- A BO YEARS I IT Wrvrjr CopvniQHTa Ac Tour opinion o llotutrtct wl for A XJtiwfihoatefcrMQto t title Vtrmt flow York buiitftora of ffloo S NOW To Meyers Poultry Spice It you want y0 early winter For Sale at Oppoalta Forsyth GENERAL Builder St Contractor la now in a position to con tracts for all branches of Macon Work Estimates Given at Short and guaranteed AND SIDEWALKS GRANOLITHIC Intending builders will do well to consult A HUNTER St Box

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